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1、Unit 1 food matters1. Food is as fundamental to man as the people are to the state.Fundamental adj.基础的,根本的2 Read a magazine article about comfort food3. Read three blog entries about traditional foods.Entry n.入口;参赛作品;参与进入;词条,账目,记录4 Each country has its typical foodIt is typical of sb to do sth.5 Fis

2、h and chips consists of deep-fried fish and potato chipsConsist of不用被动6. Sushi is popular partly because of its freshness and convenience.7 A taco is made up of fish or wheat pancake rolled around a filling.Be made up of =be composed of 用被动8. Pasta from Italy is typically made from flour and water.R

3、eading -comfort food1. Foods have an impact on .2. Whenever i feel lonely, i have a secret recipe that never fails.3 No matter how bad my mood is, that perfect combination is always enough to lift my spirits.心情很好 in a good mood(没)有做某事的心情 be (not) in the mood to do sth.A 与 B 的结合 a com bin ati on of A

4、 and B = a mix of A and Bv. combine (使)结合,(使)组合把A和B结合起来combine A with B4. The smell alone can do the tric% not to mention the lovely creamy flavour, which works like a time machine immediately transporting me back to sunny childhood.Do the trick 奏效,起作用 达到目的5. With pleasure, i remember the lazy Sunda

5、y afternoon i used to spend in the warmth of my grandmas flat, listening to her wonderful stories and greedily eating bowl after bowl of her delicious rice pudding.flat n.公寓adj.瘪的,平的6. I take my time over every spoonful, gently rolling the silky dessert around my mouth and enjoying the perfect marri

6、age of rice and milk.A spoonful of 一勺。Marriage 婚姻; 结合7. My experience with rice pudding illustrates the unique power of comfort food.Illustrate 阐述,解释8. In its broadest sense, comfort refers to any food that makes us feel better. In its broadest sense从广义上来说Refer to 提及,提到;参考,查阅;指的是9 We will talk about

7、 a particular type of comfort food whose power mainlyjis in the associations it calls to mind.与有关联;与有来往be in association with.adj. associated有关的 associate v.把联想/联系起来;结交adj.副的与有关联be associated with使A与B联系起来associate A with B副教授 an associate professor10 It often makes up for bad feelings by helping us

8、recall happy memories of people, things or places we love.Make up for 弥补11. Our comfort foods are highly individual.12 They vary from people to people, depending on our own unique experiences that have shaped our lives.随而变vary with在方面有差异vary/differ in.因人而异 vary/be varied from person to personTadj. v

9、arious不同的;各种各样的 n. variety u】 多样性【c】种类,品种各种各样的 a variety of = varieties of= various = all kinds/sorts of.13 It we grow up eating certain foods in our family, then those foods tend to be linked with positive emotions.Certain 某一个;确定的和 有联系 be linked with/to. = have a link with.A与B之间的联系 a link between A

10、 and B14 We often connect chicken soup with a happy childhood and its flavour becomes tied up with the feeling of being taken care ofBe tied up with和。联系起来15 We unlock memories of a time of a time when we were loved and looked after, and this cheers us up16. The feeling of happiness and sense of belo

11、ngings can become particularly important who move away from their home country 17 there are some aspects of culture that people will lose right away But with food, there are more opportunities to connect to memory, family and place.18 It is hardest to give up the food that you grow up with.19 Each p

12、ersons comfort food largely depends on whether they come from-for a chinese it might be a plate of dumplings with a saucer of vinegar, and for a native of uk it might be the classic fish and chips, served hot, salty and sour20. One mouthful of comfort food takes us back to our cultural roots, giving

13、 us the taste of home that we cry out for and relieving feelings of homesickness.Cry out for迫切需要把某人从某物中解除relieve sb. of sth.n. relief (痛苦等的)减轻;宽慰;救济物 adj. relieved宽心的;宽慰 令某人(大为)安心/ 宽慰的是 (much) to ones relief = to ones (great) relief 如释重负;松了一口气in/with relief从得到缓解 get relief from看到/发现/ 了解到.,某人感到宽慰 sb.

14、 be relieved to see/fi nd /know thatHomesick 思乡21. Comfort food tastes good and by building an emotional bond with our happy memories, always makes us feel good bondn. 纽带,联系;连接,结合;债券;保释金在 A 和 B 之间建立紧密的关系 form/build a close bo nd betwee n A and B加强友谊/感情的纽带 strenqthen the bonds of friendship/affection

15、v.(使)结合/粘合;团结这两种材料无法黏合起来。These two materials wont bond together.22. It is food for the soul.Part B1. When we are in low spirits, we may cry out for things that give us comfort and a sense of security 安全感 a sense of security确保某人安全 ensure ones security安全措施 security measuressecure adj.安全的;可靠的 vt.使安全;争取

16、到保护 A 免受 B secure A aqa in st/from B 争取到一份合同 secure a deal/c on tract 对感到安心 feel secure about 没有遭受be secure from/aqa in st 找到一份稳定的工作land a secure job过着安稳的日子live a secure life2. It generates positive emotion in different ways.3 As dessert like cakes are digested, blood sugar levels can go up quickly4

17、 The sharp increase in blood sugar will cause the body to produce a special chemical to remove it5. When the chemical lowers blood sugar levels, we are likely to feel sad again adj. low的比较级较低的;较下的;较低级的opp uppervt.把放低;把降下opp raise降低;减低(价格、声音等)减少开支/压低嗓门/减轻压力 lower expenses/ones voice/pressure 她垂下眼睛,轻轻

18、地摇了摇头。She lowered her eyes, shaking her head slightly.这家商店已降低了价格。This shop has lowered its prices.6 There is the danger of entering a cycle of highs and lows where more and more comfort food, high in carbogydrates, needs to be eaten 7. Comfort food is an important tool in helping us relieve tension.

19、8 Be aware of the hidden dangers of high -calorie comfort foodGrammar1 I was eager to try new restaurants2. To eat out was also a social activity, allowing me to enhance the relationship with my friends enhance vt. 提高,增强(其价值、质量、魅力或声望)这是提高公司声誉的绝佳机会。This is a golden opportunity to enhance the reputati

20、on of the company.Tadj. enhanced提高了的,增强了的 n. enhancement增强;提高3 I often ate out until last month, when i came across a cooking app4. There are a variety of recipes in the app to choose from.5. They are uploaded by users, and offer detailed instructions so that others can follow them step by step.6. I

21、 discovered that it was not that difficult to make a simple and tasty dish.7. I have thrown myself into home cooking, from boiling noodles in the pot to frying steak in the pan.8 Not only is cooking at home cheaper, but i can cook exactly what i want.9 No wonder people say nothing beats home cooking

22、.10. I consider the soup if the day as the best option on the menu.11. As long as you are not afraid of heights, you will be impressed by, the latest restaurant in the city.用某物给某人留下深刻的印象 impress sb. with sth.对有深刻的印象,受感动 be impressed with/by/at sth.使某人铭记某事 impress sth, on sb.被印在脑海中;对留下深刻的印象be impress

23、ed on ones mind/memory给某人印象最深的是What impressed sb. most was .在国外时,给我印象最深的是文化差异。When I was abroad, what impressed me most was the cultural differences.Tadj. impressive 感人的,令人印象深刻的opp unimpressiven. impressionist印象派艺术家 n. impression印象,效果,影响他的人品给我们留下了深刻的印象。His personality left a deep impression on us.12

24、. Located at the top of tower, it gives you an amazing view of the bay 13 Since it takes about an hour to turn the full 360 degree, you are unlikely to get bored with the scenery.scenery un.风景(常指某国或某地的总体景色或“自然美景”集合名词)你在别的地方找不到这么美的风景。Nowhere else can you find such beautiful scenery.Tadj. scenic风景的,景色

25、优美的;舞台的 风景胜地 a scenic spot=a tourist attraction14 You best bet is to sit by the window an hour before sunset and watch how the sky changes colors n. 打赌,赌注; 预计,估计与就打赌 make a bet with sb. on sth. 对下注 place a bet on sth.同意打赌 take/accept a bet取消打赌 call off a betv.(用)打赌;(与)打赌(bet-bet-betting)对某事打赌;在某事上下赌

26、注bet on sth.15. The atmosphere is lively and modern, with its walls painted white and light blue.atmosphere n. 气氛,氛围;大气,气体;空气在的气氛/氛围/环境中 in a/an + adj. + atmosphere烟雾弥漫的空气a smoky atmosphere在大气层中in the atmosphere16. The restaurant serves a menu full of eye-catching Asian dishes, ranging from .to.17.

27、It is considered by many locals to be the perfect location for a special occasion.Integrated skills1. A taste that is out of the world.2. There are many versions of mooncakes from different places around china. They have a variety of fillings and among them i love the sweet red bean fillings best.3.

28、 We sat outside in my grandparents yard while the full moon shone above us.4 My elderly grandma bakes mooncakes for the whole family. She can turn the flour and red beans into wonderful mooncakes like magic.elderly adj.年纪大的,上了年纪的委婉用语老年人在我们的社区里得到了很好的照顾。The elderly are well taken care of in our societ

29、y.T elder adj.只用于名词前年长的cn.用单数年龄较大者;长辈用复数哥/姐 an elder brother /sister村中的长辈 the village elders5 When she places them on the table, they look adorable -small, round and shiny golden-brown adorable adj.可爱的,讨人喜欢的,令人敬佩的他献身科学的精神令人敬佩。 He is adorable for his devotion to science.Tadv. adorably 可爱地 vt. adore 热

30、爱,爱慕 n. adoration 热爱,爱慕非常喜欢做某事adore doing sth.6. The delicious smell reaches my nose and my mouth starts to water.7 As i take each bite, the sweet and mild flavor of red bean filling slowly fill my mouth Mild 温和的; 清淡的; 不浓烈的The area had a mild winter last year.8 The moon cake is my favorite because o

31、f its satisfying taste that is out of the world and the happy memories it brings to mind 9. Tiramisu cheers me up10. Each spoonful of this amazing dessert is a light, creamy experience to remember 11. There are three layers of the cake and the cheese is between the layers, making the dessert feel so

32、ft and smooth 12. There is a bitter taste of coffee but this flavour is not very strongbitter adj.味苦的;激烈的;令人难过的;严寒的;愤愤不平的,怨恨的从痛苦的经历中知道 know fTom ones bitter experience(难以下咽的)苦果 a bitter pill for sb. to swallow死敌;不共戴天的敌人bitter enemies因某事愤愤不平/怨恨be bitter about sth.Tadv. bitterly痛苦地;愤恨地;极其n. bitterness

33、苦味;愤恨极其失望 bitterly disappointed13 All these ingredients make it taste delicious 14 Whenever i feel unhappy, i eat this dessert and it dose make me feel better. Eating in China1 The mouth-watering hot pots are as famous overseas as they are in china, and the hot flavour is enough to heat up a cold mi

34、dwinter evening or let loose rivers of sweat on a summer afternoonloose adj.不受约束的;宽松的opp: tight;疏松的;不严谨的;散漫的释放;放任let sth, loose 松动的牙齿a loose tooth 变松come loose宽松的衬衣a loose shirt嘴巴不紧(随便乱说)have a loose tongueTvt. loosen 松开;(限制等)放宽 adv. loosely松散地;散漫地;粗略地n. looseness松弛,散漫;放荡2. As the soup bubbled slowl

35、y over a gas burner in the middle of the table, its surface was covered with a beautiful layer of chillies, pepper, spring onion and red oil 3. We tipped plates of fresh meat, fish and vegetables into the pot.4 The hot flavour quickened our laughter and conversation , making the meal the perfect way

36、 to relax with friends 5. Hot pot are perfect for the damp, foggy climate in which they were invented 6 They are believed to have started off in the late qing dynasty as a way for boatman to keep warm 7. It has expanded to include multiple options of soup, vegetables, meats and sauces, appealing to

37、people of different taste.1. expand v.增加,扩大;扩展,发展(业务);(使)膨胀;详谈,详述普通用语,主要指物体由于外力或内力的作用而使面积、体积、数量等变大;也可以用于抽象事物。扩大营业业务量 expand ones business 扩大内需 expand domestic demand增加对夕I、国的了解 expand knowledge of foreign countriesTn. expansion扩大;膨胀adj.expandable可扩展的;可扩充的;可膨胀的multiple adj.数量多的,多样的多处受伤 suffer multiple

38、 injuriesn.倍数 16 是 8 的倍数。16 is a multiple of &Tv. multiply乘,(使)相乘;(使)大量增加;(使)繁殖受伤的风险成倍增加 multiply the risk of being injured8. What i love best is that they offer a great opportunity to socialize with friends since a meal can last for hours 9 I instantly became a big fan of the hotpot10. Served plain

39、 in thin, white slices, the meat is juicy and salty.plain adj.简单的;清楚的;易懂的;平常的;相貌平平的;坦白的;直率的穿便服in plain clothes显而易见的事实a plain fact 相貌普通的女孩a plain-looking girl坦白地对某人说be plain with sb.某人清楚地表示 sb. make it plain/clear that.John说得很清楚这个时间不适合看电视。John made it plain that it was not an appropriate time to watc

40、h TV.n.平原(pl. plains)加拿大中部大平原 the plains of central Canadan. 薄片,片;部分,份额一片面包/火腿 slice of bread/ham 把肉切成薄片 cut the meat into thin slices 收入中的一大部分 a big/large slice of incomev.把切成片;切开,割破把洋葱切成片slice (up) onions11. As i finished my first helping, my host told a little more about the dishes Helping食物的一份;一

41、客She asked for a double helping of ice cream12 Its countless waterways make the area perfect for raising waterbirds.13A local history praised salted duck in particular saying it was without equal.14 Traditionally , duck is considered to have cooling properties, so it is appropriate for the summer mo

42、nths2. property n. C性质,特性;所有物,财产,U不动产;房地产这种植物有治疗烫伤的特性。The plant has the property of healing burns.房地产价格 property prices 房地产开发商 property developer appropriate adj.合适的,恰当的对合适/相称 be appropriate for / to sth.她的衣服完全适合该场合。 Her clothes were appropriate to the occasion.15. It is estimated that tens of thous

43、ands of ducks are consumed every day in nanjing estimate vt.& n. 估计;估算;估价粗略估计;大略说来 at a rough estimate 估计 A 为 B estimate A at/to be B 做个详细/粗略/保守的估计 make a detailed/rough/conservative estimate of. 他们估计维修费用为 800 美元。They estimate the repairing cost at $ 800.(据)估计 It is estimated+(that). It is estimated

44、 that the repairing cost is $ 800.Tvt. underestimate 低估vt. overestimate 高估consume vt.消耗;消费;耗费;(正式用语)吃;喝;烧毁,毁灭 耗时的、耗能源的 time/energy-consuming 挥霍其财产 consume ones fortune 耗尽某人所有的精力consume all ones energies 把时间用在做某事上 consume some time in doing sth.他们把冰箱里剩下的都吃光了。They consumed what was left in the fridge.

45、 这个旅馆很快被大火吞噬了。The hotel was quickly consumed by the big fire.Tn. consumer C消费者;用户;客户n. consumption U消费(量);消耗(量)16. It definitely hit the spot when i tried it.Hit t 的其用,恰当好处I was dying of thirst, and that cup of ice tea hit the spot我 渴的要命,那杯冰茶正好解渴。17. Cantonese dim sum18 Morning tea is such an essent

46、ial part of the daily routine that has become the local version ofessential n.必需品;要点,纲要adj.极为重要的,不可或缺的;本质的,根本的对极为重要 be essential for/to sth.某人做某事是绝对必要的。It is essential for sb to do sth.=It is essential that sb (should) do sth. 到美国旅游之前拿到签证是必不可少的。It is essential that you (should) get a visa before you

47、 travel to the US.It is essential for you to get a visa before you travel to the US. 这两种方法本质上并没有本质的不同之处。 There is no essential difference between the two methods. Tadv. essentially 本质上;根本上basically)n. essence 本质,精髓19 The cantonese innovation of the mid-19 century was to serve tea together with a var

48、iety of light dishes, or dim sum.20. The concept took off, and guanghzous restaurant stimulate customers appetite with over a thousand offerings, each more delicate and delicious than the last appetite n. 食欲,胃口;渴望,爱好胃口好 have a good appetite 没胃口 lose ones appetite= have no appetite破坏食欲 spoil ones app

49、etite for sth. 爱好某物;有的欲望 have an appetite for sth. 他喜欢看书。He has an appetite for reading.Stimulate激发,促进delicate adj.易损的;脆弱的(=fragile);精致的;微妙的;需小心处理的易碎的花瓶 a delicate vase 微妙的国际形势 the delicate international situation 精致的礼物/精美的设计a delicate gift/design纤细的手指delicate fingers21 The cantonese do not hurry ov

50、er their breakfast22 The emphasis is rather on conversation about business family or pleasure, and locals can spend hours together chatting, drinking tea and working their way through the men uemphasis n. (pl. emphases) 强调,重视;重读;重音;加重语气 重音应在第 音节上。The emphasis should be on the first syllable.弓虽调某事 pu

51、t emphasis/stress on sthTvt. emphasize强调,重视;重读;加重语气(=stress)强调/重视某事 emphasize/stress sth. 无论在家里还是在学校,都有必要强调纪律。Its necessary to lay emphasis/stress on rules both at home and in school.Its necessary to emphasize/stress rules both at home and in school.Work sbs way through 自始至终working their way through

52、 the menu 慢慢滴吃遍菜单上的点心The board are still working their way through the application forms.委员会仍然在审阅所有申请表。23 From beef balls to rice noodle rolls, there are various dishes that have been baked, boiled, steamed or fried 24 A single visit is not enough to appreciate everything.Project1. Main ingredients2

53、 Chinese cabbage3 Dumpling wrappers4 Stick the edge of the dumpling wrappers togetheredge n.边缘;刀刃;优势;棱,刃在的边缘 at/on the edge of.刀刃锋利/不锋利 have a sharp/dull edge 比占优势 have an/the edge on/over. 失去作为.的优势 lose ones edge as. 紧张的,烦躁的on edge异常兴奋;有浓厚的兴趣on the edge of ones seat5. Set the cooked dumplings on th

54、e plate and serve with vinegar6 Before mixing, salt the chinese cabbage, let it restor 15 minutes and press out extra watermixture n.混合;混合物所有气体的混合物a mixture of all kinds of gases中国是一个多文化融合的国家。 China is mixture of many cultures.Tv. mix混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌合 把A和B混淆mix A up with Badj. mixed混合的;混杂的复杂的心情mixed feeli

55、ngs/ emotions7. Use water to stick the edges together if necessary.8. Do not overfill the dumplings or they will fall apart when you boil it.apart adv.零散地;成碎片地;分开地;相隔地;相距地拆开,拆散take sth apart 破碎,破裂;崩溃fall apart把区分开tell sth, /sb. apart 出生相差 月be born one month apart 不与生活在一起 live apart from sb.使突出;与众不同 set sb./sth apart除外(别无);除外(尚有)apart from.除了秒人,没有人和我说话。Apart from birds, I had no one to talk to.火除了用来取暖,还有什么用处? Apart from providing warmth, what was fire used for?

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