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1、仁爱版九年级英语教学案例牛营子初级中学 温海艳 UNIT4 Topic1 Section D指导思想:仁爱教材倡导通过任务型活动,巩固所学的语言知识,通过思考、体验、参与、合作等方式来学习,培养学生独立思考的习惯以及口语表达和合作学习的能力,强化了语言的运用,充分体现了语言交际的本质 学以致用。因此,在教学中以发展学生综合运用语言的能力为中心,把学习和运用语言的过程作为培养学生的主动思维、大胆实践的过程,从而形成学生自主学习的能力。培养学生综合运用语言的能力,就成了基础教育阶段英语课程的总目标。教材的分析 本课处于仁爱英语九年级(上)Unit4 Amazing Science Topic1 S

2、paceships Are Mainly Controlled By Computers第四课时,话题主要围绕谈论神舟五号和嫦娥一号进而涉及到电脑在航天中的应用。本话题从令人关注的神五入手,贴近生活,时代感强。然后,由飞船的成功运行联想到电脑科技,最后,由电子邮件的发送与接收回到电脑的应用的实际生活中。教学中本着整合教材的精神,把本课的内容顺序进行调整,使之浑然成为一个整体,因为学生在学习本课前已经学习并掌握了部分关于谈论电脑科技的的句型,所以,教材的要求与学生现有的水平相一致。通过本课的学习,学生对祖国的科技有了更深的了解。更乐于接触现代科技:电脑、太空知识,口语表达能力和书面表达能力都会有

3、所提高。学生分析:我所任教的中学,是以优异的教学成绩闻名远近的初级中学,学生在严格的教学管理中,形成了良好的学习习惯,对英语学习有较浓厚的兴趣,英语基础扎实,他们活泼、有好奇心、有创新精神。他们争强好胜,渴望成功。他们追逐新鲜事物,对电脑、手机、MP3、宇宙飞船都非常感兴趣,本教材的选择符合学生的心理特点,在学习本课之前,学生已经掌握了有关电脑在科技中的用途、优点和缺点,和一些基本的语法、单词和句型,已初步具备了小组合作学习的能力和语言表达能力。教学目标1、知识目标(1) Review Grammar: The Object Complement.(2) Know about the part

4、s of computers and the use of them.(3) Know about how to send and receive an email.2、教学方法Taskbased Language Teaching 3、途径Listing, speaking, reading, writing, debiting,4、理论依据Project English 通过各种任务性的活动,巩固所学的语言知识;通过思考、体验、合作等方式来学习,培养学生独立思考的习惯以及口语表达和合作学习的能力,强化语言的运用和习得的过程,充分体现了语言的交际本质- 学以致用(Learning to do

5、 things)。5、辅助手段采用多媒体电脑投影图片、PPT教学课件、充分利用网络资源;增大了课堂的容量;这样做是因为作为内驱动力的积极活跃的心理因素,对学习起到催化剂的作用,能大大提高学生对语言学习的兴趣和求知欲;这样能创设情景;活跃课堂气氛;营造语言氛围;吸引学生注意力;促进学生主动学习是课堂变得生动活泼、色彩鲜明、绚丽多彩是教学内容趣味化;提高英语教学的课堂教学效率。重点: 1. Sum up “Verb+ object+ complement.”2. Useful expressions. 难点:Know about how to send and receive an e-mail.

6、教具: Pictures, ppt, recorder, multimedia教学方法: Speaking, listening, reading, talking, writing, debating.Teaching Procedure(教学过程): Step1. Review(5) 1. T: Good morning, everyone! Im very happy to see you here today. Before class begins please look at the big screen. Talk about the pictures.(1)(Teacher s

7、hows the picture of Change flying to the moon.)T: Who is she? Who can tell me?S1: She is Change. She is a beautiful goddess. The ancient legend about her flying to the moon is known to all the Chinese. It shows (2)(show the picture of Yang Liwei)T: Who is he? what is she doing?S2:He is Yang Liwei, h

8、e is the first Chinese to travel into space.和is our national hero. In 2003,he traveled around the earth in Shenzhou V for 21 hoursAll of us are very proud(3)(Show a picture of a computer.)T: Whats this?S3:Its a computer.T: Do you know the name of every part of computers? Do you often use computers?

9、What do you use it for?S4:.chat with my friends.T: What about you?S5:.download the music and songs shopping on line watching movies get informationT: Great, I often use the computer at home or at school as well, you know. To tell you a secret, I often use computers to send and receive an email. Do y

10、ou know how to send and receive an email? Let me tell you. Please come to 1a.(通过这一部分的内容,复习展示了2b内容。)Step2.Presention(10)Listen to 1a and learn the new words and expressions:First paragraph(show some pictures.)turn on, connet to, evenlope, click onSecond paragraph:click on“new”, “to”, “subject”, “send

11、” Third paragraph:“inbox”, “a list of message” click on “new message”, finish reading ,go back to “inbox”Step3 Consolidation(10)1.Let students retell the steps of sending and receiving anmail.2.Let students read 1a again and put the following pictures in the right order according to1a. Finish 1b. 3.

12、Let students send and receive an e-mail on the multimedia. Step4.Practice(12)Divide the students into two groups, one is success group their opinion is: Computers are good things; the other is dream group,their opinionis: Computers are bad things.(Debating the advantages and disadvantages.)Affirmati

13、ve debater1:Computers have become every important in many areas of work and leisure. There is no doubt computers are very useful in technology and business. So we think computers are good things.Negative debater1:Though computers improved our lives ,they have brought many problems, too. So we think

14、computers are bad things.Affirmative debater2:In space, computers help the astronauts control the speed and direction of a spaceships flight. It proves computers are good things.Negative debater2:If we work on computers too much time ,we may get headache and sour eyes. Bad for our health, so compute

15、rs are bad things.According to the SectionA- SectionC, debating the uses of computers and disadvantages of computers .T :sum up:Well done! everyone! I think all of us want to know which group will win, I tell you they both win, because they agued are both sides of one problem, computers are good thi

16、ngs because they are one of the great inventions in the 20th century, helping human beings in many ways; computers are bad things because they can cause many problems. We must use computers properly, make them serve us better(呈现2a句子,适时对学生进行思想教育。)Step5 Project(8)Design a wall newspaper about the uses

17、 of computers in groups, pay attention to the advantages and stick them on the blackboard.Homework: write a composition about computers.课后反思: 本节课基本达到了教学目标。优点和亮点:把主动权交给学生,教师只是指导和组织者,采用形象生动的多媒体教学,提高了学生学习英语的积极性,注重学生听说读写的综合能力,设计有趣的活动(如:看图片师生问答、听录音、看flash动画、复述课文、操作电脑发送和接收email、辩论、画墙报、写作文)让学生将所学的知识大胆的运用到实

18、际中去,拓展所学,扩大学生知识面。在设计wall newspaper 时,欣喜地看到了同学们智慧和创新的火花:刘学同学写到:There was a very good boy named Zhang Yi, he was a good student, but he spent too much time on computer games, and he couldnt get out of it , at last he killed himself. What a pity! Keep away from the computer games! 他把墙报设计成黄色花朵,有警示的含义,还写

19、上了:Pay attention! 从稚嫩地语言看出了孩子纯洁的心灵,这是孩子在这一课里学习到的思想深层次的东西,也是最大的收获。李丹同学在作文中这样写道: Computer is a very useful machine,It is very popular today. Computers are used in many ways- in office, in factories, in big shops, at schools and even at home. It can help us to learn about the real world I learned how to send an e-mail,we can send and receive an email in a few minutes to our friends far away. It shows us a very nice picture of tomorrow. 虽然语法表达上还不尽善尽美,但她把wall newspaper 设计成红色花朵,似心形,像花蕾。也表现了孩子们对电脑的喜爱。 最后教师把自己设计的小帆船展示出来,把整个课堂内容升华。

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