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1、Unit8单元测评2I. 说出至少10个描述人性格的词,并把它们写下来。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. II. 翻译短语或句子。 1. 交换学生_2. 例如_ 3. 他这人冷淡、忧郁,我不太喜欢他。_ 4. 我妈妈是一个温和宽容、性格外向而又活泼的人,我把她当朋友。_ 5. 那个瘦高个是谁?长相不错哦!他是三班的李超。他人怎么样?还可以,挺易相处的,可有点害羞。 6. Whos the big boy with curly hair ?Thats Jack : Hes cool . He likes to wear black shirts an

2、d sunglasses . And hes a good student . I like him .Why do you like him ? He looks so serious .Because hes funny , he can talk like our teacher , Miss Gao .III. 先填表,后以文字的形式描述出来。NamePersonality(Whats he / she like ? )appearance(What does he / she look like ? )IMy fatherMy motherMy friendeg : I am thi

3、n and short , and Im very kind and easy going ._ .My father is _ .My mother _ .My friend _ .IV. 根据答语写问题。 1. Q: _ ?A: Shes very moody . 2. Q: _ A: Hes outgoing . 3. Q: _A: Thats Mary . Shes Lucys sister . 4. Q: _A: Im shy . 5. Q: _A: Thats Mike .V. 选词填空。outgoing unfriendly smartJack is friendly . Hes

4、 (1) and (2) . Hes not (3) .VI. 把句子排序,组成一个完整的对话。( )Thats Jim .( )Friendly , huh ? And whos that girl ?( )Whos that boy ?( )Thats Linda .( )Hes friendly .( )Whats he like ?A: _VII. 阅读理解。AJinan University has had a long and chequered history . Its forerunner , Jinan School , was founded in 1907 at Nan

5、jing , mainly for children of Chinese from abroad . It closed after the 1911 Revolution broke out , reopened in 1918 and then moved to Shanghai where it became Jinan University . During the war against Japnese invasion in 1937 - 45 , it moved to Fujian Province , and , when the war ended , back to S

6、hanghai . After the founding of New China in 1949 , it was merged with other universities and colleges . In 1958 it was re - established in Guangzhou again as a school for Chinese students from abroad as well as from Hong Kong and Macao . The number of students reached 3,000 .During the ten years of

7、 Chinas “ cultural revolution ” it was dissolved . In the spring of 1978 when the policy towards overseas Chinese was once again correctly implemented the State Council decided to restore Jinan University and it was formally opened in October .Jinan University , over the last 70 years , has produced

8、 a large number of talented graduates , some working in China , some abroad . Many have contributed to the Chinese revolution , to the building of New China and to friendly ties and cultural and economic exchanges with other countries .Jinan University , as time goes on , will make greater contribut

9、ions to the training of the children of overseas Chinese and modernization of the motherland . 1. Jinan University got its name .A. in 1907B. in 1911C. in 1918D. in 1958 2. Please arrange the places of Jinan University in time order .A. Guangzhou , Shanghai , Nanjing , Fujian , Guangzhou .B. Nanjing

10、 , Shanghai , Fujian , Guangzhou .C. Nanjing , Fujian , Shanghai , Guangzhou .D. Nanjing , Shanghai , Fujian , Shanghai , Guangzhou . 3. How many students were there in the school in 1958 ?A. 1937B. 1978C. 3000D. 2000 4. The university was closed in _ .A. 1918B. 1958C. 1968D. 1978 5. Whats the Chine

11、se for “Jinan University” ?A. 暨南大学B. 济南大学C. 吉南大学D. 济南学院BBees live in little houses made of wood . Each house has a very small door for them to come in and out . We call their houses hives(蜂箱). When the flowers of plants in the fields begin to come out , the bees fly away very early in the morning to

12、 get the sweet juice(甜汁)of the flowers .A bee has a long tongue(舌头). It goes into the flower to suck up the juice . Then it carries the juice to the hive , and turns it into honey(蜜). When the bee flies out to look for flowers it may go to places very far , but it never loses its way . When the rain

13、 comes down , the bee will hide in some little hole in a wall or among the leaves of a tree . When the sun comes out again , it will fly home .Bees collect not only the juice but also the pollen(花粉)from inside the flowers . They carry the pollen home to make beebread for the young bees . 1. We may g

14、uess the houses of the bees are like _ .A. small buildingsB. big bagsC. ballsD. boxes 2. Bees come out to _ .A. get the flower of plantsB. get only the juice of the flowersC. get both the juice and the pollenD. look for their hives 3. The bee gets the juice out of the flowers with its _ .A. mouthB.

15、tongueC. noseD. legs 4. Which of the following sentences is true ?A. Although bees fly far away from their hives , they can find their way home .B. If the bee flies too far away , it cant find its home .C. Bees do their collecting work only in the fields near their hives .D. Bees must go very far to

16、 find the flowers . 5. The word “beebread” means “_ ” .A. food for beesB. bread for beesC. the living place of beesD. sweet juice参考答案:I. 1. friendly2. funny3. easygoing4. outgoing5. serious 6. interesting7. kind8. generous9. moody10. intelligent 11. smart12. coolII. 1. exchange student2. such as 3.

17、He is unfriendly and moody . I dont like him . 4. My mother is easygoing , outgoing and lively I treat her as my friend . 5. Whos that thin and tall man ? Hes good - looking .Hes Li Chao in Class Three .Whats he like ?Good . Hes easygoing but a little shy . 6. 那个卷发的大个男孩是谁?那是捷克。他很酷,喜欢穿黑衬衫和太阳镜。他是个好学生,

18、我喜欢他。你为什么喜欢他,他看起来很严肃。因为他很有趣,他说起话来象我们高老师。III. 略IV. 1. What is she like ? 2. What is he like ? 3. Whos that ? 4. What are you like ? 5. Whos that ?V. 1. outgoing2. smart3. unfriendlyVI. (2-5-1-6-4-3)VII. A. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. AB. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃









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