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1、湖南科技大学课程教案课程名称高级英语(第二册)章节、专题Unit One Face to Face with Hurricane Camille负责人徐李洁教学 重点l)To familiarize students with narrative writing.2) To familiarize students with the knowledge of hurricane .3) To enable students to appreciate the writing style of the text.教学 难点1. .Words and expressionsDescriptions

2、 of wind, storm, rain, water, force, fear2. Sentence patternsShort sentences for quick actions3. Rhetorical devicesElliptical and short sentences4. Writing StyleNarrative writing5. Background knowledgeHurricane, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Las Vegas练习Homework:1) Get as much information as possible of

3、 hurricane from online.2) Read through Teachers Book.3) Do all the exercises of Unit OneWords and Expressions to Learn1. nounshurricane, generator, swipe, debris, sanctuary, lantern, mattress, litter, thrust, spaghetti, donation, wreckage, possessions, moorings, ferocity, bucket,2. verbslash, pummel

4、, consult, demolish, elevate, scud, whip, disintegrate, fling, douse, shove, scramble, shudder, shift, collapse, clutch, lap, skim, crumble, maroon, dump, breech, snap, smash, perish, slash, huddle, implore, clutch, rage, frustrate, tear, rock, topple, extinguish, sprawl, tilt, vanish, cower, hinge,

5、 diminish, recede, coil, absorb, handle, guard, clear, distribute, rampage, reorganize, salvage, afflict, reflect, crack, yell, underestimate,3. adjectives and adverbsreluctant, gruff, methodically, mighty, entire, severely, virtually, spectacular, gigantic, incomprehensible, portable, softly, norma

6、l, practically, silently, softly, overwhelming, likely, steadily4. verb phrasesbatten down, sit out, blow in, curl up, inch its way, take responsibility for, be bound to, break apart, shoot out, wipe out, blow off, trail away, prop up, slid off, give way, strew with, stream in, rake its way, pitch i

7、n, grade.as.,5. noun phrasescoastal communities, water mains, a power failure, storm-shattered panes, French doors, fire brigade, outward calm, a crushing guilt, a populated area, vantage point, strips of clothing, power lines, shattering scenes, devastated coast, civil-defence units, refugee center

8、s, Red Cross volunteers, canteen trucks, low-interest loans, psychological damage, delayed reaction, the blues, a welding shop, gunlike reports, Gulf Coast, a blast of water, expert machinist,6. other phrasesconcerned about, on the verge of, in its swath, without reason, in donation, piece by piece,

9、 by the minuteUnit One Face to Face with Hurricane CamilleGeneral QuestionsWhat is included in a narrative writing?1) story: the heroic struggle of the Koshaks and their friends against the forces of a devastating hurricane2) characters:Pop KoshakGrandma Koshak-John Koshak* (protagonist)-Janis Kosha

10、ka typical American family-Seven childrenthree generations, friend, neighbors-Charles, a friendand pets-Neighborspets3) Textual organization:chronological order (natural time sequence)a beginning (1-6 ) (introducing the time, place,background, characters)a middle (7-27 ) (details of the struggle to

11、the climax)an end (28-39) (getting help and rebuilding community)4) Climax: para 27 when the Koshaks family survived5) Conflict:man versus nature (hurricane as antagonist)6) Point of view: third person7) Atmosphere : tense and urgency8) Theme: para 39. family safety is more important than material p

12、ossessions.Detailed Study of Section 1 (paral-6)Background knowledgeHurricanes/ location/ naming system/ typhoonHurricane CamilleHurricane Camille is said to be the worst storm ever to hit mainland United States. With winds in excess of 200 mph and tides over 20 feet, Hurricane Camillesmashed into t

13、he Mississippi Gulf Coastrainfalls caused 256 deaths (143 on theGulf Coast and 113 in the Virginia floods) and $1,421 billion in damage. Three deaths were reported in Cuba.QuestionsWhat was John KoshakJr. 4sjob?Why did he decide to stay an face the dangers of a devastating hurricane?What preparation

14、s did they make?Topic sentence in Para.4 -methodicallyFilled bathtubs and pailsfor waterChecked out batteries and flashlightsfor lightsPortable radio-for contact of the outside world, for informationFuelfor electric powerGenerator-for powerRefrigeratorfor foodWords and Expressions(para 1) .as Camill

15、e lashed northward.it was certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss. Where the Koshaks lived.Lashed: to strike with great force; dash against. 猛烈冲击The waves lashed the smooth cliffs.The worst winter stones of the century lashed the east coast of China.Suddenly rain lashed against the windows.Pummel: to beat

16、or hit with repeated blows, esp. with the fist.The thief was pushed and pummeled by an angry crowd.He trapped the man in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.(para 3) Were elevated 23 feet. and were a good 250 yards from the sea. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurrica

17、ne has ever bothered it.We are 23 feet above sea level (British Eng.)A good: a general intensive, meaning “ full” 足足(程度数量)我们足足等了三个小时.昨晚Bill在酒馆里喝得烂醉.从这到火车站足足有五个小时的车程.他父母亲狠狠地揍了他一顿.We waited for a good three hours.Bill had a good drink at the pub last night.It is a good five hours by car to the station

18、.His parents gave him a good beating.no hurricane has ever caused any damage to the house.(para 4) We can batten down and ride it out.A metaphor;Comparing the house in a hurricane to a ship 行ghting a storm at sea. Batten: to fasten canvas over the hatches of a ship, especially in preparing for a sto

19、rm. Ride it out: to slay afloat during a storm without to much damage.We can make necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.(para 6) A neighbor. asked if she and her two children could sit out the storm with the Koshaks.坐着看完,待到(散场).1 didn t enjoy the play, hut we sat it ou

20、t.The show was so boring that we could hardly sit through the first act.等到结束,静等到底.Theyll try to sit out the crisis.We 7/ sit it out to the very end.c)坐在户外.The weather is too cold for us to sit out.Its so nice to sit out when the sun is warm in winter.Detailed Study of Section 2 (para7-27)In this sec

21、tion the writer describes in details and vividly the incidents showing how the Koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught of the hurricane.Focus of the study:1) diction: use of one-syllable words descriptions of wind, rain, storm, forces, sound, water, house2) sentence level: use of

22、short and elliptical sentences3) translation of passive sentences4) understanding the mind of people at crisis.wind Wind and rain whipped Ihe house. 狂风暴雨拍打着屋子. (a metaphor: Strong wind and rain was lashing the house as if with a whip) As the wind mounled lo a roar. 风凶猛地咆哮起来. The roar of the hurrican

23、e now was overwhelming. 飓风的咆哮声压倒了 一切.The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away.Seconds after the roof blew off the houseThe wind diminished.The hurricaneThe hurricane lashed northward.It was certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss,. (para 18) The hurricane, in oae might swipe, lifl

24、ed the entire roof off Ihe house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air. (para 19) the storm.in its concentrated breadth of some 70 miles it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p.h. and raised tides as high as 30 feet. Along the Gulf Coast, it devastated everything in its swath: 19,467 homes and 709 busi

25、nesses were demolished or severely damaged. It seized 1 60,000 gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumDed it 3 % miles away. It tore three large cargo ships from their moorings and beached them. Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pipes cracked like guns as the winds snaDped them.译文 (para 18)比较:不一会儿,一阵强风掠过,将

26、整个屋顶卷入空中,抛向40 英尺以外.过了一会儿,阵飓风袭来,将整个屋顶掀起,抛到空中 40英尺的高度. (para 19)在飓风中心纵横约70英里的范围内,加风速接近每小时200英里.掀起的浪头高达30英尺. 海湾沿岸国里处,所有东西被一扫而光. 19467户人家和709家小商号不是完全被毁,便是遭 到严重破坯.分子高尔夫港一个60万加仑的油罐被狂风刮起,摔到3.5英里以外。三艘大型 货轮被刮离泊位,推上岸滩。电线杆和20英寸粗的松树一遇狂风袭击便像连珠炮似的根根 断裂。The house .the house began leaking-the rain seemingly driven

27、right through the walls.The house shook, and the ceiling in the living room was falling piece by piece. The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive sound, and the group heard gunlike reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated.Then the front door started to break away from its

28、 frame. .but a blast of water hit the house, flinging open the door and shoving them down the halLThe house shuddered and shifted on its foundations. Water inched its way up the stairs as first floor outside walls collapsed.The bottom steps of the staircase broke apart. One wall began crumbling on t

29、he marooned group. The houseDebris flew as the living-room fireplace and its chimney collapsed. With two walls in their bedroom sanctuary beginning to disintegrate A second wall moved, wavered,il toDQled on him. The house, shuddering and rocking、had moved 25 feet from its foundations. A third wall g

30、ave way. The floor tilted.Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist.PeopleAction As they scrambled back .The children huddled in the slashing rain.Grandma implored, lets sing5.she carried on alone for a few bars, then her voice trailed away.The larger children sprawled on the

31、floor, with the smaHer ones in a layer on top of them, and the adults bent over all nine. FeelingsJohn felt a crushing guilt. He held his head between iiv hands, and silently prayed.Pop raged silently, frustraird at not being able to do anything to fight Camille.None of the returnees., they stood sh

32、ocked, trying to absorb the shattering scenes before their eyes(papa28)Children were still awed by the imcomprehensible powerJanis had one delayed reactionWords and Expressions(Para 9) A blast of water hit the house, flinging open the door and shoving them down the hall. The generator was doused, (a

33、ccompanying action)Fling: (as throw) throw sth, oneself with a lot of force 抛扔Tom seized the glass on the table and flung it at me.The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground.Peter flung his shoes into the corner.(fig.) do sth with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.She flung

34、 herself into her career./1 flung myself into poetry.(informal) two people have a fling -a brief sexual relationship.She claims she had a brief fling with him some 20 years ago.Douse: plunge or thrust suddenly into liquid; drench, turn offThe pumps were started and the crew began to douse the fire w

35、ith waterI stopped the car, doused the headlights and got out.Shove: push with quick, violent movement.He was then shoved face down on the pavement. (para 13) Water inched its way up the steps. (para 18) One wall began crumbling on the marooned group.Inch: n. vt. vi.move very slowly, carefully, or w

36、ith difficultyThe climber inched up the vertical rock.An ambulance inched its way through the crowd.He inched the car forward.He looks every inch the City businessman, with his grey suit, dark blue shirt and blue tie.The police were searching the area inch by inch.Every inch of shelf space was cramm

37、ed with books.Maroon: vt. Leave abandoned, isolated, or helpless.使处于孤立无援的处境After years of being marooned on the island, Robinson made himself a brave survivor.Five couples were marooned in their caravans when the River Avon broke its banks. Im left feeling lonely, sad and marooned.I am temporarily m

38、arooned at home by my injured knee. (para 19) .as the winds snapped the pines.Snap: 1) break suddenly with a sharp cracking noise.He shifted his weight and a twig snapped.She gripped the pipe with both hands, trying to snap it in half.Every minute or so / could hear a snap, a crack and a crash as an

39、other tree went down.2) Move to a position quickly with a sharp sound.He snapped the notebook shut.The bag snapped open.3) Speak in a sharp, unfriendly way.“I don 7 know her”, Roger snapped.Vm sorry, Cassy, I didn 7 mean to snap at you like that. 4) Lose patience and calmness, become angry.He finall

40、y snapped when she prevented their children from visiting him one weekend.For the first time and only time Grants self-control snapped.5) Snap ones fingers6) A snap decision , action: taken too quickly without careful thought.I think this is too important for a snap decision. A snap election/judgmen

41、t7) SnapshotDetailed Study of Section 3 (para 28-39)Background knowledge (Teachers Book)National Guard (国民警卫队)Civil defense units (民防队)Salvation Army (救世军)Red Cross (红十字会)Para 28-29They saw human bodies -more than 130 men, women and children died along the Mississippi coast - and parts of the beach

42、and highway were strewn with dead dogs, cats, cattle. Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees, and blowndown power lines coiled like black spaghetti over the roads.None of the returnees moved quickly or spoke loudly; they stood shocked, trying to absorb the shattering scenes before their eye

43、s.译文:他们看到了遐吠的尸体密西西比沿海一带就有130多名男女和儿童丧生一海滩和 公路上有些地方布满了死狗死猫和死牲畜。尚未被风刮倒的树上结彩似的挂满被撕成布条政 衣服,吹断的电线 像黑色的实心血一样盘成一圈一圈地散在路面上。比较:a.那些从外面返回家乡的人们个个都是慢慢地走动着,也没有人高声大叫。他们 怔住了,呆立当地,不知道该怎样才能接受眼前这幅使人惊骇的惨量。_b.返回的人群中没有个人疾步行驶,或者大声说话,他们站在原地,完全怔住了, 迫使自己接受眼前这幅惨烈的景象。Words and ExpressionsStrew-spread about here and there by or

44、 as by sprinkling; scatter; be scattered or dispersed over(a surface)撒(布)扔,散播,被撒满(表面)cf. (a) The wind strewed dead leaves on the ground.(b) The wind strewed the ground with dead leaves.(c) The ground was strewn with dead leaves.(d) There were dead leaves strewn all over the ground.院子里到处扔的是垃圾浪漫的Jim将玫

45、瑰花瓣撒在楼梯上,等待妻子回家.Rubbish was strewn all over the backyard.The backyard was strewn with rubbish.Romantic Jim strewed the stairs with rose pedals, waiting for his wife to come home.(Romantic Jim strewed rose pedals on the stairs)Festoon: to adorn or hang with flowers, leaves, paper, in a loop or curve,

46、 etc.Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees.(metaphor; bits of clothing were hanging on the trees as if decorating them with.festoons)Coil, v, n. wind around and around 成卷状,盘绕,卷e.g. A snake can coil itself up or coil around a branch.The wire was coiled round the tree, and then the current w

47、as turned on.The seaman tripped over a coil of rope and fell into the water.Please hand me that coil of wire.Shatter: break (to) pieces, vi, vt.e.g.爆炸将整栋大楼的窗玻璃都震裂了.那只贵重的花瓶掉在地上摔得粉碎.这次可怕的经历使他的幻想完全破灭了.爬了五个小时的山完全把我累垮了.你想象不出她当时那震惊的表情.The explosion shattered every window of the building.That expensive vas

48、e shattered when it hit the ground.His illusions were shattered by the terrible experience.I was absolutely shattered after five-hour climbing of the hill.(Climbing the hill for five hours absolutely shattered me)You cant imagine the shattered look on her face)(para 30-31)Talk about the measures. Wh

49、y these actions necessary, important and effective for the rehabilitation work?Words and ExpressionsStream: n narrow moving mass.He breathed out a stream of cigarette smoke.There was a stream of traffic behind him.:a large number of sth occurring one after anther.The sad story triggered a stream of

50、readers letters.We had a constant stream of visitors.:a group of children of the same age and ability taught togetherExaminations may be used to choose which pupils are to move into the top streams.He advocates sireaminw children, and educating them according to their needs.Stream: v. move quickly a

51、nd in large numbers.Refugees have been streaming into the neighboring countries.The clock in the church struck twelve, soon after people began to stream out.:light shines strongly into or out of a placeSunlight was streaming into the courtyard,(para 32) Camille, meanwhile, had raked its way northwar

52、d across Mississippi, dropping more than 28 inches of rain into west Virginia and southern Virginia, causing rampaging floods, huge mountain slides and 111 additional deaths before breaking up over the Atlantic Ocean.译文:在此期间,Camille飓风横扫密西西比州后继续北进,给弗吉尼亚西部和南部带来了 28英寸以上的暴雨,致使洪水泛滥,地踏山崩,又造成111人丧生,最后才在大西洋

53、上空 慢慢消散。Rake its way: metaphor, meaning to attack and devastate as it moved along.Rake: n. v.t耙;仔细寻找Its your turn to rake the garden.Fil rake the leaves up later today.The police raked the hillside but did not find the escaped prisoners.(rake I, rake off, rake out, rake over, rake over old ashes, ra

54、ke through, rake up)Rampage: v. rush about in a wild or violent way, causing damage and destruction. 横冲直撞Rampaging floods: violent, raging floods.Hundreds of youths rampaged through the towns, smashing shop windows and overturning cars.He used a sword to try to defend his shop from a rampaging mob.T

55、he prisoners went on the rampage destroying everything in their ways.a bull on the rampageSummary of the writing styleDiction level:Concrete, specific words are used, esp. one-syllable verbs are used to quicken the speed of the action.Few adjectives and adverbs to quicken the rhythmVarious shades of

56、 words are used to avoid repetition, e.g: disintegrate/ break apart/demolish/devastate Sentence level:Elliptical and short simple sentences (Para727).-Increase the tempo and speed of the actions being described. Hence in a dramatic narration they serve to heighten tension and help create a sense of

57、danger and urgency.Textual level:Building up and sustaining the suspense by describing in detail and vividly the incidents with the sequence of happeningsDiscussion : (Ex. XIII) in classProblems in sentence writing1) The run-on sentence2) The sentence fragment3) The dangling modifier4) The illogical

58、 or faulty parallelism5) The shift in point of viewOral: Whom do you admire most in this story? WhyDictation1) hurricane2) demolish3) methodically4) pummel5)douse6) scramble7)ferocity8) maroon9)devastate10)huddlell)implore12)sanctuary13)extinguish14) elevate15)sprawl16)diminish17)festoon18)spaghetti

59、19)salvation20) Las Vegas21)rampage22)wreckage23)afflict24) vantage point 25) disintegrate26)gruff27)batten down 28)mattress29)blast of wind 30) in one mighty swipe31)in its swath 32)vacationer 33)slashing rain34) debris35)reluctant36)waver37) topple over 38) a lean-to39)slant40)strew41) coil 42)can

60、teen 43)salvage 44)shudder 45)gunlike reports 46)spectacular 47) Vietnam 48)mount to a roar 49) delayed reaction 50)on the verge of panicHomeworkWriting: What have you learned about people and society in the United States? (about 300 words)Prepare for Unit 2 -MarrakechGroup work and presentationsAut

61、hor Morocco Marrakech French colonies,Jewish history, Jews湖南科技大学课程教案授课教师: 徐李洁职称: 教授单位: 外国语学院课程名称高级英语(第二册)章节、专题Unit Two Marrakech - George Orwell教学目 标及基 本要求Enable studentsto understand the essay (lexical, sentential, textual level)to discuss the relevant topicsto appreciate expository writing教学 重点Acq

62、uaint students with the writer and his writing styleAcquaint students with the true nature of imperialism, colonialism, Jews学占八 教难Make sure that students understand the following points:1) the theme of the essay2) the six scenes that the author uses to expose the evils of colonialism3) the stylistic

63、 features of the essay4) the features of an expository essay5) Words and expressions (See the contents)教学内 容与时 间分配Total: 8 hours7 hours for teaching1 hour for exercises习题Exercises: IV, VI, VII, VIII, X, XI,XII,XIIIWritten work: Write a short essay within 250 words:Recite paragraphs: 3, 20课外阅读:(about colonialism and imperialism)Classical works about colonial life:A Passage to India by E. M. Foster, exploring the relations between the English and the Indians in India, (film)An Outpost of Progr

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