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1、(外文翻译中文)液压系统液压传动和气压传动称为流体传动,是根据17世纪帕斯卡提出的液体静压力传动原理而发展起来的一门新兴技术,795年英国约瑟夫布拉曼(JosephBraman,1749-1814), 在伦敦用水作为工作介质,以水压机的形式将其应用于工业上,诞生了世界上第一台水 压机。1905年将工作介质水改为油,又进一步得到改善。第一次世界大战(1914-1918)后液压传动广泛应用,特别是1920年以后,发展更为 迅速。液压元件大约在19世纪末20世纪初的20年间,才开始进入正规的工业生产阶 段。1925年维克斯(F.Vikers)发明了压力平衡式叶片泵为近代液压元件工业或液压传 动的逐步

2、建立奠定了基础。20世纪初康斯坦丁尼斯克(GCons tan ti msco)对能量波动传 递所进行的理论及实际研究;1910年对液力传动(液力联轴节、液力变矩器等)方面的贡 献,使这两方面领域得到了发展。第二次世界大战(1941-1945)期间,在美国机床中有30%应用了液压传动。应该指出, 日本液压传动的发展较欧美等国家晚了近20多年。在1955年前后,日本迅速发展液 压传动,1956年成立了“液压工业会”近2030年间,日本液压传动发展之快,居世 界领先地位。液压传动有许多突出的优点,因此它的应用非常广泛,如一般工业用的塑料加工机 械、压力机械、机床等;行走机械中的工程机械、建筑机械、农

3、业机械、汽车等;钢铁 工业用的冶金机械、提升装置、轧辊调整装置等;土木水利工程用的防洪闸门及堤坝装 置、河床升降装置、桥梁操纵机构等;发电厂涡轮机调速装置、核发电厂等等;船舶用 的甲板起重机械(绞车)、船头门、舱壁阀、船尾推进器等;特殊技术用的巨型天线控制 装置、测量浮标、升降旋转舞台等;军事工业用的火炮操纵装置、船舶减摇装置、飞行 器仿真、飞机起落架的收放装置和方向舵控制装置等。一个完整的液压系统由五个部分组成,即动力元件、执行元件、控制元件、辅助元 件和液压油。动力元件的作用是将原动机的机械能转换成液体的压力能,指液压系统中的油泵, 它向整个液压系统提供动力。液压泵的结构形式一般有齿轮泵、

4、叶片泵和柱塞泵。执行元件(如液压缸和液压马达)的作用是将液体的压力能转换为机械能,驱动负载 作直线往复运动或回转运动。控制元件(即各种液压阀)在液压系统中控制和调节液体的压力、流量和方向。根据 控制功能的不同,液压阀可分为压力控制阀、流量控制阀和方向控制阀。压力控制阀又 分为益流阀(安全阀)、减压阀、顺序阀、压力继电器等;流量控制阀包括节流阀、调整 阀、分流集流阀等;方向控制阀包括单向阀、液控单向阀、梭阀、换向阀等。根据控制 方式不同,液压阀可分为开关式控制阀、定值控制阀和比例控制阀。辅助元件包括油箱、滤油器、油管及管接头、密封圈、压力表、油位油温计等。液压油是液压系统中传递能量的工作介质,有

5、各种矿物油、乳化液和合成型液压油 等几大类。齿轮泵的概念是很简单的,即它的最基本形式就是两个尺寸相同的齿轮在一个紧密 配合的壳体内相互啮合旋转,这个壳体的内部类似“8”字形,两个齿轮装在里面,齿轮 的外径及两侧与壳体紧密配合。来自于挤出机的物料在吸入口进入两个齿轮中间,并充 满这一空间,随着齿的旋转沿壳体运动,最后在两齿啮合时排出。在术语上讲,齿轮泵也叫正排量装置,即像一个缸筒内的活塞,当一个齿进入另一 个齿的流体空间时,液体就被机械性地挤排出来。因为液体是不可压缩的,所以液体和 齿就不能在同一时间占据同一空间,这样,液体就被排除了。由于齿的不断啮合,这一 现象就连续在发生,因而也就在泵的出口

6、提供了一个连续排除量,泵每转一转,排出的 量是一样的。随着驱动轴的不间断地旋转,泵也就不间断地排出流体。泵的流量直接与 泵的转速有关。实际上,在泵内有很少量的流体损失,这使泵的运行效率不能达到100, 因为这些流体被用来润滑轴承及齿轮两侧,而泵体也绝不可能无间隙配合,故不能使流 体 100地从出口排出,所以少量的流体损失是必然的。然而泵还是可以良好地运行,对 大多数挤出物料来说,仍可以达到93%98%的效率。对于粘度或密度在工艺中有变化的流体,这种泵不会受到太多影响。如果有一个阻 尼器,比如在排出口侧放一个滤网或一个限制器,泵则会推动流体通过它们。如果这个 阻尼器在工作中变化,亦即如果滤网变脏

7、、堵塞了,或限制器的背压升高了,则泵仍将 保持恒定的流量,直至达到装置中最弱的部件的机械极限(通常装有一个扭矩限制器)。 对于一台泵的转速,实际上是有限制的,这主要取决于工艺流体,如果传送的是油类, 泵则能以很高的速度转动,但当流体是一种高粘度的聚合物熔体时,这种限制就会大幅 度降低。 推动高粘流体进入吸入口一侧的两齿空间是非常重要的,如果这一空间没有填 充满,则泵就不能排出准确的流量,所以W值(压力X流速)也是另外一个限制因素,而 且是一个工艺变量。由于这些限制,齿轮泵制造商将提供一系列产品,即不同的规格及 排量(每转一周所排出的量)。这些泵将与具体的应用工艺相配合,以使系统能力及价格 达到

8、最优。PEPII泵的齿轮与轴共为一体,采用通体淬硬工艺,可获得更长的工作寿命。“D” 型轴承结合了强制润滑机理,使聚合物经轴承表面,并返回到泵的进口侧,以确保旋转 轴的有效润滑。这一特性减少了聚合物滞留并降解的可能性。精密加工的泵体可使“D” 型轴承与齿轮轴精确配合,确保齿轮轴不偏心,以防齿轮磨损。Parkool密封结构与聚四 氟唇型密封共同构成水冷密封。这种密封实际上并不接触轴的表面,它的密封原理是将 聚合物冷却到半熔融状态而形成自密封。也可以采用Rheoseal密封,它在轴封内表上加 工有反向螺旋槽,可使聚合物被反压回到进口。为便于安装,制造商设计了一个环形螺 栓安装面,以使与其它设备的法

9、兰安装相配合,这使得筒形法兰的制造更容易。PEP II齿轮泵带有与泵的规格相匹配的加热元件,可供用户选配,这可保证快速加温和热量 控制。与泵体内加热方式不同,这些元件的损坏只限于一个板子上,与整个泵无关。齿轮泵由一个独立的电机驱动,可有效地阻断上游的压力脉动及流量波动。在齿轮 泵出口处的压力脉动可以控制在1以内。在挤出生产线上采用一台齿轮泵,可以提高流 量输出速度,减少物料在挤出机内的剪切及驻留时间,降低挤塑温度及压力脉动以提高 生产率及产品质量。液压系统的作用就是帮助人类做工。主要是由执行元件把压力变成转动或往复运动。 液压的原理:它是由两个大小不同的液缸组成的,在液缸里充满水或油。充水的叫

10、 “水压机”;充油的称“油压机”。两个液缸里各有一个可以滑动的活塞,如果在小活 塞上加一定值的压力,根据帕斯卡定律,小活塞将这一压力通过液体的压强传递给大活 塞,将大活塞顶上去。设小活塞的横截面积是S1,加在小活塞上的向下的压力是F1。于 是,小活塞对液体的压强为P=F1/SI,能够大小不变地被液体向各个方向传递”。大活塞 所受到的压强必然也等于P。若大活塞的横截面积是S2,压强P在大活塞上所产生的向 上的压力F2=PxS2截面积是小活塞横截面积的倍数。从上式知,在小活塞上加一较小的 力,则在大活塞上会得到很大的力,为此用液压机来压制胶合板、榨油、提取重物、锻 压钢材等。液压系统由信号控制和液

11、压动力两部分组成,信号控制部分用于驱动液压动力部分 中的控制阀动作。液压动力部分采用回路图方式表示,以表明不同功能元件之间的相互关系。液压源 含有液压泵、电动机和液压辅助元件;液压控制部分含有各种控制阀,其用于控制工作 油液的流量、压力和方向;执行部分含有液压缸或液压马达,其可按实际要求来选择。在分析和设计实际任务时,一般采用方框图显示设备中实际运行状况。空心箭头表 示信号流,而实心箭头则表示能量流。基本液压回路中的动作顺序控制元件(二位四通换向阀)的换向和弹簧复位、执 行元件(双作用液压缸)的伸出和回缩以及溢流阀的开启和关闭。对于执行元件和控制 元件,演示文稿都是基于相应回路图符号,这也为介

12、绍回路图符号作了准备。根据系统工作原理,您可对所有回路依次进行编号。如果第一个执行元件编号为0, 则与其相关的控制元件标识符则为1。如果与执行元件伸出相对应的元件标识符为偶数, 则与执行元件回缩相对应的元件标识符则为奇数。不仅应对液压回路进行编号,也应对 实际设备进行编号,以便发现系统故障。DINIS01219-2标准定义了元件的编号组成,其包括下面四个部分:设备编号、回路 编号、元件标识符和元件编号。如果整个系统仅有一种设备,则可省略设备编号。实际中,另一种编号方式就是对液压系统中所有元件进行连续编号,此时,元件编 号应该与元件列表中编号相一致。这种方法特别适用于复杂液压控制系统,每个控制回

13、 路都与其系统编号相对应与机械传动、电气传动相比,液压传动具有以下优点:1、液压传动的各种元件,可以根据需要方便、灵活地来布置。2、重量轻、体积小、运动惯性小、反应速度快。3、操纵控制方便,可实现大范围的无级调速(调速范围达2000:1)。4、可自动实现过载保护。5、一般采用矿物油作为工作介质,相对运动面可自行润滑,使用寿命长。6、很容易实现直线运动。7、很容易实现机器的自动化,当采用电液联合控制后,不仅可实现更高程度的自动 控制过程,而且可以实现遥控。液压系统的缺点:1、由于流体流动的阻力和泄露较大,所以效率较低。如果处理不当,泄露不仅污染 场地,而且还可能引起火灾和爆炸事故。2、由于工作性

14、能易受到温度变化的影响,因此不宜在很高或很低的温度条件下工作。3、液压元件的制造精度要求较高,因而价格较贵。4、由于液体介质的泄露及可压缩性影响,不能得到严格的传动比。5、液压传动出故障时不易找出原因;使用和维修要求有较高的技术水平。在液压系统及其系统中,密封装置用来防止工作介质的泄漏及外界灰尘和异物的侵 入。其中起密封作用的元件,即密封件。外漏会造成工作介质的浪费,污染机器和环境 甚至引起机械操作失灵及设备人身事故。内漏会引起液压系统容积效率急剧下降,达不 到所需要的工作压力,甚至不能进行工作。侵入系统中的微小灰尘颗粒,会引起或加剧 液压元件摩擦副的磨损,进一步导致泄漏。因此,密封件和密封装

15、置是液压设备的一个重要组成部分。它的工作的可靠性和使 用寿命,是衡量液压系统好坏的一个重要指标。除间隙密封外,都是利用密封件,使相 邻两个偶合表面间的间隙控制在需要密封的液体能通过的最小间隙以下。在接触式密封 中,分为自封式压紧型密封和自封式自紧型密封(即唇形密封)两种。液压系统的三大顽疾1、发热 由于传力介质(液压油)在流动过程中存在各部位流速的不同,导致液体 内部存在一定的内摩擦,同时液体和管路内壁之间也存在摩擦,这些都是导致液压油温 度升高的原因。温度升高将导致内外泄漏增大,降低其机械效率。同时由于较高的温度 液压油会发生膨胀,导致压缩性增大,使控制动作无法很好的传递。解决办法:发热是

16、液压系统的固有特征,无法根除只能尽量减轻。使用质量好的液压油、液压管路的布置 中应尽量避免弯头的出现、使用高质量的管路以及管接头、液压阀等。2、振动 液压系统的振动也是其痼疾之一。由于液压油在管路中的高速流动而产生 的冲击以及控制阀打开关闭过程中产生的冲击都是系统发生振动的原因。强的振动会导 致系统控制动作发生错误,也会使系统中一些较为精密的仪器发生错误,导致系统故障 解决办法:液压管路应尽量固定,避免出现急弯。避免频繁改变液流方向,无法避免时 应做好减振措施。整个液压系统应有良好的减振措施,同时还要避免外来振源对系统的 影响。3、泄漏 液压系统的泄漏分为内泄漏和外泄漏。内泄漏指泄漏过程发生在

17、系统内部, 例如液压缸活塞两边的泄漏、控制阀阀芯与阀体之间的泄漏等。内泄漏虽然不会产生液 压油的损失,但是由于发生泄漏,既定的控制动作可能会受到影响,直至引起系统故障 外泄漏是指发生在系统和外部环境之间的泄漏。液压油直接泄漏到环境中,除了会影响 系统的工作环境外,还会导致系统压力不够引发故障。泄漏到环境中的液压油还有发生 火灾的危险。解决办法:采用质量较好的密封件,提高设备的加工精度。液压元件将向高性能、高质量、高可靠性、系统成套方向发展;向低能耗、低噪声 振动、无泄漏以及污染控制、应用水基介质等适应环保要求方向发展;开发高集成化高 功率密度、智能化、机电一体化以及轻小型微型液压元件;积极采用

18、新工艺、新材料和 电子、传感等高新技术。液力偶合器向高速大功率和集成化的液力传动装置发展,开发水介质调速型液力偶 合器和向汽车应用领域发展,开发液力减速器,提高产品可靠性和平均无故障工作时间 液力变矩器要开发大功率的产品,提高零部件的制造工艺技术,提高可靠性,推广计算 机辅助技术,开发液力变矩器与动力换档变速箱配套使用技术;液粘调速离合器应提高 产品质量,形成批量,向大功率和高转速方向发展。气动行业:产品向体积小、重量轻、功耗低、组合集成化方向发展,执行元件向种 类多、结构紧凑、定位精度高方向发展;气动元件与电子技术相结合,向智能化方向发 展;元件性能向高速、高频、高响应、高寿命、耐高温、耐高

19、压方向发展,普遍采用无 油润滑,应用新工艺、新技术、新材料。(1) 采用的液压元件高压化,连续工作压力达至40Mpa,瞬间最高压力达到48Mpa;(2) 调节和控制方式多样化;(3) 进一步改善调节性能,提高动力传动系统的效率;(4) 发展与机械、液力、电力传动组合的复合式调节传动装置;(5) 发展具有节能、储能功能的高效系统;(6) 进一步降低噪声;(7) 应用液压螺纹插装阀技术,紧凑结构、减少漏油。附录 (外文翻译原文)Hydraulic SystemHydraulic presser drive and air pressure drive hydraulic fluid as the

20、transmission is made according to the 17th century, Pascals principle of hydrostatic pressure to drive the development of an emerging technoolgy, the United Kingdom in 1795 Braman Joseph (Joseph Braman ,1749-1814), in London water as a medium to form hydraulic press used in industry, the birth of th

21、e worlds first hydraulic press. Media work in 1905 will be replaced by oil-water and further improved.After the World War I (1914-1918) ,because of the extensive application of hydraulic transmission, especially after 1920, more rapid development. Hydraulic components in the late 19th century about

22、the early 20th century, 20 years, only started to enter the formal phase of industrial production. 1925 Vickers (F. Vikers) the invention of the pressure balanced vane pump, hydraulic components for the modern industrial or hydraulic transmission of the gradual establishment of the foundation. The e

23、arly20th century G Constantimscofluct- uations of the energy carried out by passing theoretical and practical research; in 1910 on the hydraulic transmission (hydraulic coupling, hydraulic torque converter, etc.) contributions, so that these two areas of development.The Second World War (1941-1945)

24、period, in the United States 30% of machine tool applications in the hydraulic transmission. It should be noted that the development of hydraulic transmission in Japan than Europe and the United States and other countries for nearly 20 years later. Before and after in 1955, the rapid development of

25、Japans hydraulic drive, set up in 1956, Hydraulic Industry. Nearly 20 to 30 years, the development of Japans fast hydraulic transmission, a world leader.Hydraulic transmission There are many outstanding advantages, it is widely used, such as general industrial use of plastics processing machinery, t

26、he pressure of machinery, machine tools, etc.; operating machinery engineering machinery, construction machinery, agricultural machinery, automobiles, etc.; iron and steel indu-stry metallurgical machinery, lifting equipment, such as roller adjustment device; civil water projects with flood control

27、and dam gate devices, bed lifts installations, bridges and other manipulation of institutions; speed turbine power plant installations, nuclear power plants, etc.; ship from the deck heavy machinery (winch), the bow doors, bulkhead valve, stern thruster, etc.; special antenna technology giant with c

28、ontrol devices, measurement buoys, movements such as rotating stage; military industrial control devices used in artillery, ship antirolling devices, aircraft simulation, aircraft retractable landing gear and rudder control devices and other devices.A complete hydraulic system consists of five parts

29、, namely, power components, the implementation of components, control components, auxiliary components and hydraulic oil.The role of dynamic components of the original motive fluid into mechanical energy to the pressure that the hydraulic system of pumps, it is to power the entire hydraulic system.

30、The structure of the form of hydraulic pump gears are generally pump, vane pump and piston pump.Implementation of components (such as hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors) which is the pressure of the liquid can be converted to mechanical energy to drive the load for a straight line reciprocatin

31、g movement or rotational movement.Control components (that is, the various hydraulic valves) in the hydraulic system to control and regulate the pressure of liquid, flow rate and direction. According to the different control functions, hydraulic pressure control valve can be divided into valves, flo

32、w control valves and directional control valve. Pressure control valves are divided into benefits flow valve (safety valve), pressure relief valve, sequence valve, pressure relays, etc.; flow control valves including throttle, adjusting the valves, flow diversion valve sets, etc.; directional contro

33、l valve includes a one-way valve , one-way fluid control valve, shuttle valve, valve and so on. Under the control of different ways, can be divided into the hydraulic valve control switch valve, control valve and set the value of the ratio control valve.Auxiliary components, including fuel tanks, oi

34、l filters, tubing and pipe joints, seals, pressure gauge, oil level, such as oil dollars.Hydraulic oil in the hydraulic system is the work of the energy transfer medium, there are a variety of mineral oil, emulsion oil hydraulic molding Hop categories.The concept of gear pump is very simple, that it

35、 is two of the most basic form of the same size gear in a close cooperation of mutual engagement with the rotating shell, the shells internal similar 8 shape, the two gears mounted inside , the diameter of gear and work closely with both sides and shell. From the extruder the material inhaled into t

36、he mouth of two intermediate gears, and full of the space, with the teeth along the shell of the rotary movement, the final two hours from the meshing teeth.Speaking in terms of gear, also known as positive displacement pump device, that is, inside the cylinder like a piston, when a tooth to another

37、 tooth space of the fluid, the liquid was squeezed mechanically to row out. Because the liquid is incompressible, so the liquid and the tooth at the same time will not be able to occupy the same space, so that the liquid has been ruled out. Because of the constant mesh gear, this phenomenon occurs o

38、n a row and, therefore, the pump provides a continuous export to exclude the amount of a turn each pump, the volume of discharge is the same. With the continuous rotation of the driveshaft, pump fluid is continuously discharged. Pump flow directly to the speed of the pump. In fact, there is little p

39、ump of the fluid loss, which makes the operation of pumps can not achieve 100% efficiency, as these fluids are used to on both sides of bearing and gear lubrication, and the pump body is also not possible with no gap, it can not be so that 100% of fluid discharged from the export, so a small amount

40、of fluid loss is inevitable. However, a good pump can be run out of material for the majority, will still be able to achieve 93% 98% efficiency.For the viscosity or density change in the process fluid, the pump will not be affected too much. If there is a damper, for example, in the export side, one

41、 row or a limiter filter, pumps will push fluid through them. If the damper changes in their work, that is, if the filters become dirty, blocked, or limiter on the back of the hypertension, the pump will maintain a constant flow, until the device in the weakest parts of the mechanical limit (usually

42、 equipped with a torque limiter). For a pump speed, in fact, there are restrictions, which mainly depends on the process fluid, if the transmission is oil, pump can rotate at high speed, but when the fluid is a high viscosity of the polymer melt, such restrictions will be significantly reduced. Prom

43、ote blood flow into the intake side of the two tooth space is very important, if not fill in this space is full, the pump will not be able to discharge the flow of accurate, so the value of PV (pressure x velocity) is also a limiting factor, and is a process variable. As a result of these restrictio

44、ns, gear pump manufacturers will provide a range of products, that is, different specifications and emission (perweek to the emission of volume). These pumps will fit the specific application of technology to enable the system to achieve optimal capacity and price.PEP-II pump shaft gear and a total

45、of one species hardened using technology, will be a longer working life. D-type bearing a combination of forced lubrication mechanism, so that the polymer surface by the bearing, and return to the import side of pump to ensure effective lubrication of the rotation axis. This feature reduces the degr

46、adation of polymers and the possibility of being stranded. Precision machining of the pump body can D-type gear shaft with precision bearings to ensure noneccentric gear shaft to prevent gear wear. Structure and Parkool PTFE sealing lip sealed water cooled sealed together. This shaft seal does not a

47、ctually contact the surface, it is the principle of the sealing polymer to a semimolten state cooling and the formation of self sealing. Can also be used Rheoseal sealing, seal it inside the table are reverse spiral groove processing, the polymer can be imported back to the antipressure. In order to

48、 facilitate the installation, the manufacturer has designed the installation of a ring bolt, so that the flange and install other equipment line, which makes the manufacture of tube flange easier. PEP-II with a gear pump with the pump to match the specifications of the heating elements for the user

49、matching, which ensures rapid heating and heat control. Heating the body and pump in different ways, the damage to these components is limited to a board, the pump has nothing to do with the whole.Gear pump by an independent motor drive, to be effective in blocking the upper reaches of the pressure

50、pulsation and flow fluctuations. Gear pump in the outlet of the pressure fluctuation can be controlled within 1%. In the extrusion production line using a gear pump, can increase the output flow rate of material in the extruder to reduce the shear and residence time to reduce the extrusion temperatu

51、re and pressure fluctuation in order to enhance productivity and product quality.The role of the hydraulic system is to help humanity work. Mainly by the implementation of components to rotate or pressure into a reciprocating motion.Hydraulic principle :it consists of two cylinders of different size

52、s and composition of fluid in the fluid full of water or oil. Water is called hydraulic press; the said oilfilled hydraulic machine. Each of the two liquid a sliding piston, if the increase in the small piston on the pressure of a certain value, according to Pascals law, small piston to the pressure

53、 of the pressure through the liquid passed to the large piston, piston top will go a long way to go. Based cross-sectional area of the small piston is S1, plus a small piston in the downward pressure on the F1. Thus, a small piston on the liquid pressure to P = F1/SI, Can be the same size in all dir

54、ections to the transmission of liquid. By the large piston is also equivalent to the inevitable pressure P. If the large piston is the cross-sectional area S2, the pressure P on the piston in the upward pressure generated F2 = PxS2 Cross-sectional area is a small multiple of the piston cross-section

55、al area. From the type known to add in a small piston of a smaller force, the piston will be in great force, for which the hydraulic machine used to suppress plywood, oil, extract heavy objects, such as forging steel.Hydraulic system and hydraulic power control signal is composed of two parts, the s

56、ignal control of some parts of the hydraulic power used to drive the control valve movement.Part of the hydraulic power means that the circuit diagram used to show the different functions of the interrelationship between components. Containing the source of hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor and auxili

57、ary components; hydraulic control part contains a variety of control valves, used to control the flow of oil, pressure and direction; operative or hydraulic cylinder with hydraulic motors, according to the actual requirements of their choice.In the analysis and design of the actual task, the general

58、 block diagram shows the actual operation of equipment. Hollow arrow indicates the signal flow, while the solid arrows that energy flow.Basic hydraulic circuit of the action sequence Control components (two four-way valve) and the spring to reset for the implementation of components (double-acting h

59、ydraulic cylinder), as well as the extending and retracting the relief valve opened and closed. For the implementation of components and control components, presentations are based on the corresponding circuit diagram symbols, it also introduced ready made circuit diagram symbols.Working principle o

60、f the system, you can turn on all circuits to code. If the first implementation of components numbered 0, the control components associated with the identifier is 1. Out with the implementation of components corresponding to the identifier for the even components, then retracting and implementation

61、of components corresponding to the identifier for the odd components. Hydraulic circuit carried out not only to deal with numbers, but also to deal with the actual device ID, in order to detect system failures.DIN ISO1219-2 standard definition of the number of component composition, which includes t

62、he following four parts: device ID, circuit ID, component ID and component ID. The entire system if only one device, device number may be omitted.Practice, another way is to code all of the hydraulic system components for numbers at this time, components and component code should be consistent with

63、the list of numbers. This method is particularly applicable to complex hydraulic control system, each control loop are the corresponding number with the system.With mechanical transmission, electrical transmission compared to the hydraulic drive has the following advantages:1, a variety of hydraulic

64、 components, can easily and flexibly to layout.2, light weight, small size, small inertia, fast response.3, to facilitate manipulation of control, enabling a wide range of stepless speed regulation (speed range of 2000:1).4, to achieve overload protection automatically.5, the general use of mineral

65、oil as a working medium, the relative motion can be self-lubricating surface, long service life.6, it is easy to achieve linear motion.7, it is easy to achieve the automation of machines, when the joint control of the use of electro-hydraulic, not only can achieve a higher degree of process automation, and remote control can be achieved.The shortcomings of the hydraulic system:1, as a result of the resistance to fluid flow and leakage of the larger, so less efficient. If not handled properly, leakage is not only contaminated sites, but also may cause fire and explosion

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