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1、下载需知:只需在本平台注册并通过邮箱验证-会员中心-个人设置”页面的“发送认证邮件,即可获得50积分(没有积分的朋友可以收藏或分享本文、订阅此刊,方便以后阅读)新东方阅读第一讲:对文章的处理:一.句子1 .顺序:先主干,后分支考研常见主干架构:主谓宾、主系表、主谓主干中动词最难找:复合句中,多个谓语动词,有n个动词,至少有n+1个动词寻找句子主干的方法:(1) i+that/who+vlv2+宾语V2是主句动词,引导词后第一个动词一定是从句动词引导词也许被省略:n+n+vl+v2:n+vl是一个句子,所以省略了 that(2)主语+who+vl+v2+v3+宾语VI 一定不是主句动词总结:主句

2、动词为引导词后第二个动词开始,前面不带连词的那个谓语动词从句从引导词开始到主句动词结束2.节奏:(1) 可以忽略的专有名词:一ist/phy/iogy/ism小定语:then ,的位置是形容词,不重要(语感就是对下文有所期待,看到the就要期待一个名词,再期待一个动词)副词:常规副词不重要,但是否定副词:hardly、seldom、rarely scarcely都要看成not(2) 真题演练The way ( people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equals happiness actually ) reduc

3、es where chances of ever attaining real happiness.1有hold、equals、reduces三个谓语动词,由于引导词后面第一个动词不是主句动词,所以hold和equal不是主句动词,reduces是主句动词。2(fun-filled, pain-free)小定语可以省略3从句从引导词开始到主句动词之前结束,()部分看成从句It is an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title and salary, then E-ma

4、ils them when a matching position is posted in the database.1主句谓语动词是let和e-mail2关注强调句型3关注逻辑架构:交互式特点有两个功能,如果题目问interactive feature的功能是什么,选项中必须同时出现land2(3) 六大语法现象(用|劈开句子,重新划分结构)并列句:句子1|and句子2(先看连词,再找出动词,找动词的目的是为了确定并列的成分是句子)定语从句| that宾语从句v |that分词结构:前面划|Of:前面划11插入语B, IC, I或者-II或者()(C的部分是插入语,选B不选C)补充:200

5、6年第二篇第四题,(RHC94%)D选项是括号里面的内容,但是()是在一个句子结束后,用于解释说明,重要信息正是因为重要,才需要加括号解释()的作用类似于 which means/in other word/put in other way用六大语法砍开句子后,用设问句,如He said 11n |that自己问自己:“他说什么呢这个n是什么样子的呢”(4) 句子的处理习惯看到并列则标号特殊符号要看成整体“”读懂句子的功能而非意思:化繁为简、方向判断真题演练:He says11 our countrys educational system is in the grips |of people

6、 |who joyfully” and “militantly“ proclaim their hostility to intellect and|their eagerness to identify with children |who show the least intellectual promise.1用六大语法砍开句子,并变成设问句:“他说,说什么他说我们的教育被掌控,被什么掌控”“被人掌控,被什么人掌控”2并列成分标号3副词可以省略不看4方向判断:show the least intellectual promise ”显示出最少的智力承诺”,虽然不知道是什么意思,但是知道这

7、些孩子智力低下,是一个负向概念,和并列,是一个负向概念,就是一个负向概念,而show the least intellectual promise是一个负向概念,可以推出 identify with是正向概念These leaders are living proof)| that prevention works and that we can manage the health problems |that come naturally with age.Leaders证明了两件事:翻译为:这些领导是活生生的证据,这些证据证明了预防的奏效以及我们可以掌控随着年龄的增长而出现的健康问题。小结

8、:读句子的重点是逻辑架构(功能)注意:代词向前指代,而且符合就近原则句子中的让步转折结构,后面的转折部分是重点Though/despite/inspire(but)(but后面是重点)Although it ruled that| there is no constitutional right to physician -assisted suicide, the court in effect supported the medical principle |of double effect”, a centuries-old moral principle holding 11 that

9、 an action having 2 effects |a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen| is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.a centuries-old moral principle holding11 that an action having 2 effectsa good one that is intended and a harmful one that 2 foreseen| is permissible

10、 if the actor intends only the good effect不仅在but后,而且是同位语,重点二.全文处理(读文章结构)1 .重点读各段主旨句(一般在首或者尾,也可能在转折词后面)区别主旨和例子:例子有专有名词、数字、引号、such as等2 .多数人少数人观点并存,少数人正确:新老观点并存,新观点正确整篇阅读演练Text 2Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illegal. But one insidious for

11、m continues to thrive: alphabetism. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.It has long been known that a taxi firm called A AAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when c

12、ustomers thumb through their phone directories. Less well known is the advantage that Adam Abbott has in life over Zoe Zysman. English names are fairly evenly spread between the halves of the alphabet. Yet a suspiciously large number of top people have surnames beginning with letters between A and K

13、.Thus the American president and vice-president have surnames starting with B and C respectively; and 26 of George Bushs predecessors (including his father) had surnames in the first half of the alphabet against just 16 in the second half. Even more striking, six of the seven heads of government of

14、the G7 rich countries are alphabetically advantaged (Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Chirac, Chretien and Koizumi). The world/s three top central bankers (Greenspan, Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet, even if one of them really uses Japanese characters. As are the worlds five

15、richest men (Gates, Buffett, Allen, Ellison and Albrecht).Can this merely be coincidence? One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from

16、the front, to make it easier to remember their names. So short-sighted Zysman junior gets stuck in the back row, and is rarely asked the improving questions posed by those insensitive teachers. At the time the alphabetically disadvantaged may think they have had a lucky escape. Yet the result may be

17、 worse qualifications, because they get less individual attention, as well as less confidence in speaking publicly.The humiliation continues. At university graduation ceremonies, the ABCs proudly get their awards first; by the time they reach the Zysmans most people are literally having a ZZZ. Short

18、lists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them.第一段Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illega

19、l. But one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabetism. This,|for those yet unawuse of such a disadvantage,|refers to discrimination against those)| whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.首段首句必须仔细看,但是本文的第一句不是重点:Over the past century是老观点,不重要。 unfairness and discrimin

20、ation是由and连接的两个并列成分,看懂一个即可,unfairness前面有否定前缀,判断出其负向即可。But后面是重点,“:”后面是解释说明,所以alphabetism 是重点。This,,refert。中间部分是插入语,可以省略。最后压缩信息:字母表主义的内容。第二段:It has long been known 11 that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories. Less well

21、known is the advantage that |Adam Abbott has in life over Zoe Zysman. English names are fairly evenly spread between the halves of the alphabet. Yet a suspiciously large number of top people have surnames beginning with letters between A and K.第一句it has long been known不而要,因为是老观点。第二句Less well known而要

22、,是少数人观点。最后一句yet后面是重点,其中suspiciously不重要,副词中只有四个词重要。压缩信息为:1名字的重要性鲜为人知2牛人的名字开头都在字母表前排。第三段:Thus the American president and vice-president have surnames starting with B and C respectively; and 26 of George Bushs predecessors (including his father) had surnames in the first half of the alphabet against ju

23、st 16 in the second half. Even more striking, six of the seven heads of government of the G7 rich countries are alphabetically advantaged (Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Chirac, Chretien and Koizumi). The world/s three top central bankers (Greenspan, Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the

24、alphabet, even if one of them really uses Japanese characters. As are the worlds five richest men (Gates, Buffett, Allen, Ellison and Albrecht).第三段的内容是第二段最后一句的例子,所以要重组文章结构,在第二段yet前面划大的双竖线,yet后面的句子是第三段的主旨句,因为第三段都是例子(大写字母)。第四段:Can this merely be coincidence? One theory,(dreamt up in all the spare time

25、 enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged,| is that the rot sets in early. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names. So short-sighted Zysman junior gets stuck in the back row, and is rarely asked

26、 the improving questions posed by those insensitive teachers. At the time the alphabetically disadvantaged may think they have had a lucky escape. Yet the result may be worse qualifications, because they get less individual attention, as well as less confidence in speaking publicly.第一句this要关注,句首代词是重

27、点,向前指代符合就近原则,指代上一段。第一句是问句,有问必有答,答案通常是重点,而且回答不是肯定就是否定。One theory,|dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged,| is that the rot sets in early.中间的插入语不用看,化简为繁:这句话二no。yet后面是重点Yet the result may be worse qualifications, because they get less individual attention, as well a

28、s less confidence in speaking publicly.如看不懂qualifications是什么意思,可以通过because后面的解释来猜测。通过worse有个负向的判断。压缩信息为:为什么牛人的名字首字母靠前。第五段:The humiliation continues. At university graduation ceremonies, the ABCs proudly get their awards first; by the time they reach the Zysmans most people are literally having a ZZZ

29、. Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them.Humiliation可以判断为负向:用逻辑联系来判断,上一段是负向,这句话是承继关系。后面都是例子,看到大写字母花圈(用圆圈表示例子)。最后一句中“:”是重点(解释说明),而且all用于总结

30、三个编号的内容。46. What does the author intend to illustrate with AAA A cars and Zodiac cars?A A kind of overlooked inequality.B A type of conspicuous bias.C A type of personal prejudice.D A kind of brand discrimination.关键词是AAA A cars and Zodiac cars,定位到第二段,后面少数人的观点是重点Less well known is the advantage that

31、Adam Abbott has in life over Zoe Zysman.,选 A47. What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?A In both East and West, names are essential to success.B The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zoe Zysman.C Customers often pay a lot of attention to companies names.D Some form of discrimination

32、 is too subtle to recognize.通过infer转化为细节题,由first three paragraphs,可以判断是前三段的主旨大意题,B涉及细节所以排除,A只在第三段提到,C无中生有,选择D48. The 4th paragraph suggests that.A questions are often put to the more intelligent studentsB alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape from classC teachers should pay attention to

33、 all of their studentsD students should be seated according to their eyesight座位、逃课和排座都是细节内容,非文章重点,而C选项是与文章反向相关,文章说有歧视, C选项说不应该有歧视。50. Which of the following is true according to the text?A People with surnames beginning with N to Z are often ill-treated.B VIPs in the Western world gain a great deal

34、from alphabetism.C The campaign to eliminate alphabetism still has a long way to go.D Putting things alphabetically may lead to unintentional bias.B中VIP和C中的campaign文章没提,AD中能判断出D肯定正确。第二讲:对题目的处理一.态度题1 .识别:题干有attitude, towardstone,选项比较短2 .分类:题干:主体和客体主体:发出态度的人客体:对的态度第一类全文态度题主体:author客体:文章主题第二类局部态度题主体:au

35、thor客体:非主题第三类局部态度题主体:其他人客体:非主题第四类局部态度题主体:其他人客体:文章主题3 .做法全文态度题:(1) 可以排除选项的词汇冷漠类词汇出现必错:indifferent (漠不关心)如果作者对主题无所谓的态度,就没有写文章的必要。除此之外还有careless, disinterested in等万能类选项出现也错:concerned interested in等:关注,件事情对于任何文章都对,跟没考一样,所以是错的。迷惑类词汇:confused、puzzled、questionable, gloomy主观类词汇:subjective, scare, fear、parti

36、al, biased等:不了解就带有一个先天的情感盲目的情感。妥协类词汇:compromise、tolerate:作者不会对主题妥协中立类词汇:neutral出现就错(2) 可能正确的词汇:正面负面或者中立的评价,中立是倾向于正面的中立。中立:objective, impartial、neutral正面:approve, positive(3) 解题步骤排除选项:第一轮排除必错选项,第二轮排除相近选项(方向选项)寻找态度的指向对象(主题),并判断其性质a.如果该性质和伦理道德一致,则优先选择正面评价b.如果该性质和伦理道德相反,则优先选择负面评价c.如果该性质和伦理道德无关或者关系尚未形成,则

37、优先选择中立评价“无关”指技术或者专业类话题“尚未形成”指前沿话题,正在被讨论Opt:由于此题一般放于最后一题做,所以可以根据文章来选择正确选项出现的概率:中性正面负面真题演练:1997年 passagel: The authors attitude towards euthanasia seems to be that ofA. apposition B.suspicion C.approval D.indifference排除B(迷惑类)D (冷漠类)选择C (正面评价)1997年 passage4: The passage shows that the author is the pre

38、sent situation.A critical ofB puzzled byC disappointed atD amazed atB为迷惑类词汇,排除;ACD都是主观类,所以无法判断,AC是相近选项可以排除。1998年 passages: The authors attitude toward the issue of “science vs. anti-sciencew isA impartialB subjectiveC biasedD puzzling排除B (主观类)C (主观类)D (迷惑类)1999年 passagel: The authors attitude toward

39、s the issue seems to be.A biasedB indifferentC puzzlingD objective排除A (主观类)B (冷漠类)C (迷惑类)2001年 passage4: Toward the new business wave, the writers attitude can be said to beA optimisticB objectiveC pessimisticD biasedD是主观类排除,第二步由new business wave可以判断为专业类话题,选B2002年 passage3: From the text we can see

40、that the writer seems.A optimisticB sensitiveC gloomyD scaredC (迷惑类)D (主观类)排除,A属于可能正确的类别而B不属于,所以选A,而且B属于万能类选项局部态度题(新趋势,高难度):步骤:(1)定位找到出题句,定位词不要用主题和作者本人(2)细读出题句及其上下句,寻找带有感情色彩的词或者短语。感情色彩的词:主体的动词和形容词(3)选择最接近的选项真题演练2003年 passage3: What is many captive shippers* attitude towards the consolidation in the

41、rail industry?A Indifferent.B Supportive.C Indignant.D Apprehensive.captive shippers非作者,可以判断为局部态度题,而consolidation in the rail industry是主题,所以用非作者定位,定位到第五段:Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases, worry 是 captive shippers 发生的动作,选择D2003年 passage4: The

42、authors attitude toward Richard Lamms remark is one of.A strong disapprovalB reserved consentC slight contemptD enthusiastic support作者对非主题的态度,定位到第三段 Former Colorado governor Richard Lamm has been quoted as saying that the old and infirm “have a duty to die and get out of the way/ so that younger, he

43、althier people can realize their potential.上句和这句都没有作者,下句 I would not go that far有作者,动词是go,形容词是not that far,即同意了但是程度小。选择B2004年 passage3: How do the public feel about the current economic situation?A Optimistic.B Confused.C Carefree.D Panicked.非作者对主题:用非作者作为定位词。定位到第二段最后一句Consumers seem only mildly conc

44、erned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economys long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening.可以选择 A2004年 passage4: The views of Ravitch and Emerson on schooling are.A identicalB similarC complementaryD opposite定位至ij第二段:“Schools have always been in a so

45、ciety where practical is more important than intellectual/ says education writer Diane Ravitch./zSchools could be a counterbalance.* Ravitchs latest book, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counte

46、rbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.以及第五段 Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children:Ne are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at l

47、ast with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing. Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn exemplified American anti-intellectualism. Its hero avoids being civilized going to school and learning to read so he can preserve his innate goodness.R 认为学校不应该 anti-intellectualism,而 E 认为 schooling and rigorous book

48、learning put unnatural restraints on children. BP anti-intellectualism,所以选择 D二.主旨题1 .识别:(1)中心思想whafs the passage mainly about?(2)标题:title/topic/subject(3)目的:purpose其中(1)(2)为主旨题第类,(3)为主旨题第二类2 .做法第一类做法:(1) 简单方法:如果文章开头以一个问题开头(第一段的首位),则问题的回答就是主旨,这种回答指的是逻辑上.的对应(2) 常规方法a.处理文章:读全文各段主旨句b.处理选项:“中心词”必须出现细节内容不

49、出现无关内容不出现中心词:在各段首位频繁重复的部分,可能有多个,用三角形来画出来。做题符号总结用双竖线来跟踪六大语法用大双竖线来重组文章结构用五角星来划出重点词语用圆圈划出来非重点(例子)用三角形划出中心词无关内容:例子:文章三大段,第一段说空气污染,第二段说空气污染的来源,第三段说空气污染的整治。如果一个主旨题的某一选项是:一氧化碳在空气污染中的作用。只要在主旨句中不曾提到,要么是细节,要么是无关内容。(细节内容不出现无关内容不出现,这两个原则往往同时应用)(3) 终极方案:去同存异,比较强调重点迷惑选项:两个选项同时出现了让你接受的内容B选项:口2。C选项:。口去同:把口。去掉如果在文中提

50、过,而没提过或者在文中提过五次,而提过两次,则选择B真题演练:1998年 passages70. The passage is mainly about.A the features of volcanic activitiesB the importance of the theory about drifting platesC the significance of hot spots in geophysical studiesD the process of the formation of volcanoes方法一:hot spots是中心词,只能选择C方法二:读各段首尾句第一段首

51、句:为 hot spots 卜定义。尾句:milestones=important第二段:例子第三段:首句:significance of hot spotso尾句:hot spot能解释一个东西综上推出两个中心词:hot spot和significant,选择C1998年 passagel54. What the author tries to suggest may best be interpreted as.A Its no use crying over spilt milk”B More haste, less speed”C Look before you leap”D He w

52、ho laughs last laughs best”第一段首句:dam是中心词。尾句:dam和harm是中心词最后一段首句:dam和these conflicts是中心词,其中these指代前文内容选择C (三四而后行)1996年 passage466. The best title for this passage might be.A Inventive MindB Effective SchoolingC Ways of ThinkingD Outpouring of InventionsD第一句是问句,则回答就是主旨,选项D是问题而不是回答,所以排除。BC选项都是细节,所以排除199

53、7年 passage466. The best title for this passage could be.A A Company under FireB A Debate on Moral DeclineC A Lawful Outlet of Street CultureD A Form of Creative Freedom第一段最后 involved issues of responsibility,creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.是三个并列细节,所以排除D。B选项中的Moral Decline是细节内容,所以排除。 C

54、选择要么是细节,要么是无关内容,排除。Company在文中反复出现,所以选择A2000年 passage258. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A Sex Ratio Changes in Human EvolutionB Ways of Continuing Mans EvolutionC The Evolutionary Future of NatureD Human Evolution Going Nowhere第一段最后 Today it makes almost no difference

55、. Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent of evolution has gone.中心词是 evolution 和 gone最后段第句 For us, this means that evolution is over; the biological Utopia has arrived.中心、词是evolution和over,选择D主旨题第二类:目的题(1)分类:全文写作目的题=第一类主旨题的做法局部写作目的题七细节题(2)局部写作目的题的做法第一步:定位找到出题句,定位见细节题第二步:细读出题句及其辅助句

56、若出题句为段落首句,则辅助句是该段其他句子若出题句为中间句,则辅助句为上下各一句若出题句为段尾句,则辅助句为上一句第三步:选择最接近选项(3)真题演练1999年 passages67. The author wants to prove with the example of Isaac Newton that.A inquiring minds are more important than scientific experimentsB science advances when fruitful researches are conductedC scientists seldom fo

57、rget the essential nature of researchD unpredictability weighs less than prediction in scientific researchIsaac Newton 在第段第二句出现 Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments. Sir Isaac Newton supposedl

58、y discovered gravity through the fall of an apple.读其上下句,上句就是答案,选择A1998年 passage257. The author raises the question “what about pain without gain?” because.A he questions the truth of no gain without painB he does not think the productivity revolution worksC he wonders if the official statistics are

59、misleadingD he has conclusive evidence for the revival of businesses定位到第,段 Well, no gain without pain, they say. But what about pain without gain? Everywhere you go in America, you hear tales of corporate revival. What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen as

60、sume they are presiding over is for real.出题句在第二句,读第一段,通过tales, harder tois for real等来选择B。三.细节题比例为70%90%对重要事实和细节进行考察步骤1 .定位(从题目到选项,而不单单是提目)(1) 题干有专有名词(有大写)(2) 题干有数字,但有时不直接给出(1989=at the end of this decade)(3)引号,直接引语,是对文章的直接引用(4)模糊定位,利用题干的意思而非字面的意思完成定位According to the author; what may chiefly be respo

61、nsible for the moral decline of Japanese society?定位词:moral decline(5)利用选项的暗示,看选项有没有字面上的重复Which of the following is true according to the author?A Japanese education is praised for helping the young climb the social ladder.B Japanese education is characterized by mechanical learning as well as creati

62、vity.C More stress should be placed on the cultivation of creativity.D Dropping out leads to frustration against test taking.AB 选项 Japanese education 重复(6)题干选项都找不到定位词的时候,利用顺序原则上述六个步骤归纳为审题123原则,1审题干(1、2、3、4步),2扫选项,3看顺序2 .阅读出题句及其辅助句出题句如果是段落首句,则辅助句为全段出题句如果是段落中间句,则辅助句为上下句出题句如果是段落尾句,则辅助句为往上一句3 .处理选项正确选项的

63、特征:同义替换:内容致而形式不一致如果两个选项无法排除,前者不但意思与原文一致,而且形式也一致;后者形式不一样,而意思似乎与原文差不多,则选择后者,前者是迷惑选项In Line 8, Paragraph 1,“the desire of individuals to maximize their incomesmeans .A Americans are never satisfied with their incomesB Americans tend to overstate their incomesC Americans want to have their incomes increasedD Americans want to increase the purchasing power of

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