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1、2019-2019-2 麓山国际实验学校初一下期期中考试. 听力技能(略). 知识运用 (两部分,共 20 小题,计 20 分)第一节 语法填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分)从所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。21. I go to _ school every morning by _ bike.A. the; / B. / ; / C. a; a22. Yuelu Mountain is a great place of interest. Every day, _ people come to visit it.A. 8 hundred of B. 8 hundreds

2、C. hundreds of23. - _ is it from your home to school?- Its about fifteen minutes walk.A. How far B. How long C. How many24. - Must I do my homework now?- No, you _.A. mustnt B. dont have to C. must25. Our teachers are very strict _ us. We must go to school _ time.A. with; on B. to; in C. to; on26. R

3、emember _ the lights when you leave the classroom, please.A. turning off B. turn off C. to turn off27. My best friend Tony is _ quiet.A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of28. Either you or I _ right.A. am B. is C. are29. Ms. Lee teaches _ English.A. we B. us C. our30. Hurry up, _ you will be late!A. o

4、r B. and C. but第二节 词语填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。What is bullying(霸凌)? Bullying is that someone scares you or hurts you again and again. Bullying sometimes第 1 页happens(发生) at school. Students should know how to face it and _31_ it.Sometimes, when youre very unhappy,

5、you might want to stay at _32_ without going out. You are scaredto meet the bullies(霸凌者) because youre _33_ of what they might do to you. In fact, going into schoolevery day tells the bullies that you have every right( 权利) to be there and they can t _34_ you. _35_ ifschool life is really too difficu

6、lt for you, you could ask for some days off school. It s also a good idea to _36_the bullies to the teachers at school. When you are at home, remember to tell your _37_ how upset you feel so they can help you and cheer you up.Bullying may also drive your friends away because your friends are afraid

7、of the bullies. That may make you feel very _38_. You could have a talk with your friends. Tell them that you really like their support(支持).Try to _39_ some new friends at the same time, so you can get some more support. You should know thatpeople love talking about themselves, so learn to be a good

8、 _40_. To let them talk to you all the time is the first step towards real friendship.Facing bullying bravely. With the help of parents, teachers and friends, we can win finally.31. A. make32. A. school33. A. afraid34. A. help35. A. But36. A. give37. A. parents38. A. sad39. A. make40. A. singerB. st

9、opB. libraryB. worriedB. scareB. AndB. sendB. friendsB. bestB. bullyB. listenerC. helpC. homeC. excitedC. keepC. AlthoughC. leaveC. teachersC. happyC. helpC. speaker. 阅读技能(共四节,计 48 分)第一节 图表理解(共 5 小题,计 10 分)阅读下列图表,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。AAnimal ShowsWe have different animal shows on weeke

10、nds, with the ticket to the zoo, you can enjoy anyone of第 2 页them for free. Welcome to our zoo!l Walking penguins 09:00 10:00 at the house of polel The kingdom of monkeys 11:00 12:00 at the hanging gardenl Dancing elephant 11:00 12:00 at Africa squarel Animal concert 14:00 15:30 at the animal theate

11、rl The great parade(游行) 6:00 17:30 on Main Street Website: changlongzooPhone: +(020)45 839 598641. People who are interested in monkeys may go to _.A. the hanging garden B. the animal theater C. Africa square42. How many shows can a guest enjoy at most(最多)?A. 3 B. 4C. 5BKunming is a popular tourist

12、city in China. People in Changsha mainly have three different ways to get there.About 20 hoursTrainHigh-speed railPlaneSoft bed:¥504 Hard bed:¥322 Seat:¥189.5(children younger than 12 years old enjoy 50% off)A bout 5 hoursB usiness-class:¥1573.5 First-class:¥839 Common:¥498.5 (children younger than

13、12 years old enjoy 50% off)A bout 2 hoursB usiness-class:¥2520 Economy class:¥990(babies younger than 2 years old enjoy 90% off)43. Which is the cheapest way to Kunming?A. By train B. By high-speed rail C. By plane44. If I must arrive in Kunming in 10 hours, I will at least(至少) spend _.A. ¥189.5 B.

14、¥498.5 C. ¥99045. A woman with her 1-year-old baby wants to fly to Kunming. Which CANT be the cost? A. ¥1089 B. ¥2772 C. ¥1485第二节 短文理解(共 15 小题,计 30 分)第 3 页阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。A“The rain falls thick and fast on All Souls DayThe men and women sadly move along the way.”All Souls D

15、ay, also called Qing Ming, is a Chinese festival in early spring. It s a day for people to sweep the graves(扫墓) and honor(致敬) their ancestors(先人).In some parts of China, when sweeping the graves, people like to use tea leaves as the gift for their ancestors.That is easy to understand. For people reg

16、ard( 看待) the death as the birth in another world. They wish they couldenjoy the tea in the other world after their death. As the gift for ancestors, the tea leaves should be much better thanthose people daily drink. In China, there are three levels( 等级) of tea. People use the best to honor their god

17、s andancestors, the medium to serve( 招待) guests and the worst to drink. In some places, people boil the leaves and use the tea to water the graves. In some other places, people just burn the tea leaves with fire in front the graves.Days around Qing Ming are also right time to pick tea leaves from tr

18、ees. Winter just ends. The weather is wetand getting warmer day after day, but not hot at all. The tea leaves grow well in such weather. The tea leaves tasteand smell best during about 10 days before Qing Ming. These remarkable tea leaves are at very high prices and not easy to buy from the market.Q

19、ing Ming is more than a day and tea is more than a drink in China. They make the sense of Chinese spring. 46. Which of the following may NOT happen in China on Qing Ming?A. People pick tea leaves from trees.B. People sweep the graves.C. People have a party for fun on Qing Ming.47. If a Chinese man w

20、ants to buy something to honor his god, what might be buy?A. The tea leaves picked 5 days after Qing Ming.B. The tea leaves picked 5 days before Qing Ming.C. Some special paper money.48. How is the weather on Qing Ming?A. Cold and wet B. Warm and dry C. Wet and warm49. What does the underlined bold

21、word “remarkable” mean in Chinese?A. 标记的B. 卓越的C.明显的50. What is the best title for the passage?第 4 页A. A Traditional Chinese Festival - Qing MingB. The Culture of Tea in ChinaC. Qing Ming Festival and TeaBOver the past few weeks, players in China fall in love with a Zen-like(佛系) frog.Travelling Frog

22、is a popular cell phone game. It lets players each has a cute little green frog. Players have verylittle control(控制) of the frog. It will usually leave its home and travel around Japan. Players never know when thefrog will go, when it will get back or what it will bring home. Sometimes the frog goes

23、 home in a few hours;sometimes it could be away for as long as four days. The only thing that players can do is to prepare food or other things for the frog and wait for it at home.Some players get a taste of parenthood from the game.“My mother hopes I can come back soon when I am away, but she want

24、s me to go out when I am home. Thatis just like my feeling towards my frog, ” Lin Hui said, “Today, it took a photo together with a mouse, I almost cried with joy, it finally has friends!”“Every time I open it, I hope for something. I want to know whether my frog is travelling or not, and what photo

25、s it sent to me. I feel it is my son.” He Wen said.The People s Daily used the game as a chance to ask people to visit their parents more. ” The travelling frogis like everyone away from home. Whats the feeling of waiting for your kid? Please remember to visit your parents, all travelling frogs.”51.

26、 What can a player do in Travelling Frog?A. He can ask the frog to come back home soon.B He can prepare some food for the frog.C. He can choose a place for the frog to travel.52. If the frog is not at home, where may it be?A. Sydney B. Shanghai C. Tokyo53. The underlined bold word “that” refers to _

27、.A. the frog travelling everywhereB. Lin Huis feeling towards the frogC. the mothers feeling towards Lin Hui.54. Which one of the following is NOT true?第 5 页A. The frog teaches Buddhism(佛教).B. The game gives players a taste of being parents.C. We should always visit our parents.55. Where can we find

28、 this passage?A. In a magazine B. In a novel C. In a textbook第三节 语篇补全(共 4 小题,计 8 分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。Butterfly House is a special free hospice(救济院) for children in Changsha. The house looks after children under 14 years old. All the children here have no parents and are b

29、adly ill. _56_.In Butterfly House, workers prepare different food for different children every day. They stay and play with the kids to make them happy. _57_.Xiaohai is an 8-year-old boy. He lived in Butterfly House for five years. His parents gave up trying when he was3 years old. _58_. Four nurses

30、 looked after him day by day. “His health gets better every day here, ” said Lyn Gould. In the end, Xiaohui is healthy again! He is now enjoying his new life in a new family.Butterfly House helped about 170 children from 200 to 2019. 45% of them still live well today. _59_. It is really a great succ

31、ess.A. Then Butterfly House helped him.B. When doctors have no way to help, Butterfly House will try.C. Everyone in Butterfly House works hard to save the kids.D. 22 of them are living with new families now.E. The parents leave these kids because of their illness.第四节 阅读表达 (共 5 小题,计 10 分)阅读下面的材料,然后根据

32、材料内容回答所提问题。A lobster(龙虾) meets a crab(螃蟹) in the deep sea. They stop swimming and begin to talk with each other.The lobster takes off his hard shell( 壳) and shows his lovely and soft body. When the crab sees the lobster take off the shell, he feels surprised. He shouts at the lobster and wants to st

33、op the lobster.“Hey!” says the crab. “Why are you taking off your shell? The shell is useful and it is protecting(保护) you.Also, remember that it is very important. Now you take off your shell. Big fish can eat you. You may also knock against a rock. Dont be silly. Please put on your shell again.”“Th

34、ank you, crab! But we take off our shells to grow better. If we are afraid to take off our shells, enjoying we第 6 页cant move forward in life,” answers the lobster.The crab thinks about it and understands the lobster.60. Where are the lobster and the crab?_ 61. What are they doing before they meet ea

35、ch other?_ 62. What does the crab think of the lobsters shell?_ 63. Why does the lobster take off the shell?_ 64. Does the lobster put on the shell again?_ . 写作技能 (共三节,计 32 分)第一节 语篇翻译(共 5 小题,计 10 分)阅读下面的短文,然后将画线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。Do you know Jessie J? She is a very famous British pop star. After she shows

36、 up on the sixth season( 季) of TheSinger, a popular TV show on Hunan TV, she becomes even more popular. And within just one night, she gets over100,000 fans on Sina Weibo. 65. She is very friendly, so she is making friends with many Chinese now. Jessie J isknown for R&B and hip-hop. 66.她非常喜欢听中国音乐和吃中

37、国食物。Everything is OK now. But when she was17 years old, she had a minor stroke(轻度中风). Now she still has the heart problem. So it is not easy for her to sing.But she is still very positive( 乐观). “Being that sick makes me Jessie J, ” she says to her Chinese fans. 67. Shepractices swimming every day to

38、 be healthy. In the morning,68. 她总是早起并且她上班从来不迟到。 In theevening, she does sports and keeps reading. Also, she often tries to help the poor children. 69. She thinks it is very important to help them make their dreams come true.65. _ 65. _ 65. _ 66. _ 65. _ 第二节 情景交际(共 5 小题,计 10 分)第 7 页根据上下文和你的实际情况把下面的对

39、话补充完整。A : You look tired. Whats wrong?B : I dont sleep well, and I have too much homework to do every day.A : 70. _?B : It takes me 3 hours to do my homework every day. I dont have any free time.A : How about your weekends? 71. _?B : I either do homework or help my mom with housework on weekends.A :

40、 You need to relax() yourself. 72. _?B : A movie? Sounds great!A: We can go to Wanda Cinema. Its only about two kilometers from here. We can ride ofo bikes there.73. _?B: Yes, I can ride a bike very well.A : Great, lets meet at my home at six oclock.B : OK, see you then.A: 74. _.第三节 书面表达(12 分)假如你是李华

41、,今年 4 月,在学校举行的中法学生联谊活动中,你认识了来自法国圣皮埃尔学校的学生 Mike。请你给 Mike 写一封信,介绍你的学习生活和你的学校,以帮助他尽快熟悉中国学生生活。文中必须 包含以下内容:1. 简单介绍自己。2. 自己的爱好和自己在学校参加的俱乐部。同时简要地向 Mike 介绍学校俱乐部的情况。3. 介绍你们学校的校规,至少三条。要求:1. 可适当发挥,语句通顺,语义连贯;2. 字数:60 词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);3. 文章中不得出现真实的校名、人名等个人信息。Dear Mike,Welcome to China! My name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I hope that you can enjoy your life in China.Best wishes,Li Hua第 8 页

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