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1、L/O/G/O 英汉句式差异 I. 英语语言特点:树形结构 从两种语言的句子结构来分析,不少语言 学家都注意到,英语的造句犹如树形结构, 先有主干(主谓句),然后利用各种时态 关系以及关系代词,介词和连词等把短语、 从句往这个主干上挂,句子呈空间发展, 形成大树。 Because of this English background of civil conflict, English-speaking America, where there were no religious war, is often described as a land of refuge to which men

2、and women came in order to enjoy the religious and political freedom which was denied them in their homeland. 在 America is often described as a land of refuge这个主干上,生出这么多的短句, 从句的树枝。 而汉语就没有那么丰富的关系代词、关系 副词和时态的优势,句子结构只能呈竹竿 型,按时间顺序一句一句直线前进: 英国国内内战不断。在这种背景下,美洲 就成了人们描述的流亡的乐土。因为美洲 没有宗教战争,又是讲英语的。人们来到 这里追求宗教和

3、政治自由。而这些自由在 他们国家里是得不到的。 (1a) Nanking is situated amidst one of Chinas most splendid natural settings. It sits in a basin formed by the Yangtze River on the North and the Tsechen Mountains on the other side. (1b) Nanking sits amidst one of Chinas most splendid natural settings, in a basin surrounded

4、by the Yangtze River on the North and the Tsechen Mountains on the other side. 两个平行句变成了一句,压缩了 12%。 (2a) Beijing zoo lies in western suburb near my home. It is the biggest zoo in China. The Beijing zoo attracts a lot of people especially children. (2b) The biggest zoo in China, Beijing zoo, in the we

5、stern suburb near my home, attracts many people every day, especially children. 三个平行句变成了一句,压缩了 29%。 Exercise: (3a) There is a beautiful park near my house. The name of the park is Tian-Tan Park, which was built several hundred years ago. It is the biggest park in Beijing. The Tian-Tan Park is famous

6、 not only for its beauty but its quietness as well. (4a) The pressure of competition is mounting. The expectation of their parents is high. So many students have to drive themselves hard. (5a) There are many advantages of TV educational programs. One of them is that there is no limit to the number o

7、f viewers. TV viewers can learn different subjects. Because the subjects ranged from English to law. Key (3b) Near my house stand Tian-Tan, the biggest park in Beijing, built several hundred years ago and famous now for not only its beauty but also its quietness. (4b) With the mounting pressure of c

8、ompetition coupled with the high expectation of their parents, many students have to drive themselves hard. (5b) One of the advantages of the TV educational programs is that there is no limit to the number of viewers who may learn different subjects ranging from English to law. II. 英汉语言差异:表达顺序 一个句子里

9、有小句、短语或好几个信息,有结论性的,有 叙述性的,它们应当如何安排?哪一个放在前面?那个放 在结尾?汉语是自然语序,即思维和语序自然合拍。句子 的语序基本上反映了思想的过程:先想到什么就先说什么, 叙事是按照时间顺序发生的。先介绍背景,如条件、事实、 道里一一交代周到,最后点出话语的信息中心,下结论, 表态度。 而英语恰好相反。说话人在说话前先把要表达的信息 组织一下,一般强调什么,就先说出,即把最重要的事, 如态度、观点、结论放在句首,开门见山交代清楚。然后 再把理由、条件、原因、例证等一条条补述,形成一条头 短尾长的线性链。 (1a) He had flown in just the d

10、ay before from Georgia where he had spend his vacation basking in Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job in which he had been engaged in the South. 用汉语习惯来表达,应该是: 他先在南方参加某项工程建设,完工后, 就去乔治亚度假。在那里他享受了高加索 的阳光,昨天才回来。 按照这种思维方式写出的英语就不符合英 语的表达习惯: (1b) In the South he had been engaged in a

11、 construction job. After he completed the work he went to spend his vacation in Georgia. There he basked in Caucasian sun. And he had flown in just the day before. More examples: (2) People in the West are in debt to the author for the service he rendered in that book by presenting them with a true

12、China. 作者在这本书里向西方描述了真实的中国。 对于他作出的这一贡献,西方国家的人民 是要感谢的。 (3) Now China has solved the problem of food and clothing to a point where it has managed to feed 1.2 billion people, 22 percent of the worlds total population, with only 7 percent of the worlds cultivated land. Exercises (4a) Money and power are

13、what all children have been brought up to seek. But I did not want them, so he was puzzled. (5a) Because the Chinese traditionally and morally attach more importance to marriage, so they consistently hold a negative attitude toward divorce. (6a) Their speech and conduct is so rude. This makes all of

14、 us shocked. (7a) Children fail the college entrance examinations. Their parents are very disappointed. Key (4b) He was puzzled that I did not want what all children have been brought up to seek: money and power. (5b) A negative attitude towards divorce runs consistently though the consciousness of the Chinese who, traditionally hold a negative attitude toward divorce. (6b) All of us were shocked by the rudeness of their speech and conduct. (7b) To parents disappointment, their children fail the college entrance examination.

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