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1、Good morning, everyone. Today our team will show you how the technology changed the business.As we know, with the rapid development of the technology, we can buy every commodity all over the world. The technology afford us a great convenient. In addition, technology has became more and more importan

2、t in the business, this is a growing trend. So , technology has made major changes to the pattern of business.早上好,各位。今天,我们为大家展示的是技术是如何改变商业的。 众所周知,随着技术的发展,我们能够购买来自全球的所以商品,技术为 我们提供了极大的便利。同时,技术在商业上也显得越来越重要,这是一 个日益显著的趋势。所以说,技术对商业的模式造成了极大的改变。A few decades ago, the Internet and widespread changed the trad

3、itional business model. For example, a decade ago, the advent of the iphone changed the business landscape of mobile phones. Technology has an incomparable position in business. In other words, technology plays an important role in business, which brings about disruptive change in business and even

4、changes the world.数十年前,互联网和广泛应用改变传统商业模式。十年前,苹果手机 的出现改变了原来的手机商业格局。技术对于商业有着无可比拟的地位。 换而言之,技术在商业中扮演着重要的角色,它带来了商业的颠覆式改变, 甚至改变了这个世界。1、Technology change the global retail mode技术改变全球零售模式As we all know, the cross-border Electronic Commerce (跨境电商) depends on an important Internet platform and high-speed expre

5、ssage. In order to achieve great benefit, people try to reduce the high cost. With advances in technology we Improve the original transportation system and mode. Finally, a product was sent from China to American customers at a low cost, which we can not even imagine.而因为技术,今天我们搭建了连接全世界的电子商务平台,全世界的 人

6、们得以在这里选购自己喜爱的商品,尽管这件商品可能远在万里之外的 异国他乡。人们选购来自全球各地数以亿计的商品,是这般轻松,随意。 卖家通过互联网可以将自己的优秀商品提供给全球数以亿计的人们。甚至 买卖双方通过手机就可以随时随地的完成交易。这是前所未有的。技术将 人们拉近,让愉快的买卖得以奇迹般的实现。2、Technology has created a new business model技术创造了新的商业模式Using mobile payment platform and intelligent GPS positioning system, Shared cycling is able

7、to realize the leap development, the enterprise can manage the bike or provide the service to the user by the GPS. People use mobile payment can pay easily to borrow or change the car , at anytime, anywhere to travel by bike.借助移动支付平台和智能 GPS 定位系统,共享单车得以实现飞跃性的 发展,企业可以借助 gps 定位锁实现单车的管理和提供服务,人们利用手机支付可以轻

8、松完成借车和换车,随时随地地骑车出行。3、Technology offers a new marketing model技术提供了新的营销模式In the past we can only buy something through the TV advertising or outdoor advertising to promote the brand and services, and now , using the mobile Internet technology to realize O2O service is easier than before. Businesses ca

9、n join into the O2O platform to provide the vast clients information to the users or acquire service, such as hotel reservation, food distribution and recommend users to obtain the services at the same time.过去我们只能通过电视广告或者户外广告让向人们推广品牌和服务, 而现在移动互联网技术实现的 O2O 服务的普及化,商家可以入驻 O2O 平台 为用户提供海量咨资讯和推送服务,如酒店预定,外

10、卖配送,美食推荐等 用户获得服务的同时,商家们也因此招揽了许多顾客,实现增长。技术为商业创造的可能是无限的4、Technology can be limitless for business creationIn the Foxconn, many smart machines take the place of manual labor, and there are many unmanned supermarkets on the ground where we live, and the artificial intelligence systems are starting to de

11、velop into the future of social production. As we follow the path of business development, we will find that technology follows. 在富士康,许多智能机器代替了人工劳动,我们生活的地面上出现了无人 零售店,人工智能系统开始深入社会生产的未来。当我们沿着商业发展轨 迹追寻时,我们会发现技术如影随形。There is no doubt that the technology has a huge impact, it is very close to our cause ,

12、also,it plays an important role increasingly. So technology changed business and world. Technology cannot be replaced in business.是的,技术正在发挥着它巨大的影响力,将与我们的事业紧密相连, 发挥着越来越重要的作用。所以我们说技术改变了商业,改变了世界。在 商业之中,它无可替代。Let me catch up with the development of technology.让我追赶技术发展的脚步面向无限可能。Yes, lets say hello to it!是的,让我们向它问好!Hello, technology!你好,技术Hello, future!你好,未来

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