英语人教版八年级下册unit5 sectionA 3a-3c 教学设计

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《英语人教版八年级下册unit5 sectionA 3a-3c 教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语人教版八年级下册unit5 sectionA 3a-3c 教学设计(4页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、 Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section A 3a-3c By: Zhang Xueqin(张雪芹)Fenghuang Middle School 【教材分析】: 1.该教材是面向八年级下期学生的,要求学生能够与搭档沟通并组织新的对话。同时也要求他们学习如何独立处理问题。本课时选取的事八年级下册第五单元的短篇阅读文章,关于美国阿拉巴马州的一场暴风雨。学生通过了解暴风雨来临前的天气变化,应该如何面对暴风雨,最终上升到一个一方有难,八方支援的爱心境界。Solution:本堂课宏观教学思路按照“感受-认知-体验”,将课堂融合

2、成一个循序渐进、清晰紧密的学习整体。2.在阅读教学中,特别注意训练学生的阅读能力。Solution:本堂课采用的“通读-分段阅读”,让学生真正掌握阅读技能,体会阅读的乐趣。【学情分析】 我们班学生有优秀的,也有很差的。所以,在设计问题和课堂环节的时候要考虑到每个学生都能参与进来。【教学设计思路】本堂语法课是从学习者的角度设计的。设计的宏观思路为“感受-认知-体验”。通过“通读-分段阅读”等学习环节,学生完全成为了课堂的主人。同时,本堂课结合单元主题和生活实际对教材的课后习题进行了合理改编,给学生创设情境。让学生有兴趣阅读。Unit 5 What were you doing when the

3、rainstorm came?Section A 3a-3cTeaching aims: 1.Knowledge aims: new words: storm, wind, light, report, area, wood, window, match, beat, against, asleep, rise,fallen. 2. Ability aims: To train students reading skills.3. Emotion aims: To love and help others in the time of difficulty.Teaching focus & d

4、ifficulties: The usage of new words and phrases To improve students reading skills.Teaching procedures:(一)感受暴风雨 导:Have a talk1.T: How is the weather today? S: Its sunny. T:Do you like sunny day? Are you happy? S: Yes. T: Can you remember how was the weather yesterday? S: Its sunny, too. T: Students

5、were very happy in Fenghuang middle school. Lets see what they were doing? S: Two boys were., a girl was., they were having fun. T: But in Alabama ,its different. The news on TV reported that there was a heavy rainstorm in the area. There were something terrible happened. I want to help him. Do you

6、want to help him? S: Yes. Explanation通过谈论学校学生昨天的校园活动复习本单元的重点时态过去进行时, 并且导入我们今天的重点“阿拉巴马的暴风雨”,并且输入情感目标。 (二)谈论暴风雨学 (Step 1. Before-reading) Have you seen a storm? What can you see before the storm?Present some pictures and talk about the weather.black clouds, strong winds were blowing, like midnight wit

7、hout light What can we do before the storm? Put pieces of wood over the windows; make sure the radio and flashlight were working; Put some candles and matches on the table. What can we hear while the storm? The rain beat heavily against the window, cant fall asleep What can we see after the storm? T

8、he wind was dying down; the sun was rising; fallen trees; broken windows ;rubbish What can we do after the storm? We could help to clean up the neighborhood. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought people closer together. T: Love without national boundaries.(爱心无国界)Let help him.Explana

9、tion 让学生通过观看图片来谈论暴风雨前的所见,暴风雨中的所听, 暴风雨后的所做,并在此过程中学习并掌握新单词及词组。 (三)深入了解阿拉巴马的暴风雨 读 (Step 2. While-reading) Task1 Fast reading Read the passage quickly and answer the questions. 1. What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? 2. What was the neighborhood like after the storm?Explanation训练学生快读

10、的能力,寻找关键词,掌握文章大意。 Task 2:Detail-reading Read Para.1 and Para.2, filling the blanks. Before the storm Para1. heard_ Weather saw_ felt like_ without lightPara2. Bens family Dad_were _ Mom_ Tip:有选择的精研细读有关章节或段落,解决疑难之处。 Read Para3 and choose (T) or(F). While the storm1. When the rain began to beat heavil

11、y against the window, Ben was making dinner.( )2. It was easy to play a card with a serious storm happening outside. ( ) Tip:仔细阅读课文,在文章中有针对性、有目的性的寻找问题答案。 Read Para4. and answer the questions After the storm 1. Did Ben finally fall asleep? _ 2. What could Ben see in the neighborhood? _ 3. What did th

12、ey do? _Explanation训练学生细读的能力,针对问题找答案, 并解决文章中的重难点句子。 Task 3: Retell the story Retell the story according to the information .Explanation训练学生组织语言的能力,并巩固对文章的整体认识。 Task 4:ActivityChoose a letter of storm and see who is lucky.Explanation 调动课堂气氛的同时并巩固知识。 (四)一方有难,八方支援思 (Step 3. After-reading)Group work2016

13、年7月9日1号台风“尼伯特”在福建泉州石狮市沿海登陆。 Tip: 台风 typhoon六人一组,一人作为记者采访组员在台风来临时正在做什么,可以帮助受灾群众做 什么。Reporter: The typhoon Nibert landed in Fujian on July the 9th. Lets interviewe some peole what were they doing when the typhoon came. Hey,. What were you doing at the time of the typhoon?Student 1: I was., I think I c

14、ould. to help them. Student 2: .Explanation 让学生小组合作用过去进行时谈论自己的活动以及自己能为灾区贡献的力 量,让各种层次的学生都参与进来。 课后作业 Remember the useful phrases and sentences in 3a. 情感升华When disaster strikes, help comes from all sides. (一方有难,八方支援)Blackboard Design: Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section A 3a-3cNew words: report when the news on TV was reported, strong winds_. area Before the stormwind while Bens mom was making sure the radio was working, light his dad_. wood While the storm Ben_ when the heavy rain finally_. window match After the storm When Ben_ at 3:00 am, the wind _.beat against

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