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1、泥浆现场实用英语PART 1. 准备工作 (Getting Ready)1.1 There will be strong wind, we have to wait on weather.有强风,必须等候天气好转。1.2 What materials can be unloaded to the boat?那些物品可以卸到拖轮上?1.3 The surplus Barite, Bentonite have to be transferred to the supply boat.把多余的重晶石、般土粉运到拖轮上。1.4 Where is the new location? What are t

2、he coordinates?新井位在什么地方?经纬度多少?1.5 When are we going to start moving?什么时候开始拖航?1.6 The Move may be start at eight thirty.预计八点半起拖。1.7 Speed up, please!请快点干!1.8 Have you checked all the mud equipments.泥浆设备都检查过了吗?1.9 Everything is O.K.一切都正常。1.10 The typhoon is coming. We will have to get everything ready

3、 to evacuate the rig.台风快要来了,必须做好一切弃船准备。1.11 Before making mud, clean all the circulation pipe-line and mud pits.配浆前要认真清洗循环管线和配浆池。1.12 Allow to yeild for six hours.般土浆要预水化至少6小时。1.13 Before spud, adjust the viscosity of bentonite sweep to over 80 seconds by adding Lime.一开前,用石灰将般土浆粘度调至80秒以上。1.14 Must p

4、repare at least 200 cubic meters slurry before spud.开钻前应配好至少200方高粘度稠泥浆。1.15 At least 80 tons Barite should be kept on hand at rig.平台上必须储备至少80吨的重晶石粉。PART 2. 泥浆设计 (Mud Design)2.1 This is the drilling fluids programme of WEIZHOU 12-1-3 well.这是涠洲1213井的泥浆设计书。2.2 The proposed total depth of this well is 3

5、900 meters.这口井的设计井深是3900米。2.3 What is the BHA of this well?这口井的钻具组合是什么?2.4 This is the hole geometry of this well.这是这口井的井身结构。2.5 The casing programme of this well is for 30” conductor (riser), 20” surface casing, 13 3/8” and 9 5/8” intermediate casing, and 7” liner.本井的套管程序是:30英寸导管,20英寸表层套管,13 3/8和9

6、5/8英寸技术套管,最后下 7英寸尾管。2.6 Mud program for the 12 1/4 inch interval is the PDF-PLUS mud, which is the PHPA polymer.12 1/4英寸井段采用PDFPLUS泥浆体系,这是部分水解聚丙烯酰胺聚合物体系。2.7 The surface intervals will be drilled with the seawater and gel sweeps.表层采用海水钻进及稠泥浆进行清扫。2.8 The PEM mud system has been successfully used on dr

7、illing operations in Bohai Gulf and South China Sea.PEM泥浆体系曾经成功地应用于渤海和南海。2.9 Mud density required for the well, which is expected to be in the range 1.05 to 1.10 S.G. in 17 1/2 inch hole.这口井17 1/2英寸井眼的钻井液密度为1.05到1.10 S.G.。2.10 Fluid loss will be controlled below 5 ml in the 8 1/2 inch interval.在8 1/

8、2英寸井眼的钻井液失水要控制在5毫升以下。2.11 Casing depths provided by the Operator.(泥浆设计)所依据的套管深度是由作业者提供的。2.12 The water depth is 108 meters, bushing high is 25 meters.这口井的水深108米,补心高25米。2.13 Hole volumes includes previous casing volume.(泥浆设计中的)井眼体积包括前期套管的体积。2.14 Open hole volume assumes gauge hole.井眼体积以规则井眼假设。2.15 As

9、sumed 150 cubic meters surface volume.(在泥浆设计中)假设地面循环体积为150方。2.16 The brief target oil and gas zone are from 2300 to 2500 meters. The formation is:sand, sand-stone, shale cross.主要目的油气层在2300到2500米,其地层岩性为:砂岩、砂砾岩和泥岩互层。2.17 No allowance for volume of hole enlargement.不包括井眼扩大的泥浆体积。2.18 Also not include th

10、e consumption for complex circumstance, such as blow-out, loss circulation etc.也不包括井喷、井漏等复杂情况的材料消耗。2.19 The mud volume estimated is based on 80% of efficiency of solids control equipment behavior.按固控设备清除效率80计算本井的泥浆材料消耗量。2.20 Actual Barite consumption will depend on hole condition while drilling.实际的重

11、晶石用量取决于井下的实际需要。2.21 The annular volume is 115 cubic meters.井眼的环空体积为115方。PART 3. 配浆和处理 (Mixing And Treatment)3.1 How many cubic meters high viscosity mud has you mixed?高粘泥浆配了多少?3.2 About 160 cubic meters.大约160方。3.3 Give me a hand, please!请帮下忙!3.4 Fill tanks with required amount of drilling water.向泥浆池

12、中加入需要量的钻井水。3.5 Reduce calcium ion below 100 ppm by adding Soda Ash.加入纯碱以降低钙离子浓度到低于100ppm。3.6 Add 5 sacks DRISPAC and 10 sacks PF-FLO into the mud.加五袋DRISPAC和十袋PFFLO。3.7 Addition of 0.5 to 1% PF-LUBE should be recommended to reduce any high torque or drag problems建议向泥浆中加入0.51%的PF-LUBE以降低扭矩和摩阻。3.8 The

13、 mud should be pretreated with Bicarbonate while drilling cement.当钻水泥塞时,应该用小苏打对泥浆进行预处理。3.9 PF-TEMP are used to reduce API fluid loss less than 5 ml.PF-TEMP用于将API失水降到低于5毫升。3.10 Do you understand? Call the assistant driller (A.D.) or derrickmen down to help us.明白了吗?叫副司钻或井架工下来帮忙。3.11 The carrying capac

14、ity of the mud is lower, add 23 kg/m3 DRISPAC.泥浆携砂能力下降,加入23公斤/方的DRISPAC。3.12 For the mud system, maintain pH values among 8.5 to 9.5 while drilling.对于这套泥浆体系,钻进期间应维持泥浆的pH值在8.59.5之间。3.13 Add adequate PF-THIN to reduce the viscosity and gels of the mud.加入适量的PFTHIN,以降低泥浆的粘度和切力。3.14 Add PF-GLA for raise

15、the resist caving capacity and lubricity.加入PFGLA以增强泥浆的防塌润滑性能。3.15 The last section抯 mud can be used in this interval.上一井段的泥浆可以混入本段新浆中使用。3.16 Lets go to transform the mud to PEM system.去将本段泥浆转化成PEM泥浆体系。3.17 Must keep the concentration of PF-PLUS over 2.85 kg/m3 in mud.应保持泥浆中PFPLUS的最小浓度为2.85公斤/方。3.18

16、Do not stop the agitator.别关(泥浆池的)搅拌器。PART 4. 钻井工程A (Drilling Engineering A)4.1 The pressure test is O.K.试压合格。4.2 Run the wear bushing.下抗磨补心。4.3 Stop the pumps for a flow check.停泵观察。4.4 Make a wiper trip to the 20 inch casing shoe.短起下到20英寸套管鞋。4.5 Ream down all the tight points.在所有遇阻点进行划眼。4.6 Work the

17、 string up and down.上下活动钻具。4.7 Make a short trip.进行短起下钻。4.8 Slug the pipe.灌重泥浆。4.9 Circulate bottoms up for a sample.循环取样观察。4.10 Circulate the hole clean.循环清洗井眼。4.11 Drill the 36” hole with seawater, pumping 46 cubic meters high viscosity slugs for one string.在36英寸井眼用海水钻进,每钻一个立拄泵入46方的稠泥浆进行清扫。4.12 Wh

18、en 20” casing depth is attained, displace hole volume with high viscosity mud.钻达20英寸套管深度时,用高粘度泥浆替满井眼。4.13 When logging or general overhaul for long time, mud densitymust be raised to E.C.D. for stable of hole. 在电测或长时间停钻检修设备时,将泥浆密度提高到循环时的当量泥浆密度范围。4.14 Drilling with cone (drag) bit in the section.此段地层

19、采用牙轮(刮刀)钻头钻进。4.15 Running (landing, pulling) casing.下(起)套管。PART 5. 钻井工程B (Drilling Engineering B)5.1 Do not dump the mud into the sea.不要把泥浆排放到海里。5.2 Slug the pipe with two cubic meters of mud before pulling out.起钻前打进两方重泥浆。5.3 This is the undergauged (tight hole) interval.这是缩径井段。5.4 The bit must have

20、 been balled up, must it not?钻头泥包了,是吗?5.5 Stop drilling at 2965 meters.钻至2965米,停钻。5.6 Get ready to drop a TOTCO (deviation survey) once the circulation has finished.循环结束,准备投测。5.7 How long is it to circulate bottoms up?需要循环多长时间?5.8 Circulate for one and a half hour and then pull the string out at 14:

21、30.循环一个半钟头,14:30起钻。5.9 The penetration rate (ROP) has been 6.18 meters per hour.机械钻速为6.18米/小时。5.10 Drill cement with seawater and then displace the new mud into the hole as drilling out of the casing shoe.用海水钻水泥塞,钻到套管鞋时替入泥浆。5.11 The drill collar O.D. is 7.5 inch, and the drill pipe O.D. is 5 inch.钻铤

22、外径为7.5” ,钻杆外径为5敗5.12 Collecting the drill cuttings at the shale-shaker.到振动筛处取点钻屑来。5.13 keep the mud flow characteristic in tubulant (hydraulic, laminar).使泥浆流变性保持在紊流(揣流,层流)5.14 Prevent the swabbing effect.防止产生抽吸作用。5.15 It is oil-base mud, which is water-in-oil emulsion。这是油基泥浆,油包水泥浆。5.16 Open the mud

23、gun.开动泥浆枪。5.17 It is being in well survey.正在电测。5.18 W.O.C. now.正在水泥候凝。 PART 6. 固相控制 (Solids Control)6.1 Start the shale shaker.启动振动筛。6.2 Then start the desander and desilter.然后启动除砂器和除泥器。6.3 Shut off the degasser and centrifuge.关掉除气器和离心机。6.4 Change it with a 40 mesh screen.换成40目筛布。6.5 The actual mud

24、density required will depend upan existing hole conditions.实际的泥浆密度将取决于当时的井下情况。6.6 The low gravity solids content should be under 5% by volume in the mud.要将泥浆中的低固相维持在5(体积比)以下。6.7 All solids control equipment should be run efficiently in drilling.钻井时,所有的固相控制设备应该有效地运转。6.8 The MBT of this system should

25、be kept below 25 ppb.应该将泥浆中的MBT值保持在低于25 ppb。6.9 Adding 20 tons Barite to raise mud weight of this pit to the 1.20 S.G.加20吨重晶石将这池泥浆的密度提到1.20 S.G.。6.10 Clean the settling pits. (Dump the sand trap.)清洗沉砂池。PART 7. 井下复杂情况A (Complex Circumstance A)7.1 The down-hole problems are very complicated.井下情况很复杂。7.

26、2 We have gotten overpull while tripping out.起钻遇卡。7.3 The hole is tight while running in.下钻遇阻。7.4 The formation is unstable and the well caving are serve.地层不稳定,井塌严重。7.5 There are no mud returns while circulating.循环时没有泥浆返出。7.6 The pit level has lowered quickly.泥浆池液面下降很快。7.7 The hole lost returns.有进无出

27、。7.8 Where is the thief zone?漏失层在哪里?7.9 Pump(Spot) the lost circulation materials (L.C.M.) into the hole.打堵漏泥浆。7.10 The hole is kicking!井涌啦!7.11 It is loss circulation, stop drilling, circulation.发生井漏,停止钻进,循环观察。7.12 Trip up at once, pull the bit into the casing.立即起钻,将钻头提到套管内。7.13 L.C.M. has been add

28、ed into the mud, tell the derrickmen to stop the shale shaker.泥浆中已加入堵漏材料,叫甲板工关掉振动筛。7.14 Using the seawater to force drill out the loss formation.采用海水强行钻过漏失层。7.15 The stuck-pipe soak fluids is: add 100 kg PIPE-LAX into the one cubic meter 0# diesel.解卡液配方为:0号柴油一方加PIPELAX 100公斤。PART 8. 井下复杂情况B (Complex

29、 Circumstance B)8.1 Kill the well using the driller抯 method.用司钻法压井。8.2 Pump the 1.5 S.G. mud to kill the well.泵入密度1.5的泥浆压井。8.3 The hole conditions have been complicated by a combination of lost returns and the kick.又喷又漏,井下情况很复杂。8.4 The pipe抯 stuck.卡钻了。8.5 Pump 10 cubic meters of diesel oil and free

30、agents into the hole.打进柴油和解卡剂10方。8.6 The company has decided to plug the well for side tracking.公司决定:打水泥塞侧钻。8.7 Displace cement with the mud pumps!用泥浆泵替水泥浆。8.8 Pump the cement plug in the hole.打水泥塞。8.9 It is the sweepage, add 10-30 kg/m3 PF-SEAL(fine fiber) in whole circulating mud.发生渗漏,在循环泥浆中加入1030

31、 公斤/方的PF-SEAL。 8.10 Adjust mud properties at once.立即调整泥浆性能。PART 9. 泥浆房试验 (Testing In Mud Room)9.1 Checking the mud test equipment in the pilot test kit.检查仪器箱中的泥浆试验设备。9.2 Use the mud balance to determinate the mud weight.用泥浆比重计测出泥浆的密度。9.3 The Marsh Funnel (Viscometer) is used for routine viscosity de

32、terminations.马氏漏斗用作日常泥浆浓度的测定。9.4 The Six-speed Electronic Rheometer is made up from BAROID.这台六速流变仪是贝劳德公司制造的。9.5 For this mud sample, PV is 20, YP is 15, and fluid loss is 6 ml.测这个泥浆样品,PV为20, YP为15,失水是6毫升。9.6 Get the mud sample under the shale-shaker.在振动筛处取样。9.7 Sand content is below 1%.含砂量小于1。9.8 Th

33、e pH value is 8.5 by pH indicator strips.用pH试纸测得泥浆pH为8.5。9.9 The chemical analysis result are: Ca2+ =400, Cl- =18000, Pm=1.5, Pf=0.3, Mf=0.4泥浆化学分析结果为: Ca2+ =400,Pm=18000,Pf=0.3,Mf=0.4。9.10 Do you bring the Retort Kit, Methylene Blue Kit to the platform?你带了固相蒸馏仪和亚甲基蓝测试仪到平台上吗?9.11 Have a fluorescence

34、analysis for the mud sample.对泥浆样品进行荧光分析。PART 10. 完井作业 (Completion)10.1 Adding 1-2% of PF-BPA should be commenced before entering pay zone to minimize formation damage. 进入油层前就在泥浆中加入12的PFBPA,以减少地层的损害。10.2 CA-101 is used to provide corrosion protection in free-solids brine. CA101用于无固相盐水完井液中起腐蚀抑制作用。10.3

35、 Let抯 prepare the completion fluids.让我们去准备完井液。10.4 It is the packer fluids.这池是封隔液。10.5 Workover fluids is O.K.修井液已配好。10.6 The corrosion data must below 0.075 mm/year.腐蚀速率必须低于0.075密尔/年。10.7 After the well finish, only keep one mud engineer at the rig.完钻后,只留一个泥浆工程师在井上。10.8 Next prepare to test.下一步准备试油

36、。10.9 The well would be abandoned, tell the derrickmen to clean the mud pits.准备弃井,告诉甲板工去扫泥浆池10.10 Finished drilling, prepare logging.已完钻,准备电测。PART 11. 作业安全 (Safety)11.1 No smoking here!这里不准吸烟!11.2 Open flame is strictly prohibited.严禁使用明火。11.3 Put on your safety helmet(hard hat), please!请戴上安全帽!11.4 I

37、t抯 a dangerous area. Keep away from here!这里危险,请离远点!11.5 No way! That抯 against the rule.不行!这是违章作业。11.6 Sorry, drinking liquor is not allowed on the rig.对不起,平台上不准喝酒。11.7 Be careful at work!工作时要小心!11.8 The alarm was an abandon drill.刚才的警报是弃船演习。11.9 Man overboard! Help!有人落水啦!救命!11.10 Have you got the em

38、ergency programme?有应急状态部署表吗?PART 12. 泥浆处理剂 (Mud Materials)12.1 Barite is one of the weighting materials. The density is about 4.2 S.G.重晶石粉是加重材料的一种。其密度大约为4.2 S.G.12.2 Use the XCD polymer as the viscosifier and fluid loss additives in mud.在泥浆中用XCD生物聚合物作为提粘剂和降失水剂.12.3 PF-THIN is a polymeric thinner, an

39、d normal using range is 5.0 - 10.0 ppb.PFTHIN是一种聚合物稀释剂,其加量范围为510ppb。12.4 For PETROTECH Drilling Fluids Service mud system, the toxicity data (EC50 values) is as follow.对于中海石油技术服务泥浆公司的泥浆体系,请看以下的毒性数据(EC50值)。12.5 All materials used in the mud is no toxic.泥浆中所用的泥浆材料都无毒。12.6 The thermal stability of PF-T

40、EX is over 200.PFTEX的热稳定性超过200。12.7 For handling PF-TEX, contact with skin and eyes should be avoided.使用PFTEX时,要避免粘到皮肤上或溅到眼睛里。12.8 PF-PLUS is packaged in 25 kg multi-ply paper bags.PFPLUS采用多层复合纸袋包装,每袋25公斤。12.9 The product, which packaged with 200 kg drums, is PF-LUBE.那个采用200公斤桶包装的泥浆材料是PFLUBE。12.10 N

41、o any spare place to store the other materials in the cabin.泥浆舱里已经没有多余的地方存放其它的泥浆材料了。PART 13. 泥浆报表 (Mud Report)13.1 This is an API standard mud daily report.这是一份API标准的泥浆日报表.13.2 Provide today抯 mud daily report to the operator before 24:00.在今晚12点之前将今天的泥浆日报表交给钻井监督.13.3 At the end of the well we must pr

42、ovide operator with a detailed review of the mud engineering operations performed.完井时我们要向作业者提供一份详细的泥浆工程作业完成报告。13.4 Using the portable computer to finish this Mud Recap.用笔记本电脑将这份泥浆完井报告完成.13.5 Four copies are required. Keep one for yourself, another one for operator, one for rig and one for mud base.需

43、要一式四份。自己留一份,一份交作业者,一份给平台,另一份带回泥浆基地。13.6 The mud materials consumption of this interval were listed in here.本井段的泥浆材料消耗情况列在这里。13.7 Total mud cost of the well is 530,780 yuan RMB.这口井的泥浆总费用为530,780元人民币。13.8 The treatment volume for mud treatment in this section is 460 cubic meters.本段总的泥浆处理体积为460方。13.9 I

44、t is the brief mud properties for the 12 1/4 inch interval.这是12 1/4英寸井段的主要泥浆性能。13.10 After that is the mud cost analysis and problems discussion.接下来是泥浆费用分析和问题讨论。13.11 Please write the “Drilling Fluids Engineering Accident Report”.请填写“钻井液事故报告”。13.12 Let the Drilling Supervisor sign the “Drilling Flui

45、ds Service Sheet”, and take it back to the Base Manager.请钻井监督填“泥浆服务签单”,并带回给基地经理。13.13 This is the list of materials just came.这是刚到的泥浆材料清单。PART 14. 公司介绍 (Service Introduction)14.1 I am working for PETROTECH Drilling Fluids Service.我为中海石油技术服务泥浆公司工作。14.2 PETROTECH Drilling Fluids Service is a division

46、of PETROTECH SERVICES, CNOOC.中海技服泥浆公司是中海石油技术服务公司下的一个专业服务公司。14.3 We provides drilling fluids engineering services both offshore and onshore. 我们为海上和陆地钻井上提供钻井液工程技术服务。14.4 We also supplies additives for drilling.我们也为钻井提供泥浆材料。14.5 Our Service has warehouses in Zhanjiang Base and Tanggu Base.我们公司在湛江和塘沽基地都

47、有泥浆材料库房。14.6 We are able to provide various products for following mud systems.我们能够为以下的泥浆体系提供各种处理剂。14.7 How many people in your Service?你们公司有多少人?14.8 Eighty-two staffs, now. Eight of them are senior engineers.现在有82人。其中八人是高级工程师。14.9 Drilling Fluids Service formed a joint venture CHINA-NANHAI Magcobar

48、 Mud Corporation Limited with M-I in 1984.泥浆公司与美国MI公司在1984年成立了中国南海麦克巴泥浆有限合营公司。14.10 We provide ten employees for the CHINA-NANHAI Magcobar Company this year.我们今年为麦克巴合营公司提供10名雇员。14.11 Several mud materials are imported. These materials, which are made in CHINA, are provided by our Service 那几种材料是进口的,这些材料是我们公司提供的国产材料。

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