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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 中英习语的文化差异及其翻译 姓 名 : 00000000 班级、学号 : 0000班、00000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-11-01 2009 年 11 月 01 日their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the bra

2、nd. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key

3、 breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources w

4、ithin the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulatio

5、n of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and wo

6、rkers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need

7、of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhan

8、ce core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy,

9、 financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.25目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-4正文5-6答辩委员会表决意见7答辩过程记录表8课 题 中英习语的文化差异及其翻译 一、 课题(论文)提纲0.引言1.英汉习语的文化差异1.1生存环境的差异1.2习俗的差异1.3宗教信仰的文化的差异1.4历史典故1.5对客观事物的认识不同2

10、.习语的翻译方法2.1直译2.2直译加意译2.3代换法2.4意译2.5移植法2.6补译3 结论二、内容摘要习语是一种社会的产物,承载着一个民族的文明。生活中可以随处用到和看到。它有着丰富的文化内涵,体现了不同民族在历史,地理,宗教信仰,风俗习惯和思维方式等方面的差异。所以完全有必要对其的文化进行比较。本文从最能体现中西文化的习语着手,论述习语在文化上五个方面中所反映的中西方文化差异,即生存环境、生活习俗、宗教信仰、历史典故、对客观事物的认识。而英汉习语的翻译不应只是两种语言的简单转换,更应是文化的交流。三、 参考文献1Christine Amber. Cool Cats, Top Dogs,

11、and Other Beastly Expressions. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 19992 Hall, E. Beyond Culture. New York: Doubleday Co. Press, 1976。3 Harry Collis. 101 American English Proverbs. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 20034 Pam Watson. English through Idioms. Bei

12、jing: Foreign Language Company Press,2002 5范思勇.汉英习语翻译中的文化因素探析J. 福建师范大学福清分校学报, 2005年第一期: P67。6 蒋磊.英汉习语的文化观照与对比M.武汉: 武汉大学出版社, 2000 7贾德江. 英汉语对比研究与翻译M. 长沙:国防科技大学出版社, 2002. P267。8 孔令翠,蒙兴灿. 实用汉英翻译M.成都: 四川大学出版社, 20029 骆世平.英语习语研究M.上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2005 5彭晓蓉.从学习汉英习语中了解中西文化差异J. 宣传与文化,1999.P52。10卢梅. 英汉习语的文化差异及其翻

13、译J.西南科技大学学报,2005年第二期:P147。 11向明友、徐玲.大学英语语言教学与研究M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002. P266。Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Idiomatic Phrases and Their Translation00000000 Abstract Idioms are social products, carrying a nations civilization. Life can be used and seen anywhere. They have rich cultura

14、l connotations, reflecting the different ethnic groups in history, geography, religion, customs and ways of thinking. So it is necessary to compare their culture. In this paper, the author will discuss the idioms in five levels: living environment, custom, religion, allusion, and acknowledge of obje

15、ctive things. The translation of idioms in both languages should not only be a simple conversion, but also cultural exchanges.Key Words:Idioms; translation; culture; differences 0. Introduction Language carries a rich connotations about culture, however, the idiom, as the essence of a language, is e

16、ven more so. A lot of forms of fixed, brachylogy, concision, and full of implications, rather ethnic characteristics of the idioms are from in English and Chinese long history. The idiom has a strong cultural identity and is the core and essence of language and an important part of society and cultu

17、re. These idioms and this nations customs, history and culture are linked in countless ways. “Culture is a complex body, including physicals, knowledge, beliefs, arts, ethics, law, customs, and the rest of the ability and habit which learned from the community.”A nations values, social customs, ways

18、 of thinking are all most vividly manifest in the idiom. 1 Cultural differences between English and Chinese Idioms About Idiomatic phrases, “ Oxford” explanation is that the idiom is divided into two meanings:(1) language of a people or country ;specific character of this ;(2)(gram)succession of wor

19、ds whose meaning is not obvious through knowledge of the individual meanings of the constituent words but must be leant as a whole. Therefore, the Idiomatic phrases, including idioms, proverbs, sayings, phrases, slang and allusions.From the Linguistic Weltanschauungs, the national life of the Earth

20、is only one; therefore, the commonalities of different ethnic language and culture must exist. However, “different ethnic languages, because the physical environment and located in different geographical, social and cultural philosophies of origins are diverse, and thus there must be its own unique

21、national identity. In any case, cultural differences, the reality is prevailing at this stage.”1.1 Differences in living environment As the United Kingdom is located in an island nation, English people has always been good at sailing; the maritime industry has always occupied an important position,

22、a lot of English idioms are nautical terms which used by sailors, and later people on the ground who also gradually use it. Such as: all at sea (All at sea, as a metaphor for at a loss),hang in the wind (Swaying in the wind, as a metaphor for hesitating to do things), three sheets in the wind(three

23、sails feet shaking, as a metaphor for drinking too much), all hands to the pumps(All have gone to pumping, as a metaphors foe critical issues, we must go all out), in the same boat(This is the sailor said: “with somebody at the same boat”, and, later, people use it to express “the situation is the s

24、ame to somebody”) and so on. China has vast territory, although near the sea, and the coastline is very long, but the maritime industry has been in a backward state. Though with the navigation-related idiom there are a few, such as “same boat”, “through thick and thin”, “the drowned disaster” , etc

25、.China mainly locates in the Asian continent, is a landlocked country, the land is vital for people, people can not live without the land, so there are many agriculture-related idioms in Chinese, such as: “Tu yang jie he”, “the collapse of soil bang”, “extermination”, “home-grown”, “comeback” and so

26、 on.In the Chinese cultural atmosphere, summer is often linked with the intense heat, there are many idioms describing the hot summer, such as: “Jiao yang si huo”, “scorch like fire” and so on. The United Kingdom is located in the North Temperate Zone, summer weather is cool and pleasant, and it oft

27、en together with lovely, warm and good, beautiful the words. In Shakespeares sonnets, Shakespeare draws an analogy between lover and summer, “shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art lovelier and more temperate.” In addition, the United Kingdom is located in the Western Hemisphere, the report

28、er is the message of spring westerly winds, while in Chinese, and the east wind is the reporter about spring. In addition, people always use the “bamboo” to describe as that: “the things are rapid development” in China. English idiom is synonymous with “like mushrooms” (like a mushroom General).Beca

29、use Britain does not produce bamboo, “bamboo” in English this word comes from Malay.1.2 Differences in CustomsIdiom has a strong flavor of life and distinct ethnic characteristics. Customs of a nation are reflections of cultural awareness and performance in the long years of evolving by the nation s

30、 psychological state of domination. Colorful ethnic customs, which constitute the roots of idioms and is soil which idioms, depends on the resilience to survive and get the deep, and a lot of idioms are from folk idioms. Example, Apple-pie is a traditional food and is from the United States populati

31、on. Some women used to start the week, first baked apple pies are 7, and then discharge them in turn in the food shelves. Monday is to eat first lattice pie, Tuesday is to eat second grid. Do the same by analogy. Therefore, apple-pie order (the order of apple pie) has become a synonym for neat and o

32、rderly. For example: Before her guests arrived, the hostess had put her house in apple-pie order.Chinese idiom “xiao cai yi die” and the English Idioms a piece of cake (a cake), all mean easy things. In this sense, the Chinese language, “side dishes” and English “cake” contain “easy things” meaning.

33、 But in the idiom, the expression of same idea is completely different in the form between Chinese and English, and it is a relationship with eating habits. The Cake is very common form of food in the Britain .The British often used it in life, so they will use a piece of cake that easy to do. In Ch

34、ina, the cake appear Over the past few hundred years in peoples life, is a High-grade food, generally only in exceptional circumstances can eat. The dish has had an important place in the lives of the Chinese people, eating a dish is easy for Chinese people, so we use “a piece of cake” to describe a

35、 very easy thing for a long time . Because this eating customs are different,when Chinese and English idioms express the same meaning from food culture, they use a completely different form.1.3 Cultural Differences in Religious BeliefsReligious differences are typical of the psychological and cultur

36、al differences. Religion has played a very important role in the development of all different nations. Western people are Christian faith, and the Chinese are Buddhist faith. Thus, a large number of idioms, which related to religion, appear to the English language. In many Western countries, especia

37、lly in the Anglo-American, they are Christians, related idioms such as: “God helps those who help themselves.”, “Go to hell.” This curse and so on.“The Bible” was adopted Christianity as its classic, because “the Bible” tells a lot with religious myths and legends related to the Jews, codes, religio

38、us rules, and some of the facts and so on. It reflects the emotions of the ancients, entreaties and ideals. Therefore, a large number of idioms are from “Bible” Such as: Jobs patience “very patient”, “Judas Kiss”, a daughter of Eve “woman”, as wise as Solomon “superior intelligence” and so on. This

39、shows that the“Bible” of the impact of the English language.“Buddhism was introduced into China in Western Han Dynasty. There have been already 1000 years of history. There appear lots of idioms which form Chinese Buddhism in China. They believe the “Buddha” dominates everything in the earth,there a

40、re many idioms, such as: “borrow something to make a gift of it, leisure does not burn incense, five body cast, the back is the shore, paying homage to Tao is one foot tall high magic Yi Zhang and so on.”1.4 AllusionEnglish idioms, there are some from history, and some are from fables, myths and leg

41、ends, and their structure are simple, but its significance is far-reaching. Therefore, they have a high value of researching. From the Greek myth of Achilles heel leads people to think of “The only Achilles heel”; cat s paw literally translated as a cats claws, it is from “Aesops Fables”, metaphor i

42、s used to “having been used as a tool to use” or “the subject of to fool people” ; between Scylla and Carbides translated as “a dilemma” ,is from Homers epics; Pandoras box literal translation for the Pandoras box, which means “endless disaster”. Chinese idioms are mainly derived from the Chinese cl

43、assical fables、stories and legends. For example, trust to chance and stroke of luck; only pay lip service, “The foolish old man who removed the mountain”. “Making a mark on the Boat to Looking for a Sword”. Those are derived from fable; Chang E flying to the moon, putting the finishing touch to the

44、picture of a dragon, “Jingwei Trying to fill up the Sea”, those idioms are from myths and legends. These idioms fully reflects the Han nationalitys unique ancient culture, it is difficult to find equivalent idiom in English also showing the great differences with the English national culture. Allusi

45、ons in English idiom come from the “Bible” and the Greek and Roman mythology, such as “the Achilles heel” (the Achilles heel of the sole), “meet ones waterloo” (suffered a crushing defeat), “Penelopes web” (never able to fulfill the work), “a Pandoras box” (Pandoras the case dates disaster, trouble,

46、 the root causes of the scourge), etc.1.5 Different opinions on objectsThe meanings of all wisdoms which related to animals are very different between English and Chinese languages. Because the two peoples who attitude towards animals is different. Two peoples have the habit of dogs, but in China, p

47、eople psychologically hate the creatures. Thus, in Chinese, the most idiom which related to “dog” is derogatory , such as: henchman, the dog saw were low, a person who offers bad advice, a cornered beast will do something desperate, dogs bad one did not know a good heart. Lu Sun, a famous scholar on

48、ce called on people to “tong da luo shui gou”. This shows that Chinese people hate dogs and have no praise to the dog.However, for Westerners, either gatekeepers or hunting dogs can also be regarded as human pets, friends or partner. So the Westerners have pity emotions to the dog. Many English idio

49、ms that related to dogs are not derogatory. Celebrity Roland during the French Revolution, famously Madame Roland said: The more I observe people, the more I love dog.” obviously, “dog” in the Western is a favorite animal and is “faithful” symbol. In English, the words with “dog” are complimentary s

50、ense, among these are “Love me, love my dog.”; “A top dog” (the winners, so the overall situation of people); “a gay dog” (Happy); “a sea dog” (experienced sailor); “A water dog” (water well person); “to help a lame dog over a stile” (to help others in distress), “You are a lucky dog” (Youre really

51、lucky), “better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion” (I would rather be beheaded, not to a cows rump)as a warning motto. Another example: “Bear” in Chinese and Westerners, produced in the minds of associative meanings are very different. When it comes to the “Bear”, Chinese people will thin

52、k about the “useless, no skill” and other cultural contents, such as “Look at his bear-like”, “True Bear” and other derogatory term. In English, the bear may be described with special talents, such as people: “He is a bear at math.” He was a mathematical genius. Have this can be seen that the same a

53、nimal words in different cultural background brings different associations.2 The Translation of Idioms“The translation is the process and results of that the one language or the variant of language turn into another language or the variant of language.” As most of the idiom with a strong ethnic colo

54、r and local color, and some meanings are at a glance, some have many layers of meaning; translation must be based on the specific requirements of the upper and lower asking to determine its meaning. “WangZuoliang said: interpreter must be a real sense of the intellectuals.” When idioms are in the tr

55、anslation, the translator must not only faithfully convey the original meaning of the language, but also accurately describe the cultural connotation of the original. Through the comparison of the two culture of language as much as possible to maintain the original and the translation equivalently,

56、allowing the reader to obtain exactly or substantially the same with the original feeling. “Therefore, the translation of idioms must take into account both sides, one can seek easy solutions, and one of grace can save the original.” It translated idioms; I have the following specific methods:2.1 Li

57、teral translationSome English idioms with their corresponding English idiom meaning and usage in basically is the same, of course, the basic counterpart does not mean full right equivalence, there are some differences between the two is possible, but this does not affect the right understanding of t

58、he original, so , literal translation can be used to maintain the original features.Example:(1)In ancient times if a mans eye was put out by his enemy ,he might get revenge by putting his enemy. This was the rule of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

59、” is from a “Bible”, “Old Testament out of Egypt”, Chapter 21. The Chinese idiom is absorbed into Chinese idiom, one of the few foreign words. Since English Idioms and Chinese idioms are almost exactly the same, meanings is the same, it can be literally translated(2)Think carefully before you resign

60、if you do that you will have burnt your boats.“To burn ones boat” most drastic is out of ancient Rome, Julius Caesar set off fighting as soldiers determined to become accustomed, so that the soldiers have no return, the burning of warships. Chinese language is most drastic from Concubine. Kiang Yu,

61、the meanings of formation of idioms and word are similar, so I can keep the original image, and use literal translation. There are many figures corresponding idiom in English and Chinese can also be used directly literal translation. Such as:“ a stones throw fall in love at the first sight,kill two

62、birds with one stone,as like as two peas,be on the verge of breaking out,get something done once and for all,in a complete mess,in two minds, half-hearted.”2.2 Literal translation plus free translationThe usage and meaning English and Chinese idioms in are differences, but there are still common, th

63、at is to say part of the counterpart, in this situation, it can be used the way of literal translation change English into Chinese.Example:(1)To play dance music at a funeral is to put new wine into old bottles.“To put new wine into old bottles” literally translates as “new wine in old bottles”, alt

64、hough it is a complete language habits in accordance with the original expression, but the readers may have misunderstood the implication, they need to add “discordant”, to illustrate this.(2) He is a really shedding crocodile tears. “To shed crocodile tears” literally translated as “crocodile tears falling”, people do not speak clear about “crocodile tears” in Eng

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