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1、Chiasmus-By Emily One should eat to live,not live to eat(吃饭是为了活着,而活着不是为了吃饭吃饭是为了活着,而活着不是为了吃饭)Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country.(不要问你的祖国能为你做什么,而要问你能为不要问你的祖国能为你做什么,而要问你能为你的祖国做什么你的祖国做什么)ChiasmusDefinitionStructure FunctionDefinition1.The word“chiasmus”comes fr

2、om Greek word“chiasmos”,meaning“cross-wide”.It is a construction involving the repetition of words or syntactic elements in reverse order(a b/b a)2.A device that consists of two balanced statements,the second of which reverses the order of the words in the first,with or without a repetition of words

3、 即在两个句法上平行并列的短语或句子中,后项即在两个句法上平行并列的短语或句子中,后项以相反的顺序重复前项的词语以相反的顺序重复前项的词语 1.One should eat to live,not live to eat.(吃饭是为了活着,而活着不是为了吃饭吃饭是为了活着,而活着不是为了吃饭)2.For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways.(我的想法不同于你的想法,正如你处事的方(我的想法不同于你的想法,正如你处事的方式不同于我的方式一样)式不同于我的方式一样)Structure lRepetition

4、 of the words in reverse orderlRepetition of the syntactic elements in reverse orderRepetition of the words in reverse order1.Trifles make perfection,and perfection in no trifle.2 Home is where the great are asmall,and the small are great.b b a英语中的英语中的chiasmus 的奇的奇特之处在于特之处在于“用用X标记标记”的的特征或特征或a b/b a

5、的格式的格式Antistrophe&ChiasmuslAntistrophe:a kind of repetition,which repeat the words in reversed order and also name chiasmusa.Man can be destroyed but not defeated,man can be defeated but not destroyed (人可以被毁灭但不能被打败,人可以被打败但不能被人可以被毁灭但不能被打败,人可以被打败但不能被毁灭。毁灭。)b.Love makes time pass,time makes love pass (

6、爱情让时间消逝,时间让爱情消逝爱情让时间消逝,时间让爱情消逝)Repetition of the syntactic elements in reverse order.1.He was an angel on the surface,but at heart a knave.2.To stop to fearful,and too faint to go.3.Forty is the old age of youth;fifty is the youth of old age.(Victor Hugo)4.Whether we bring our enemies to justice,or

7、bring justice to our enemies,justice will be done.Chiasmus汉语中的回文汉语中的回文回文:把相同的词汇或句子,在下文中调换位置回文:把相同的词汇或句子,在下文中调换位置或颠倒过来,产生首尾回环的情趣,叫做回文,或颠倒过来,产生首尾回环的情趣,叫做回文,也叫回环也叫回环 如:如:信言不美,美言不信信言不美,美言不信 日往则月来,月往则日来日往则月来,月往则日来 非人磨墨墨磨人非人磨墨墨磨人 斗鸡山上山鸡斗;龙隐洞中洞隐龙斗鸡山上山鸡斗;龙隐洞中洞隐龙。Function Chiasmus serves different purposes i

8、n different contexts.On many occasions it serves the purpose of (1)being serious or solemn (2)witty or humorous.(3)emphasize something It often achieves aphoristic effect.Examples a.If you cannot have what you believe in,you must believe in what you have.-(solemn)如果你信仰的东西你无法拥有,你就得去信仰如果你信仰的东西你无法拥有,你就

9、得去信仰 你所拥有的东西你所拥有的东西.b.She is very forgetful and so she worries a great deal,she worries a great deal and so she becomes even more forgetful.-(humorous)她很健忘,所以她总是担心;她越担心结果越她很健忘,所以她总是担心;她越担心结果越健忘健忘c.Underfed she looks too,potatoes and marge,Marge and potatoes(James Joyce,Ulysses)-(emphasis)她看上去营养也不良,马

10、铃薯加麦淇淋,麦淇她看上去营养也不良,马铃薯加麦淇淋,麦淇淋加马铃薯淋加马铃薯 Chiasmus is increasingly used in modern and contemporary English for its diversified rhetorical functions.People inevitable employ chiasmus in meditation of social life because it can express sophisticated ideas,deep thought and even twisted concepts in the co

11、mplex society.经典语句经典语句1.Flowers are lovely;love is flower-like.花朵是可爱的,爱像花朵一样花朵是可爱的,爱像花朵一样2.Let us never negotiate out of fear,but let us never fear to negotiate.让我们永不因畏惧而谈判,但让我们永不要让我们永不因畏惧而谈判,但让我们永不要 畏惧谈判畏惧谈判10.Where there is marriage without love,there will be love without marriage.哪里有无爱情的婚姻,哪里便有无婚

12、姻的爱情哪里有无爱情的婚姻,哪里便有无婚姻的爱情4.The reasonable man adapts himself to the world,the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.明达事理之人总是使自己适应世界,而不明明达事理之人总是使自己适应世界,而不明 达事理之人坚持让世界适应自己达事理之人坚持让世界适应自己5.You forget what you want to remember,and you remember what you want to forget 你忘记了想记住的,却

13、记住了想忘记的你忘记了想记住的,却记住了想忘记的6.A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities;an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties悲观的人把机会变成困难,乐观的悲观的人把机会变成困难,乐观的人把困难变成机会人把困难变成机会7.Nice to see you,to see you,nice!8.I flee who chase me,and chase who flees me.9.When they are alone they want to be with others,and when they are with others they want to be alone10.Fail is foul,and foul is fail

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