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1、12 五段英语写作是美国大学写作课上普遍向学生推荐的一种写作法。它的特点是结构严谨合理,段落层次分明,观点阐述充分,语言变化生动。特别适合于较高一级的250-350词的论述文写作。五段作文,顾名思义,是由五个段落组成的文章,它的基本写法是:Para.1 Introduction of Topic Thesis Statement Para.2 Topic Sentences Supporting SentencesPara.3 Topic Sentences Supporting Sentences3 第一段是引言部分。主要是引出文章要讨论的主题,并在段尾写出文章中心思想句(thesis st

2、atement),且尽可能点出各段的中心思想和文章发展的方法(the way to develop the essay)。第二段到第四段是文章的正文部分,这一部分一般分为三段(三个方面)来阐述的一段的中心思想,每一段以段落主题句(topic sentence)开头,它说明thesis statement,本身又被本段Supporting Sentences所说明。第五段是结尾部分。主要是对文章进行归纳和总结。Para.4 Topic Sentences Supporting SentencesPara.5 Conclusion Restatement of the Thesis4I.解释结构:

3、解释结构:(1)解释原因)解释原因 解释现象,分析原因、理由是英语写作中常见的结构。这种作文主要是对某种社会(自然)现象,问题的出现或原因、理由进行解释。五段作文模式中,它的基本结构如下:Para.1 Introduction of Problem or Phenomenon Para.2 Thesis Statement Cause IPara.3 Cause II 5 可见这钟结构主要有两大部分。第一部分也是引言段,即把要解释的问题或现象描写和表示出来;第二部分也就是正文段,解释和分析问题出现的原因。Para.5 Conclusion Para.4 Cause III Task 1:You

4、 are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay about 250 words on the following topic.Since 1980,divorce rate in China has increased rapidly as shown in the following graph.What are the causes for it?6 Percentage of People Who Got Divorced During the Years Between 1960 to 20005.00%4.00%3.00%2.00%1.00%0.0

5、0%1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1.00%5.60%2.00%2.90%1.70%6.00%7Sample Answer:Divorce in China In recent years China has experienced a dramatic increase in the divorce rate.According to the chart given,during the last decade,the divorce rate in big cities has increased as much as it had in the entire prev

6、ious thirty years.In 1960 there were only one divorced person for every 100 married people,and thirty years later the rate was 2.9 percent.But by 2000 the rate jumped to 5.8 percent.(第一段是通过对图表的描写把近十年来离婚率大幅上升的现象表现出来。)The upward trend in divorce reflects three important changes in our society.(这一句是文章的

7、中心思想句,对造成离婚率上升总的概括,然后用three important changes交代了随后的正文发展方向8The most significant one is the change in social attitude towards the divorced people.(主题句)In the past the act of divorce itself was considered a social stigma.Even if a couple had already lived separately,they dared not to seek divorce.Now t

8、hat divorce has become socially acceptable,you wont be looked down upon just because you are a divorced person.(原因(原因1:人们对离婚观念的转变):人们对离婚观念的转变)Second,the change in personal economic activities also facilitate divorce.(主题句)Millions of farmers floods into cities to seek jobs,and thousands of city dwell

9、ers go abroad for study or work.The unprecedented social mobility has placed severe strains on married couples,not only in terms of geographic separation,but also psychological change.(原因(原因2:民工潮和出国热的社会流动对家庭的压力):民工潮和出国热的社会流动对家庭的压力)9 Finally,legal changes have greatly simplified divorce procedures.(主

10、题句)In the past suing for a divorce was the most difficult thing ever imagined,you wouldnt succeed without years of efforts.Now the revised divorce law makes legal separation easy for most people to obtain.People,for example,are allowed to get divorce merely for lovers sake.Thus the last barrier to d

11、ivorce is removed.(原因3:新的婚姻法简便了离婚手续)Whatever changes responsible for the rise in divorce rate,one thing is certain:there is a significant change in peoples traditional view of marriage and divorce.(最后是归纳性总结,对文章中心思想句加以重复)10 解释性文章不仅是解释某种社会现象或社会问题及其原因,例如:为什么离婚率高?为什么青少年抽烟的越来越多?为什么成功者不总是最聪明者?也有解释做个人事情的理由

12、:比如为什么我要上网?为什么我要学习英语等等。其结构是一样的,所不同的是往往以第一人称着笔。Task 2:You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay about 250 words on the following topic.Going abroad for studies costs a large sum of money.But even so it attracts many young people.Do you like to join them if you have an opportunity?Why?Give your rea

13、sons.11Sample Answer:Going Abroad for Studies The other day I announced that I would go abroad for further studies right after my college education.My decision evoked the immediate objection of my family:Why?Why should I bought a huge sum of money for overseas studies while I might receive the same

14、education at home at relatively low cost?My answer is:in addition to knowledge,I can gain experiences that those who stay at home will never have.(用个人经历引出主题,继而引出了文 章观点:我出国读书不只是为了知识,还有在国内读书体验不到 的经历。)12 First,experience is the opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages.(主题句)While a person

15、can study a foreign language at home,the effect can never be compared with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life.There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken.Living in English-speaking countries such as America

16、 and Australia for several years,for example,my English will be as perfect as native speakers.(在国外自然接触外语的经历,其能力的提高是在国内不能比的。)13 Second,living and studying abroad offers me a different perspective of the world.(主题句)On a university campus,foreign students are likely to encounter their counterparts from

17、different countries and areas and are exposed to different ideas and values.This helps me to have a meaningful understanding of different societies and inevitably sees my own country in a new light.(在国外接触不同国家的价值观念,对了解自己国家,了解世界,开阔眼界很有帮助。)14 Third,overseas experience,frustrating and painful as it may

18、be,is helpful.(主题句)(主题句)A person going abroad for study often experiences much more difficulty-difficulty in adapting to a new culture and in dealing with all problems alone.Yet,the difficulty,coupled with the frustration brought on by culture shock,is a rewarding experience for ones future life and

19、 development of personality.(在国外遇到的挫折和独立处理问题的经历对人生的成长是一种宝贵的财富。)15 Although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful,the payoff is worthwhile.For the benefit is not merely knowledge gained,but the experiences desirable in ones personal life.(回到文章开头:出国学习所得到的不仅仅是知识,而且还有经历。)II.分析结构:分析结构:这类文章主要对某事物产

20、生的影响或结果进行分析。因此这种结构比较简单。第一部分也即引言段引出要讨论的问题或现象;第二部分的正文段则对这个问题或现象所产生的影响或后果进行分析。其结构模式如下:Para.1 Introduction of Problem or Phenomenon Thesis Statement16Task 3:You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay about 250 words on the following topic.While most people pursue success,either academic or professiona

21、l,some believe that success is not always a good thing.What do you think of it?What kind of adverse effects it may producePara.3 Effect or Benefit IIPara.2 Effect or Benefit IPara.4 Effect or Benefit IIIPara.5 Conclusion Solution or Suggestion17Sample Answer:Wangan,a bright and most successful stude

22、nt in our class,scores high in all courses she takes.From primary school to college,she is an A student and awarded scholarships every year,but no one expects she has mentally collapsed recently simply because she failed to be selected in her department as the candidate for studying overseas.Wangans

23、 case is not rare,but reflects a common phenomenon which shows that success is not always a good thing.(通过描述故事引出观点:成功并不一定好。)18 Success,especially the one that comes easily,is damaging.(主题句)The child who wins the first prize in a painting contest with limited entries,the student who gets three As in

24、his first year of primary school,the adult who distinguishes himself at a first hob by accident may face probable disappointment and frustration when real challenges arise.(成功来之不易,往往在遇到真正挑战时束手无策)19 Success is also bad when its achieved at the cost of the total quality of an experience.(主题句)For examp

25、le,successful students are often the ones who are so obsessed with grades that they never enjoy other activities on campus and in life.They never dare venture into new areas.And the lack of experiences in different fields tends to contribute to frustration and failure when they handle problems beyon

26、d their fields.(以牺牲发展其他方面的能力而获得单一方面的成功有害无益。)20 Success can be destructive for it produces unbearable pressure.(主题句)To score high in learning,to pass college entrance examination,to defeat rivals in fierce competition,one has to work under extremely terrible pressure and drive himself too hard to a p

27、oint where he sees a single examine as a matter of life and death.Hence come many tragedies.(为获取成功而承受巨大压力也会带来害处。)It is time to rethink of our success.We may ask ourselves:Is it good for our society-for our parents,for our media-to place so much emphasis on success?(提出重新考虑对成功的价值观,以问题结束,发人深思。)21 III.比

28、较结构:比较结构:对比和比较型论说文是英语考试作文中一种常见的命题方式。即要求对两个或两个以上的事物、事件、观点作比较,通过它们之间相同或相异之处的比较,看出它们各自的特点或优缺点。由于目的不同,写法也不同。一种是纯介绍性的,即通过比较或对比来客观地提供有关两事物的信息,并不表明自己的看法和态度。另一种是论述性的,即通过比较或对比来表明对两个事物的态度和看法。目前考试中的命题作文都属于这一种。22(1)倾向性比较:)倾向性比较:通过两事物(A,B)之间的不同特点和优缺点的比较,进行比较深入的论述。它的基本结构如下:Para.1 Introduction Thesis:Prefer A to B

29、Para.2 Bs advantages and disadvantagesPara.3 As disadvantages and advantages Para.4 As advantagesPara.5 Conclusion23 第一段先引出要比较的两个事物或事件。如能表明自己的倾向,也可在此段里表达。第二段至第四段主要通过对比和比较,进一步说明或阐述自己的看法。由于这种比较是有倾向的比较,因此对两事物的特点及优缺点的叙述不能“一视同仁”,而要有区别。一般说来,对要否定的事物其优缺点要少写、略写,一笔带过,在句子结构里,把优点置于从句位置。而其缺点要充分暴露,甚至不惜夸大。相反,对要肯定的

30、事物其优点应多写、详写,充分显示,而对其缺点应轻描淡写,甚至不写。这种有侧重的叙述,较能保证观点鲜明。24 在段落安排上,为体现这种主次轻重,可以这样安排:第二段要写否定的事物,先肯定其优点,然后指出其次致命的缺点。第三段要肯定的事物,先承认有一定的缺点,后分析其优点。第四段继续写肯定的事物,分析其他的优点。Task 4:You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay about 250 words on the following topic.There are two popular models of traveling.One is to jo

31、in the package tour,another is to travel individually.Which one do you prefer?Give reasons to illustrate your choice.25Sample Answer:Models of Travelling With the increased standard of living and the declining working weeks,more and more city-dwellers are taking their holidays in scenic spots and pl

32、aces of interest.Most of them like to join package tours as this mode of travel is said to be most convenient.But I prefer to travel individually for freedom.(引出两种不同的旅游方式,并表明倾向自助旅游,因为自由)It is true that joining a package tour can bring great convenience.You dont have to worry about room and board dur

33、ing the travel,nor about your transportation.The guide will take care of everything.What you do is to follow the guide and enjoy the scenery.But you lose26 your freedom for this.At the sight of his/her flag waving,you have to take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow the gui

34、de whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to his schedule,regardless of the weather or your health condition.(先肯定旅行社旅游的优点,接着就分析其缺点 Individual travel,however,gives you a great degree of freedom.(主题句)In climbing mountains,you can choose to drive up in cable cars,or take pleasure in the pr

35、ocess of climbing.You can decide when to start your way,where to linger a little longer and which spot to be skipped over to save time for another spot.You can always adjust your plan.(然后转到自助旅游点上,详细阐述其优点,如可以自由安排日程等)27 Travelling alone,you may encounter inconvenience such as getting accommodation for

36、 the night and a place for meals.But you can choose the hotel and restaurant to your liking,and avoid the embarrassment of being forced to share a table or a room with a stranger.(用一句话自助旅游有食宿困难,但在这一点上继续分析其优点,如可以找自己喜欢的饭店和旅馆)To have a holiday tour is to enjoy and relax yourself,and to relax thoroughly

37、,freedom is of essence.If you lose the freedom of action,it is no longer a holiday in anything but name.For this reason I like traveling alone with several friends.(归纳自助旅游的优点)28(2)平衡性比较:)平衡性比较:有些文章作者既不完全赞成一事物,也不完全赞成另一事物,因而在依次分析了这两个事物的优缺点后,可作出平衡的结论。其基本模式是:Para.1 Introduction Thesis:Both A&B have adva

38、ntages and disadvantagesPara.2 As advantagesPara.3 As disadvantagesPara.4 Bs advantages(and disadvantages)Para.5 Balanced Conclusion29 第一段引出要比较的两个基本点事物,然后表明看法,它们各有优缺点;第二段写A事物的优点;第三段写A事物的缺点;第四段写B事物的优缺点;第五段写平衡的看法。Task 5:You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay about 250 words on the following topi

39、c.Some emphasize book knowledge;others stress practical experience.Which one is more important?Give your reasons to illustrate your opinion.30Sample Answer:Knowledge or Experience Which is more important in life,knowledge from the books you read,or personal experience you gain in reality?The answer

40、may vary from person to person.The young,educated may emphasize the former,and the old may stress the latter.But in my opinion,they are of the same importance.(引出要比较的知识和经验,并表明两者都重要)Experience is priceless.How to become an efficient secretary?How to prepare for your first child to come into the world

41、?There is so much experience we need in careers,in life and even in academic studies.It helps one deal with the problems with ease and confidence.31 Especially for students who grow up in the ivory tower,to get involved in practical activities and to accumulate experience of different kinds is more

42、crucial.(首先强调经验的重要)Experience,however,is limited in terms of time and space.(主题句)For one thing,it is impossible for anyone to experience all the events and meet all the famous people.For another,as the speed with which skills are obsolete and new problems crop up is unprecedented because of the fast

43、 development of society,experience is far less adequate.Depending too much on it only leads to narrow-mindedness and prejudice.(分析单靠经验的缺点)32 One way to compensate for it is to read books,Books of various kinds can bring us almost unlimited additional experience.From books you can not only trace back

44、 to the wisdom of our antecedents,but keep up with the latest developments of science and technology.To be sure,its secondhand experience.But it is the ideal supplement to our limited experience.Few of us can travel around the world,or live long beyond one hundred years,but all of us live many lives

45、 by reading books.(接着指出书本知识的重要性)Both book knowledge and personal experience are essential.While experience makes one more resourceful,book knowledge makes one more learned.(归纳总结,作出平衡性结论)33IV评论结构:评论结构:评论某一事物、某一社会现象或某一观点(特别是有争议性的),以发表自己的看法是一种常见的写作题型。这种评论型的文章可以根据作者的观点采取不同的写法:一种是对谈论的事物持肯定、赞成的态度;另一种是对谈论的

46、事物持否定、反对的态度;还有一种是对谈论的事物持平衡的看法。赞成与反对型的写法:赞成与反对型的写法:Para.Introduction of the issue to be discussed Thesis:Para.2 Its advantages(赞成)或(反对)Para.3 Its advantages(赞成)Its disadvantages(反对)34 第一段引出要讨论的事物,可能的话在最后一句赞成或反对的态度。第二段不论是赞成型还是反对型都要先评论事物好的一面。第三段赞成型继续评论事物好的一面,反对型开始评论事物坏的一面。第四段赞成型的谈论事物的另一面,即不好的一面;反对型继续评论

47、事物坏的一面。第五段是结论性的意见:赞成/反对。Para.4 Its advantages(赞成)Its disadvantages(反对)Para.5 Conclusion Biased or Balanced35Task 6:You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay about 250 words on the following topic.It is said that American students are incapable of simple addition and most Chinese students cant use

48、 the abacus(算盘)(算盘).Do you think it is a bad thing?What is your attitude?36Sample Answer:Old Technologies In a recent issue of China Daily,I read a story about American high school students who cant do simple addition.It says that when the computerized cash register in a fast-food restaurant broke d

49、own,the girl who did a part-time job there had to stop work because she could not figure how much change is owned back from a$10 bill.(通过报纸上登载的消息引出社会现象:高中生不会做简单的算术)37 Many readers deplore the fact.It is true as science and technology develop,many old technologies are being lost.The end of mental cal

50、culations is only one example.Stop writing letters is another.But this is not necessary a bad thing.Must modern youth learn how to use an abacus and how to handle dial telephone?(尽管许多读者对此表示担忧,而作者认为这不一定是坏事)38 I think the end of mental calculations and the abacus is an indication of social progress.Th

51、is is no tragedy.They are vanishing because they cant satisfy the demands of modern people.Why should we use abacus when we have electronic calculations and computers,a much faster tool?Why should we write letters each other when we have telephones and E-mail,a more efficient substitute?(阐明看法:这是社会进步

52、的标志)39 Furthermore,the development of science must be at the cost of obsolete technologies.For example,we will have no room to build comfortable modern buildings or convenient highways if old,the automobile industry if everyone insisted on riding bicycles?(继续谈论,人为社会进步必然要以淘汰旧的技术为代价)With the progress

53、of society and advance of science,it is unavoidable for some old technologies to be made obsolete and extinct.It is a natural law.In this light,the American girl is not to blame.(结论,回到文章开头,人为不会算术不应受指责)40 Assignment:You are allowed 40 minutes to write about 250 words on the following topic.The Internet is becoming increasingly popular in peoples daily life.While people enjoy its benefit,they are also worried about its side effects.(图表见word文档)41

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