第3课 四种一般时态 特殊疑问句

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《第3课 四种一般时态 特殊疑问句》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第3课 四种一般时态 特殊疑问句(9页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、欢迎同学参加孙老师课堂英语学习。LESSON THREE四种时态及特殊疑问句的构成孙老师特别提示:英文书面表达注意事项1 注意英语的三个句子,举什么旗子不要错,不要丢2 注意时态。3 注意肯定否定,别忘了问号。4 注意定语的位置5 小心单数复数和冠词。课堂练习1. 北京市的那所学校去年有五位从美国来的老师吗?Were there five teachers from America in the school in Beijing?2. 去年你们班的同学在你们学校附近的那所医院里种了一百棵树 吗?Did your classmates plant 100 trees in the hospit

2、al near your school last year?3. 昨天夜里十二点,有个拿刀的贼在我们家客厅里,把我们家的 猫杀了。The thief with a knife killed my cat in our living room at 12 yesterday night.4. 我们班的老师明年要教从美国来的学生吗?The teacher of our class will teach the students from America.5. 两个警察中间的那个小偷去年在美国偷了一百辆自行车。The thief between two policemen stole 100 bik

3、es in America6. 明年谁会是你们班最好的学生?Who will be the best student in your class?句子的三种模式其实英语只有三种基本句型I主+系动词+表词序1主语2系动词3表语即句子的 主体用于连接主语 和表语表示主语身份、状态以及 所处的位置词性*名词代词Be(is, am, are)*名词形容词介词+*名词(介词短语)注:*注E意该结构中的名词,它们能被定语修饰。is am arewas wereBe will beWould be谓+主+状 该句型通常用于表达某地存在某物(人)词序3状语1谓语2主语3状语地点存在物或人地点词性介词+名词(T

4、here be)名词介词+名词 介词短语)注:该结构中的状语可以置于句首或句尾。isarewaswereThere be- willbeWould be主+谓+宾+状词 序5状语1主语2谓语3宾语4状语5状语句子的主 体主语发出的 动作动作的接 7 -l-y 受者修饰谓语 动词表示谓语动作发生 的时间地点原因等词介词+名名词动词名词副词介词+性词代词(do)代词宾格)名词注:在该结构中主谓是不可缺少的部分,宾格有无取决于动词是及 物还是不及物动词,状语根据需要而定。DoThe studentstudy English.The studentd o notstudy EnglishDothe s

5、tudenstudy English?DoesThe studenstudieEnglishThe studendoes notstudDoesthe stude studyEnglish? 一般过去时态的基本用法DidThe students studied English .The students did notDidstudy English.the students study English? 一般将来时态的基本用法WillThe students will study English .The students will not study English.Willthe stu

6、dents study English? 一般过去将来时态的基本用法WouldThe students would study English .The students would not study English.Wouldthe students study English? 特殊疑问句的构成The students study English.DoThe students do not study English.the students study English?1提问主语,句子不变。Who studies English?Who studied English?Who will

7、 study English?2提问句子的其他成分,先变一般疑问 句再用疑问代词或疑问副词代替所不 知道的成分,并置于句首。The students study English.What do the students do?What do you do?The students study English.What do the students study ?The students study English hard in the university for the test on Sunday.WhOl what2 what3 how4 where5 why6 when7他在大学里

8、,为了考试在星期日努力学习英语。网上的同学请注意请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。先自己做一遍,然后 再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误。、水平 提高得较快,以便在中考避免同样的错误。另外请大家注意下 载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便大家 下载学习。孙老师特别提示: 请同学们自己认真对一下答案,找出自己错1. Who studies English hard in the university for the test on Sunday?2. What do the students do hard in the university for the test o

9、n Sunday?3. What do the students study hard in the university for the test on Sunday?4. How do the students study English in the university for the test on Sunday?5. Where do the students study English hard for the test on Sunday?6. Why do the students study English hard in the university on Sunday?

10、7. When do the students study English hard in the university for the test?8. 孙老师特别提示: 请同学们自己认真对一下答案,找出自己错My father earned ten thousand dollars last month. Who earned ten thousand dollars last month? When did my father earn ten thousand dollars? How much money did my father earn last month?I like his

11、 sister.Whose sister do you like?His sister likes me.Whose sister likes me?课堂练习1. 昨天那个从英国来的老师偷了谁的钱包?2. 明年你们班的老师要教多少从美国来的学生?3. 去年你们学校附近的那个医院里有多少位从美国来的病人?4. 那位从美国来的女孩子每天什么时候在学校的二楼的阅览室里读 书?5. 你们班那个漂亮的女孩为什么要杀你们班的老师?6. 去年你爸爸是怎样挣这么多钱的?7. 昨天你在什么地方拣的那个大钱包?明天我也到那拣一个。8. 那个傻子明天什么也拣不着。网上的同学请注意请同学们暂停播放录音,积极参与练习。

12、先自己做一遍, 然后再听,认真总结经验。这样容易发现自己的错误。、 水平提高得较快,以便在中考避免同样的错误。另外请大家注 意下载区,我们将不断的在该区内挂出一些重要的内容,以便 大家下载学习。1. 昨天那个从英国来的老师偷了谁的钱包?Whose wallet did the teacher from England steal yesterday?2. 明年你们班的老师要教多少从美国来的学生?How many students from America will the teacher of your class teach nest year?3. 去年你们学校附近的那个医院里有多少位从美

13、国来的病人?How many patients were there in the hospital near your school last year?4. 那位从美国来的女孩子每天什么时候在学校的二楼的阅览室里读 书?When does the girl from America read books in the reading room on the second floor in the school every day?5. 你们班那个漂亮的女孩为什么要杀你们班的老师?Why is the beautiful girl of your class going to kill the teacher of your class?6. 去年你爸爸是怎样挣这么多钱的?How did your father make so much money last year?7. 昨天你在什么地方拣的那个大钱包?明天我也到那拣一个。Where did you pick up the big wallet yesterday? Im going to pick one there?8. 那个傻子明天什么也拣不着。The fool will pick nothing tomorrow.练习练习非常重要,是检查你是否理解的重 要手段,也是中考拿高分不可缺少的一环。

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