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1、2014年杭州中考英语试卷一、听短对话,回答问题听下面5段对话,每段对话有一个小题,从体重所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1 What does the woman usually have for breakfast?A. Meat. B. Hamburgers. C. Fruit.2.What is the womans first name?A. Jackson. B. Brown. C. Angela.3How does the woman go to school?A On

2、foot. B. By car. C. By bike.4.Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a b B. In a shop. C. At a ticket office.5.When is the art festival?A. On April 22ed B. On May 4 th C. On June3 rd二、听较长对话,回答问题(共6小题,计12分)6.Who want to Sanya without holiday?A. Tinas friends. B. Tinas family. C. Tinas

3、teachers.7.How was the weather there?A. It was cold. B. It was cool. C. It was warm.8.What did the woman speaker think of the trip?A. It was long. B. It was great. C. It was tiring.听下面一段对话,回答第9至11三个小题,现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。9.Why does the feel tired?A. He goes to bed too late. B. He cant wear his own c

4、lothes. C. He does many chores.10.What does the woman at the end of the conversation?A. The man should wake up early. B. B. The man should cheer himself up. C. C. The man should study harder.11.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient.

5、C. Mother and son.三、听独白,回答问题(共4小题,计8分)12.Where did the speaker go that day?A. To a restaurant. B. To a garage. C. To a village.13.What time should they meet for the party?A.At5:55p.m. B. At 6:00p.m. C. At 6:05p.m.14.What happened to the speaker on the way to the party?A. The wallet was lost. B. The

6、car went wrong. C. The gift was missing.15.How did the speaker feel at the end of the party?A. Funny B. Lonely. C. Bad.四、单项填空(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项16. The phonetic transcription of the word “paint” is_A. /pent/B. /peint/ C./paint/D./pnt/17. If you _ smoke, please go outside.A. can

7、B. may C. mustD. might18. My cousin went abroad at_ age of eighteen.A. aB. anC. theD.不填19. I am tried. This is not the right _ to ask me to go for a walk.A. momentB. chanceC. placeD. season20. Many fast food restaurants paint their walls red, play loud music and have hard seats_ customers eat quickl

8、y and leave.A. makeB. to makeC. madeD. making21. I cant find my ticket. I think I must have lost_.A. itB. oneC. thisD. them22. To my great surprise, the famous athletes story_ differently in the newspapers.A. was reportedB. reportedC. was reportingD. reports23. In summer milk will quickly go bad_ it

9、 is put into a fridge.A. thoughB. unlessC. becauseD. once24. I will never forget the day_ we spent in the old town with small houses.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. what25. Of the two shirts, Id like to choose the_ one to save some money for a cap.A. cheapestB. cheaperC. more expensive D. most expensive26. T

10、he boats take different routes, but they all_ in the same place.A. give upB. clear upC. end upD. make up27. Its hard to believe_ the way out of the forest without the help of the local guide.A. what they were able to findB. what were they able to findB. how they were able to findD. how were they abl

11、e to find28. After Steven sent some e-mails ,he_ surfing the Internet.A. startsB. has startedC. will startD. started29. They usually go shopping_ their lunch break.A. againstB. amongC. betweenD. during30. -What about having a drink? -_.A. Help yourself B. Never mindC.Youre rightD. Good idea.五、 完形填空(

12、共15小题,计15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。At a day care centre in Texas, Jessica McClure was playing outside. Jessicas mother,_31_worked at the day care centre, was watching her. Suddenly Jessica_32_ and disappeared. Jessicas mother cried and ran to her.The well in the yard was only eig

13、ht inches across, and a rock always_33_it.But children had moved the rock._34_ Jessica fell, she fell right into the well.Jessicas mother ran to a phone and called 911 for _35_.Men from the fire department arrived. They _36_that Jessica was about 20 feet down in the well .Then they told Jessicaa par

14、ents their_37_. “We cant go down into the well” they said,” Its so small. So we are going to dig a hole _38_well.Well dig down about 20 feet. Then well dig a tunnel(通道) across to Jessica. When we reach her, well bring her through the tunnel. Then well bring her up through our_39_.”The men began to g

15、ig the hole on a Wednesday morning. Two days later, on Friday morning, they were_40_digging.And Jessica McClure was still in the well.All over the world people waited for news of Jessica. They read about her in newspapers and watched her rescue(营救)on TV.Everyone_41_ the little girl in the well.At 8:

16、00 p.m. On Friday, the men_42_ reached Jessica and brought her up from the well. Then doctors rushed her to the hospital. Jessica was badly injured but she was still_43_.A doctor at the hospital said, “Jessica is lucky she is very_44_.Shes not going to remember this very well.”Maybe Jessica will not

17、 remember her days in the well. But her parents, her rescuers, and many other people around the world will not forget_45_.After Jessicas rescue, one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well. On the cover he wrote, “To Jessica, with love from al of us.”31. A. sheB. whoC. whomD. which32. A. fel

18、lB. sleptC. stoopedD. rose33. A. brokeB. hidC. coveredD. opened34. A. BecauseB. AlthoughC. IfD. When35. A. adviceB. moneyC. helpD. information36. A. promisedB. discoveredC. hopedD. agreed37. A. dreamB. studyC. lessonD. plan38. A. next toB. along withC. far fromD. out of39. A. wellB. tunnelC. holeD.

19、yard40. A. stillB. alreadyC. alwaysD. almost41. A. looked after B. worried aboutC. made friends withD. stayed away from42. A. immediatelyB. usuallyC. quicklyD. finally43. A. aloneB. asleepC. aliveD. afraid44. A. youngB. popularC. cleverD. pretty45. A. itB. themC. himD. us六、 阅读理解(共15小题,计30分。其中第一节10小题

20、,计20分;第二节5小题,计10分)第一节 :阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项.A1 Ive been working as a professional clown(小丑)for nearly two years.Before that,I was an actor for nine years.I was never famous,but I was quite successful!I changed jobs because I wanted to do more in life than make people laugh.What if I cou

21、ld help people,too?As a clown,I try to encourage sick chileren in hospital to laugh and smile.When you laugh,your mind and body relax.Clearly,people who laugh more dont have as many colds or other problems!Children who laugh a lot often get better results in their studies,too.It isnt an easy job.Not

22、 all sick children get better,and sometimes I come home and cry.But I always go back to work the next day with my red nose on.I dont earn much money as a clown, but I feel very lucky to work with such brave,wonderful patients.2 I became a laughter yoga(瑜伽)teacher more than two years ago.Before that,

23、I was a dentist!My job was very difficult,and I used to feel fed up.Now I still improve peoples health,but everything else is completely different.Everyone has fun in a laughter yoga class,including the teacher!No,laughter isnt “magic”.It doesnt prevent all illness,keep you young,or make you beautif

24、ul.But did you know that isnt ana excellent kind of exercise?You move your whole body when you laugh!Sometimes I worked with famous people.Its true that being rich can be stressful!Some famous people can be unpleasant at times,but I try to change their bad feelings.Laughter is excellent for people l

25、ike musicians,artists and writers,because it helps people to be more creative.46.According to the passage,we can see that both writers_.A. have changed their jobs B. like sports very muchC. feel unhappy at work D. are looking for jobs47. The reason why the first writer take up the jobs as a clown is

26、 that_.A. he has had a disease for two years.B. he needs a much easier jobC. he wants to be a successful manD. he wishes to help people48. The second writer mentions famous people in the passage to show that_.A. they are always richB. they have stress sometimesC.they like funny peopleD. they are goo

27、d at doing yoga49. The underlined part “fed up” is closest in meaning to _.A. interestedB. satisfiedC. disappointedD. bored50. It can be learned from the passage that both writers think of their jobs as_.A. happy moments to learn from other peopleB. great chances to make themselves well knownC. rich

28、 expensive of acting on the stageD. good ways of making people happy and healthyB How quickly can you count from one to ten? Do you use ten different words to do it? Can you do it in English, or do you have to use your first languages? Do you count on your fingers? Many people think that numbers and

29、 math are the same all over the world. But scientists have discovered that it is not true.People in different parts of the world use different ways to count on their fingers. In the United States, people think begin counting with their first fingers, which they extend or stick out. They then extend

30、the rest of their fingers and finally the thumb(拇指)to count to five. Then they repeat this with the other hand to get to ten. In China, people count by using different finger positions. In this way, a Chinese person can easily count to ten on only one hand.Besides ways of finger counting, scientists

31、 have found that cultures and languages are also different when it comes to numbers. Some languages have only a few words for numbers, and others have no words for numbers. A group of scientists studied aboriginal(土著的)people in Australia. These people dont have hand movements to stand for numbers. T

32、hey dont even have word for numbers. However, they are still able to understand different ideas about numbers.In a similar study, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology discovered that people of the Piraha tribe(部落) in northwestern Brazil dont have words for numbers such as “one”

33、 or “three.”.They are not able to say “five trees” or “ten trees” but can say “some trees,” “more trees,” or “many trees.” Professor Edward Gibson said that mist people believe that everyone knows how to count, “but here is a group that does not count. They could learn, but ist not useful in their c

34、ulture, so theyve never picked it up.”Although all humans are able to understand quantities(数量),not all languages have numbers and not all people use counting. Number words in a certain language are a result of people needing numbers in their daily lives. Now we know that people have different ideas

35、 about numbers and math, too.51. The writer begins with the four questions in order to_.A. make a surveyB. interest readersB. tell a storyD. solve math problems52. What do we learn from the difference in finger counting between the U.S. and China?A. People from China count much faster than people fr

36、om the U.S.B. People from China need two hands to count from one to ten.C. People of different cultures may use different ways of finger countingD. People of different cultures use the same way of finger counting.53. Which of following is true about aboriginal Australians?A. They have only a few wor

37、ds for numbersB. They have hand movements to stand for numbersC. They can only count to five on their fingersD. They can understand different ideas about numbers54. The study of the Piraha tribe shows that_A. people all over the world know how to countB. People of the tribe have words for numberC. S

38、ome groups of people are not smart enough to countD. Counting is not useful in the culture of the tribe55. What is the main idea of the passage?A. people from different cultures have different ideas about numbers and mathB. Chinese people can count more easily on their fingers than AmericansC. In so

39、me aboriginal culture, people dont even know how to countD. Some languages dont have number words because people dont need numbers.第二节:下面文章中有五处(第5660题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余项。A. Places to Stay B. Places to Visit C. Weather D. Shopping E. History F. RestaurantsSavannah Cit

40、y Guide56. If you want to spend the night in Savannah, you have lots of places to choose from. You can stay at a big hotel, a small inn, or a comfortable motel. Savannahs hotels, motels, and inns are famous for their friendly service. Call one of these places to make your reservation57. Savannah is

41、well known for its wonderful restaurants. Many restaurants serve local seafood or oldfashioned Southern food. The following are some of the best restaurants in the area58. If you like to shop, Savannah is the place for you! Youll find all kinds of stores in Savannah. You can go shopping in small sto

42、res or big shopping malls. Are you looking for a special treasure or a great deal? Youll find it in Savannah.59. There are so many things to do and see in Savannah. The sightseeing is great. You can visit beautiful historic homes and museums. You can take a boat tour or visit Civil War forts. With a

43、ll of Savannahs history, art, and beautiful buildings, be sure to take the time to enjoy all that Savannah has to offer!60. Savannah has lots of sunshine throughout the year. Summers are hot and humid. Winters are generally mild. Temperatures usually range between 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 degree Ce

44、ntigrade) and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Centigrade)七、词语填空(共10小题,计10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。on first give change it letter while because cheap fast The British love sending text messages. They send more than 2.5 billion every month. And most people now understand the language

45、of text, with its numbers and missing 61 . In fact, when a student at a Scottish school wrote the whole article “in txt”, his teacher 62 him “C+ 4 f4t ” (“C+ for effort ”).Although texting(发短信) is a 63 way of staying in touch with your friends, it can also bring problems. In 2005, a British teenager

46、 became the 64 person in the world to receive treatment for an addiction(沉溺) to text messaging. In one year, the nineteen-year-old spent about 4,500 65 texts.For some people, text messaging has 66 their lives. For example, James Trusler from Sussex in England travels around the world taking part in

47、texting competitions and TV shows. Hes the worlds 67 texter and recently set a new world record 68 he was appearing on Australian TV. He texted:“The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serraslmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a hu

48、man.” 69 took him 67 seconds. James sends a lot of text messagesabout 2,500 a month. But he doesnt get big bills 70 he works for a large mobile phone company!八、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。71. This kind of thing only happens in films, not in r life.72. Your mothers or fat

49、hers brother is your u .73. It is p to say “thank you” when someone has helped you.74. He s his old car for 5,000 yesterday. He wants to buy a new one.75. Did she enjoy h at the party last weekend?76. The girls were r their bikes around the lake while the boys were running77. We often work t as a te

50、am in English classes.78. Im very s for using your computer without asking.79. After he finished high school, my brother went to c for further education80. She is t years old now and next year she will be fourteen.九、 书面表达(共1小题,计15分) 假设你是李平,最近你学习上遇到困惑。请用英语给你的英国朋友Nancy写一封电子邮件,讲述你的问题并寻求她的帮助。注意:1.邮件必须包括

51、下面三幅画所描述的内容。 2.词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出(不计词数). 参考词汇:考试不及格 fail the exam 熬夜 stay up lateHi Nancy,How are you? Hope youre well._Im ready looking forward to receiving your reply soon.Love,Li Ping2014年杭州中考英语参考答案一、听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5分)1.C 2.A 3. A 4.B 5.B二听较长对话,回答问题(共6小题,计12分)6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C三、听独白,回答问题(共4小

52、题,计8分)12.A13.A14.B15.C四、单项选择(共15小题,计15分)16.B 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.B 21.A 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.B 26. C 27.C 28.D 29.D 30.D五、完形填空(共15小题,计15分)31.B 32.A 33.C 34.D 35.C 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.C 40.A 41.B 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.B六、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)46.A 47.D 48.B 49.D 50.D 51.B 52.C 53.D 54.D 55.A 56.A 57.F 58.D 59.B 60.C七

53、、词语填空(共10小题,计10分)61.etters 62.gave 63.cheap 64.first 65.on 66.changed 67.fastest 68. while 69.It 70.because八、单词拼写71.real 72.uncle 73.polite 74.sold 75.herself 76.riding 77.together 78.sorry 79.college 80.thirteen九、书面表达(共1小题,计15分)One possible version:Hi Nancy,How are you ?Hope youre well. I have a pr

54、oblem and need your help. I failed the math exam yesterday. My nom was really mad with me. In order to do better next time, I stayed up late last night doing my math homework. Since I didnt get enough sleep, I felt sleepy this morning. My teacher noticed it. She came up and asked what was wrong with me, but I didnt tell her the truth. What should I do? Can you give me some advice?(80 words)Im really looking forward to receiving your reply soon.Love,Li Ping

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