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1、组长:王亚平 组员:庞伟 .刘家鹏 张恪程 蔡世娟 王鸿浩 讲解人:蔡世娟 实验目的:证明冰融化过程中温度不变 实验步骤 1.在一个大烧杯中倒入热水 2把装有冰块的小烧杯置入热水中 , 在冰块中 插入温度计 3. 观察冰块温度变化 , 注意冰融化开始时的温 度; 4. 观察冰融化为水 , 过程中的温度变化。 实验结果:冰全部融化为水融化过程中温度 不变。 物理实验 physical experiment 注意:参考词汇:烧杯 beaker;温度计 thermometer;观察 observe。 实验目的:证明冰融化过程中温度不变 Aim:To find out whether the temp

2、erature changes while ice is melting into water. 实验材料:冰块,热水 ,大烧杯,小烧杯, Apparatus:ice,hot water,big beaker,small beaker,thermometer 实验步骤: Method: 1 .在一个大烧杯中倒入热水; Put some hot water in a big beaker. 2 把装有冰块的小烧杯置入热水中 , 在冰块中插入温度计; Put a small beaker filled with ice into the hot water and then put a therm

3、ometer into the ice. 3. 观察冰块温度变化 , 注意冰融化开始时的温度; Observe the ice temperature when the ice begins to melt,and make a note of it. 4. 观察冰融化为水 , 过程中的温度变化。 Observe the changes in the ices temperature while its melting. 实验结果:冰全部融化为水融化过程中温度 不变。 Result :All ice has melted into water and the temperature remai

4、ns the same 得出结论 :当温度是 0摄氏度时,冰 开始融化,并且直到完全融化温度 不变。 Conclusion:Ice begins to melt when it is 0 ? and the temperature doesnt change until it melts completely. Aim:To find out whether the temperature changes while ice is melting into water. Apparatus:ice,hot water,big beaker,small beaker,thermometer Me

5、thod: 1 Put some hot water in a big beaker. 2 Put a small beaker filled with ice into the hot water and then put a thermometer into the ice. 3 Observe the ice temperature when the ice begins to melt,and make a note of it. 4 Observe the changes in the ices temperature while its melting. Result: All i

6、ce has melted into water and the temperature remains the same. Conclusion: Ice begins to melt when it is 0 ? and the temperature doesnt change until it melts completely. 知识点总结 put.into.最后要跟地点。 。 put the book into your bag We put new central heating in when we moved here. 我们搬到这儿的时候安装了集中供暖设备。(提供 安装) The boat put in at Shanghai for repairs. 那艘船进了上海港进行检修(驶入) . His victory was seen as payback for all the hard work hed put in during training. 他的胜利被视为训练期间所有辛苦的回报。(付出) 。

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