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1、Business News Report商务新闻报道标题的翻译:精缩关键词、去掉次要信息节能环保及科技产品博览会Energy Saving Expo第二届长春制博会4月举行Manufacturing Expo in April第五届东北四城市(4+3)市长峰会在长开幕Mayors Summit一汽与通用携手FAW and BGM Welded长春加拿大亚裔交流协会经贸恳谈会在长举行Changchun-Canadian Trade Talk双阳区:推进项目落地Shuangyang Witness Project Boom变形象为抽象、具体为模糊经济区主打项目牌Economic Developme

2、nt Heating Up“零首付”公司Preferential Business Policy Implemented长春汽车产业开发区:建成全国最大的汽车产业基地Auto Industry Gearing Up高新区:争创国家创新型科技园区High-Tech Area Aims Higher我市经济稳步攀升Changchun Economy Picks Up2012年:我市汽车零部件产值达千亿More Auto Parts Manufacturers to Come中文重形式,英文不拘一格报刊新闻标题举例Ex.1:大胆开拓,“才”源滚滚Tapping a Risky Labor PoolE

3、x.2:民营企业在鼓励中渐进Nongovernmental Economy Encouraged OnEx.3:取消利息税,呼声获回应Interest Tax Rejection RespondedEx.4:繁荣不再,萧条即来After the Booms Everything Is Gloom电影标题论文标题新闻标题拓展:英汉标题对比专题中英文新闻文体差异中文数字、细节多修饰性语言、铺垫性语言、官话套话多;掺杂主观性语言按照时间先后顺序表述英文较为简洁、概括语言客观、平实按照内容重心布置结构翻译技巧要点重复词语的处理汉语特色政治辞令、空话套话、强势修饰词的处理汉语的隐喻、设问等修辞手法的处理

4、汉语超长句或流水句的处理避免重复使用一个词生物产业是以现代生物技术为核心,包括生物医药、生物农业、生物能源、生物制造、生物环保、生物资源的保护和开发利用等门类在内的新兴产业,是全球经济发展重要的增长点。本次大会以宣传国家生物产业政策,展示生物产业发展成就和生物企业形象,推介重大创新成果,搭建交流平台为宗旨。The bio-industry,based on the bio-tech,includes bio-medications,bio-agriculture,bio-energy,bio-manufacturing,bio-environment protection and the pr

5、otection and exploitation of bio-resources.It plays an essential role in global economic development.This conference will focus on publicizing related national policies,displaying achievements of the industry and promote enterprises in this line,introducing major innovation projects and establishing

6、 a communication platform.适当省略重复的词语南关区是我市的中心城区,区位优势明显。今年,南关区积极培育“八大商圈”,东天家电批发市场就是该区精心打造的第一条特色商业街路。/东天家电批发市场位于八大商圈之一的“新天地商圈”。/今年,南关区还将立足已有商业基础,发展壮大重庆路商圈,改造提升大马路商圈,并利用两到三年时间,完善商圈周边的服务、辐射功能。Nanguan District lies in the downtown area of the city.To make better use of the geographical advantage,it will b

7、uild up eight commercial clusters and the Dongtian Electric Appliances Wholesale Market is one of its major projects./The market is located within the Xintiandi Shopping Mall/Based on past experience,Nanguan District will expand the Chongqing Road and Damalu Area,two of the citys most popular busine

8、ss districts.Service will be enhanced in the next 2 to 3 years to facilitate the development of business.适当删减同义重复中国吉林东北亚投资贸易博览会成功举办四年来,致力于构建交流平台,展示区域形象,促进相互合作,取得了东北亚各国互利互惠共赢发展的丰硕成果,已经成为东北亚地区具有较大影响力的展会之一。With four years of successful organization behind it,the Expo has realized its goal of building a

9、 cooperative and displaying platform for countries in the northeast Asian area.As a result,it has been deemed a fruitful and influential event.去掉中文中的隐喻为刺激内需,调整经济结构,去年我国确定了扩大投资的发展战略,给水泥、钢铁等建材业发展注入了一针强心剂。Last year China sealed a strategy centered on capturing investment,stimulating domestic demand,adj

10、usting the economic structure,and giving a boost in the cement and steel industries.突破生态建设“各自为政”的藩篱,探索建立东北四城市(4+3)合作体制机制。We need to make a breakthrough in eco-city construction.In the past,we just cared for our own management.Now we should try to establish a cooperative mechanism for the four cities

11、.当前,走信息化和工业化相融合的道路已成为行业共识,也是一条适合长春产业发展的快速路。The integration of industrialization and information technology has been widely recognized as an efficient approach to precipitate local industrial progress.新能源产业园的奠基,吹响了全面加快长东北开放开发先导区建设的号角。This industrial park is a forerunner in the program of accelerating

12、 the economic boom in the Changchun Northeast Area.中文的疑问句或设问句应转化为陈述句入春以来,我市商品房市场交易呈现“回暖”趋势,是真正需求所致还是仅仅“昙花一现”?Changchuns commercial housing market has regained some vigor since spring,spawning a rise in the sale of residential apartments.汉语强势修饰词的省略新年伊始,一汽大众紧紧抓住购置税减征、燃油税调整等利好政策陆续出台的良机,勇夺1月份全国轿车销量冠军。To

13、 stimulate the automobile industry,the state government had lowered the purchase tax and fuel tax.Manipulating these preferential policies to their advantage,FAW-Volkswagen secured the first position in Chinas car sales in January.流水句的组合与调整今年我市不仅重要的展会多,而且展会规格也空前的高。5月8日,举行长春房地产交易会;6月17日,中国生物产业大会将在长春举

14、行;7月15日我市将迎来第六届长春汽博会、中国(长春)国际汽车论坛;进入8月,第五届中国(长春)民间艺术博览会将盛装开幕;9月,将召开第七届中国农交会、第八届长春农博会,这也是我市首次承办全国性的农业盛会。Influential and large-scale expositions will be held in our city this year,with the Real Estate Fair to kick off on May 8th,the National Biological Industries Fair on June 17th,and the 6th Changchu

15、n Auto Expo and the China-Changchun International Auto Forum both on July 15th.August and September will also witness the commencement of the 5th Folk Art Exhibition and the 7th Agricultural Fair as well we the 8th Agricultural Exhibition,the first national agricultural fair to be held in our city.长

16、句的拆分和重组与会的专家学者通过分析当前世界性的金融危机对我国经济发展产生的影响,围绕着本次论坛的主题,就如何发挥自身和本地区的优势应对危机,实现更好更快发展进行了专题发言。Experts and scholars analyzed how the global financial crisis has influenced China.Meanwhile,they put forward suggestions regarding how to ward off the impact.It has been proposed that specific methods should be f

17、ormulated based on regional strength so as to achieve a better and faster development.国务院总理李克强1月21日与瑞士联邦主席索马鲁加会谈时指出,中国将给予瑞士500亿元人民币(80.5亿美元)合格境外机构投资者配额,支持苏黎世建立人民币离岸市场。China will give Switzerland an investment quota of 50 billion yuan($8.05 billion)under its Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors(

18、QFII)scheme to support the establishment of the Zurich offshore renminbi market,said Premier Li Keqiang during a meeting with Simonetta Sommaruga,president of the Swiss Confederation on Jan 21.与会的专家学者通过分析当前世界性的金融危机对我国经济发展产生的影响,围绕着本次论坛的主题,就如何发挥自身和本地区的优势应对危机,实现更好更快发展进行了专题发言。Experts and scholars analyzed how the global financial crisis has influenced China.Meanwhile,they put forward suggestions regarding how to ward off the impact.It has been proposed that specific methods should be formulated based on regional strength so as to achieve a better and faster development.

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