六年级下册英语教案Project1 Being a good student Part B

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1、Project 1 Being a good student一、学讲目标通过复习,让学生进一步掌握 1-4 单元所学知识。二、教学重、难点能正确运用副词与形容词。3、 教学准备 课件4、 教学过程Step1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song:This is the way.3. 交流海报教师组织各小组展示自己制作的海报,并运用所学的语言知识介绍海报内容。教师也可以 鼓励学生就海报内容提问。如:S1:A good student should go to school early.S2:A good student should listen to th

2、e teacher carefully.Step2 Presentation1.请将下列的形容词转化为副词。bad- ( ) beautiful-( )quiet- ( ) sad- ( )loud- ( ) excited- ( )low- ( ) careful- ( )easy- ( ) happy_ ( )你有什么发现?你还能举出类似的词汇吗?小组合作讨论。2.你知道它们的区别吗?(1). nice,good,well(2). tall,high(1) Sleep,sleepy(2) Safety,safe,safely小组合作。学生代表发言。教师小结。3.写出反义词。tall-( )

3、 big-( )bad-() badly-( )sad- ( ) sadly-( ) 你还能举出类似的例子吗?学生代表发言,教师板书。教师提醒学生要注意词性的变化。 4.知识小贴士:同学们,你注意到这些动词吗?make,keep,feel,stay,look教师讲解说明。5.辨析:(1) many 与 much(2) a few 与 a little你知道它们的用法吗?你知道不可数名词有那些吗?Step 3 Practice1、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(1). He feels _,because he went to bed late last night.(sleep)(2). We m

4、ust not talk _in the library.(loud)(3). We must follow the rues and stay _on the road.(safety)(4). To cross road_,we must follow the rules.(safety)(5). Do not be_.Let me help you.(sadly)(6). The lion asked_.(sadly)2、完成补充习题A Listen and number1. 学生先看图,理解图意。2. 学生说出每幅图包含的动作短语,教师适当拓展。(1). wait for the gr

5、een man T:We should follow the rules on the road.We should look for the a zebra crossing and wait for the green man.(2). cry loudly T:The boy is crying loudly.(3). have some noodles T:I do not like eating noodles.I like eating rice.How about you?(4). brush her teeth T: I brush my teeth every day.(5)

6、. surf the Internet T:I make friends on the Internet.I can do many things on the Internet.What about you?(6). listen to the teacher T: A good child should listen to the teachers at school.3.放录音,完成题目。B Listen and judge(1). 学生浏览句子,预测录音内容。(2). 教师提示:人物 地点 时间 事件 结果(3). 放录音,完成题目。(4). 学生根据教师提示,复述录音内容。(5).

7、教师小结:T:To be healthy,we must eat healthy food. Fruit is healthy.It can help keep us from cold and many other illnesses.Vegetables are healthy food .We should eat some vegetables every day.Exercise can help us keep healthy and strong.We should get up early and take some exercise in the morning.Good m

8、ood can also help us healthy.A happy man is usually a healthy man.C Look and say(1). 小组合作:说出图中对应的短语。(2). 教师出示例句。(3). 小组合作:a. 根据语言提示完成表述。b. 分类表述:好习惯各有哪些?D.Look,read and write针对每一小题,学生看图回答老师提出的问题。P1:T:What is Mr Brown doing? What are the boys doing?P2:T:Look at the clock,what time is it? What is John

9、doing?What must he not do at night?P3:T:What is the doing?Do you like eating rice? Does he have a healthy diet? P4:T:What is David doing? How can he cross the road safely?P5:T:We know we must follow the road rules ,we must also follow the school rules.What must you do in class?E.Look,read and judge(1). 学生浏览问题。(2). 学生带着问题阅读短文,找到正确的答案。(3). 小组合作:对照、比较。(4). 教师指导。Step 3 Summary教师小结:从日常生活习惯、健康饮食、交通安全三个方面进行总结。 T:A good child should.Step 4 Homework以“Being a good child”为题写一篇短文。

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