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2、三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the woman do tomorrow?A. Attend a conference.B. Go to a dancing class.C. Take an interview.2. What time is it?A.5:55.B.6:00.C.6:05.3. How does the woman want Peter to get to Toms house?A. In a car.B. By bike.C. On foot.4. What can we

3、 say about the man?A. He is rude. B. He is serious. C. He is clumsy.5. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Doctor and patient.C. Teacher and student.第二节(共15题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间

4、。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Growing vegetables.B. Choosing vegetables.C. Making food.7. What did the man like best as a child?A. Beans. B. Onions. C. Com.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is the woman?A. A chef. B. A waitress. C. A taxi driver.9. What does the m

5、an say about the pie?A. He cant eat it.B. He doesnt like it.C. He misses the taste very much.10. Which dessert does the man order?A. The chocolate cake.B. The fruit salad.C. The strawberry ice cream.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why didnt Gail help John yesterday?A. She felt that it was too hot.B. She had to

6、 grade some homework.C. She was struggling with a new project.12. What does John want Gail to do today?A. Plant a tree in the backyard.B. Put in new windows.C. Make sure he is safe.13. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Neighbors. B. Co-workers. C. A couple.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What is

7、 probably happening according to the woman?A. A factory fire. B. A barbecue. C. A house fire.15. What do we know about Liz?A. She has more accurate news than radio.B. She cant tolerate the speakers1 children.C. She knows a lot of neighborhood information.16. How long did the smoke last?A. For 20 min

8、utes. B. For 40 minutes. C. For an hour.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the good news about the train crash?A. No one got hurt badly.B. Other trains will be on time.C. The accident has been cleared up.18. Where should people get the latest train times according to the speaker?A. From the Internet.B. F

9、rom the train drivers.C. From the TV news.19. What is the highest temperature on Sunday?A.76 degrees. B.87 degrees. C.91 degrees.20. How many times will the speaker make the news report tomorrow?A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AFor

10、 centuries, tea has been used for far more than overcoming thirst. Around the world people drink it to relax and restore energy.Green, oolong and black tea come from the same plant - Camellia sinensis (茶树).Green tea, however, is processed in a different way, which results in higher levels of some of

11、 the compounds that scientists believe have positive effects on our mental health.A 2017 review of more than 100 studies found that green tea can impact the brain in three ways: reduce anxiety; focus attention; and improve brain function, especially memory. However, it was cautioned that the effects

12、 arent large, and current evidence is mainly provided by small-scale studies.There are also suggestions that tea could improve the symptoms of depression, dementia (痴呆) and Down syndrome (唐氏综合征).A 2018 study conducted in South Korea found that frequent green tea drinkers were 21% less likely to deve

13、lop depression than those who were non-drinkers. However, as an observational study, it couldnt establish cause and effect, only association.Tea also has some benefits fbr our physical health - its linked to a longer life, could reduce some risk factors fbr cardiovascular (心血管的)disease such as heart

14、 attack and stroke, and may also have a weight-losing effect.“We need better data to truly assess the benefits of tea on our mental and physical well-being, said Gunter Kuhnle at the University of Reading,however, with the exception of green tea pills, which have been linked to liver damage, and bur

15、ning tea, which has been linked to esophageal (食道的)cancer, theres no real downside to a cup of tea. I think most people enjoy rituals (仪式感). Its a comforting thing. If theres anything wrong, here its a cup of tea thats needed.21. How is green tea different from oolong and black tea?A. It cures depre

16、ssion and dementia.B. It is never part of a complex ritual.C. It has higher levels of certain compounds.D. It is taken from Camellia sinensis.22. What does Gunter Kuhnle want to express?A. Green tea rituals give people comfort.B. Green tea pills may cause esophageal cancer.C. Green tea brings people

17、 more harm than good.D. Green tea proves beneficial with no exception.23. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. Which tea prevents cancerB. Why drinking tea might helpC. When tea causes liver damageD. How teas are processedBAt first, I didnt recognize the symptoms that we all had in common.

18、Friends mentioned that they were having trouble concentrating. It wasnt burnout - we still had energy. It wasnt depression - we didnt feel hopeless. We just felt somewhat joyless and aimless.It turns out theres a name fbr that: languishing.Languishing is a sense of inactivity and emptiness. It feels

19、 as if youre muddling (应付)through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield (挡风玻璃).In psychology, we think about mental health on a spectrum (范围)from depression to flourishing (精力旺盛). Flourishing is the peak of well-being. Depression is the valley of ill-being. Languishing is the ne

20、glected middle child of mental health. Its the emptiness between depression and flourishing - the absence of well-being. Youre not functioning at full capacity. Languishing dulls your motivation, disrupts your ability to focus, and greatly increases the possibility that youll cut back on work.Part o

21、f the danger is that when youre languishing, you might not notice the dulling of delight or the decreasing of drive. You dont catch yourself slipping slowly into aloneness; youre indifferent to your indifference. When you cant see your own suffering, you dont seek help or even do much to help yourse

22、lf.So what can we do about it? People who became more focused on their work managed to avoid languishing. Interrupted attention is an enemy of engagement and excellence. To go beyond languishing, give yourself some uninterrupted time. It clears out constant distractions (分心)and gives us the freedom

23、to focus. And try starting with small wins by focusing on a challenge that matters to you - an interesting project, a worthwhile goal, or a meaningful conversation.We still have a lot to learn about what causes languishing and how to cure it, but naming it might be a first step. It could help to def

24、og our vision, giving us a clearer window into what had been an unclear experience. It could remind us that we werent alone: languishing is common and shared.By acknowledging that so many of us are languishing, we can start giving voice to quiet despair and lighting a path out of the emptiness.24. W

25、hich definition best suits the word languishing?A. Feeling exhausted and without hope.B. Becoming weaker or failing to improve.C. Making someone want to achieve something.D. Going beyond the usual limits of something.25. Which of the following can be described as languishing?A. Seeking help when you

26、 are suffering.B. Realizing that you are not alone in despair.C. Giving yourself some uninterrupted time.D. Being indifferent to your lack of enthusiasm.26. What could psychologists do to help solve the problems of languishing?A. Give people more freedom.B. See it as depression.C. Name it clearly.D.

27、 Remove it from a spectrum.27. Why is it significant to know languishing is common and shared?A. We can let the silent despair speak up and find a way out.B. We can continue to learn more about languishing.C. We can see it as basically the same as depression.D. We can study it as the complete opposi

28、te of flourishing.CA bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?If you answered 10 cents, youre not alone - most people give the same answer (the correct answer is 5 cents). Its an example of how we often rely on intuitive (直觉的)responses -

29、 answers we feel are true. People give answers that “pop into their mind, says Steven Sloman. We dont spend much time reflecting and checking whether the answer is right or wrong.The bat and ball question helps explain why we often believe in fake (假的)news. It is part of human nature to believe, say

30、s Sloman. But “the trick with fake news is to know to verify”一 in other words, to stop and question what you know. In one experiment, Sloman and a colleague invented a discovery called helium rain. They told a group of volunteers about it, but admitted they could not fully explain what it was. They

31、then asked the volunteers to rate their own understanding of helium rain. Most volunteers rated themselves 1 out of 7, meaning they did not understand the concept.The researchers then told another group of volunteers about the discovery. This time, they said that scientists could fully explain how i

32、t works. When asked to rate their understanding, the volunteers gave an average answer of2. The scientists confidence gave the volunteers an increased sense of their own understanding, Sloman says.According to Sloman, studies show that knowledge spreads like a contagion (传染病).This idea can be seen i

33、n many fields, including politics.4tIf everyone around you is saying they understand why a politician is dishonest,Sloman says,“then youre going to start thinking that you understand, too.”Another explanation fbr the spread of fake news is motivated reasoning,writes Adam Wyatz, an American managemen

34、t professor, tfcwe are naturally more likely to believe things that confirm our existing opinions.So, in a world where misleading information is common, training people to care about factchecking is important, especially in online communities. tWe should check things and not just take them at face v

35、alue/ Sloman says.44Verify before you believe.28. Why does the author use the example of the bat and ball question?A. To warn that people often ignore skills that they learned.B. To show that there are various answers to a question.C. To illustrate that people tend to rush to a conclusion.D. To arou

36、se peoples interest in playing guessing games.29. In paragraph 3, what does the underlined word “verify mean?A. To make sure something is true.B. To think about something for a long time.C. To express an opinion about something.D. To follow your intuitive response.30. When do more volunteers claim t

37、o understand helium rain?A. When some of the volunteers explained it to them.B. When Sloman and his colleagues showed them how it works.C. When they have more confidence in themselves.D. When they believed that scientists understood it.31. Which of the following is an example of “motivated reasoning

38、”?A. You trust a damaging story about someone who you always judge negatively.B. You post a message online that gives your personal opinion about a news story.C. You search online for more information about a doubtful story on social media.D. You think a university professor dishonest when everybody

39、 around you say so.DAtticus was sitting in the swing, and Mr. Tate was in a chair next to him. The light from the livingroom windows was strong on them.“Well, Heck, Atticus was saying,“Of course it was clear-cut self defense, but itll come before county court.“Mr. Finch, do you think Jem killed Bob

40、Ewell? Do you think that?”“You heard what Scout said, theres no doubt about it. She said Jem got up and yanked him off her - he probably got hold of Ewells knife somehow in the dark. well find out tomorrow.M“Mr. Finch, hold on., said Mr. Tate.“Jem never stabbed Bob Ewell.Atticus was silent for a mom

41、ent. He looked at Mr. Tate as if he appreciated what he said. But Atticus shook his head.“Heck, thank you from the bottom of my heart, but I dont want my boy starting out with something like this over his head. Best way to clear the air is to have it all out in the open.“Mr. Finch,M Mr. Tate said,“B

42、ob Ewell fell on his knife. He killed himself.“Heck,“ Atticuss back was turned. t4If this things hushed up (掩盖)itll be a simple denial to Jem of the way Ive tried to raise him. Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and Ive tried to live so I can look squarely back at him. if I allow thjs t

43、o happen, I couldnt meet his eyes, and the day I cant do that Ill know Ive lost him. I dont want to lose him and Scout, because theyre all Tve got.”“Mr. Finch. Mr. Tate was still planted to the floorboards. uBob Ewell fell on his knife. I can prove it.”Atticus wheeled around. His hands dug into his

44、pockets.4tHeck, cant you even try to see it my way? When my children are grown Ill be an old man if Im still around, but right now Im - if they dont trust me they wont trust anybody. Jem and Scout know what happened. If they hear of me saying downtown something different happened - Heck, I wont have

45、 them any more. I cant live one way in town and another way in my home.Mr. Tate said patiently, t4Bob Ewell fell on his knife.- look, I can show you.32. Which of the following most probably happened before this part of the story?A. Jem attacked Bob Ewell.B. Bob Ewell attacked Jem.C. Bob Ewell was ki

46、lled by Jem.D. Jem was killed by Bob Ewell.33. Why does Atticus want it to come before county court?A. He believed Bob Ewell had killed himself.B. He wanted to hide the actual fact.C. He wanted the judge to make the decision.D. He wanted the public to know the truth.34. What does the underlined word

47、 this in paragraph 9 refer to?A. Jems looking at Atticus before he looked at others.B. Atticus Finchs looking squarely back at Jem.C. Scouts account of what Jem had done.D. Hushing up the fact that Jem had killed Bob Ewell.35. Which of the following best describes Atticus Finch as a father?A. Shallo

48、w. B. Shy. C. Principled. D. Untrustworthy.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When he did it, all 16 hours,46 minutes and nine seconds of physical and psychological hell, his father told him:You woke up this morning as a boy with Down syndrome.36Chris Nikic. He,s21.He

49、 made the unrealistic his reality.37 Last fall, he became the first person with Down syndrome to complete an Ironman triathlon - a 2.4-mile swim,112-mile bike ride and 26.2- mile run.Chris Nikic is not just an Ironman 一 hes a superhero. t4Since the race, we have received thousands and thousands of m

50、essages from people around the world who are inspired by his journey.38 They have kids with special needs or Down syndrome. And so its touched Chris and touched us quite a said Chris father, Nik Nikic.“39. Because he lets them use him as a mirror to look inwardly and say,4 Look, ifhe can do so much

51、with so little, what can I do with what Fve got? Its not about him - its about how he makes other people feel about themselves,Nik Nikic said.Chris Nikics story spread among the staff at Special Olympic Missouri. As explained by Brian Neuner, chief development and marketing officer,40 And so, this w

52、as just anamazing example of where his ability was realized, even though he has a disability. We really fbcus on programs that are designed for helping people move forward and advance. Progress can be measured in so many different ways. Obviously, an Ironman, thats an extreme achievement.A. I think

53、in many ways he helps people to realize that they can do more.B. Then came the big race.C. Youre going home as an Ironman.D. A lot of the messages are from families like us.E. We really fbcus on the ability, not the disability.F. The native of Maitland, Florida, believed in the unbelievable.G. Chris

54、 underwent some surgeries that left him sedentary (久坐不动的).第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Q: Where did you get the ideas for Counting by 7s?A: The novel 41 three themes that have long interested me. Gifted children. Personal loss. And adopted children

55、. My own kids went to a school for 42 children, so I had a lot of experience there. I 43 several people very close to me in the last few years. And I have several dear friends who were themselves adopted as infants (婴儿),and several others who have adopted children.44 I went on a group trip to Cuba o

56、n a 45 exchange program,and a fellow traveler had adopted two kids that were older. All these things 46 my writing in Counting by 7s. Also, my editor when I 47 the book was adopted as an infant. Her birth father was from Africa and her birth mother was white. I found her story extremely 48and enchan

57、ting. Part of the theme 49 the idea of becoming stronger and 50. Itis about 51 and understanding. I chose the Nguyen family because their personal 52 puts a spotlight on many things. Feeling like an 53. Being displaced. The power of hardwork and the 54 of shared community. It*s all supposed to conne

58、ct to the bigger idea of the55_.41. A. exploresB. dividesC. suggestsD. explains42. A. richB. poorC. giftedD. disabled43. A. metB. lostC. acceptedD. rejected44. A. AdditionallyB. DefinitelyC. AbsolutelyD. Eventually45. A. financialB. environmentalC. medicalD. cultural46. A. preventedB. informedC.chan

59、gedD. challenged47. A. startedB. finishedC. publishedD. forwarded48. A. normalB. boringC. naturalD. interesting49. A. abandonsB. involvesC. warnsD. varies50. A. turning backB. staying onC. moving onD. breaking out51. A. educationB. healthC. growthD. examination52. A. struggleB. wealthC. prideD. advi

60、ce53. A. insiderB. outsiderC. organizerD. inspector54. A. conditionB. locationC. importanceD. existence55.A. speechB. filmC. programD. book第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A creative person without a sense of humor has a serious problemA physicist, doctor, accountant, lawyer,

61、garbage collector, etc. without a sense of humor can still be terrific at what they do. But a creative person 56 is humorless could never produce consistently great work in communication with warmth and humanity to the vast majority of the people. Humor in 57(creative) is like humor in life. People

62、often ask me,“Does humor work in advertising? but thafs a stupid question. Docs anyone 58 ask,“Does humor work in life?* If humor is appropriate and funny, it should work. The question should be,“How can you 59(possible) create without humor? Certainly, in all forms of communication, humor is a 60(n

63、ature) way to win 61(someone) heart. In examining my work, lectures, and books I have written over the years, ifs difficult to isolate “humor“ as a category because it 62(run) through almost everything I do - and through most of my 63(wake) hours. Humor disarms and makes one more accepting of 64(tho

64、ught) and images that could be hard to take in serious discourse. Say something serious in a funny way,65 you can win over people every time.第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)人们在生活中常常会拖延,请你以My Idea of Procrastination写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:1 .你是否拖延;2 .你拖延与否的原因;3 .你对拖延的看法。注意:1 .写作词数应为80左右;2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。参考词汇:procrastination n.拖延.;procrastinate V.拖延;procrastinator n.拖延者My Idea of Procrastinatio

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