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1、营销策略外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)译文内容提要: 为了组织的销售能是成功的,它需要根据一个营销策 略计划来帮助保证其努力的目标和宗旨与市场的需要想吻合。营销策略 审查市场以确定潜在顾客的需要,竞争者的战略和市场地位,并且尝试 制定出一套能使组织在市场上获取或维护竞争优势的相关战略。有一些 因素会对营销策略计划的发展造成冲击性的影响,它包括内部因素例如 组织的财产、技能和组织文化,外在因素例如各种各样的市场驱动者、 市场或产业运作方式、战略窗口和竞争的本质。一个优选的营销策略计 划也需具备一套意外情况防备策略以应对市场治理及组织生产能力的 不确定性。关键词: 竞争优势

2、竞争策略 市场地位 市场份额 营销 销售计 划 组织文化 营销策略营销策略简述无论组织的产品或服务多么好,除非它们的价值能被传达给潜在的 顾客,否则组织依然无法实现它的使命。这种传达和交流是组织内市场 营销功能的职责。根据美国市场协会,营销是“一个组织效能和一套创 造过程、交流和传达产品价值给顾客、处理与顾客关系的有益于组织和 它的利益共享者的方式”。营销作用包括相辅相成的两方面。营销策略 在市场上审查市场来确定潜在顾客和竞争者本质的需要,并且试图开发 出在市场上将使组织获取或维护竞争优势的战略。操作的营销被建立在 营销策略作用和贯彻各种各样的计划和策略(包括适当的混合营销的发 展)吸引顾客和

3、促进顾客忠实的基础之上的。产品和服务营销的方法有很多的方式能用来销售你的产品或服务包括做广告,直接响应、 推销活动和宣传。然而,除非你能了解顾客、市场和产业的需要并且竞 争的优势和劣势,否则这些方法是不太可能成功的。营销策略帮助一个 组织尖化它的焦点和在市场顺利地竞争。营销策略与二个组分有关:目 标市场和用最佳的方式传达你的产品价值或服务到那个市场。一个可实 行的销售方针的发展取决于几个关键维度。首先,与组织之内的所有全 球性战略一样,一个成功的销售方针需要由在组织之内的最高管理层签 名。销售方针本质上也具有政治性的色彩:在组织之内的强有力的单位 在最佳的销售方针也许不同意,并且协议也许需要谈

4、判达成。销售方针 也许受组织文化的也影响,并且那得假定这发生。例如,如果组织总是 销售它的装饰物给商业主管,它也许就看不到组织之内的低层人员甚至 是成人或少年的个人消费潜力。实施战略销售计划发展的因素存在一些能冲击战略销售计划发展的因素,这些因素首先包括组织 已经拥有或它可能欣然获取的财产和技能。例如,如果组织拥有一个重 大编程的部门,就为它能做和销售应用软件提供了可行性的条件。然而, 如果这些人员已经在其他工作介入并且不能自由研究一个新的软件项 目,并且组织没能力聘用另外的程序员,起始一条新的软件线是不妥当 的。当开发销售方针时必须考虑的第二个因素是市场领航者。这些是各 种各样政治的,经济的

5、,社会与文化的,并且可能影响基础消费者需要 的技术力量。例如,处理信息和数据增长的容量的需求导致了信息技术 在许多产业的普遍使用。同样,为增加工作机会的大学教育也导致了为 赢利的高等教育机关的扩散。影响销售策略的因素然而,销售驱动所在并不是塑造你的市场战略的唯一外力。竞争的 本质在市场上对于销售的成功与否也是非常重要的。实际上但凡商务都 存在竞争。当买计算机时,一个必须在Mac和PC之间作选择。在市场 上的多数软饮料都是由提供相似产品的二家公司的之一制造的。当决定 填满你的汽车时,在哪里都有可利用的各种各样的选择,大多燃料都可 利用在泵浦上实际上也是同样。这些企业中的每一个有它自己的市场位 置

6、并且努力通过销售保留它的市场份额。一部分的销售策略能很好的决 定自己在竞争中多么与众不同。另一个外在的冲击一个企业如何最好的找准自己在市场上的定位 的因素是市场或产业生命周期的阶段。例如,有些组织总能在第一时间 出现在创新或新产品的市场上。 其他擅长在应用创新并适应它市场(如 低价,特色)的需要。另外,有影响组织在市场上竞争获胜能力的各种 各样的战略窗口。一个战略窗口是在市场的需要和组织的能力的之间优 选的一个限制时间段。例如,当计算机存储技术继续演变,人们存放数 据和信息的方式也随之而变。打孔卡和磁带给5.25英寸和 3.5英寸盘 让了路。今天,人们越来越多的用记忆黏附存放数据和信息,并且许

7、多 计算机甚至都不配置有驱动硬盘。使用打孔卡在很多人的观念中是和使 用算盘一样过时的。 一旦战略窗口开始关闭,这是组织寻找另一个机 会的最佳典型。竞争策略的发展为了符合他们的目标和宗旨的需要,许多企业开发出一项竞争策略 来增加他们的竞争优势。大体上竞争策略有三种方法: (1)低成本产品 或服务产品的供应,(2)在竞争中的特色产品 (3)对特定有效市场的聚 焦。低成本战略低成本战略的目标是获取更大的市场份额。这是通过提供比竞争对 手更低的价格更优质的产品或服务来实现的。这个战略的期望是组织将 通过增加销售量赢得的可观的投资反馈。低成本的领导战略使用的基本 方法包括减少日常开支,购买或生产成本和被

8、聚焦的销售方针。例如, 餐馆通过降低酒的价格来实现更多的销售量以弥补高价位时的销售盈 利。同样,一家大箱子商店也许能使用有效的管理和信息技术实践的组 合以减少其运作费来转移它的商品的最低可能价格。产品差别化竞争策略的第二种普通方法是产品差别化。价格的因素存在。然而, 如果小心地处理,分化战略可以非常成功。例如,Merrill Lynch能通 过提供联合金融服务吸引最中意的投资者以使自己与其它竞争者区分 开来。 这个策略在市场产生了被高度认可和重视的、与它的竞争者区 分开来的Merrill Lynch的品牌,而且坚固了顾客忠诚度和竞争优势。适当位置营销竞争策略的另一种普通方法是适当位置营销。在这

9、种方法中,组织 寻求获取一种能全面销售其类型产品和服务的特定市场在整个市场中 的比例。这个策略要求具备相关特征的一个或更多具体市场部门的集 中,例如买家产品系列或产品生产链、市场或者区域。例如,而不是作 为全科的行销,管理咨询企业也许专门研究仅与电信产业或与企业一起 使用的芝加哥的西部。小生境市场战略表明它可能改善服务市场的段而 不是整个市场。例如,管理咨询企业的例证,建立的伙伴或许来自于电 信产业,因此他们更熟悉产业的细微差异。这种在一个独特的位置投入 的方法使组织(通过分化的类型)更好的销售到那些被聚焦的细分市场 上而不是整体市场上。竞争者的市场剖析整体上要成功的,对市场的分析不仅需要确认

10、客户需求和市场提供 的这些产品和服务与其需求之间的关系,还要从整体上考虑企业的市场 状况和在竞争中所处的地位。与其被被定义成一系列有相似的购买需求 的顾客市场,不如说产业是一个向市场提供相似产品和服务的小组组 织。然而提供相似的产品或服务的不同组织不一定具有相同机会。所以, 了解市场观念上的竞争意义对于制定出一个使企业具有重大竞争优势 的营销策略计划来说是十分重要的。影响产业和在他们之内的竞争的因素 影响在产业和其内部竞争的有几大因素。政府规则能极大影响到产 业的利益。 在这个因素设置的参量之内,然而,也有另外的因素影响 着竞争怎么在产业之内运作。例如,如果一定数量的组织全部提供相似 的产品或

11、服务,那么产业之内的竞争将是更加敏感强烈的。例如,几年 前这由二个出租汽车代办处营销口号得以证明。 “我们是第一!”惊叹 的赫兹。“我们将会更加努力的去尝试!”被再整合的 Avis 的呐喊。顾 客,同样,能影响竞争在产业之内的本质。如果产业变得更大,它将对 提供同一项产品或服务的新加入者变得更有吸引力。同时竞争将倾向于 随之增加。 同样,新的组织不仅能进入产业,而且他们也能带来能改 变产业本质的新产品。 特别重要鉴于此的是那些改进价格和表现(即提 供低价的同一质量或提供同一价格的更多质量)之间的关系的、由行业 高赢利商家生产的新产品。在一些产业中,单一类型的顾客控制着整个 产业(即,联邦政府是

12、军用船的主要制造者)。这给顾客对更高规格、更 紧的最后期限和低成本的产品要求更大的谈判空间。另外,买家能通过 搜寻更低价格,更加优质,强加额外功能的产品和服务等给厂家施加压 力。一些力图满足那些要求的组织将具备竞争优势。然而,供应商能也 有影响组织或产业的竞争性的讨价还价的能力。如果只有一个或极个别 零件或物质的供应商,那么驾驭这类商品的不再是此行业组织而是少数 供应商了。原文:Strategic marketing(Wienclaw, Ruth A. Research Starters Business: Strategic Marketing ,Great Neck Publishing,

13、 2008: 1-1)Abstract: In order for an organizations marketing effort to be successful, it needs to be based on a strategic marketing plan to help ensure that the goals and objectives of the effort are appropriate to the needs of the marketplace. Strategic marketing examines the marketplace to determi

14、ne the needs of potential customers, the strategy and market position of the competitors, and attempts to develop a strategy that will enable the organization to gain or maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. There are a number of factors that should impact the development of a strateg

15、ic marketing plan. These include internal factors such as the assets and skills of the organization and the organizational culture as well as external factors such as various market drivers, market or industry lifestyle, strategic windows, and the nature of the competition. An optimal strategic mark

16、eting plan will also follow a contingency approach that allows flexibility in meeting the unique set of factors that govern the marketplace and the organizations viability within.Keywords : Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Market Niche; Market Share; Marketing; Marketing Plan; Organizati

17、onal Culture; Strategic MarketingStrategic Marketing OverviewNo matter how good the organizations products or services, unless their value can be communicated to potential customers, the organization will fail in its mission. This communication is the responsibility of the marketing function within

18、the organization. According to the American Marketing Association, marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Strategi

19、c marketing examines the marketplace to determine the needs of potential customers and the nature of the competitors in the market, and attempts to develop a strategy that will enable the organization to gain or maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Operational marketing is built upon

20、 the foundation set by the strategic marketing function and implements various plans and strategies (including a development of the appropriate marketing mix) to attract customers and foster customer loyalty.Methods for Product & Service MarketingThere a number of ways to market ones products or ser

21、vices including advertising, direct response, sales promotions, and publicity. However, unless one understands the needs of the customer, the market, and the industry as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the competition, these approaches are unlikely to be successful. Strategic marketing helps

22、 an organization sharpen its focus and successfully compete in the marketplace. Strategic marketing is concerned with two components: The target market and the best way to communicate the value of ones product or service to that market. The development of a viable marketing strategy depends on sever

23、al key dimensions. First, as with any global strategy within the organization, a successful marketing strategy needs to be endorsed by top management within the organization. Marketing strategy is also political in nature: Powerful units within the organization may disagree on the best marketing str

24、ategy and an accord may need to be negotiated. Marketing strategies may also be affected by organizational culture and the assumptions that this engenders. For example, if the organization has always marketed its widgets to business executives, it may fail to see the potential for marketing to lower

25、 level personnel within the organization or even for personal use to adults or teenagers.Factors that Implement Strategic Marketing Plan DevelopmentThere are a number of factors that should impact the development of a strategic marketing plan for the organization. The first of these comprises the as

26、sets and skills that the organization already possesses or that it can readily acquire. For example, if an organization has a significant programming department on the payroll, it would be feasible for it to make and market application software. However, if these personnel are already involved in ot

27、her work and are not free to work on a new software project and the organization cannot afford to hire additional programmers, starting a new software line would be inadvisable at best. The second factor that must be considered when developing a marketing strategy is the market drivers. These are va

28、rious political, economic, sociocultural, and technological forces that can influence the wants and needs of the consumer base. For example, the need to be able to handle increasing volumes of information and data has led to widespread use of information technology in many industries. Similarly, the

29、 need for a college education for an increasing number of jobs has led to a proliferation of for-profit institutions of higher education.Factors Impacting Marketing StrategyMarket drivers, however, are not the only external force that shapes ones market strategy. The nature of the competition in the

30、 marketplace is also very important in determining whether or not a marketing effort will be successful. Virtually no business is without competition. When buying a computer, one must choose between Mac and PC. Most soft drinks on the market are manufactured by one of two companies who offer very si

31、milar products. There is a variety of choices available when deciding where to fill up ones car, yet most of the fuels available at the pump are virtually the same. Each of these businesses has its own market position and strives to keep its market share through marketing efforts. Part of the strate

32、gic marketing effort is to decide how best to differentiate oneself from the competition.Another external factor that impacts how one can best position oneself in the market is the stage of the market or the industry life cycle. Some organizations excel, for example, at being the first on the market

33、 with an innovation or new product. Others excel at taking the innovation and adapting it to the needs of the marketplace (e.g., lower price, different features). In addition, there are various strategic windows that affect an organizations ability to successfully compete in the marketplace. A strat

34、egic window is a limited time period during which there is an optimal fit between the needs of the marketplace and the competencies of the organization. For example, as computer storage technology continues to evolve, the methods by which people store data and information change. Punch cards and mag

35、netic tape gave way to 5.25 inch and 3.5 inch disks. Today, more and more people are storing data and information on memory sticks instead, and many computers are not even made with disk drives. The concept of using punch cards is as foreign and antiquated in most peoples minds as using an abacus. O

36、nce the strategic window begins to close, it is typically best that the organization look for another opportunity.Development of Competitive StrategyTo help meet their goals and objectives, many businesses develop a competitive strategy that will increase their competitive advantage. There are three

37、 generic approaches for competitive strategies: (1) the provision of low cost products or services, (2) differentiation of products from those of the competition, and (3) focus on the market niche.Low Cost StrategyThe goal of the low cost strategy is to gain a larger market share. This is done by of

38、fering acceptable quality products or services at prices lower than those of the competition. The expectation in this strategy is that the organization will earn an acceptable return on investment by increasing volume of sales. The basic methods used in low-cost leadership strategies include reducti

39、on of overhead, buying or production costs and focused marketing strategies. For example, a restaurant may reduce the price of wine with the intention of making up the shortfall in profits by selling more than they did at the higher price. Similarly, a big box store may use a combination of effectiv

40、e management and information technology practices to reduce operation costs in order to deliver the lowest possible prices on its merchandise.Product DifferentiationA second generic approach to competitive strategy is product differentiation. In this approach, the business attempts to differentiate

41、itself from its competitors by producing a product or offering a service whose quality is perceived by customers to have unique features or characteristics that set it apart from similar offerings. This strategy attempts to build customer loyalty by offering something of value that is offered by no

42、one else in the marketplace. In this strategy, the necessity of keeping the price of the product or service down becomes less important because customers are frequently willing to pay more to get their favorite brand. However, value can be a subjective quality and brand loyalty is not necessarily su

43、fficient to make this strategy successful.There is a point beyond which most customers are no longer willing to pay a premium price. However, if carefully managed, a differentiation strategy can be highly successful. For example, Merrill Lynch was able to differentiate itself from its competitors by

44、 offering integrated financial services to attract the most desirable investors. This strategy yielded not only a well recognized and highly valued brand that differentiated Merrill Lynch from its competitors, but also resulted in substantial customer loyalty and a competitive advantage in the marke

45、tplace.Niche MarketingAnother generic approach to competitive strategy is niche marketing. In this approach, the organization seeks to gain a proportion of the total sales of a given type of product or service within the marketplace. This strategy requires a concentration on one or more specific mar

46、ket segments based on characteristics such as buyer group, portion of a product line or market, or geographical area. For example, rather than marketing itself as a generalist, a management consulting firm might specialize in working with the telecommunications industry or only with businesses on th

47、e west side of metropolitan Chicago. A niche market strategy is indicated in situations where the business believes that it can better serve a segment of the market rather than the entire market. For example, in the illustration of the management consulting firm, the founding partners may have come

48、out of the telecommunications industry and, therefore are more familiar with the nuances of the industry than they are with other industries. This approach puts the organization in a unique position (through a type of differentiation) to be better able to market to that focused segment than to the m

49、arket as a whole.Consideration of Competitors in the MarketplaceTo be successful, analysis of the marketplace needs to consider not only the needs of the customer base and the relationship between these needs and the value that can be offered by the organizations product or service, but also the sta

50、te of the industry as a whole as well as the position of the organizations competition within that industry. As opposed to a market that can be defined as a group of customers with similar buying needs, an industry is a group of organizations (i.e., competitors) that offer similar products or servic

51、es to the market. Different organizations offering similar products or services, however, will not necessarily have the same window of opportunity. Therefore, it is important to understand how competing firms view the market in order to develop a strategic marketing plan that will yield a significan

52、t competitive advantage.Factors that Influence Industries & the Competition within ThemThere are several factors that influence industries and competition within industries. Government regulation can significantly influence the profitability of an industry. Within the parameters set by this factor,

53、however, there are additional factors that influence how competition works within an industry. If a number of organizations all offer similar products or services, for example, competition within the industry will typically be more intense. This is illustrated, for example, by the marketing slogans

54、of two car rental agencies several years ago. Were number one! exclaimed Hertz. We try harder! rejoined Avis. Customers, too, can influence the nature of competition within an industry. If the industry becomes larger, it will become more attractive to new entrants offering the same product or servic

55、e. As this occurs, competition will tend to concomitantly increase. Similarly, not only may new organizations enter the industry, but they may bring with them new products that change the nature of the industry. Of particular importance in this regard are new products that improve the relationship b

56、etween price and performance (e.g., offer the same quality for a lower price or offer more quality for the same price) or produced by industries that earn high profits. In some industries, a single customer dominates the industry (e.g., the federal government is the primary procurer of military ship

57、s). This gives the customer more negotiating room for developing higher specifications, tighter deadlines, and lower costs. In addition, buyers can also exert pressure on an industry by searching for lower prices, higher quality, or demanding additional features for a product or service. Organizatio

58、ns willing to meet these requirements will achieve a competitive advantage. However, suppliers can also have bargaining power that affects the competitiveness of an organization or industry. If there is only one or a limited number of suppliers for a component or material needed by the organization, it is the supplier and not the organization that will drive the price of that commodity.营销策略外文翻译文献

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