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1、高考英语中的成语俗语翻译一、短语:1. 一臂之力: lend sb a helping hand 2. 一点一滴: every little bit3. 一刻千金: every minute is precious 4. 一目了然: be clear at a glance5. 一视同仁: treat sb. equally 6. 一无所知: know nothing about7. 一心一意: heart and soul 8.一举两得。kill two birds with one stone9. 三番五次: again and again/ repeatedly10. 三三两两: in

2、twos and threes 11. 三心二意: be of two minds12. 四面八方: be from all directions 13. 四通八达: extend in all directions14. 五颜六色: colorful/ of various colour 15. 十全十美: be perfect in every way16. 不厌其烦: take great pains/ be patient 17. 不分胜负: come out even18. 不甘落后: be unwilling to lag behind 19. 不可思议: unimaginably

3、20. 不速之客: uninvited (unexpected) guest 21. 不言而喻: it goes without saying that22. 不由自主: cant help doing sth 23. 缺乏为奇: not at all surprising24. 不知不觉: unconsciously 25. 毫不在意: dont / doesnt care at all26. 举世闻名 be world famous 27. 名不符实: unworthy of ones name28. 名不虚传 deserve ones name 29. 井然有序 be in good o

4、rder30. 跃跃欲试 be eager to have a try 31. 全面开展 develop in an all-round way32. 安然无漾 be safe and sound 33. 半途而废 give up halfway34. 义不容辞 ones duty to do sth 35. 全力以赴 go all out for/ spare no efforts to do sth 36. 千方百计 try every possible means to do sth 37. 持之以恒 persevere in (doing) sth38. 家喻户晓 widely kno

5、wn/ known to all 39. 默默无闻 unknown to the public40. 树立典范 set a good example for/to sb 41. 理所当然 naturally/of course42. 数以万计 tens of thousands of 43. 世世代代 from generation to generation44. 心不在焉 absent-minded 45. 梦想成真 come true/ become a reality46. 迫在眉睫 extremely urgent 47. 刻不容缓 be of great urgency48. 无时

6、无刻 all the time 49. 无所事事 have nothing to do50. 毫不犹豫 without hesitation 51. 迫不及待 cant wait to do sth52. 举足轻重 occupy a decisive position 53. 井井有条 be in good order54.生气勃勃/充满活力。be lively / full of life/ vivid/ energetic二、句子:1.我身无分文。I have no money. / Im broken.2.你的脸色真不好。You look pale.3.我感到钻心地疼。I have a

7、sharp pain.4.你好似不太舒服。You dont look well.5.这本书真让我神魂颠倒。The book really turns me on. / Im crazy about the book. /I have strong feelings for the book.6.别装腔作势。Dont play hard to get. / Dont play games. /Dont pretend you dont want me.7.你是世界上独一无二的人。There will never be another you. /You are very unique.8.他交际

8、很广。He knows a lot of people.9.他真让人捉摸不透。He is very strange.10. 他一无是处。Hes good for nothing.11. 我喜欢独处。I like being alone.12. 他这个人比拟随和。He is carefree. / He likes to take it easy.13. 让我们言归正传。Lets get back to the subject / point.14. 我们必须同心同德。We have to work together. We have to cooperate with each other.

9、We must function as one mind and one body. / We must be a team.15. 你别半途而废。You should finish what you start. / Dont leave things half done.16. 你要再三小心。You cant be too careful.17. 你要三思而行。Make your decision after you give it a lot of thought. / Think it over carefully before you decide./Think twice befo

10、re you do it.18. 人要自知自明。Dont attempt more than you are capable of.19. 我们别操之过急。Lets not jump the gun. / Lets not be too hasty. Lets not rush into things.20. 人无完人。Nobodys perfect.21. 前功尽弃。All that for nothing. /It was all for nothing.22. 你自作自受。You asked for it.23. 你有什么需要帮助的尽管说。If you need any help, le

11、t me know.24 我有急事。Im in a hurry.25 这个念头总是萦绕着我。I cant get rid of the idea. / I cant get the idea out of my mind. / The idea haunts.26.我不把他的话当真。I dont take him too seriously. / I dont pay much attention to what he says.27.这件事好的难以让人相信。The thing is too good to believe.28.他们总是兴高采烈的。They are always light-

12、hearted/ cheerful.29.我有点头晕目眩。I feel dizzy.30.我们时时刻刻都想着你。we think of you night and day. / we think of you constantly. / You have won our hearts.31.我不能为你破例。I cant make an exception for you.32.光阴似箭。Time flies.33. 这个故事未完待续。The story is to be continued.34. 据我所知,他是本场比赛当之无愧的冠军。(worthy)As far as I know , he

13、 is a worthy winner of the match.35. 方便和合理的价格已经使去连锁店购物成了我们的主要选择。makeThe convenience and reasonable prices have made shopping in chain stores become our main choice.36. 对他们来说,“失败是成功之母,而他们总是尽其所能在失败中找到时机opportunityTo them, “Failure is the mother of success, andthey always try their best to find opportu

14、nities in failure.37. 我到底说了什么或是做了什么,你老是对我吹毛求疵.thatWhat on earth/at last have I said or done (so) that youre always finding my faults.38. 今天晴天万里,阳光灿烂,我们何不趁此驱车去公园逛逛?takeIt is fine and sunny today, why not take the opportunity to drive to the park for a walk?39. 本学期他学习刻苦,进步显著,这是大家有目共睹的。obviousIt is obv

15、ious to everyone that he has worked hard and had made great progress this term.40. 虽然他深知抽烟有害健康,然而他对我们要他戒烟的忠告却一直自假设罔闻。a deaf earAlthough he is fully aware of the great harm of smoking, he has always turn a deaf ear to our advice.41. 我们必须不惜一切代价防止像非典、禽流感birdflu等高发性传染性疾病的spreadWe must spare no expense t

16、o prevent such highly dangerous infectures diseases as SARs and bird flu is spread.42.大家兴奋不已的是,我们对最终赢得了这次比赛。joyTo our great joy, our team won the match in the end.43. 这个姑娘虽然不识乐谱,但歌却唱得非常好。thoughThe girl can sing very well though she cant read music.44. 我没有意识到我的一席话得罪了上司。offendI dont realize that what

17、I (had) said (had) offended the boss.45. 那个男孩看书过目不忘。NeverNever will the boy forget what he has read only once.46.为了拯救那些禽流感患者,医生们日夜工作,废寝忘食。sufferIn order to save those who suffered from birdflue, the doctors worked day and night, forgetting/ neglecting their meals and sleep.47.如果你不能牢记“不劳无获这句谚语,那么你将一事无成。achieveIf you cant remember the proverb “No pains, no gains, you will achieve nothing in life48. 裁判无可选择,只能判他犯规。no alternative butThe referee had no alternative but to lay a foul on him.

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