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1、Who is she?-A pop film star.What is she doing?-She is smoking.She often smoked in the past,but now she doesnt smoke any more.=She used to smoke.He used to smoke.Students used to study in low houses.He often smoked.The students often studied in low houses.But now he doesnt smoke.But now they study in

2、 big rooms.Now she is quite slim now.She used to be very fat.She used to be a student.Now sheisnt a student,she is a teacher.The school _ a very small library,but now it has a large one.used to have There _ a small lake in front of the library,but now there isnt.used to be We use the phrase used to

3、to talk about a past habit or state.We use an infinitive after used to.used to 没有人称的变化,且只用于描述过去的状态。1.Dr Ma used to work in a hospital in Beijing.3.Dr Ma used to operate on two or three patients a day.2.Dr Ma used to live in a big flat.4.Dr Ma used to go out with his friends at weekends.5.Dr Ma used

4、to spend a lot of money on going out to restaurants and cinemas.Do exercises on P83.Help Amy describe what Dr Mas life was like using used to.She is used to rice.But he is not used to rice.But he is not used to swimming.He is used to swimming.According to the below pictures,make sentences with be us

5、ed to.I _ studying more than nine subjects a used toThey _ having lunch at 12 p.m.are used toWe _ taking the bus to school.are used toHe _ the larger classes at secondary used to We often use be used to to talk about something we have done regularly for a long time.We put it before

6、a noun(phrase)or an-ing form of a verb.练习一:练习一:Do exercises in Part B1 on P 84.Help Amy form sentences using be used to.Keys:1.Dr Ma is used to working far away from home.2.Dr Ma is used to operating on a plane.3.Dr Ma is used to the long working hours.4.Dr Ma is used to the unusual lifestyle.练习二:选用

7、练习二:选用used to 或或be used to,并用其正确形式填空。并用其正确形式填空。1.He _ the hot weather in summer in Nanjing.2.There _ be a beautiful park.3.They _ going to work on foot.4.I _ not _ going out before lunch.5.He _ work for a company,but now he has his own used toused to are used toamused toused to练习三:练习三:Do

8、exercises in Part B2 on Page 84.Complete the diary entry using the correct forms of used to and be used to.I _ think that all doctors worked in hospitals.We _ seeing them in hospitals and on TV programmes,but not on planes.Dr Ma _ work in a hospital,but now he works for ORBIS.At first,he _ not _ tra

9、velling by plane.He _ feel sick a lot.Now,he loves his job and he _ the lifestyle of a flying doctor.I _ think working as a doctor was boring,but now,I want to be a volunteer doctor too when I grow up.used toare used toused towasused toused tois used toused toThe ruleUsed to is followed by an _(infi

10、nitive,-ing form).Be used to is followed by an _(infinitive,-ingform),a noun or a _(noun phrase,conjunction).infinitive-ing formnoun phrase练习四:练习四:用用used to 和和 be used to 的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1.My uncle _ live in a big city,but he _ living in a village now.2.I _ get up late when I was in the middle schoo

11、l.3.My sister loves her job very much and she _ the lifestyle of the host.4.The child _watch too much TV at night.So he has poor eyesight now.5.We students _ doing morning exercises every day.used tois used toused tois used toused toare used to 6.Her father is a teacher now.But he _ be a worker.7.I

12、never go to school by bike.I _ taking a bus to school.8.We _ play badminton twice a week.But we are so busy that we havent enough time to play it now.9.-Are you a teacher now?-No.But I _ be.10.Tina often works till nearly midnight.She _ working at toam used toused toused toare used to

13、练习五:练习五:Complete the following sentences.1.马医生过去每天给两到三名病人动手术。马医生过去每天给两到三名病人动手术。Dr Ma _ two or three patients a day.2.马医生,你习惯在飞机上做手术吗?马医生,你习惯在飞机上做手术吗?Dr Ma,are you _ on a plane?3.马医生习惯于在离家很远的地方工作。马医生习惯于在离家很远的地方工作。Dr Ma _ far away from home.used to operate onused to doing operationsis used to working4

14、.过去我每天起得很早,然后去散步。过去我每天起得很早,然后去散步。Every morning I _ early and _.5.马医生过去常花很多钱到饭店和电影院去。马医生过去常花很多钱到饭店和电影院去。Dr Ma _ a lot of money _to restaurants and cinemas.6.起先,马医生并不习惯做飞机旅行。起先,马医生并不习惯做飞机旅行。_,Dr Ma _ by plane.7.许多许多ORBIS医生过去都在医院工作过。医生过去都在医院工作过。Many ORBIS doctors _ in hospitals.used to get upgo for a w

15、alkused to spendgoingAt firstwas not used to travellingused to work;http:/ 四件套 枕芯 被芯 sub73rvs 爷,您还是吃点儿米粥吧。您这样熬着,不但帮不了梁奶奶的忙,倒把自己也给拖垮了啊!要知道,您也受伤了,也需要好好修养的!”老爷子还是流着老泪摇头。耿直拉着哥哥的手,看看这个,又看看那个,一句话也说不出来。隔壁的年轻男人说:“要不我去看着两个娃儿,叫我家婆姨给梁爷爷做碗面汤吧。今儿个娃娃们闹腾得很,她一直脱不开身呢!”张老大的婆姨哼哈着没有再说什么。年轻男人正要起身回家,张老大背着药箱,搀扶着张郎中进了小院儿。年


17、旁躺着的老梁头着急了,哭着问:“张郎中啊,我老伴儿还有的救吗?”大家也都焦急地看着张老郎中,但这老先生并不急于回答。沉吟了好一会儿之后才说:“从脉象上看,一时半会儿还没有事儿。只是她倘若不能很快苏醒过来,这光是干渴饥饿,就足以使她毙命的了。”耿正说:“请问老先生,难道就没有办法能够让梁奶奶尽快苏醒过来吗?”张老郎中说:“办法倒也有一个,可是,唉,看来也是行不通的啊!”一直没有说话,也没有动手帮忙的耿直一听这话就急了,也顾不了礼貌,直冲冲地对张老郎中说:“既然有办法,怎么就行不通呢?”张老郎中并不介意,也不看任何人,只是茫然地望着面前的墙壁,慢慢地说:“那种药弥足珍贵,一般人是吃不起的啊!”82第六十回 身心疲累睡过头|(身心疲累睡过头,耿正感慨泪长流;房东夫妇备便饭,饭后去看受伤人。)且说那两个倒霉的伙计,在高脚凳子上坐到这会儿,感觉已经好多了。耿英感到很对不起这俩人,就说了好多表示歉意的话。耿直也慢慢地不再太害怕了,踮起脚来给这个揉一揉头,又转过去给那个捏一捏腰,像大人一样安慰着,可爱的模样儿倒把俩人都给逗乐了,疼痛似乎就减轻了不少。看到耿正过来,俩人都站了起来。一个伙计问:“两个老人怎么样了?”另一个伙计问:“老奶奶可醒过来了?”耿正说:“老爷爷问题不大,都是一些皮外伤;可老奶奶的头被磕得挺重的,一直没有醒过来!你们

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