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1、05年高考试题述评 暨 06年备考复习策略 To all teachers 献给所有的教师 Paul Shaw If all good students were clever, 要是所有乖巧的学生都灵巧, And all clever students were good, 假如所有灵巧的学生都乖巧, The teaching would be nicer than ever. 教学的工作无疑会做得更好。 We thought that it possibly could. 我们以为此事并非难以办到, But somehow, tis seldom or never 然而事实并非就能如愿以偿

2、, The two hit it off as they should; 好事不可同降此乃天然之道。 The good are so harsh to the clever, 乖巧学生往往就缺那份灵巧, The clever so rude to the good! 灵巧学生往往是粗野不乖巧。 And hard work do we should, 所以我们得兢兢业业尽师道, All the students would benefit forever. 莘莘学子受益无穷终生记牢。 6、对书面表达的定义有所变化 05年高考 几点变化 的解读 1、不再确定题型分值权重,体现灵活性 2、对词汇量的

3、要求界定范围有所扩大 3、增加填空题的测试形式 4、对语言知识的考查定义模糊性更大、范 围更广、更重基础知识的应用 5、完形填空纳入阅读理解的要求定义内 不标明题型分值权重的目的 : 1) 扩大自命题省份的分值权重分配自主权 2) 体现灵活的宏观意识和各省的实际情况 3) 为新课程考试评估模式改革作好铺垫 4) 切实体现以稳定为主渐变跟上的原则 对词汇量要求略作调整的目的 : 1) 运用模糊词汇约量的方针体现灵活 2) 体现过渡时期的测控微调政策 3) 面上词汇增加不多,实质内有乾坤 4) 不提词汇短语的分别,暗示其多样性 5)要求掌握的词汇量接近新课程的要求 增加填空题的测试形式 : 1)

4、增加听力测试难度,回归实际应用原则 2) 强化语言学习识记和交际应用基础 3) 一改单调的听力测试形式,呈现多样性 4) 避免听力测试答案选择的偶然性 5) 要求平时重视词汇记忆和应用的教学 对语言知识定义变化的目的: 1) 不再明确考什么语法项目,不考什么语法项目 2) 暗示高中所学语法知识都在考查范围而且关注 基础用法和灵活运用 3) 语言的使用也比以往简明得多,如:要求考生 能够适当运用基础语法知识 4) 从高考说明用词可以看出高考语言知识(语法) 测试难度有限 完形填空纳入阅读理解的要求目的: 1) 注重对文章的整体理解,强化对语义的判断 2) 善于借用背景知识,根据语境准确判断词义

5、4) 重视篇章习得思维养成,注重实际应用能力 5) 倡导多种形式的阅读训练,侧重能力提升 6) 阅读理解形式有新变化,关注分析整合能力 3) 平时须加大英文阅读输入量,培养语感 4) 对文章谋篇布局也有相应要求 对书面表达的定义变化的目的: 1) 语言叙述的变化说明作文的命题方式有变 2) 注意“题示”二字,而非“提示” 3) 对语言运用的要求有所提高 5) 对语言结构组成的要求也有所提高 考纲说明总体叙述变化的目的 1. 对试卷难度尺度的把握 灵活性 2. 尊重各省存在差异现实 客观性 3. 允许不同题型的抉择权 多样性 4. 为新课程高考题型变化 暗示性 5. 强调语言实际应用能力 综合性

6、 6. 对语言考查重基本运用 基础性 高 考 冲 刺 复 习 要 领 认真分析 找出差距 确定象限 经纬交叉 巩固基础 归纳演绎 全盘规划 有所侧重 阶段分明 大量阅读 广闻博览 取法为上 综合完形 转换角度 强化语感 改错宜少 多练写作 造句为先 精练语法 归纳要点 死记活用 听力测试 每日一练 熟悉语音 高 考 听 力 复 习 程 序 要 领 听力训练针有所对 及时解决学生疑难 强化模拟原声原腔 鼓励学生树立自信 听力表述齐头并进 促进学生语感增强 训练讲解有条不紊 抓住英语连读弱读 依据交际项目选材 培养学生反馈能力 最后关头教师尽心 学生高考定能尽兴 高考冲刺提高难度 摒弃侥幸心理滋生

7、 二、对听力部分的复习建议 听之前,抓紧时间阅读试题,理清思路, 猜测意图 ; 听音时,注意难以理解的单词、结构复杂 的句子和关键词等 ; 练习时,要做到:聚精会神,边听边记 。 听力后,认真复查,查漏补缺,尽量补填 疏忽或遗漏的选项。 在听力备考中,必须注意如下策略: 1.如何根据试卷上的各种提问方式去听 2.如何听取时间、价格、速度、年龄和号码 等有关数字的材料 3.强化不同种类的句子的听力理解。 4. 对让步、目的和因果关系等句子的听力理解 5. 如何获取独白听力材料的信息? 6. 听取信息要培养考生对信息储存、筛选和输 出甄别的能力 不断熟悉各类听力测试内容,了解不同听力材料性质, 掌

8、握多种听力解答技巧。此时要注意对学生进行听力测试方 面有规律的讲解教学、释疑与演练。 前期阶段 : 每天一听 中期阶段:巩固强化 一模前后,针对学生在听力能力方面的落差,进行解题 和筛选信息的能力的强化,尤其是考生的应试心理状态。这 阶段的听力测试题的难度以中等偏难为主。 冲刺阶段:实战演练 听力训练难度大于高考要求,目的是引起考生重视,摒 弃侥幸心理,这有助于考生不断热身,不断调整并完全适 应高考听力的难度和语速。 大量阅读弥补语感 增强语言综合能力 高 考 单 项 填 空 题 备 考 策 略 单项选择难度有限 把握规律最为关键 巩固强化基础知识 重视活用短语句型 把握题干灵活多变 不断精选

9、易错试题 解题侧重上下关联 分析讲究语义语境 经常回望已做试题 探究全真试题真谛 不断归纳深化演绎 理顺思路把握方向 冲刺复习旨在积累 精讲精练最为关键 重点复习易错试题 避免水浅阴沟翻船 讲究语言形式 (language form), 注意语义内容 (language meaning), 注重语言的运用( language use), 关键是掌握在特定的语言环境中 运用语言的能力。 高考英语单项填空题型特征 1. Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. (05- 湖南 ) _. A. Yes, take it easy B. Well, it

10、 just depends. C. OK, just in case D. All right, youre welcome 2. Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please? (05-I) _ A. Who are you? B. Im Wang. C. Speaking. D. Are you John? 3. Would you like some more tea? (05-全国 II) _, please. A. No more B. Just a little C. Ive had enough D. Yes, I would 5. Father, you pr

11、omised!(05- 湖北 ) Well, _. But it was you who didnt keep your word first. A. so was I B. so did I C. so I was D. so I did 4. No one helped me. I did it all _ myself. A. for B. by C. from D. to 5. What would you do if it _ tomorrow? We have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready. A. rain B. r

12、ains C. will rain D. is raining 6. My parents will move back into town in a year or _. A. later B. after C. so D. about 7. Ann was with joy _ the result of the examination. A. to B. as C. at D. by (1) Ann was excited / satisfied at the result of the examination. (2) On hearing the result of the exam

13、ination, Ann was excited. (3) Ann was very happy when she heard the result of the examination. 英语时态复习要领 Perfect tense: 1) past perfect tense 2) past future perfect tense 3) present perfect tense 4) present future perfect tense Definite tenses: 1) past definite tense 2) past future definite tense 3)

14、present definite tense 4) present future definite tense Continuous tenses: 1) past continuous tense 2) past future continuous tense 3) present continuous tense 4) present future continuous tense Complex tenses: 1) past perfect continuous tense 2) past future perfect continuous tense 3) present perfe

15、ct continuous tense 4) present future perfect continuous tense 语言点讲解要点几例: 1. enough的位置 出“名”居前,赴刑“副形”殿后, 三个有例外, food, time, good 2. nothing but; not anything but nothing 前有 do, but后无 to; nothing 前无 do, but 后有 to, 不管什么形式的 do,后面肯定没有 to 3. as, when, while(当 时候 ) 用法差异 as:一般对一般;进行对进行 when:进行对一般(延续对突发) whi

16、le: 一般对进行(突发对延续) 35. All morning as he waited for the medical report from the doctor, his nervousness _. A. grew B. is growing C. has grown D. had grown 熟悉句型结构转换 联系串想类似结构 关注短语习惯搭配 不可草率望文生义 常用词汇烂熟于心 精确理解彼此差异 关注时态先后驱动 细辨语态行为入手 趣谈 include三种现象 稳居帐中的诸葛亮 -include 军营急先锋关云长 -including 殿后大将军赵子龙 -included 4.

17、as 在定语从句作主语的原则 : 三个条件一个灵活 三个条件: 1)集先行词与关联词为一身 2) as必须作主语 3) as必须是取代前 (后 )面整个句意 一个灵活:定语从句可在主句前也可在主句后 5. 独立主格结构: 动词三态 : 现分、过分与不定式 判定定理 1: 主句的主语能否充当该结构 的动作执行者 结果 1:能:现在分词,主动态也 结果 2:否:过去分词,被动态也 1. _ many times, the little boy could not give his probable answer to his piano teacher. (question) 2. _ many

18、times, the piano teacher has not got the probable answer from that little boy yet. (question) 3. _ from the top of the hill, the small city with a river looks beautiful. (see) 4. _ from the top of the hill, we had a bird view of the small city with a river. (see) 5. _ heavily, Jimmy went back home b

19、lack and blue, tears in eyes. (beat) 6. _ him heavily, those street boys left Jimmy alone in the wood who was black and blue, tears in eyes. (beat) 独立主格结构: 判定定理 2: 主句主语与独立结构逻辑主语不一致,判定逻辑 主语能否充当逻辑谓语动词的执行者 结果 1:能:现在分词,主动态也 结果 2:否:过去分词,被动态也 1. Time _, well go there on foot on Sunday. (permit) 2. The bas

20、ket _ into the river, the naughty boy jumped off into the river. (throw) 3. The baby _ so hard in the corner, its mother pretended not to hear it. (cry) 4. It _ all of a sudden, we had to rush into the gas station by the road in no time. (rain) 独立主格各种形式对比: The old man came into the hall, with a bask

21、et in his hand. The old man came into the hall, basket in hand. The old man came into the hall, carrying a basket in his hand. The old man came into the hall, a basket carried in his hand. The old man came into the hall, hungry, sleepy and angry. 判定定理 3: 形介名三结合 各有各的精彩 : 介词短语:有介有冠有人也; 名词短语:无介无冠无人乎 形容

22、词短语:形形相应一二三,须有连词来相伴 词汇功能旨在活用 玄机显露字里行间 完 形 填 空 复 习 要 领 完形填空考查词法 词汇辨异关键语境 通读篇章梳理线索 上下关联确定含义 整体阅读讲究策略 局部思考全盘掂量 阅读各类英文篇章 熟悉文体增进语感 常用词语俚语搭配 勤查词典分门归类 语义语用准确判断 常用词汇诡秘多变 冲刺阶段巧解完形 掌握词法循序渐进 最常用动词一览: act, be, begin, bring, call, can, carry, come, consider, cost, cut, decide, depend, develop, demand, do, eat, f

23、all, feel, fill, get, go, grow, have, hear, help, hold, keep, know, leave, learn, let, look, make, miss, must, name, pass, pay, play, protect, put, regret, remember, run, see, seem, sell, set, show, speak, start, stop, talk, take, tell, try, turn, use, work 同义词 : 1) watch, notice, observe, see, find

24、 2) become, change, get, go, grow, turn 3) hit, strike, beat, fist, box, blow 4) demand, require, request 5) carry, move, lift, bring, take, fetch Search engines _ that time were new and exciting but not very _. A search for “university, for _, would produce obscure web pages in which the important

25、places most people really wanted were buried. Page-ranking technology, _, could take searchers straight to the _ they were most likely to be looking for. The idea became _ more refined. Not only _ every link made to a page act as a vote in its favor, but votes cast by “important” pages could weigh m

26、ore heavily. But it was all only theory, _ Page and Brin decided to build a prototype search _. at good instance however page even could until engine Polly wandered over the rough field looking for the smaller potatoes that the pickers had accidentally missed. She found on, then another, then a hand

27、ful. She was pleased. They were delicious once cooked. Then she caught sight of something else. It looked like a piece of colored stone. Polly picked it up and thought how pretty it was. She could see a pattern on it: a picture of a fish and a part of a leaf. She scraped the soil away around her fee

28、t and found that she was standing on what seemed to be a piece of pavement. Stuck to another piece of stone was something small and round like a button. She realized it was an old coin. The field was busy the next morning. A group of distinguished looking men women turned up. That evening the local

29、television station showed some pictures of the field with Polly pointing to the place. It was proving to be of roman origin and was being described as the most exciting thing that had happened in the area since the end of the Second world War. A week later, the excavation was officially under way. P

30、ermission had been given and the “dig”, as it was called, was expected to last several months. Polly noticed that so many strange people around and cars coming and going had made the cows and sheep restless. Her father said their cows produced less milk. Still, it was great fun. They had let her kee

31、p gold coin. 重点首句,关注尾句,前后通气,语意其中 中间开花,两头推进,细心推敲,上下关联, 上一句,下一句,不能放过中间有空这一句; 此乃填一空,看三句,文通字顺,语意连连; 文随句式结构流淌,上下推敲,难题渐消遁。 解答完形填空理解题尽量做到: 解答完形填空题的一些策略与技巧: 1. 善于借助于文章中的一些词语 ; 2. 必须先通读全篇文章,再做选择; 3. 精于利用文章的一些背景现象、暗示语和一些 铺垫的描述 4. 该反复读的句子一定要反复读,明理逻辑概 念,理顺行为顺序 5. 全局与局部的事由要合情合理,词语的选择 要与文章原意吻合 时文科普读物多看 高考实战错误消遁 高

32、 考 英 语 阅 读 理 解 解 题 思 路 细细品味高考文章 准确把握试卷难度 把握高考命题角度 理顺思路找准方向 大量涉猎各种文章 题材新颖注重热点 平时阅读总量跟上 扩展词汇持续不断 整体把握篇章文脉 解题思路依据语感 语义语用语境推断 理解判断方法唯上 按图索骥合情合理 逆读顺读细细掂量 一 、 阅读理解解题思路 思路一: “ 通读全文 阅读问题 重点查看 ” , 即 “ 顺读 法 ” 。 这种阅读法适于大多数文章 。 对于那些篇章不长 、 问题 和选项又不少的文章 , 应先通读全文 , 理解大意 , 把握 文脉 、 重点信息 、 段落大意和中心思想 , 然后阅读问题 及选项 , 最后

33、 , 带着问题重点查看 , 有针对性的进行核 实 。 此法的好处是:既快又稳 , 不易遗漏某些信息 , 能 紧扣中心思想 , 避免偏差 。 思路二: “ 阅读题干 通读全文 细看选项 重点查看 ” , 即 “ 逆读法 ” 。 此法适合长篇文章 , 文章长 , 里面往往有 许 多多余信息 。 若先读问题 , 尤其是细节判断题 , 我们知道 哪些信息与问题相关 , 哪些无关 , 使阅读更具针对性 , 遇 到重要的地方要细致些 , 对多余信息可以跳过 , 加快阅读 解题速度 。 思路三:对图表类文章或者是附有小标题的长文章 , 宜采用 “ 浏览小标题 阅读题干 带着问题阅读 ” 的方式 , 即 “

34、跳读法 ” 。 二 、 阅读理解解题技巧 确定主题与主题思想 提高阅读理解能力 ,首要的 、 最基本的技巧就是找出主题思 想 。 一篇文章通常是围绕着一个主题思想展开的 。 找出主题思想 有助于全面理解文章意义 , 以免被某些枝节所迷惑 。 首先 , 我们 要学会确认文章主题思想 。 一般而言 , 每篇文章都有:一个主题; 围绕主题的中心思想;和解释或 “ 证明 ” 该主题中心思想的细节 。 主题思想是文章中最重要的成分 , 是文章的中心点 。 作者 通常用一个句子来概括主题思想 。 有时主题思想不直接陈述 , 而 是给予暗示 。 主题思想就是关于主题的重要信息 , 因此 , 我们必须首先 确

35、定什么是主题 。 主题就是一篇文章讨论的总话题 、 论题或题目 。 通常总是用一个词或短语来陈述主题 。 主题思想的详细表述就是 呈现作者的意见 、 观点或思想 。 而这些意见 、 观点或思想将要在 文章中加以解释或证明 。 所以我们不能混淆主题与中心思想这两 个概念 。 主题思想是由一个陈述句或一个完整的思想来表达的 。 因此 , 必须学会寻找主题思想 , 确定主题后 , 再找出关于主 题的主题思想 。 据不完全统计英文文章 70-90%的主题思想出现在起 始处 , 其余在中间或末尾 。 有时主题思想出现在起始处 , 又会以总 结方式出现在结尾处 。 关于主题思想 , NMET采用下列形式提

36、问: 1) From the text (passage, article) we learn that _. 2) The story (passage, article, text) suggests that _. 3) What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph? 以下问题既可以表达主题 , 也可以表达主题思想: 1) What does the first (second, third ) paragraph mainly discuss? 2) This article (tex

37、t, passage) mainly tells about _. 3) This text (article, passage) is mainly about _. 4) What is the passage (article) mainly about _. 5) What is the main idea (central thought) of this passage? 6) What would be the best title for the text? 7) What is the topic sentence of this passage? 8) The best t

38、itle for this passage is _. 9) Which title best gives the idea of the passage? 提高阅读理解能力 1.强化阅读方式: 慢读、快读、细读、回读、选读、跳读 2. 每天大声朗读文章 13篇 3. 以诠释的方式的原则解读长短句 4. 通过上下文解读句子 5. 注意中英语易混淆的词的辨析 6. 找出文中应该记住的短语、词组、常用词、有 特色的句子 7. 找出文中起承上启下作用的词、短语及过渡句, 记住并尽可能用在英语写作中 书面表达中 , 如:并列,转折,递进,顺进 8. 注意词汇量的积累 如:分类、归纳、构词法等 A 56

39、. Other children envied the young boy because the boy _. A. had a real truck toy B. got some sardines to eat C. received a handful of marbles D. had something to play with Information from the passage: p.1 l.1: The boy boy was sitting on the ground in the refugee camp playing with an empty tin. p.5

40、For thousands of refugee children, a tin like this rates high on their list of wants. It can be used for many purposes, as jewellery, as a toy, for drinking or as a medicine box. 57. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. An Enviable Toy Present B. A splendid truck toy C.

41、 Sardine Tin A precious toy D. A Poor Refugee Camp Information from the passage: The tin had lost all its original markings. But its first load had probably been sardines. Later the tin had been left with other rubbish behind the refugee camp clinic, and the boy had found it on one of his daily expe

42、ditions into the “big world” . 59. The three facts presented in the passage are used to illustrate that_ . A. poverty can result in water-borne diseases B. people have no access to clean drinking water C. womens rights are denied in some developing countries D. safe drinking water should be a primar

43、y concern Information from the text: p.1 l.1 Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. p.2 l.1 Each year, diseases related to inadequate water and sanitation kill between 2 and 5 million people and cause an estimated 80 percent of all sicknesses in the developing w

44、orld. Safe water is a precondition for health and the fight against child death rate, inequality between men and women , and poverty. 高考前夕常常回望 改错能力必有进展 高 考 英 语 短 文 改 错 解 题 策 略 冲刺阶段重打基础 正面接触原文为先 大量阅读刺激语感 提升功力加强写作 阅读关注连介搭配 解题明辨转换句型 密切关注形副混淆 明断巧辩动词异变 静观冠词遗漏错用 分清名词数形类别 改错讲究通篇阅读 找错关键以行判定 行行斟酌细思掂量 正确唯一切记心

45、上 “理解以文,找错以行”。 通读全篇,以句为最小理解单位,找错 以行为最小单位。 针对短文改错特征,应从基础知识和语 言能力入手;尤其是多从正面入手,让考生 牢记正确的语言应用规则。 誊写核对措辞时态 标点符号准确到位 高 考 英 语 写 作 步 骤 与 策 略 遣词造句初级阶段 每天练笔熟悉句型 名篇佳作多多欣赏 名句谚语铭记心上 注重一词多义形式 英汉互译强化记忆 限时练笔提炼思路 平时演练实战见效 写作要领清晰明了 有形无形写作概念 细细审读要求提示 拟好提纲排列顺序 思路清晰行云流水 草稿写作认真细心 1. 爱丽丝喜欢炫耀自己。 Alice is too ready to show

46、herself in public. Alice is likely to show off herself . Alice prefers to be before cameras. Alice is interested in catching others eyes. Aliced like to walk here and there before others. 2. 昨天凌晨老约翰死了。 Old John passed away early yesterday morning. Old John died in small hours yesterday morning. Old

47、John was gone early yesterday morning. Old John went to another world early yesterday morning. 英语太难学了。 1. English is too difficult to learn. 2. We find it too difficult to learn English. 3. It is too difficult for us to learn English. 4. We find it not too easy to learn English. 5. English is so dif

48、ficult that I cant learn it well. 6. English is difficult enough for us to learn. 英语成语与谚语 Roman is not built one day. Dont count your eggs before they are hatched. Never cry over the split milk. Therere two rabbits fighting each other in your heart. He looks like a cat on a hot brick. One stone, two

49、 birds. As strong as a horse As brave as a lion As busy as a bee There is no place like home. A swallow doesnt make a summer. Two heads are better than one. All that glittering is not gold. The glittering prizes / a glittering career 英语俚语及惯用表达 Now the ball is in your court. 该你做决定了。 To start the ball

50、 rolling. 开始行动吧 Make short work of something 很快做某事 Make the most of something 充分利用 in the long run 从长远的观点来看 Little does one think 没想到 Know the first thing about something 一窍不通 Once in a blue moon 千载难逢 Go without saying 不言而喻 Get cold feet 气馁;临阵退缩 Get right down to something 立即做某事 Hold ones horses 别忙;

51、沉着气;耐心点 Be bent on something 专心做某事;决心干某事 Come to the point 中肯;说到点子上;扼要的说 A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半 。 Well begun is half done. 好的开端 , 是成功的一半 。 A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终 。 A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终 。 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evenin

52、g. 一日之计在于晨 。 A years plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春 。 A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力 , 老大徒伤悲 。 Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。 Children are what the mothers are.耳濡目染,身教言传。 Choose an author as you choose a friend.择书如择友。 Come what may, heaven wont fall.做你的吧,天塌不下来。 Complacency is the e

53、nemy of study.学习的敌人是自己的满足。 Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。 Fact speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。 Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。 Whatever you do, do with all your might. 不管做什么,都要一心一意。 A faithful fr

54、iend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 A friend is never known till a man has need. 需要之时方知友。 A friend without faults will never be found. 没有十 全十美的朋友。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 Truth never grows old.

55、真理永存。 Tomorrow never comes. 我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。 To know oneself is true progress.人贵有自知之明。 英文写作新概念 1. 以有形或无形三段式进行写作 开头、展开、 结尾 ; 2. 以时间为主线指示事件的发展方向; 3. 以实义动词顺序描述事件的发展进程; 4. 用尽可能多样的句式丰富文章的表现力; 5. 用后位补述以及插入语的手段展示文字实力; 6. 以情感类文字烘托文章高潮并产生互动。 假设你是李华 , 你在报上看到北京电视台今年七 月将举办外国人 “ 学中文 , 唱中文歌 ” 才艺大赛 。 你 的美国朋友 Peter正在北京

56、一所大学学中文 , 你觉得 他应去试一试 。 请按以下要点给他写信告知此事 , 并 表示可以提供帮助 。 比赛时间: 7 月 18日 报名时间:截止到 6月 30日 报名地点:北京电视台 注意: 1.词数: 100左右 2.可适当增加细节 , 以使行文连贯 3.参考词汇:才艺大赛 talent show Dear Peter, 04年全国试题卷 -01书面表达 开头 I read in a newspaper today that a Learn Chinese, Sing Chinese Songs Foreigners Talent Show will be held in Beijing

57、 Television Station on July 18. Dear Peter, 展开 I know you like singing, and you are in Beijing during that period. I think this is a good chance for you to show your singing talent, and how well youve learned Chinese. If you would like to try, youll have to go to the TV station to sign up before the

58、 end of June. 结尾 If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help. Yours, Li Hua 假如你是李晓华 , 住在江城 。 你的加拿大笔友 Bob来信谈到了他所居住 的城市 , 并希望了解你家乡江城的情况 。 请你用英语写一封回信 。 回信须 包括下表中的内容 。 自然情况 位于长江边 、 风景优美 、 适合居住 成 就 经济发展迅速 新建了不少工厂 、 住房 、 道路等 。 存在问题 水 、 空气污染 交通拥挤 对江城发展的看法 (内容由考生自己拟定 ) 注意: 1 回信中

59、不能使用 “ 江城 ” 以外的地名 。 2 词数 100左右 。 信的开头与结尾已为你写好 , 不计入词数 。 参考词汇:经济 economy n 开头 Its very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now Id like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng. Dear Bob, 展开 The city stands on the bank of the Changjiang River. It is a beautiful

60、 place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories, houses and roads have been built. More schools and hospitals are available for its people. However, there are still some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hou

61、rs. 结尾 In my opinion, Jiangcheng should develop its economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its population should be brought under control so that well have a better hometown in future. Yours, Xiaohua 作文例 1: 假如史密斯先生是你校聘请的外籍英语教师,现在聘期已 满,下周要回伦敦。明天你们要开一个欢送会,对史密斯先生 表示欢送和感谢,现在,请你根据下列要点写一篇欢送辞。 1. 感谢史密斯先生两年来的辛勤工作; 2. 平易近人,和蔼可亲,对学生既严格又耐心; 3. 上课生动有趣,大家喜欢上他的课; 4. 学生的英语水平有很大提高; 5. 祝他身体健康,一路平安。 注意: 1. 格式要求正确; 2. 必须包括所有要点,但可适当增减细节,使内容连贯。 3. 词数 100左右。 Dear Mr. Smith, Today we all come to this party to bid farewell to yo

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