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1、整理pptWaterways(水路)整理pptWater surrounds New York City,and the story of our harbor in many ways reflects the history of our city.The Hudson,East,Harlem,and Bronx Rivers,Jamaica Bay,and the Upper and Lower New York Bays have physically defined the city and supported trade,industry,diverse ecological co

2、mmunities,and recreation.Our water-ways,as much as any other element of the city,distinguish our people and neighborhoods.When Henry Hudson arrived over 400 years ago in what is now New York City,he encountered a land filled with forests,wetlands,and an abundance of nature.During storms,this undevel

3、oped land naturally filtered rainwater into pristine waterways teeming with aquatic life.【纽约是一个被水环绕的城市,海港上发生的很多故事都能反映出纽约的历史。哈德逊河、东哈莱姆河和朗克斯河,牙买加湾、上下纽约港湾构成了纽约城的轮廓线,为纽约的贸易、工业生产提供了方便,也使纽约形成了多种多样的生态社区。城市中的水路就像是城市中的道路一样,是划分出城市居民与邻里的重要手段。在400多年前,当亨利来到了现在的纽约所处的位置上时,他所见到的是一片郁郁葱葱的森林和水草丰茂的湿地,肥妹富饶而又充满着生机与活力。在暴风

4、雨中,这片未开发的土地自然过滤雨水进入到充满水生生物的原始水道中。】整理pptNew York Citys transformation into a global center of industry and commerce dramatically and irrevocably altered this natural environment.People drained coastal marshes,ponds,and streams to make room for development.After a series of cholera outbreaks in the 18

5、40s,city leaders invested in sewers to remove sanitary sewage and discharge it directly into waterways.Their vision proved to be a wise expenditure,and by the late 1860s,the threat of cholera from wastewater in the streets subsided.Nonetheless,the quality of our water-ways became progressively worse

6、.Eventually,wastewater treatment plants were built near bathing beaches,but construction didnt keep up with need in every waterway.【纽约在成为全球工业和商业中心的转型过程中,显著的改变了自然环境体系,对环境造成了不可挽回的破坏。为了给城市的提供更多的发展空间,人们开始大量的开垦湿地、围湖造田。1840年,纽约市爆发了大规模霍乱疫情,在那之后,为了让生活污水可以直接排放到排水沟中,政府开始投资建设下水道。而事实也证明这是一个明智的决策,到1860年代末,霍乱的威胁开

7、始随着街道上的污水的消失而消失了。尽管如此,城市内的水资源的质量正变得越来越差。政府最后也不得不在沙滩浴场附近建立污水处理厂来治理污水,但是治理的速度却远远都赶不上污染的速度。】整理pptIndustrialization also degraded our waterways.Wetlands were filled,and many waterways were deepened and their edges hardened with bulk-heads and piers to support navigation and manufacturing.Oil refineries,

8、factories,and shipyards clustered along our tributaries,and their waste products were often dumped into the water.While manufacturing declined after World War II,the health of the waterfront continued to suffer.For decades,stretches of waterfront sat largely abandoned while historic pollution seeped

9、 deeper into the soils and surrounding waters.【伴随着纽约工业化的实现,城市内的水路功能却在一点点的退化。湿地被填充、水道被深化,河岸的边缘也用散装头进行了硬化,与此同时,码头也开始发展航海业与制造业。炼油厂、工厂和造船厂沿河而建,出厂的废品往往被倒入河流中,到了二战以后,城市的制造产业发展开始下滑,但滨水区的人们的健康仍然遭受着威胁。几十年来,绵延的码头大部分都被抛弃了,工业残留的污染却已经渗透到更深层的土壤和水域中。】整理pptA lot has changed since then.Throughout the 20th century,th

10、e City built 14 plants that today are capable of treating 100%of the 1.1 billion gallons of sanitary waste that New Yorkers generate every day in dry weather.The Citys efforts were helped by landmark federal legislation that included the 1972 Clean Water Act,which for the first time established poll

11、ution discharge standards and made grants available to meet them.The Citys efforts have continued even after federal grants ended in the 1990s.We have invested more than$6 billion in harbor water quality improvements since 2002 alone.【自那以来发生了很多变化。贯穿整个20世纪,纽约建立了14个污水处理厂,能100%处理纽约人每天在干燥的天气中产生的11亿加仑的污物

12、。这个城市通过努力所取得的成果都是益于纽约的的法律,在1972年制定的清洁水法案,首次建立了污染排放标准,并为其提供相应的治理资金,具有里程碑意义。虽然这一政策在1990年便停止实施了,但对于城市的治理我们一刻都不曾停歇。仅2002年以来,我们对水质的治理的投资就已经超过了60亿美元。】整理ppt In 2011,we are poised to certify system-wide attainment of Clean Water Act secondary wastewater treatment standards for the first time ever.And water

13、quality in New York Harbor is cleaner now than at any time in the last century.Over 130 square miles,or 95%,of New York Harbor is available for boating.New Yorkers also have access to swimmable waters adjacent to the citys 14 miles of public beaches in the Bronx,Brooklyn,Queens,and Staten Island.Mor

14、e than 116 square miles,or 75%,of the New York side of the harbor meets pathogen standards for swimming.【在2011年,我们正有史以来第一次准备通过在全国范围内实施的清洁水法案二级污水处理标准。现在纽约市水的质量已经变得比上个世纪任何时期都要高。95%的纽约港口,大约超过130平方英里,都可供划船适用。纽约人也在布朗克斯、布鲁克林、皇后区和斯塔顿岛,在毗邻城市14英里的公共海滩周围拥有了适合游泳的水域。纽约一侧的港口中,有75%的港口,超过116平方英里海域达到了适于人类游泳水域的细菌标准。

15、】整理ppt Despite these major improvements,we continue to face four primary challenges to the quality of our waterways.First,while our wastewater treatment plants can handle all of the volume the city generates on a dry day,the treated water released from our plants still contains comparatively high le

16、vels of nutrients,such as nitrogen.These dont pose a public health risk,but they can impair water quality by depleting the dissolved oxygen that fish and other aquatic life need to survive.【尽管有这些重大改进,但我们仍然共同面临着四个主要的威胁着我们水路质量的挑战。首先,虽然我们的污水处理厂可以处理城市在一天中所产生的所有污水,从工厂中经过处理而释放出去的水仍然含有较高水平的营养成分,如氮。这些成分虽然对公

17、共卫生不造成任何风险,但他们却消耗溶解在水中的氧气从而影响水质,而这写氧气却是鱼类和其他水生生物生存所需要的。】整理ppt Second,the majority of our sewer system accepts both sanitary and stormwater flows.There are design limits on the amount of stormwater flows the plants can handle without threatening the effectiveness of the wastewater treatment process.T

18、o protect treatment plants,the system has safety valves,known as combined sewer outfalls.Similarly,combined sewer outfalls are necessary in some locations because of limited capacity in the sewer system itself.These discharge excess sanitary and stormwater flowotherwise known as Combined Sewer Overf

19、lows(CSOs)into the citys surrounding waterways during heavy rains.【第二,我们大多数的下水道系统主要收集厕所污水和雨水两个方面。如果我们根据预计的暴雨流水量的波动范围,就能让污水处理厂更安全更有效的处理污水。为了保护污水处理厂,污水处理系统都安有安全阀门,称为联合污水排放口。同样,结合下水道系统本身能力的局限性,就得考虑在一些必要的地方安置安全阀门。这些在暴风雨期间一起汇入城市周围的下水道中而又溢出的雨水和厕所污水还有其他的污水都被成为合流污水溢流,简称CSOs。】整理pptWhile CSOs are the largest

20、source of pollution entering our waterways,the number and potency of these events has dropped dramatically over the last 30 years,limiting water quality impairments to our smaller tributaries.Since 1980,we have increased our rate of CSO capture from 30%to over 72%.The portion composed of sewage has

21、continued to decrease from 30%by volume in the 1980s to 12%in 2010.However,we still discharge an estimated 30 billion gallons of CSOs each year.【当合流污水溢流成为污染我们水质的最大污染源的时候,在过去的30年里,通过预防支流水质的污染,使得溢流发生的数量和及效力都显著下降了。自1980年以来,我们成功的提高了控制合流污水溢流的比率,真正的从30%提高到72%以上。污水量与总水量的体积比已经由1980年的30%持续降低到2010年的12%。然而,我们估

22、计每年由于合流污水溢流而排放的的污水仍然会达到30亿加仑。】Third,some of our waterways are severely impaired by contaminated sediments that leach pollutants deposited decades ago.These legacy contaminants continue to degrade coastal ecosystems that never fully recovered from the levels of pollution and development that occurred

23、 during the 19th and 20th centuries.【第三,我们的一些水道因几十年前的污染物沉积而严重堵塞。这些遗留的污染物将一直污染沿海生态系统,并且永远无法完全的恢复到像出现在19世纪和20世纪时的污染和发展的水平。】整理pptFourth,we also face challenges to our remaining natural areas within our waterways.The construction of bulkheads and hardened shore-lines and the dredging of channels have si

24、gnificantly altered tidal wetlands,aquatic habitats,and hydrology.For the Hudson-Raritan Estuary as a whole,including New York City,only 14 square miles of coastal wetlands remain from an estimated 100 square miles when Henry Hudson arrived 400 years ago.We must protect remaining wetlands and restor

25、e them where they can make the greatest long-term contribution to water quality and the ecosystems necessary for the harbor to thrive.【第四,我们在我们的水域之内的其他自然区域也面临着挑战。认为建设的防水壁、坚硬的河岸和疏浚渠道都显著的改变了潮汐湿地,水生栖息地,和水文条件。把包括纽约在内的哈得逊美国力登河口作为一个整体,从400年前估计有100平方英里的面积缩小到现在的只有14平方英里的沿海湿地。我们必须保护剩余的湿地,还原它们,使它们成为能够长期地为繁荣的港

26、口净化水体和改善生态系统的地方。】整理pptAs a harbor city,the waterways that surround and adjoin the five boroughs are among our greatest assets.Improving the quality of our waterways will enhance the quality of life for New Yorkers.Cleaner waterways will provide additional recreational opportunities and support the p

27、ublic access provided by our waterfront parks.Removing pollution from contaminated waterways will benefit local ecosystems and provide economic opportunities for surrounding neighborhoods.A healthy harbor will provide benefits not just for the people enjoying nature,but also for the other species that call this region home.【作为一个港口城市,河道周围邻接的五个区都是我们最大的资产。改善我们的水路的质量将会提高纽约人的生活质量。更清洁的水道将提供额外的娱乐机会和供人游玩的滨水公园。去除污染水道有利于当地生态系统并有机会提高周围居民区的经济效益。一个健康的港口提供的福利不仅仅是让人们享受自然,同时也是为了那些和我们一起生活在这个共同家园里的其他生物能够更好的生活。】整理ppt此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!

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