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1、杨跃,实用科技英语翻译研究,西安:西安交通大学出版社,2008 所谓“通顺”,就是在确切理解和掌握原文的基础上,汉语译文必须规范化,用词 造句应符合汉语表达习惯,力求通顺易懂。要摆脱原文形式的束缚,不要逐词死 译,生搬硬套,选用符合汉语习惯的表达方式,把愿意清楚明白的再现出来。科 技译文的通顺还要符合专业表达的习惯,采用规范的专业语言,只在形式上忠实 于原文,还不算是好的译文。在 EST 翻译中,陆殿杨提出一条原则 :“Translate literally, if possible, or appear tofree translation.” (能直译就尽量直译,不能直译就采取意译。)译好

2、科技英语需要具备的三个条件:对英语要比较精通(Good command of English);汉语水平要比较高(Good command of Chinese);对有关的科技内容要比较熟悉,即知识水平( Familiarity with Knowledge ofScience and Technology)一般来说,从事科技翻译工作,最好是通晓外语的本行专家,由熟悉本行业的行 家翻译出来的东西,远比精通外语的门外汉要强得多。严复翻译的三字标准“信、达、雅”。求其信,已大难矣!故信矣,不达,虽译, 犹不译也,则达尚焉。易曰修辞立诚,子曰词达而已,又曰言之无文,行之不远。 三者乃文章正轨,亦即为

3、译事楷模,故信达而外,求其尔雅。此不仅期以行远已 耳,实则经理微言。用汉以前字法句法,以为达易;用近世利俗文字,以求达雅, 往往意义就词,毫厘千里。审择于斯二者之间,夫固有所不得已也。(天演论 译例言, 1898)林语堂:忠实、通顺、美傅雷:神似钱钟书:化境对于“美(雅) ”,尚有争议。但“忠实”和“通顺”已成公认标准。1. Relatively little research has been centered on the feeding behavior of this species because of difficulty in its detection and capture.

4、2. This conclusion, however, was based on limited feeding observation and irregular occurrence of these “sap-site” trees.3. Other studies conducted analysis on faecal samples from north Queensland and Victoria respectively to determine feeding behavior.4. These studies found5. Qualitative observatio

5、ns of feeding behavior in gliders have also been carried out.6. This study aims at achieving this by addressing the following question.7. During a ten-year period of time, the number of HIV-infected children rose from 250 in 1985to 6700 in 1995.In other words, the number of HIV-infected children und

6、er 12 increased by almost 3000%, or nearly 30 times over a ten-year period of time and during the same period of time 3811 child died of AIDs.8. Registered students from Henan were 49 in 2001, 50 in 2002 and 47 in 2003. So changes are small with regard to this group over the last three years. Turnin

7、g to students from Shandong, we find the figure 34 in 2001, and in 2002, the number was almost doubled to settle around 67. In 2003, it fell to 42. The last group is students from Shanxi. As you can see, the number was cut down by half in 2003 compared with the number in 2001.9. Although studies hav

8、e shown that diet has an important influence on a mammals overall biology, little is known about the feeding ecology of many Australian species.10. Advanced ceramic materials such as zirconia have great potential as substitutes for traditional material in many engineering applications; however, a nu

9、mber of problems have thus far restricted their use by engineers. Two of the major problems are difficulties in producing products of reliable and consistent quality and high cost of manufacture.11、The motion of ions is the motion of such atoms as have gained, or lost electrons, which in most cases

10、takes place in chemical solutions .离子的运动,也就是已经得至U 或失去电子的原子的运动,这种运动大多发生在化学溶液中。12、Every body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by an external force .物体如不受外力作用,将保持静止或匀速直 线运动状态。It assumes that a pn junction acts like a 0.7-V battery which is either ON

11、 or OFF, depending on the input signal magnitude.假定 PN 结的作用相当于一个 0.7 伏的电 池,其处于开启或闭合的状态取决于输入信号的大小。13 、 It is found that agreement between the characteristics of the model and experimental measurements is quite good.结果发现,这一模型的特性与实验测量结 果非常吻合。14、A capacitor is a device consisting of two conductors separ

12、ated by a nonconductor. 电容器是由绝缘体隔开的两个导体组成的一种器件。15、Most gas lasers, operating on the same basic principle, have the advantage of being able to emit their coherent beams continuously. 大多数气体激光器的基本工作 原理是相同的,它们的优点是能够连续地发射相干光束。In this case electrons will possess more energy, thus increasing the best. 在这种情

13、况 下,电子的能量将更大,从而增强了光点的亮度。Speed is the distance moved divided by the time elapsed. 速度等于运动的距离除以 所花的时间。On integrating this equation, we obtain a formula whereby the exponent of the cosine factor is unchanged.对这个方程积分后,我们得到了一个公式,根据这个公式,余 弦因子的指数并不改变。In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant

14、energy, similar in nature to light 热能在辐射时转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。The distance from the radar set to the target is called the range. 从雷达机到目标的距 离被称为作用范围。The superiority of radar to ordinary vision lies in the greater distances at which seeing is impossible with radar.雷达相对于普通视力的优势在于利用雷达所能看清的距 离比较远。The variation

15、of g with latitude is due in part to the eart重力加T度tgo随 纬度的变化,部分原因是由于地球的自传。A comparison of Eq.(4) with Eq.(6) leads to the following reactions.把式(4)与式(6) 比较,我们就得到以下几个关系式。Expressed in a formula, the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit can be written as V=IR. 若用公式表示,电路中的电

16、压、电流及电阻的关系 式可写成 V=IR.Its transmission over a long distance causes some loss of energy. 他的长途输送会损 失一部分能量。The number of radioactive atoms that decay per unit time is proportional to the number of atoms available.单位时间内衰变的放射性原子数与存在的原子数成正 比。Comparison of Figs.12-7 and 12-5 will show that the situation her

17、e is essentially the same as Example (1).比较图 12-7 和 12-5 就可以看出,这里的情况与例(1)的情 况基本上是相同的。The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 产生的热量等于浪费的电The greater the force applied, the greater the acceleration.夕卜力越大,加速度越大。The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the force acting

18、and is inversely proportional to the mass of the body.物体的加速度正比于作用力而反比于物体的 质量。Provided the resistance of a wire is constant, the current passing through it is proportional to the potential difference maintained, as long as the temperature. 若导线 的电阻不变,只要导体的温度保持不变,则流过导线的电流与所维持的电位差成 正比。You can make some

19、alternations in the plan in case you find anything impractical. 如 果你发现这个计划有什么地方不符合实际,可以做一些改动。No flow of water occurs through the pipe unless there is a difference in pressure. 除非 存在压力差,否侧水是不会流出管子的。The results are always the same no matter what the nature of the liquid.不论液体的性 质如何,其结果总是相同的。The machine

20、 is five times heavier than that one.这台机器比那台重四倍。(这台机器 是那台机器的五倍)In case of electronic scanning the bandwidth is broader by a factor of two. 倘若(如 果)用电子扫描,带宽(要)增加一倍(或增加到二倍)。The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four.漏电压增加了三倍。This substance reacts three times as fast as the other one. 这一物质

21、的反应速度比另 一物质快两倍。Modern scientific discoveries lead to the conclusion that energy may be created from matter and that matter, in turn, may be created from energy. 近代科学的研究得出结 论:物质可以产生能量,能量又可以产生物质。Fundamentally, electronics is based upon an understanding of physical world, that is, upon physics.电子学基本上是以

22、人们对物质世界的认识,也就是以物理学为基础 的。Salt is known to have a very strong corroding effect on metals.大家知道,盐对金属有 很强的腐蚀作用。The material is said to behave elastically.我们说,这种材料具有弹性。The resistance can be determined provided that the voltage and current are known. 已知电压和电流,就能确定电阻。Air resistance must be given careful cons

23、ideration when the aircraft is to be manufactured .制造飞机必须慎重考虑空气阻力。The very short wave lengths of ultrasound make a great difference in what ordinary sound waves can do.超声波的波长极短,其功能与普通声波相比大不相同。The modern aircraft is no longer the airplane which it was before. 现代的飞机已经不 是从前那种飞机了。What is spoken of as ab

24、solute zero is the temperature 237 C below zero.所谓绝对零 度就是指零下 237 度。How large this error is depends upon the nature of the measuring device and the skill with which we use it.误差的大小取决于仪器和使用仪器的方法。Why this is so will be seen later in this chapter .原因会在本章后面部分讨论。Whether a transformer is step-up or step-do

25、wn always refers to voltages level. 变压器 是升压还是降压,与电压电平有关。Whichever coil is supplied with power from the outside is called the primary. 从外界 获得能量的任一线圈,被称为初级。That this phenomenon has connection with reflection may be seen from Fig.2. 从图 2 可以看出,这一现象和反射有关。It is clear that the sum, the difference, and the

26、product of two polynomials are polynomials. 显然,两个多项式的和、差、积均为多项式。It follows that these devices can perform the AND, OR, and NOT functions. 因此,这 些器件能够执行与、或、非功能。It is of interest that every function can be approximated by simple functions. 有趣的 是,每个函数可用一些简单的函数来近似。The result will be that *The reason for

27、this is that*That is how a computer works.That is why it is necessary for us to study the laws of heat transfer.That is what is must be assumed.The question arises whether this result applies to all cases. 现在的问题是:这个结果 是否适用于各种情况。There is no doubt how the points are to be connected. 至于如何把这些点连起来,是 没有疑问

28、的。Here we shall discuss only such factors as may cause distortions of the signal. 这里我 们将只讨论可能引起信号失真的那些因素。The substance in which there are many free electrons is called a conductor. 存在许多 自由电子的物质称为导体。The product of a force and the time during which it acts is called impulse. 力与其作用 时间的乘积称为冲量。There are

29、some quantities that have direction as well as magnitude. 有些量既有大小 又有方向。Heat is always being transferred in one way or another, where there is any diference in temperature.凡是有温差的地方,热都会以适当的方式进行传输。Now that we have introduced the concepts of a function and the rectangular coordinate system, we are in a

30、position to determine the graph of a function. 由于已经 介绍了函数和坐标系的概念,所以我们能够确定函数的图像。The measurement of angles is unique in that the unit is dimensionless. 角的测量是很 独特的,因为其单位是没有量纲的。As the moons gravity is only about 1/6 the gravity of the earth, 2 200-pound man weighs only 33 pounds on the moon. 由于月球的引力只有地球

31、引力的 1/6,所以一 个体重 200 磅的人在月球上仅有 33 磅重。The material first used was copper for the reason that it is easily obtained in its pure state. 由于铜单质容易制取,因此同首先得到应用。When a body is caused to change its shape, the distorting force is proportional to the amount of change, provided the elastic limit is not exceeded.

32、 如果不超过弹性限度, 使物体改变其形状的形变力与变化量成正比。Unless you know the length of one side of a square or a cube, you cannot find out the squares area or the cube s volume. 除非已知一个正方体或正方形的边长,否则就 无法求出这个正方形的面积或这个正方体的体积。The electrons move round the nucleus as the earth moves round the sun. 电子绕原子 核运转就像地球绕太阳运行一样。The molecule

33、s of a gas behave as though they were perfectly elastic bodies. 气体分子 的性能好像他们是理想弹性体一样。A moving body behaves as if it has a wave nature. 一个运动物体的作用好像它具有 波的性质。Current flows in a circuit the way water flows in a pipe. 电流在电路中流动就像水在 水管中流动那样。The magnet is usually made in the shape of horseshoe so that it wi

34、ll be as strong as possible .磁铁通常是做成马蹄形的,以便使其磁性尽可能地强。We must introduce a 6 to complete the differential in order that the integral fits the proper form.我们必须引入一个6使该积分完整起来,以便使积分符合标准形式。So that you may have a mind the goal towards which you are working, there are shown below the circuit diagrams of the

35、two types of TRF receiver. 为了对设计的目 标心中有数,在下面画出了两种类型的射频接收机电路图。Steel parts are usually covered with grease for fear that they should rest. 钢铁零件通 常涂上润滑脂,以防生锈。The concept of work is so important that it will bear further discussion. 功的概念极为 重要,所以还要进一步加以讨论。The normal atom has an exactly equal number of positive and negative charges, so that the atom as a whole is neutral.正常原子中正负电荷数是完全相等的,所以从整 体上看原子是中性的。This signal is common to both terminals, such that V 1=V2 .这个信号对两个端点来说 是公共的,所以 V1=V2.

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