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1、Banked cloze (10 Minutes )Questions 1 to 10 are based on following passage.Directions: Fill in the blanks in the passage with the words given in the box. There are some extra items that wont be chosen. Change the form where necessary.A. hadB. balancedC. asideD. backboneE. thatF. fellG. oneH. on1. wh

2、atJ. InternetK. aroundL. literatureM. tortureN. software0. sympathyMy reallife friends andmy (1)_ friends arealso part of myleisure and social time. Friends have always been important to me. They are the (2)in everything I do. The good friends (3)I have are always there for me in every situation I a

3、m in. Without them I would not have led a healthy,(4) life. Not so long ago I went through a short time of depression. I (5)behind in all my work and stopped talking to my friends. A代er a week of acting this way,(6)of my good friends pulled me (7)and invited me to go for a walk with her. We talked a

4、bout what was going (8)in my life and she helped me to figure out (9)I wanted to do. I do not know what would have happened if she (10)not been there.Key:15 J D E B F 610. G C H I APart II Carefully Reading (7 minutes )Loving MurielSeventeen years ago, Muriel and I began our journey into the twiligh

5、t. Its midnight now, and I wonder when dawn will break. In her silent world, Muriel is so content, so lovable. If she were to die, how I would miss her gentle, sweet presence.Love is said to evaporate if the relationship is not mutual, if the other person doesnt communicate or if one party doesnt ca

6、rry his or her share of the load.Some people find it so hard to understand my quitting the job. HDo you miss being president? a student asked. I told him Id never thought about it. I enjoyed learning to cook and keep house. It was as exciting as my former work had been. No, Id never looked back.Peop

7、le ask me,“How do you do it?” Praise helps. Memories help, too. Muriel stocked the cupboard of my mind with the best of them. I often live again a special moment of love she planned with her endless passion about life.Muriel hasnt spoken a coherent word in monthsyears, if you mean asentence, a conve

8、rsation. Would I never hear that voice again?Then came February 14,1995.Valentines Day was always special at our house because that was the day in 1948 that Muriel accepted my marriage proposal. On the eve of Valentines Day in 1995, I bathed Muriel, kissed her good night and whispered a prayer over

9、her,“Dear Lord, you love sweet Muriel more than I, so please keep my beloved through the night.The next morning I was pedaling on my exercise bike at the foot of her bed. Finally, she was awake and, as she often does, smiled at me. Then, for the first time in months she spoke, calling out to me in a

10、 voice as clear as a crystal bell,Love . love love.”I jumped from my bicycle and ran to embrace her.Honey, you really do love me, dont you?” Holding me with her eyes, she responded with the only words she could find to say yes.Im nice, she said.1. Why is it so difficult for people to understand that

11、 loving Muriel isnt hard?A. Because the relationship is not mutual.B. Because Murieldoesnt communicate.C. Because Muriel cannot cook or keep the house. D. All of the above.2. What kind of job did the write do?A. He used to be a sportsman.B. He used to be the presidentof a university.C. He used to be

12、 a housekeeper. D. He used to be a cook.3. What helped the wrier to do all the sacrifices?A. Praise.B. Memories. C. Social charity. D. Both A and B.4. What is wrong with Muriel?A. She could not express herself clearly because of illness. B. She didnt know how to cook.C. She didnt have a lot of happy

13、 memories with her husband. D. She was not improving in housework.5. When did Muriel agree to marry the writer?A. On February 14.1995. B. On February 14,1948.C. On February 14,1946. D. On the day of his graduation.Part II Carefully Reading (7 minutes )1. D 2, B 3. D 4. A 5. BWhen I turned 40, my hus

14、band staged a surprise party for me. I should never forget my emotion as I entered the restaurant and saw loving friends amid flowers and music and a large display of photographs that spanned my life. I hurried from one table to the next, greeting each guest. Then suddenly at the rear of the room I

15、spotted a gentle, smiling man with snow-white hair and a blue-eyed woman on his arm.Mom, Dad, I gasped. They had flown to Los Angeles from Chicago just hours before. I burst into tears at the sight of these two who, more than anyone else, had taught me that being there for another person is the grea

16、test gift we can give.A year later, my husband and I were invited to an unusual wedding.Our friends had been married years before in a civil ceremony, and now they wanted to declare again their commitment to one another in a church service. The morning before the wedding, I decided to call my friend

17、 and beg off.Kathe, this is Karen, I began hesitantly.Youre coming, arent you? She broke in. Her voice was urgent. I paused and in that instant recalled the sight of my parents at my 40th-birthday party.“Yes, of course, I said,Well be there.So we went. And I was grateful we did. We werent in our sea

18、ts a minute before Kathe came up behind us, radiant but with tears in her eyes. She told us how much our presence meant to her, with many of her beloved ones absent.I see now that ones presence can be a duty in the highest sense. It is, in fact, something that we owe one another, whatever the cost.

19、In gifts of the self, self is renewed.Being there is indeed at the very core of civility.1. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A Peoples High Sense of ResponsibilityB Presence, the Best Gift We Can GiveC Peoples Attitude toward ResponsibilityD How to Show Ones Gentle Love

20、2“Which of the following excited the writer at her 40th birthday?A A lot of beautiful flowers and lovely music.B A large gathering of her close friends.CThe unexpected appearance of her parents.D The display of her photographs.3.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A One should al

21、ways be positive about invitations.B One should accept invitations at all costs.C Ones presence is a way to show his emotion.D Ones presence can mean a lot to others spiritually.4.It can be known from the passage that.A the writer cares a lot about her own feelingB the writers husband knows how to s

22、atisfy his wifeC the writers friend is a selfish personD the writer had intended to attend her friends wedding5.The word “civility“ in the last sentence of the passage could best bereplaced byA politenessB virtueC honestyD friendship1 .答案:B给文章取名,标题必然是最能点明文章主旨的句子,纵览全文,B项最合适,即“出现,是最好的礼物2 .答案:C 根据文中第二段

23、所述,她流泪,感动,是因为老迈的父母不远万里乘飞机横跨美国参加她的生日宴,出乎她的意料之外,C项正确。3 .答案:DA(对别人的邀请要积极),B(应不惜一切代价接受邀请),C(出席是表达情感的一种方式)三者都没有准确地表达作者的主题思想。D(一个人的出现给他人精神上很多鼓励),显然是作者想表达的思想。4 .答案:B 从文中看A“作者关心自我感受”;C“作者的朋友很自私”;D“作者原打算出席朋友的婚礼”,三者与文中内容相背,只有B作者的丈夫很能理解取悦她”是符合文中内容的。5 .答案:A 要理解civility这一词,倒数第二段中所述,有助于词义的推测,civility 应为A项:politen

24、ess礼仪。Friendship is one of the basic bonds between human beings. While the characteristics of friendship might vary from one country to another, people from all cultures not only enjoy friends but need them.Many studies have shown that teenagers who have no friends often suffer from psychological di

25、sorders. It has been shown that teenagers, perhaps more than any other age group, need companionship and a sense of belonging. The negative consequences of loneliness have also been observed among the elderly. The death of a spouse often leaves a widow or a widower totally bereft. If, however, they

26、are surrounded by friends and relatives and if they are able to articulate their feelings, they are more likely to recover from their grief.“No man is an island/ In other words, we are all parts of society. We all need the love, admiration, respect and moral support of other people. If we are fortun

27、ate, our friends will provide us with all of these necessary aspects of life.As most people observe, there are many levels of friendship. The degree or intensity of friendship varies depending on the personality of the individuals involved and the context of the relationships. Extroverts enjoy being

28、 surrounded by many people whereas introverts are perhaps content with fewer but more intense friendships.Everyone is not equally open with all their friends. The degree of intimacy is determined by many factors. Close friends can be formed at any stage in ones life but they are usually very rare. N

29、ot very many people have more than a few really close friends. Irrespective of the level of intimacy, all friendships are based on reciprocity, honesty and a certain amount of love and affection.1. The second paragraph implies that C_.Ateenagers without friends will suffer from psychological problem

30、s Ba widow or a widower will die very soon without companionship Chuman beings need companionship and a sense of belonging Dboth A and B2. “No man is an islandw(Line 1, Para.3) implies that C.Aeveryone is a part of an islandBman cannot be an islandCeveryone is just a part of societyDsociety is an is

31、land3. The degree of intimacy of friendship mainly depends on C.AageBbelongingCpersonality Dculture4. The author thinks that close friends _C.Acan be easily formed when one is youngBcannot be long-lastingCare not rare for everyoneDare rare for most people5. The word irrespective”(Last sentence, Para

32、.5) means _D.Anot respecting BdishonoringC regard lessDconsideringShort conversationsListen to five short conversations between two speakers and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.Conversation 1(D)A. They are no longer friends.B. They have never been very close.C. They are always tog

33、ether.D. They have inseparable friends of their own.Conversation 2(D)A. Linda doesnt contact her anymore because theyre not in the same city.B. Linda is too busy moving house to contact her.C. The woman is afraid that she will lose touch with Linda.D. The woman believes that she and Linda are still

34、close friends.Conversation 3(A)A. He lost touch with all his old friends after he moved to the city.B. He doesnt have the time to keep in touch with all his old friends.C. He still keeps in contact with a few close friends back home.D. He has made a lot of new friends in the city.Conversation 4(B)A.

35、 Surprise visits are acceptable among close friends.B. Surprise visits are not welcome, even among close friends.C. People usually expect their close friends to call before their visits.D. Dropping in on your friends is considered good manners.Conversation 5(D)A. Cathy and Sally are twin sisters.B.

36、Cathy and Sally are both fashion designers.C. Cathy and Sally have the same likes and dislikes.D. Cathy and Sally both like to wear bright-colored dresses.Key: CDCA B答案解析】1. 。推断题。本文讨论了友谊的重要性。不论是青少年还是老年人,都需要朋友的陪伴。没有人是孤立的,每个人都是社会的一部分,都需要他人的爱、陪伴和关心。文章第二段表明人都需要陪伴和归属感。文章第二段提到没有朋友的青少年和丧偶的老年人常常会有心理问题,并提到陪伴

37、和归属感是他们共同的需求,所以C为正确答案。答案A和B都过于武断,作者只是说一般而言,并没有说一定会,所以不对。2. C细节题oNo man is an island(Line 1, Para.3)的意思是,每个人都是社会的一部分。第三段第二句话解释了这句引言的意思,Another words, we are all parts of society所以 C 为正确答案。3. C细节推理题。友谊的亲密程度主要取决于人的个性。见第四段第二句:The degree or intensity of friendship varies depending on the personality of t

38、he individuals .所以 C 为正确答案。4. D细节推理题。作者认为多数人的亲密朋友并不多。见第五段第三句,Close friends can be formed at any stage in ones life but they are usually very rare”在人生的任何阶段都可以交到亲密的朋友,但数量通常很少,由此推断D为正确答案。5. C词汇题irrespective(第五段最后一句)这个词语的意思是不论,不考虑见最后一句Irrespective of the level of intimacy, all friendships are based on .

39、不论亲密的程度如何,任何友谊都是建立在互惠、诚实和一定的友爱和关怀的基础之上的。根据上下文,可推测出这个词语的意思是“不论,不考虑所以C为正确答案。Careful readingPassage 1The way people hold to the belief that a fun - filled, pain free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pa

40、in must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising ch

41、ildren, professional achievement, religious commitment (预担的义务),self - improvement.Ask a bachelor (单身汉) why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painfu

42、l. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement.Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole nights sleep or a three - day vacation. I dont know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe rai

43、sing children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more

44、hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually

45、 may not be happy at all.1 . According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly becauseA. he is reluctant to take on family responsibilitiesB. he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains singleC. he finds more fun in dating than in marriageD. he fears it will put an end to al

46、l his fun adventure and excitement 2. Raising children, in the authors opinion is.A. a moral dutyB. a thankless jobC. a rewarding task D. a source of inevitable pain3. . From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems fromA. hatred B. misunderstanding C. prejudice D. ignorance4. . To und

47、erstand what true happiness is one must.A. have as much fun as possible during ones lifetimeB. make every effort to liberate oneself from painC. put up with pain under all circumstancesD. be able to distinguish happiness from fun5. . What is the author trying to tell us?A. Happiness often goes hand

48、in hand with pain .B. One must know how to attain happiness.C. It is important to make commitments.D. It is pain that leads to happiness.Passage2Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice

49、cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trouble at school, your friends will

50、help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to othe

51、rs, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also you are very happy, because you have something else that cant be

52、 bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转的)door. When it does, it also opens. I

53、f you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.6. Those who have big houses may often feel.A. happy B. lonely C. free D. excited7. When you fall down in a PE class, both your teacher and your classmates will.A. laugh at you B. play jokes on you C. quarrel with you D. help you u

54、p8. What will your friends say to you when you make great progress?A. Oh, so do I. B. Congratulations. C. Good luck. D. Its just so-so.9. Which idea is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?A. People who have cars would never like to walk in the open air.B. You can get help from others when you make mi

55、stakes.C. You can still be a happy person even if you have little money.D. Happiness is always around you though difficulties come towards you.10. Which of the following is this passage about?A. Bad luck. B. Good luck. C. Happiness. D. Life.Key:1-5 ACBDA6-10 BDBAC透析:6. B。这是一个考查细节和事实的题目。文章中有明确的叙述:Bec

56、ause those who have big houses may often feel lonely.所问问题和原文的叙述完全一样。7. Do这也是一个考查细节和事实的题目。在所给文章中可以找到这样地叙述:When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you.根据这一叙述,我们可以判断:当你在体育课上摔倒时,你的老师和同学们肯定会帮你站起来的。8. Bo这一道阅读理解题同样是考查事实和细节的题目。在阅读文章里我们也能找到关于这问题的叙述v/hen you get success, your friends will sa

57、y congratulations to you.9. Ao这是一道判断题目。阅读文章里明确叙述:those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.阅读理解题的 A项说,有车的人永远不愿在室外走,与文章所讲完全不同,因此是不对的。10. Co这是一道考查文章主题的题目。这篇文章共有三段。第一段的主题句是:Happiness is for everyone.第二段的主题句是:In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your hear

58、t into it.第三段的主题句是:Happiness is not the same as money.三段的主题都是围绕 happiness展开的,所以正确答案是happiness。Listening 11) A) Discussing the benefits of exercises.B) Discussing the importance of good health.C) Telling some jokes about exercise.D) Introducing ways to keep healthy.2) A) Three. B) Four. C) Five. D) S

59、ix.3) A) It can make people live longer. B) It can make people older.C) It can make people feel older. D) It can make people feel younger.4) A) The heart, the lungs, the ankles, and the economy.B) The stomach, the lungs, and the ankles.C) The heart, the legs, the ankles, and the economy.D) The cloth

60、ing industry and medical industry.5)A) Because she thinks fast shopping is interesting.B) Because she likes the fast pace of life.C) Because she thinks fast shopping makes her life meaningful.D) Because she thinks she is exercising by doing fast shopping.6) A) By car. B) On foot. C) By bike. D) By b

61、us.7) A) Because people want to help the national economy.8) Because people want to keep fit.9) Because people have more money now.10) Because there are many fitness programs on TV.8) A) Serious. B) Ironical. C) Sincere. D) Humorous.Listening 21) . The word diet now.A. has acquired a new meaning. B.

62、 keeps its original meaning.C. has the same meaning as eating. D. keeps changing its meanings.2) . There was a time when women.A. looked like men with their waist boundB. bound their waist as men didC. tried to keep a narrow waist with beltsD. kept a good figure with mens belts3) . Extreme diets cou

63、ld.A. solve all the health problems B. put lives at riskC. solve some health problemsD. benefit both ones health andappearance4) . The speaker talks of Princess Diana and Karen Carpenter as.A. model dietsB. victims of dietingC. pioneers of dieting D. unpleasant dieters5) Looking good should come wit

64、h.A. new health problemsB a doctors good dietC. proper exercise and good eating habits D the risk of your health and lifeKeys 1)8) CBAC DABD Listening21-5 ACBBCListening 1 The FLuThe flu is such an infectious illness that it can 1.you anytime and anywhere. One 2.you can be feeling fine, and thenext you can be 3., burning up and then shivering again.Soon your legbecomes weak and your body begins to4. Once

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