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1、2019吉安县中考英语研吉安县中考英语研讨会讨会中考英语阅读理解解题策略桐坪中学 王勇厚阅读理解考察项目阅读理解考察项目2019年 2019年 2009年 细节题 56、57、58、59、60、61、63、64、67、68、70 66、67、68、69、70、71、73、74、77、78、66、67、68、69、77、78、79、词汇句意题 697574推断题 627970、71、73、75主旨题 65、66 72、76、80 72、76、80 考察项目及解题策略考察项目及解题策略 (1细节题。在中考阅读理解中,大部分题目属于细节理解题,旨在考查考生对某个具体事实或某个具体情节,或对某个特定的

2、细节是否理解,有的答案可从所提供的阅读材料中直接找出;有的答案是短文中某个句子或经过改写的句子;有的则需要结合上下文提供的信息进行简单的分析,概括,甚至计算,最后得出正确答案。例如:(09年江西中考B篇第69题。(09年江西中考年江西中考B篇篇 Two months ago,I went to Australia for a meeting with my workmate,Chris.We decided to drive across country to Brisbane after the meeting ended.The drive was going to take four d

3、ays and most of it was across the desert(沙漠).The first day was a lot of fun as we were excited and laughing at each others jokes.By the third day of driving in the desert,we began to get bored.We had been quiet for a few hours when Chris saw some kangaroos(袋鼠).We were both excited and decided to get

4、 a closer look.Chris drove very quickly to catch up with the kangaroos.We got closer and closer-too close-when we heard a loud BANG!Chris stopped the car and we got out.Behind the car was a large kangaroo lying completely still(不动的)on the ground.Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his base ball

5、cap on its head.He tool off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo and did the same with his jacket.Then,he put his arm around the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of them together.I took out my camera.While I was focusing(调整焦距)the camera,I saw the kangaroo move.It suddenly woke up,and ran

6、away before we could do anything.I started laughing but Chris looked very seriuos.He said his wallet was in the jacket.I started laughing even harder.I stopped laughing,however,when he said that our car keys were also in the jacket!结果结果 69.How long was the drive going to take according to their plan

7、?A.One day.B.Four days.C.Half a month D.Two months.key words 找读找读09年年江西中考江西中考B篇篇考察项目及解题策略考察项目及解题策略(2词汇句意题。考查内容多为名词、动词、词组甚至句子。英语中很多单词和词组在不同的语言环境中有着不同的内涵,掌握大量单词和习语是重要的,但语言是活的东西,做这类题时,考生应尽可能通过上下文猜测词义,即利用所熟悉的词或短语和上下文已知的部分来进行合理推理,有时还需要依据常识和经验。例如:(09年江西中考C篇第74题。(09年江西中考年江西中考C篇篇 Its the week before school

8、starts Alice is shopping for clothes with two friends,Nina and Vicki.Alice puts on a black jacket,turns to her friends,and says,“Hey,what do you think?”The girls look at her and both start laughing.”No way,Alice!”Nina laughs.“Thats a mans jacket.”Alice feels a little angry.“Yeah,wellI like it”:“Yeah

9、,”says Vicki.“but what will people at school say?”Alice thinks for a moment.Then she takes off the jacket.“yeah,youre right.”Peer pressure.We all know about it.Your friends wear certain clothes or listen to certain music.You dont want to be different.So you do those things too.Fifteen minutes later.

10、Alice is still thinking about the black jacket.“Yeah.Theres pressure to follow others.”She explains.“If your clothes or hair are different,.people make fun of you.You know,they laugh and point.”Vicki agrees.“Its true.You even have a certain kind of boyfriend or girlfriend!I think these rules are chi

11、ldish(幼稚的).But when youre different,you feel like an outsider.And thats hard.”Alice walks away.“Hey Alice”calls Nina.“Where are you going?”“To get the black jacket.I dont care what others think.I like it,and Im buying it.”论点论点C篇第篇第74题题 74.What is the meaning of peer pressure in this passage?A.You wa

12、nt to be like your friends.So you do what they do.B.You want to be different from your friends and classmates.C.You Want to give your clothes to your friends to wear.D.You want to buy as many clothes as your classmates do.注:2019年,sacrifice use up,put up ,take up,give up 2019年:call decision,telephone

13、,suggestion,seat 考察项目及解题策略考察项目及解题策略(3推断题。推断性考题旨在考查学生透过表面的文字信息,对某些深层次情节经过分析、综合、归纳,作出合乎逻辑的推理。这类题的答案通常不在文章中明确表现出来,要求考生在全面理解文章的基础上,推断文章的潜在含义,找出结论。例如:(09年江西中考B篇第70、71题。(09年江西中考B篇第70、71题(推断题)70.Why did they hear a loud BANG?(key word)找读 分析,推断 A.Because something fell off the car.B.Because the car knocked

14、down a tree.C.Because the car broke down on the way.D.Because the car broke down a kangaroo.71.What can we get from this passage?(细节+推断)A.Chris saved the kangaroos life.B.The meeting was held in Brisbane.C.chirs thought the kangaroo was dead.(推断)D.The write took a photo of Chris and the kangaroo.考察项

15、目及解题策略考察项目及解题策略(4主旨题。(夹叙夹议文中即考查考生对文章的主题,标题、中心思想的理解程度及辨别主要信息和次要信息的能力。主题思想是文章的核心。能否抓住文章的主题思想,是考生阅读能力的重要体现。要准确地抓住文章的主题思想,就要十分留意文章的主题句Topic Sentence)。有的文章一开始就亮出主题,全文随着主题而展开。有的文章则需要学生善于抓住文中具有概括性的信息,从上下文连贯的意思来理解全文,看作者主要谈的是什么,透过文字叙述的过程来归纳主题,再从选择项中找出最符合表达主题思想的选项。有些干扰项,从局部看也许不算错,但从全局看却又片面。这类干扰项与正确答案之差,其实是局部与

16、全局之差。要指导考生在做题时不要被局部现象迷惑,而忽略了文章的整体思想。例如:(09年江西中考B篇第72题,C篇第76题。(09年江西中考年江西中考B篇第篇第72题,题,C篇第篇第76题题72.Which would be the best title for this passage?A.An unusual experience.全局 B.My Australian meeting.C.On the way to Australia.部分 D.A clever kangaroo.76.What is the main idea of this passage?Topic Sentence

17、A.Young people should follow others.B.Girls have different ideas about the jacket.C.Girls like wearing different kinds of clothes.D.Young people care much about what others think.“七选五题型考七选五题型考点点 主要是考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,包括阅读能力、理解能力、逻辑推理能力等。本题目要求在理解全文的基础上,对上下文,其相互间的关系或对整篇文章进行深层理解。大部分属于逻辑推理性题目.测试的目的主要考查学生

18、把握文章结构及对上下文逻辑推理的能力。通篇阅读,掌握大意。通篇阅读,掌握大意。了解短文的主旨大意,掌握结构。把握全文脉络和了解短文的主旨大意,掌握结构。把握全文脉络和中心思想。中心思想。2 2阅读选项,缩小范围阅读选项,缩小范围认真细读短文后的选项,对考查内容要求做到心中认真细读短文后的选项,对考查内容要求做到心中有数有数,缩小各题选择的范围缩小各题选择的范围.3 3根据上下文,初定答案。根据上下文,初定答案。对短文内容中所缺句子,寻找前后文支撑论点的关对短文内容中所缺句子,寻找前后文支撑论点的关键信息,特别注意某些同义词反义词,连词或介词等键信息,特别注意某些同义词反义词,连词或介词等Key

19、 Key wordswords的作用以及前后文和句子间的逻辑关系。的作用以及前后文和句子间的逻辑关系。4 4认真核查,验证答案。认真核查,验证答案。还原检查还原检查,验证答案验证答案,注意各题的答案应逻辑一致,注意各题的答案应逻辑一致,不能自相矛盾。结构完整,意思通顺,确保答案准确无不能自相矛盾。结构完整,意思通顺,确保答案准确无误。误。解题方法解题方法解题策略解题策略细读开篇首句,推测全文内容细读开篇首句,推测全文内容 通读全文,掌握文章主旨大意 围绕大意,对照选项,围绕大意,对照选项,逐句阅读,初选答案逐句阅读,初选答案 先易后难,瞻前顾后先易后难,瞻前顾后 复核全文,看文章是否上下连贯,

20、合乎逻辑,同时消除疏漏 七选五 (2009江西中考)The Secrets of Happiness 81._Money and success alone do not bring lasting(长久的)happiness.Happiness depends on ourselves.In other words,we make our own happiness.Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.82._Too often.We spend so much time thinking about the futurefor

21、 example.Getting into college or getting a good jobthat we fail to enjoy the present(如今).You should enjoy lifes simple pleasures.Such as reading a good book.Listening to your favorite music.Or spending time with close friends.83._ Another secret to leading a happy life is to be active.And have hobbi

22、es where you forget your problems.Many people experience this dancing or playing a sport.Such as skating or soccer.84._ Finally.Many people find happiness in helping others.According to studies,people feel good when they volunteer their time to help others.85._You can help a friend with his or her l

23、essons,go shopping to buy food for your family members,or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.选项A.The second secret of happiness is to do more exercise.B.If you want to feel happier,do something nice for someone.C.People who have brothers and sisters are happier than others.D.The

24、first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.E.Most people want to be happy.But few know how to find happiness.F.People who have several close friends live happier and healthier lives.G.You can forget about your problems,an only think about the activity.答案:8185 E D F G B(总(总分)分)(概括)(概括)阅读理解复习建议 科学有效地复习词汇。科学有效地复习词汇。注重阅读中的长句分析,特别是各种注重阅读中的长句分析,特别是各种从句。从句。(2009年中考,年中考,D篇,科技篇,科技型的说明文)型的说明文)试卷讲评翻译试卷讲评翻译费时、低效。二次费时、低效。二次练习练习启迪思维)启迪思维)精选阅读篇目:精选阅读篇目:A 20192009前四篇前四篇题材,题材,1.图表、图表、2.叙事、叙事、3.夹叙夹议、夹叙夹议、4.说明科技)。说明科技)。B 问题有多样性,问题有多样性,(细节、词汇、推断、主旨)(细节、词汇、推断、主旨)

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