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1、Zero Translation Interlingual translation is possible because the similarities between languages are much greater than the differences.Translatability between two languages serves as the theoretical basis of translation.This,however,does not mean that no differences exist between languages.The conce

2、pt of“zero translation”is introduced both as a translation strategy for overcoming the unbridgeable differences between languages,and as a means of safeguarding the general validity of translatability as the theoretical cornerstone of translation.杜争鸣introduces the concept Zero Translation,although h

3、e names it as不译:Because不译is the opposite of translation and because translation means translating meaning,transliteration is a kind of不译.Besides不译also means transferring the original form into TT.由于不译是翻译的反面,而翻译就是翻译意义,所以音译词就是不译。然而,不译还可以是源语形式完全照搬。邱慰如introduces Zero Translation against untranslatabilty

4、:ZT is a kind of translation in which words in the source text(ST)rendered into the target text(TT)without employing words readily available in TT,that is to say,for ZT,1)some words in ST are deliberately not rendered into TT,and 2)words readily available in TT are not used to render the correspondi

5、ng words in ST.就是不用的语中现成的词语译出源语中的词语,这里包含两层意思:1)源文中的词语故意不译;2)不用的语中现成的词语译源文的词语。刘明东:绝对零翻译(Absolute Zero Translation,AZT)and相对零翻译relative Zero Translation RZT,Motivation of zero translationlinguistic difference eg.有人叫你去时,你回答说“来了”,字面上用的是过去时,译为英语却成了“Im coming”;中国人问人姓名用的“请教大名”绝对不能译为Please teach me your gre

6、atname1 而只能译为May I know(或ask 或have)your name?或Whats your name,please?Motivation of zero translationcultural difference eg.由于文化背景不同,有时对于不同社会的人,同一个词或同一种表达方式往往会具有不同的意义,而且有时还会造成语义空缺的现象。例如,邓炎昌等(1997:167)在语言与文化一书中就引用过这样一个故事:罗马有一家鞋店,门口挂着一个牌子,招徕懂英语的顾客。牌子上写道:Shoes for street walking.Come in and have a fit.这个

7、牌子引起许多懂英语的游览者的注意,他们聚在店前不是看橱窗里所展出的商品,而是看牌子上的字,看后都哈哈大笑。店主是意大利人,会说一点英语,但他不知道street walker 不是“逛大街的人”而是“在街头拉客的妓女”,to have a fit 也不是“试穿”,而是“勃然大怒”。过路人看了这块牌子当然感到滑稽可笑了。Motivation of zero translationneologisms in SL eg.英语近年来出现的新词有Clintonism,Zipgate,Euro,outplacement,dinomania,multimedia,hacker,virtual reality

8、,drug abuse,mad cow disease,ge2netic engineering,bungee jumping 等等;汉语里的新词则有“中国特色、平反、一号文件、万元户、小康、倒爷、一国两制、下海、生猛海鲜、减肥、分流、下岗、利改税、费改税、资产重组、回归、东西联动”等等。这些新词在源语中是新创的,在目的语中自然难以找到现成的对等词,在翻译中便免不了要采用“零翻译”的手法。Brief review of ZT history 1Early in the Tang Dynasty,Xuanzang(玄奘)puts forward his strategy to solve fiv

9、e tough problems in translation as of translating terms like mystery,polysemy,lexical gap,conventionality and style(秘密故,含多义故,此故,古故,生善故).In such five occasions,Xuanzang(玄奘)prefers transliterationwhich transcribes the original characters of ST into TT.2 To the North Song Dynasty,Zanning(赞宁)discusses t

10、he technique of employing the original characters of ST inTT.He says,to translate sound but not to translate meaning,e.g.,the character()the chest of Buddha,and to translate neither sound nor meaning,e.g.,the twocharacters()before the title of Buddhist scripture but to carry them over into TT.(译音不译字

11、,字音具不译 3 Up to the modern history,the western writing characters do not appear in Chinese,It is not until Lu Xun(鲁迅)writes his famous novel The True Story of Ah-Q(阿Q正传)that the English letter Q is employed in Chinese to name the hero in the novel.And still transliteration(transcription)is preferred

12、in the period of May 4h Movement,and very soon,replaced by newly coined Chinese words,e.g.德谟克拉西by 民主,and 塞恩斯 by科学.This situation continues until China pursues the policy gaige(改革)and kaifang(开放)(the policy of reform and opening-to-the-outside-world).People then change their ideas and are glad to acc

13、eptDifference between ZT and other translation 1 ZT vs.NT 2 ZT vs.Formal Translation 3 ZT vs.Transliteration It is true that ZT and NT are the same in physical form in this sense,but they are different from each other in intellectual form.The following English-Chinese translation is a good example.E

14、:What does Rabbit mean?C:Rabbit是什么意思?Here Rabbit is an example of non-translation,because there is no need of communication for Rabbit between the two languages and there is no purpose and act of translation between the two versions.It is just a sign of word.NT denies translation purpose and need,an

15、d refuses translation act.It does not function as communication ZT aims to communicate between different languages and cultures.It bears not only the purpose of cross-lingual and cross-cultural communication but also the act of cross-lingual and cross-cultural translation.So ZT is accepted as transl

16、ation and NT is recognized as no translation.ZT vs.Formal/Image Translation Formal translation imitates the idea of shape or diagram of the original and that transference also copies diagrammatic sign of the original,but formal translation does not transfer the original diagrammatic sign or shape.It

17、 just reflects describing methods of shape or diagram between SL and TL,either the same or different.e.g.,the same description,T-square vs.丁字尺 The difference between ZT and transliteration,can be summarized as 1)In physical form,transliteration employs TL character,while ZT resorts to SL character;2

18、)In intellectual form,readers comprehend transliteration bythinking in target language and culture(TLC),whereas readers recognize ZT by thinking in source language and culture(SLC);3)In translation strategy,transliteration reflects the traditional that is from SL to TL,and ZT reveals the new inverse

19、 that is from TL to SL;and 4)In cultural view,transliteration transcribes one culture with another,but ZT integrates different cultures.So transliteration is governed by traditional translation view,while ZT by a new translation view.Zero translation words can exert a positive influence on Chinese(l

20、anguage)in that they can not only increase syllables,phonemes,morphemes and combination rules among word forms,sounds and meanings in Chinese but also add new meanings to inherent words in Chinese.On the other hand,zero translation words have a negative impact on Chinese culture,for they may give ri

21、se to vague cultural meanings and deprive Chinese(language)of the chance of absorbing the quintessence of foreign cultures and weaken the Chinese capacity to resist the cultural hegemony of English.Zero translation has both positive and negative roles.The application principles of zero translation should be taken into consideration in order to employ its positive role and to avoid its negative role.Thank you

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