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1、新乡县冠英中学高二英语寒假教程(第二天)词汇学习1. expert /eksp:t/ adj. 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的 n. 专家;行家2. attend / tend/ vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加3. physician /fizin/ n. 医生;内科医师 4.expose /ikspuz/ vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光5.expose to 使显露;暴露 6. deadly /dedli/ adj. 致命的7. cure /kju/ n. 治愈;痊愈 vt. 治愈;治疗8. challenge /tlind/ n. 挑战 vt. 向挑战 9.victim /viktim/ n. 受害

2、者10.absorb /bz:b/ vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心 11. typical /tipik l/ a.典型的;有代表性的12. evident /evidnt/ a.明显的;明白的 13. renaissance /rneis ns/ n. 新生;复兴;复活14. the Renaissance rensns 文艺复兴(时期) 15. adopt /dpt/ vt.采用;采纳;收养16. humanistic /hju:m nistik/ a.人道主义的 17. possess /pzes/ vt.拥有;具有;支配18. possession /pzen/ n.所有;财产 19. s

3、uperb /sju:p:b/ a.卓越的;杰出的;极好的20. perspective /p:spektiv/ n.透视画法;透视图;观点21. suitable /sutb()l/ adj.适合的;适宜的 22. entry /entr / n. 项目;进入;入口23. beneficial /ben f()l/ adj.有益的;受益的 24. in other words 换句话说25. clumsy /klmz/ adj. 笨拙的 26. bump /b mp/ vi. 碰撞;撞击27. outgoing /atg / adj. 外向的;友好的;外出的;离开的28. adapt /dp

4、t/ vt. 使适应;改编 29. adapt to 适合30. bench /bent/ n. 长凳拓展词汇1.beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的 _ v. 有益;受益_ n. 益处 2.suitable adj.适合的,适宜的._ v.适合,合适,使适应3.adopt vt.采用,采纳,收养._ adj.被收养的,被采用的_ n.收养,采用 4.typical adj.典型的,有代表性的_ n.类型,典型。5. possess vt.拥有,具有;支配_ n.所有;财产6. physics n.物理_ adj.身体的,物理学的_ n.物理学家_ n.医生;内科医师单词积累1. 照

5、看/照顾某人的多种表达attend to/on sb. care for sb. take care for look after sb. 2.“动词+n.+to”必备短语exposeto 使显露;暴露 addto 增添,增加compareto 把比作 devoteto 贡献给句式在解读中学懂,在仿写中学通1.课文原句: So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.所以每次爆发霍乱时,都有成千上万惊恐的人病死。明句式: every time 作连词用,引导时间状语从句。学仿写:每次我去看

6、她时,她都全神贯注于研究工作。_,she was absorbed in her research work.2. 课文原句:Without the new paints and the new technique,we wouldnot be able to see themany great masterpieces for which this period is famous.没有新颜料和新的绘画手法,我们就不能看到很多这一时期著名的杰作。明句式:without 引起的含蓄虚拟条件句。学仿写:没有太阳,世界将会一片黑暗。_ the sun,the world_ in total dar

7、kness.3. 课文原句:I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.我生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。明句式:feeling sorry for myself 是一个现在分词短语作伴随状语。学仿写:你每天早晨醒来都感到精力充沛并准备好开始新的一天吗?Do you wake up every morning_ and ready to start a new day?语段复现重点Li Pings English teacher is very strict with her and

8、 he often encourages her to read some English articles every day,neither too long nor too short.And in this way,Li Ping has absorbed a lot from reading. Every time Li Ping attends the English speech contest,he always instructs her patiently.With the help of the teacher,Li Ping has made rapid progres

9、s. When facing difficulties and challenges, she never gives up.1.neithernor 既不 也不。连接句中两个相同的句子成分。连接并列主语时,谓 语动词遵循就近一致原则。运用:Neither I nor Jack _ (see)the film before.遵循“就近原则”的其它并列连词: eitheror 不是就是not only but also 不仅而且 notbut 不是而是运用:Either you or one of your students _(be) to attend the meeting tomorro

10、w. 2. absorb vt.吸收,吸引,使专心,理解(1)absorb ones attention 吸引某人的注意 absorbinto把吸收进 (2)absorbed adj. 全神贯注的 (be)absorbed in 全神贯注于运用:1).Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed _ the bloodstream and start action on the brain. 几分钟的时间酒精就会背吸收到血液中开始对大脑起作用。2)._ (absorb)in his work,he simply forget to have sup

11、per and sleep. 他专心于工作,几乎忘记了吃饭和睡觉。联想:be absorbed in(doing) sth. 结构在句中作状语、定语时,常用其过去分词形式 absorbed in.类似的结构还有:be lost in 陷于,专心致志于be caught in被困于be buried in 埋头于be devoted to 致力于,专心于be occupied in 忙于be involved in 专注于3.attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加 vi.专心,留意(1)attend a meeting/a lecture/a wedding/school/church参加会

12、议/听演讲/参加婚礼/上学/做礼拜(2)attend to 处理,倾听,专心于运用:I cant go out with you tonight because I have an urgent thing_. 4.instruct vt.命令,指示,教导第 一 页(1)instruct sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 The airport _(complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area. instruct sb. in (doing)sth.指导某人做某事 This machine is very ea

13、sy _(operate). Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.instruct sb. that 从句(should do)命令(2)instructive adj. 指示性的,有教育意义的instruction n. 指令,说明(常用复数)运用:1)They instructed him that he_(leave) the country at once.2) Follow the _(instruct) on the packet carefully.仔细按照包装上的说明操作。5.challenge n.挑战 vt.向挑战(1)

14、face the challenge 面临挑战accept /take up a challenge 接受挑战(2)challenge sb. to sth. 向某人挑战某事 challenge sb. to do sth.向某人挑战做某事 (3)challenging adj. 具有挑战性的运用:I want to challenge him _ a game of basketball.我想向他挑战一场篮球赛。注:challenge 本身内含“向;对”的意义,因而不要再加多余的 to.Grammar :动词不定式的语态1主动语态和被动语态(1) 动词不定式有主动语态和被动语态两种形式;(2

15、) 在主动语态中动词不定式与其逻辑主语构成主动关系;(3) 在被动语态中动词不定式与其逻辑主语构成被动关系;有一般时 to be done 和完成时 to have been done 两种形式。We were very excited to hear the news. 听到那则消息,我们很兴奋。Its a great honour for me to be invited. 能被邀请,甚是荣幸。(me 是 invite 动作的承受者) No harm seems to have been done .似乎并没有什么危害发生。(harm 是 do 的承受者;且发生在seem 前)2动词不定式

16、的主动形式表示被动意义(1)动词不定式作定语与被修饰词构成动宾关系,同时与句中另一名词或代词有逻辑上的主谓 关系时。We have masses of work to do today.Hurry up! 今天,我们有很多工作要做。快点儿!(2)在“be 性质形容词动词不定式”结构中。The water is not fit to drink, so hold out until we get to a shop.这水不能喝。坚持住,我们会找到商店的。(3)动词不定式与疑问代词连用时。What to do next hasnt been decided. 下一步该做什么还没有决定。(4)在“b

17、e to blame”中常用主动形式表示被动意义。I felt I was to blame for this bicycle accident. 我觉得这次自行车事故怪我。(5)当动词不定式的逻辑主语不清楚或不是句子的主语时,此时主动和被动结构都可用,而且 在语意上并没有多大区别。He is the very man to choose/to be chosen for the work. 他正是这项工作的最佳人选。Give me a list of people to invite/to be invited . 给我一份需要邀请的人的名单。练一练:There are still many

18、 problems _(solve) before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.课堂训练:一.单句填空:1. Employees are expected and required to _(参加) team meetings.2. He was strict _ his son and he was also strict _ his own work. 3.The police arrested him and took _ (possess) of certain substances foundin his house.4.The

19、director was fully convinced that this moving story,if _(adapt) for television,would be a hit.二阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。First,reading books _1_(be) fun.You can always keep yourself _2_(interest) and it can help you have an enjoyable time if you like reading.This is especially useful when

20、 the weather is bad.It is a _3_(relax) hobby too.Next,you can read a book anywhere:in a car,in a waiting room,on a plane,in bedeven in the bath._4_ you need is a book! Reading is a convenient hobby as it is easy to stop and then start again.Another good reason for reading books is _5_ it is useful.I

21、f you read as a hobby , you _6_(get) better and better at it.This means that you will read faster and will become _7_(good) at understanding what you read.As your reading improves,you will probably find your school work becomes much easier.Many school subjects depend _8_ good reading and,as you read

22、 you learn more and more.Good readers are most likely to be good _9_(write),too.They are usually good at _10_(spell) as well,and have more things to write about.Reading books is really a wonderful hobby.三短文改错Alice, my best friend, devotes many energy to her lessons. She is always one of the top stud

23、ent in our class. She loves the music so much that she made it a rule to enjoy songs in her spare time. Alice is always willing to help other, and she often helps us with our lessons. As a volunteer, she has successful organized some voluntary activities. We paid a visit a nursing home last month, so we picked up rubbish near our school. That we did was warmly welcomed. Win honour for our school, Alice is admired by our classmates.第 二 页

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