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1、定语从句-完成句子一1. (10届钟祥九月调考)My sisters, _(她们的照片我给看过)yesterday, will come to see us this evening. (show)2. (10届黄冈10月联考)Jonathan, in _(我们为他感到非常自豪), has just recovered from his operation and will come back to work soon. (pride)3. (10届宜昌9月联考)Here are more than 50 students in our class, _(其中绝大多数)are from Wuh

2、an.(most)4. (10届孝感综合测试二)The hospital_(附属于那所大学)is famous all over the country. (attach)5. (10届大冶9月联考)Here is a notebook, _(上面写着)the names of those in need. (write)6. (10届黄冈10月联考)The students_(他严格要求)are from families with different backgrounds. (strict)7. (10届湖北八校一次联考)You must_(确保)all the lights are t

3、urned off before you leave your class. (see)8. (10届重点中学二次联考)Hong Xingu, _(已赢得)the recommendation of the headmaster for an interview at Peking university, is the youngest of the 90 students nationwide. (win)9. (湖北补习结合大联考)_(任何放火烧-的人)the forest should be punished. (set)10. (10届鄂州摸底考试)Australia was chos

4、en as a new place_(流放囚犯的). (which, send)11. (10届宜昌9月联考)David villa, _(其事业腾飞)at sporting, scored his 22nd goal of the season with a penalty in the 56th. (career; take)12. (10届宜昌9月联考)When he came back to life, he found that there was nothing to eat, _(无处可寻)shelter and nobody to be seen. (nowhere; seek

5、)13. (10年武汉二月调考)An earthquake destroyed his house, _(在里面他住了)for twenty years. (live)14. (10年湖北八校一次联考)His younger sister teaches in a secondary school, in front of_(流淌着一条小河). (flow)15. (10年荆州质检二)The man_(被控告偷了)the car said he was innocent. (accuse)16. (10年湖北六市二次联考)Medical researchers have painfully r

6、ealized that there are many problems to_(他们没有找到)any solution so far. (find)17. (10年武汉5月供题)This is the only one of the regions_(遭受袭击)by earthquakes last year. (hit)18. (10年武汉5月供题)The house_(他付了)a large sum of money last year is now worth twice as much. (pay)19. (10年黄冈一次模拟)It was this house_(他的钱被抢了).

7、(rob)20. (10年黄冈一次模拟)With the city library providing large quantities of books, the children here have access to_(任何值得一读的东西). (worthy)21. (10年武汉4月调研)Those_(解出了)the problem can go home now. (work)22. (10年湖北八市一次联考)A number of children_(父母死去了的)in the earthquake were sent to live with families in other c

8、ities. (kill)23. (10年湖北八市一次联考)Tomorrow would be Christmas day. Della had only 1.87_(用它去给吉姆买)a present. (which)24. (10年湖北八市二次联考)_(她生病的原因)was that she ate something that had gone bad. (why)25. (10年湖北八市二次联考)Many people were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes_(人被吃掉)by the shark. (

9、which)26. (10年武汉5月调研)There are various kinds of animals in Australia, _(其中很多)cannot be found in any other country. (many)27. (10年黄冈5月一次模拟)Can you think of a situation_(人们交流)with each other freely and frankly?. (communicate)28. (10年黄冈5月二次模拟)The house_(他付了)a large sum of money last year is now worth t

10、wice as much. (pay)29. (10年华师一附中5月考试)Willie has complained to the sales manager about the pc he bought_(其屏幕爆炸)for no reason yesterday. (explode)30. (10年黄冈3月质量检测)With the development of agriculture, the people_(以前我在他们村教过书)before have lived a happy life. (teach)31. (10年湖北。77)My mother was so proud of

11、all_(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do)32. (10年黄冈3月质量检测)She is always doing everything for her son, which is_(她错误所在). (go)33. (10年武汉9月调考)After several weeks on a low-calorie diet-900 calories or fewer-the body keeps energy by slowing the speed_(以此速度消耗)calories. (burn)34. (10年湖北八校

12、二次联考)The committee consists of 20 members, _(其中四分之一)are women. (quarter)35. (10年湖北八校一次联考)It is widely accepted that children_(习惯了给予)will become spoiled. (used; give)36. Is there any possibility_(它们会使自己适合)the environment there? (adapt)37. Water, _(看似简单), makes life possible. (seem)38. You can learn t

13、hat oldest person is a woman_(活到了)122 years and 164 days. (who; live)39. He _(通过考试的人)will be given the driving license. (pass)40. Music is a universal language, _(使成为可能)for jay Chou to be popular in America. (which)41. Many scientists, _(生活一度很艰难), were successful at last. (hard)42. Thinking of _(她在数

14、学上已取得了进步), she will call up the strict but kind teacher. (progress)43. Today people miss the simple and beautiful days_(人类与自然和谐相处)with nature. (harmony)44. What if we meet with a situation_(我们谁也难以处理的)?(deal)45. I am flying to Hong Kong, _(我打算在那里停留两个星期). (stay)46. He told me that I could go on a two-

15、day trip to Leshan and Emei, _(这个不是很贵). (expensive)47. He changed his mind, _(这使我很恼火). (which)48. We will_(尽一切可能)save our city. (do)49. He left everything in the room_(按原来的样子). (way)50. In their opinion, all_(剩下要被征服的)was mount Qomolangma. (leave, conquer)51. The positive meanings_(赋予) in an ad play

16、an important role in promoting a product. (attach)52. A war is so cruel that it always causes great losses, _(正如所发生的一样)just in Iraq. (as, happen)53. She was educated at Beijing university, _(然后继续)to have her advanced study abroad. (which, go)54. He made another wonderful discovery, _(我认为这)of great i

17、mportance to science. (think)55. Mr. Smith, _ (对他来说生活不容易), devoted himself to scientific research. (easy)56. This is the computer_(想让修理一下的). (repair)57. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%_(销售)abroad. (which)58. All _(剩下需要我做的)is wait. (remain)59. Lucy only had¥1.87_(给她男朋友买一礼物). (with, buy)60. If you want a normal rafting trip, choose a quiet stream or a river_(宽阔的)and has few fallen trees. (which)

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