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1、上海博物馆 (口译专题) 上海博物馆是一座大型的中国古代艺术博物馆,馆藏珍贵文物12 万件,其中尤以青铜器、 陶瓷器、书法、绘画为特色。藏品之丰富、质量之精湛,在国内外享有盛誉。上海博物馆创 建于 1952 年,原址在南京西路 325 号旧跑马总会,由此开始了她的发展之路。1959 年 10 月迁入河南南路16 号旧中汇大楼,在此期间,上海市政府作出了决策,拨出市中心人民广 场这一黄金地块,建造新的上海博物馆馆舍。上海博物馆新馆于1993年 8月开工,1996年10月 12日全面建成开放。上海博物馆建筑总 面积 39200 平方米,建筑高度 29.5 米,象征“天圆地方”的圆顶方体基座构成了新

2、馆不同凡 响的视觉效果,整个建筑把传统文化和时代精神巧妙地融为一体,在世界博物馆之林独树一 帜。新的上海博物馆设有十一个专馆,三个展览厅。目前,它正以崭新的面貌迎接着八方来 客。As a museum of ancient Chinese art, Shanghai Museum possesses a collection of 120,000 precious works of art. Its rich and high-quality collection of ancient Chinese bronze, ceramics, painting and calligraphy is

3、specially celebrated in the world. Founded and first open to the public in the building previously of the horseracing club at 325 W. Nanjing Road in 1952 and then moved into the former Zhonghui Building at 16 S. Henan Road in 1959, the museum developed very quickly in aspects of acquisition, conserv

4、ation, research, exhibition, education and cultural exchanges with other institutes. In 1992, the Shanghai municipal government allocated to the Museum a piece of land at the very center of the city, the Peoples Square, as its new site. The whole construction took three years, from August 1993 to it

5、s inauguration on October 12th, 1996. The 29.5 meters high new building has a construction space of 39,200 square meters. Its unique architectural form of a round top with a square base, symbolizing the ancient Chinese philosophy that the square earth is under the round sky, is a distinguished archi

6、tectural combination of traditional feature and modern spirit. The present Shanghai Museum has eleven galleries and three special temporary exhibition halls. It extends warm welcome to the visitors from all over the world.中国商周时代,青铜器是古代社会文明的重要标志。当观众进入中国古代青铜馆时,馆内古 色古香的深墨绿色的色调,古朴典雅的木质展柜,以及顶部的射灯和柜内的灯光照明

7、所营造 出的气氛,散发出浓郁的青铜时代的文化气息。1200 平方米的展室内,陈列了 400 余件精 美的青铜器,完整地反映了中国古代青铜艺术发展的历史。Gallery of Chinese Ancient BronzeAs a symbol of Chinas ancient civilization and cultural heritage, bronze artifacts have been regarded as important treasures ever since the Shang and Zhou dynasties. When you step into the ga

8、llery, you will feel being surrounded by a mysterious and artistic atmosphere in which ancient bronze artifacts are displayed in plain and archaic wooden showcases and set off by different levels of illumination. More than 400 pieces of exquisite bronzes are shown within the space of 1,200 square me

9、ters, providing an overall perspective of bronze art in ancient China.中国古代雕塑馆的气氛热烈而庄严,它以金、红、黑三色为基本色调,以佛教艺术中常用的 莲瓣形做隔墙,石窟寺中的佛龛做壁橱,以及露置的陈列形式,使人有流连于石窟寺的特殊 感受。640 平方米展厅中的120 余件展品上起战国、下至明代,体现出不同时期的创作特色。 整个展室内最引人注目的是中国佛像雕塑艺术,从北魏佛像的飘逸俊秀、到北齐和隋代佛像 的优雅洗练、生动传神;从形态丰满、姿态优美的唐代造像到清新秀丽、富有世俗情态的宋 代菩萨像,观众可以体察到佛教作为一种外来

10、文化,最终与中国民族文化融为一体的发展过 程。Gallery of Chinese Ancient SculptureUsing gold, red and black as three basic colors, the gallery is full of a warm and serious atmosphere. Within a space of 640 square meters, more than 120 specimens are put either in shrine-like showcases separated by lotus-petal shaped parti

11、tions or on open freestanding pedestals. This special design and arrangement will give audience a true feeling of walking in grottos or temples. The exhibits, dating between the Warring States period and the Ming dynasty, reveal artistic styles of Chinese sculpture in different periods. The most att

12、ractive sculptures are Buddha statues with different styles, such as simple and delicate Buddha statues of the Northern Wei, elegant and vivid Buddha statues of the Northern Qi and the Sui dynasties, gorgeously shaped and full-bodied Buddha statues of the Tang dynasty, and novel and secular Bodhisat

13、tva of the Song dynasty. Audience could watch a process how Buddhism, a foreign culture, was merging into Chinese traditional culture.中国古代陶瓷为上海博物馆的收藏特色之一。展馆中绿色的基调和各个时代的陶瓷精品交相 辉映,给人带来轻松、和谐的感觉。在 1300平方米的中国古代陶瓷馆中陈列了陶瓷精品500 余件。其中有新石器时代的彩陶和灰陶、商周及春秋战国时代的原始青瓷、东汉时代的成熟 的青瓷,还有人们熟知的唐三彩。宋、金、辽时代,各地窑场林立、青釉、白釉、黑釉和

14、彩 绘瓷竞相争艳,出现了百花齐放的局面。元、明、清三代,景德镇成为中国瓷业的中心,所 烧制的釉下彩、釉上彩和颜色釉瓷器更是精美绝伦,声名远播海内外。Gallery of Chinese Ancient CeramicsThe collection of ancient ceramics is another unique feature of Shanghai Museum. Masterpieces of pottery and porcelain selected from different periods are displayed in a green background, giv

15、ing a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere. More than 500 fine specimens are shown in the space of 1,300 square meters, including painted and gray pottery of the Neolithic period, proto-type celadon of the Shang, the Zhou, the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States periods, fine celadon of the Easter

16、n Han and famous polychrome-glazed pottery of the Tang dynasty. During the Liao, the Song, and the Jin dynasties, celadon kilns emerged in various places of China. Green, white, black-glazed ware and porcelain with painted designs became popular, thus a wide variety of porcelain blossomed in lots of

17、 color. Throughout the Yuan, the Ming and the Qing dynasties, Jingdezhen was the center of porcelain production and its exquisite products became well known all over the world中国书法是运用毛笔为工具的一种藉线条表现汉字的艺术。中国书法艺术源远流长,起始 于商代,成熟于东周,两晋和隋唐时代书家辈出,书法的探究日益精微。宋、元、明书法以 晋唐法度为契机,不断创造新技法和新意境,涌现出丰富多姿的个性风格和书艺流派。清代 书家广

18、泛汲取前代书法养料,崇尚北碑之学,熔凝出新的风格。中国历代书法馆集中了各个 时期的典型名作,系统地展示了中国书法艺术的历史轨迹。展框、自动感应的灯光照明和历 代书法精品的巧妙结合,更使展室散发阵阵书香。Gallery of Chinese CalligraphyCalligraphy is a writing art to express Chinese characters by using brush. With an age-old tradition, Chinese calligraphy originated in the Shang dynasty and matured in

19、the Eastern Zhou period. During the Jin, the Sui and the Tang dynasties, a number of distinguished calligraphers emerged and calligraphic exploration were elaborated. Based on the achievements of previous periods, new skills and updated artistic conception were created during the Song, the Yuan and

20、the Ming dynasties, inspiring diversified calligraphic schools and styles. During the Qing dynasty, calligraphers absorbed their predecessors merit, advocated model and inscription on ancient steles especially those of the Northern Wei, and created fresh styles. The masterpieces of different periods

21、 are displayed chronologically to reveal a developmental trajectory of Chinese calligraphy. Perfect combination of showcases, sensitive illumination and exhibits makes this gallery full of brilliant taste of calligraphic art.中国历代玺印馆是目前国内外第一个专题陈列玺印篆刻的艺术馆。展馆内借助高低错落的展 柜,应用多种技术手段,使实物与辅助陈列相互配合,仿佛让人进入一个雅致

22、、朴素的玺印 宝库之中。在 380 平方米展馆内,展出玺印篆刻 500 余件。整个陈列以印章艺术的发展历 史为线索,上自西周,下迄清末,是从馆藏一万余枚印章文物中遴选出来的具有代表性、艺 术性的精品。这些形式丰富、类别多样的实物展品,为观众展示了中国印史的悠久历程和各 个时期印章的不同风貌及其深厚的艺术内涵。Gallery of Chinese SealsThis is the first gallery specifically designed for displaying Chinese seals in the world. By using many advanced techniq

23、ues, specimens are displayed in showcases with different levels and heights in coordination with supplementary exhibition. In a space of 380 square meters, more than 500 masterpieces between the Western Zhou and the Qing dynasty are selected from the collection over ten thousand pieces in Shanghai M

24、useum. The display fully illustrates a long history of Chinese seals and diversified styles in different historical periods.中国绘画有着深厚的传统和独特的民族风格。它是以毛笔、墨、绢纸为主要工具、以点线结 构为主要表现手段的造型艺术。中国历代绘画馆展厅内长廊飞檐,轩窗低栏,颇有传统古建 筑风格和儒雅的书卷气息。为有效地保护展品和方便观众欣赏,展室内还采用了自动调节光 照的感应射灯。1200 平方米的展厅内共陈列历代绘画精品120 余件,从唐代至近代,各种 绘画门类均有所体

25、现,反映出中国绘画的悠久传统和深厚底蕴。Gallery of Chinese PaintingsChinese paintings have a long tradition and a unique style. This has been an art by using dots and lines as expressive skill and brush, inkstick, silk and Xuan paper as main implements. Taking a form of traditional Chinese architecture, the gallery is

26、arranged into long corridor-like showcases with large panels of glass, upturned eaves and low banisters. In order to protect ancient paintings and provide audiences with a clear view as well, a sensitive lighting system is installed. More than 120 masterpieces ranging from the Tang dynasty to the pr

27、esent are shown within the space of 1,200 square meters. The exhibition fully displays age-old tradition and profound foundation of Chinese paintings.光辉璀璨的中华文化,是各民族相互融汇、共同创造的。各少数民族在长期的历史发展中, 形成了风格迥异的文化。中国少数民族工艺馆馆内暖色的基调,新颖别致的陈列设计、绚丽 多彩的少数民族工艺品,仿佛使人进入中华民族文化艺术的百花园中,并感受到统一的多民 族大家庭其乐融融的氛围。在 700多平方米的展馆内,集

28、中陈列了少数民族的服饰工艺、染 织绣、金属工艺、雕刻品、陶器、漆器、藤竹编和面具艺术等近600 件。表现了少数民族工 艺品绚丽纷繁、巧思独具的奇异风格Chinese Minority NationaliAtirteGsalleryGlorious Chinese civilization has been created by various nationalities. Due to dive- rsified social and ecological environments, different nationalities in China have produced their ri

29、ch and colorful cultures. Being set off by a warm background, various handicrafts of different nationalities provide audience with a happy and harmonious atmosphere within an artistic garden of Chinese nationalities. More than 600 handicrafts are shown in this 700 square meters gallery, including co

30、stumes, textiles, embroideries, metal wares, sculpture, pottery, lacquer wares, cane and bamboo plaited vessels as well as wooden masks.中国是世界上最早使用货币的国家之一。上海博物馆钱币收藏的数量和质量在中国钱币界享 有声誉。中国历代钱币馆以此为基础,在730 平方米展馆中,通过近7000件文物,集中展 现了中国货币发生、发展和中外经济文化交流的历史概貌。在浅灰色的基本色调的衬托下, 这些古代钱币更凸显它的悠远古朴、千姿百态。钱币馆内还辟有杜维善、谭端言伉俪捐

31、赠的 丝绸之路中亚古币专室。Gallery of Chinese CoinsChina is among the earliest countries in the world to use coins. Taking the advantage of its super collection, Shanghai Museum provides a historical overview of Chinese currency in this 730 square meters gallery. More than 7,000 specimens show a historical devel

32、opment of ancient coins and economic exchange between ancient China and foreign countries. The light grayish background sets off primitive simplicity of these ancient coins. In addition, there is a special show room for ancient central-Asian coins from Silk Road generously donated by Mr and Ms. Roge

33、r and Linda Doo.中国古代家具的发展源远流长。明清时代是我国古代家具制造的鼎盛期。明清家具虽然在风 格上迥然不同,但其艺术成就深受人们赞许。走进中国明清家具馆,犹如步入中国明清时代 的园林宅第,其间青砖粉墙,修竹摇曳,颇有高雅脱俗的情趣。家具馆700 平方米展厅内陈 列了明清时代中国家具精华100 多件。其中,有造型洗练、线条流畅、比例匀称、榫卯严密 的明代家具;有用料宽绰、体态凝重、装饰繁缛、厚重华丽的清代家具。为再现古代家具的 使用场景,还复原了明清时代的厅堂书房。Chinese Ming and Qing Furniture GalleryClassical Chinese

34、 furniture has a long history of development and reached its climax during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Although furniture between the Ming and the Qing differed apparently in style, both of them are artistically successful. In this 700 square meters gallery, you will feel like walking in a traditio

35、nal Chinese house with a garden behind grilled windows. Among more than 100 pieces of furniture, there are the Ming furniture that were simply in style but elegantly prepared or tightly formed by tenon- mortise technique and the Qing furniture that were imposingly produced and elaborately decorated.

36、 In addition, there is an exhibition of a study room and a drawing room, giving a vivid presentation of utilization.中国素有玉石之国的美誉,制作玉器已有七千多年的历史。古代社会,玉不仅被用于装饰, 而且是财富、权力的标志,又是统治者祭天祀地、沟通神灵的法物。玉的自然属性被人格化、 道德化。在中国古代玉器馆内,现代化的光导纤维照明和独特的底座设计,使一件件的古玉 器突显晶莹润泽的气色,图案纹饰更是纤毫毕现,体现出中国古代玉器文化高贵典雅、巧夺 天工的艺术特征。Gallery of

37、Chinese Ancient JadeWell known for the reputation of the Country of Jade around the world, China has a 7,000-year history of jade production. In ancient times, Chinese favored jade not only for its intrinsic beauty but also for its mystical allure. It was used either as the symbol of wealth and powe

38、r by rulers or as personal ornaments by ordinary people. It was also widely used as a ritual implements and burial objects. Therefore, the nature of jade was endowed with the significance of humanity and moral. Using specially designed stands and fiber optics for illumination, the exhibits provide audience a sparkling and smooth appearance. Even the details of fine design are perfectly exposed. The exhibits reveal elegant jade culture and its consummate skill in ancient China.

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