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1、c 语言课本例题(Examples of C language textbooks)Advanced programming 2012-01-05 9:00-11:00 1-203 Lu Yuhong Zhou Jinfeng Lu to diagnose ischemic cerebrovascular diseaseThe third chapter is sequential structure programming.1. input 3 characters, and reverse output 3 characters and their ASCII code.ttinclude

2、 stdio. h”Void main ()char chi, CH2, ch3;Scanf (,%c%c%c,/, &chl, &ch2, &ch3);Printf (祝,dn”, CH3, CH3);Printf (%c, %dn, CH2, CH2);Printf (%c, %dn, chi, chi);2. finding the real roots of equation ax*x+bx+c=0.ttinclude stdio. hVoid main () float a, B, C, disc, xl, x2;Printf input a, B, c:);Scanf C%f, %

3、f,&a, &b, &c);Disc=b*b-4ac;Xl= (-b+sqrt (disc) / (2*a);X2= (-b-sqrt (disc) / (2*a);Printf (nxl=%6. 2fnx2=%6. 2fn”, xl, X2);3. seeking predecessor characters and subsequent characters. Enter a character to find its predecessor and subsequent characters. Output in order from large to small.#include st

4、dio”Void main ()char chi;Printf (enter a character n);Scanf (%c, &chl);Printf (precursor characters:%c, meta characters:%c, successor characters:%c, their ASCII values are:%d, %d, %dn, chl+1, chi, chl-1, chl+1, chi, chl-l);4. input the length of the triangle, calculate the area of the triangle (area

5、 =sqrt (s (S-A) (S-B) (S-A), s= (a+b+c) /2)The fourth chapter chooses structural programmingFiveAccording to the input student achievement judgment, when the score is =90, for A and so on,ttinclude stdio.h”Void main ()int score;Scanf (“刎,&score);Switch (score/10)case 10:Case 9:printf (%d:An, score);

6、 break;Case 8:Case 7:printf (%d:Bn, score); break;Case 6:printf (%d:Cn, score); break;Default:printf (%d:Dn, score); break;6. solving the real solution of equation ax*x+bx+c=0.#include stdio. hVoid main ()float a, B, C, xl, X2, disc;Printf (,zinput a B c:);Scanf (,%f%f%f/,, &a, &b, &c);If (Fabs (a)

7、le-6)Printf (the equation is not a quadratic);Elsedisc=b*b-4*a*c;If (disc0)Printf (the equation has not real root);ElseIf (fac (disc) #包括数学。”无效main()无符号整型年份、月份、跳跃;scanf ( %d %d”,年、月);如果(年% = 400 = 0)其他的(如果(% 4 = 0 和年% 100)! = 0)跳跃=1;其他的跳跃=0;)开关(月)案例 1: printf (月 31”);休息;案例2:如果(跳跃=1)printf (月 29 n);p

8、rintf (“月 28”);休息;案例 3: printf (“月 31”);休息;案例 4: printf (“月 30”);休息;案例 5: printf (“月 31”);休息; 案例 6: printf (“月 30”);休息; 案例 7: printf (“月 31”);休息;案例 8: printf (“月 31”);休息; 案例9 printf (“月30”);休息;案例 10: printf (“月 31”);休息; 案例 11: printf (“月 30”);休息; 案例 12: printf (“月 31”);休息;)break;Case 1: printf (% d,

9、 y = x + 1);第五章循环结构程序设计1.写个程序,输入一个班学生的成绩,求全班的平均成绩.# include STDIO. HVoid main ()float Score, average = 0;Int n = 0;Each (% F & score);While (score = 0)+ = average score;N + +;Each (% F & score);)If (n! Average average = = 0) / N;Prinf (% 6.2f“ average);2 .计算 s = l + 2 + 3 + 4+. + 100.# include STDIO

10、. HVoid main ()Int s = 0, R;For (i = 0; I = 0)switch (SCORE / 10)caselO:Case9: printf (% d: n Score); break;Case8:Case7: printf (% d: B score n); break;Case6: printf (% d score C; n); break;Default: printf (% d score D: n);Each (% d & score)5. input n integers, find the average number of even number

11、s in these n numbers, and output.(main)(Int n, sum, I, J, count=0;Int sum=0;Scanf (%d”, &n)1=0While (i+n)scanf (%d, &j);If (. J%2)Sum+=j;Count+;)Sum=sum/count;Printfsum);)6. input a positive integer from the keyboard, calculate and output the number of the sum of the numbersttinclude stdio. h”(main)

12、(Int a, s=0, u, i;Printf Void main ()int i=0;Char a100, c;Printf (enter the string content: t);Doscanf (%c, &ai);C=ai;1+;While (c! = n);Ai=(r ;1=0;Printf input string is t);While (ai! =、) !Printf (%c, ai); i+;)Printf (the content of the converted string is: t); 1=0;While (ai! = 0) c i ;如果(C = A & C

13、= Z)我=32; 如果(C = A & C = Z)我=32;printf ( %c”, 个我);+;)8。输出所有的水仙花数。”水仙花数”指个三位数,其个位数字 立方和等于该数本身。#包括 “stdio. h”主 i, j, k, n;对于(n= 100; n 1000; n + +) i=n/ 100;J = N / 10-1 * 10;k = n 10;如果(i)printf (水仙花数是:%d,n);printf ( n);)9。如何编写程序”输出1999中能被3整除,而且至少有一位数 字是5的所有数字”?国际main()int i;对于(i = 1; i 999; i + +) 如

14、果(我 3 = = 0 & (我% 10 = = 5) I I (I / 10) % 10 = = 5 I I (I / 100) % 10 = = 5) printf ( %d ”,我);)10o计算斐波那契分数序列前N项之和#包括stdio. h” int, n, i;浮点数和,a, b;printf ( n 输入 N: ”);scanf ( “%d” ,和 N);总和=0;a = 2; b = l;对于(i = 1; i = n; i + +)和/ +A = A + B;B = A-B;)printf (“金额=%f n”,总和);11。个数如果恰好等于它的因子之和。即6 = 1 + 2

15、 + 3, 1000内 满足条件的数求。#包括 “stdio. h” m, n, i;对于(m=2; m le-b) = a;a + 1. 0/f;printf ( %d , n);氮+;printf ( % 10. 8f n” , A);)printf ( % 10. 6f n” , A);)第六章。函数与编译预处理lo编写计算X的N次乘方的程序。#包括 “stdio. h”主 浮点数X, y;int n;浮动功率(浮点数x, int n);scanf ( %、%、& x 和 n);y =功率(x, n);printf ( 8. 2f”,Y);)浮动功率(浮点数x, int n); int

16、I;浮点T=l;对于(i = l; i = n; i + +)T=x;返回T;)2 求组米! / (n! (M-N)!)长因子(k)长 f=l;int i ;对于(i = 1, i = k; i +)f=f i;返回F;)长梳(整数n整数m)长C;C = FAC (M) / FAC (N) XFAC (M-N);返回C;)主要()整数n, m;长C;scanf ( “%d, %d”,与 N 和 M);丙(m, n);PrintfC);3. input two numbers, output the larger number.ttinclude stdio. h”Void main ()int

17、 a, B, m;Int max (int int);Scanf (%d, %d, &a, &b);M=max (a, B);Printf (max=%d”, m);)Int max (int x, int y);int t;If (xy) t=x;Else t=y;Return t;4. for the common denominator, ttinclude stdio. h”Int divisor (int a, int b) int r;Do r=a%b;A=b;B=r;while (r! =0);Return a;)Void main ()int a, B, d;Scanf (肌|

18、,%d”, &a, &b);If (ab)D=divisor (a, B);ElseD=divisor (B, a);Printf (a=%d, b=%dn”, a, B);Printf (d=%d”, D);)The common denominator 5. using recursive method for M and n.Int GCD (int m, int n)int g;If (n=0)G=m;ElseG=gcd (n, m%n)Return (g);Void main () int m, n;Scanf (%d, %d, &m, &n);Printf (gcd=%d”, GC

19、D (m, n);)6. seeking the least common multiple.Int divisor (int a, int b)int r;While (r=a%b)! =0)a=b; b=r;Return b;)Int multiple (int a, int b)int d;D=divisor (a, B);Return a*b/d;Void main ()int a, B, c;Printf (,zinput a b:);Scanf (“紀d, &a, &b);C=multiple (a, B);Printf (c=%d, C);)7. enter a string t

20、hat represents a positive integer, and convert the string to the corresponding number.Int cton ()char ch;Int n=0, f=0, nI=0;While (ch=getchar () =O | |ch=9) nl+;If (nl=10) printf (data is wrong!) ; return 0;)Don=n*10+ch- ;While (ch=getchar () - 0 &chn) temp=m; m=n; n=temp;For (i=m; i0; i-)If (m%i=0&

21、n%i=0) printf (%dn, I);Break;)For (i=l; i=m; i+)If (n*i%m=0)printf (%dn, n*i);Break;)9. input a line of characters, statistics of the English letters, spaces, numbers and other characters.ttinclude stdio. h”Void main () int a, B, K, d;Z=k=s=q=O;Char c;While (c=getchar () ! =n)if (c= a &c= z I I c= A

22、 &c= Z)A+;Else if (c=)B+;Else if (c=O&c=9)K+;ElseD+;)Printf alphabet”:%3d, space:%3d, number:%3d,Other:%3dn , Z, K, Q);Seventh chapters, array1. input 5 numbers from the keyboard, output the maximum, minimum element value and their subscript.ttinclude stdio. h”Void main ()int I, J, K, Max, min;Stati

23、c int a5;For (i=0; i5; i+)Scanf (%d”, &a i);Max=min=a0;J=k=O;For (i=0; iai) min=ai; k=i;Printf (max:a%d=%d, min:a%d=%d,/, J, Max, K, min);2. input 16 integers from the keyboard, save in the two-dimensional array of 4x4, output even line and even column.Include stdio.h”Void main ()int I, j;Int a44;Fo

24、r (i=0; i4; i+)For (j=0; j4; j+)Scantf (%d, &aij);For (i=0; i4; i+)for (j=0; j4; j+)If (i%2=0|Ij%2=0) printf (%-4d”, aij);Else printf (%-4c,);Printf (n);3. initialize the array a44 with the 4X4 matrix, and findits transpose matrix and output.#define M 4ftdefine N 4Include stdio. hVoid main ()int I,

25、k;Int aMN = l,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13, 14,15, 16;Int bM N;For (i=0; iM; i+)For (k=0; kN; K+) bi k=ak i;For (i=0; iM; i+)(k = 0; k n; k + +) printf (% 5d, b i k);printf ( n);4.求一个3x3的整型矩阵对角线元素之和.# include stdio. hvoid main ()int a 3 3, sum = 0;int i, j;for(i=0;i3;i+)for(j = 0,j3;j+)scanf C

26、% d & a i j);for(i=0;i3;i+)for(j = 0,j3;j+)if (i = = j)sum = sum + a i j;printf (sum =% d n , sum);)5 .用选择法对!0个数进行排序.# include stdio. hvoid main ()int i, j, my, temp, a 11;for (i = 0; i = 10; 1 + +)scanf (% d & a i);for (i = 0; i = 10; i + +)i = i;for (j = i + 1; j = 10; j + +)if (a j = a i)my = j;t

27、emp = a i, a i = a i, a i = temp;)for (i = 0; i =0&n 100)sum + = x;score n + + = x;scanf (% f, & x);ave = sum / n;printf (average =% f n ”, ave);for (count = 0; i = 0; i ave) (printf (% f n, score in)count + +;如果(计数% 5 = = 0) printf ( n);)printf (数=%dn,计数);)7。假设在数组一中的数据按由小到大的顺序排列,从键盘上输入 个数,判定该数是否在数组

28、中,若在,输出所在序列号;若不在,输 出相应信息。#定义M 4#定义N 4包括stdio. h主海峡 int M = - 12,0, 6, 16, 23, 56, 80100110115 ;整数n,低,中,高,找到;低=0;咼=m-1; 发现=0; printf (“输入一个数字,要搜索:“);scanf ( “d”,和 N);同时(低 =高)=(低+高)/ 2;如果(n = a)- = 1;断裂;否则如果(=中)低=中+ 1;其他高=中叶1;)如果(发现=1) printf (索引%d %d” , N, MID);else printf (没有%d , n);8o用冒泡法将8个数按由小到大排

29、序。#包括stdio. h # Deine N 80 主() INTA 的口;整数,m;空排序(int b , int k);空打印(int ,int k);printf ( niput m (80):); scanf (“机!”,和一个我);排序(a, m);打印(A, M);)空排序(int b , int k) i, j, t,标志;为(i = 0; J = a & & str i = z) c str i - a + ;if (str i = a & & str i = z) c str i - a + 26+ +;i + +;for (i = 0; i 26; i + +)if (c

30、 i) if (m% 8 = = 0) putchar ( n) ; m + +;printf (% c:% d ”, i + a c i);)for (i = 0; i 26; i + +)if (c i + 26) if (m% 8 = = 0) putchar ( n) ; m + +;printf (% c:% d ”, i + a , c i + 26);12.约瑟夫环问题.# include (stdio. h # define n 100void main () int a n;int i, j, m, n, k = 0;printf input n, m:);scanf (%

31、d% d”, & n & m); printf (enter code array:); 为(i=0; i ;; + (+) scanf ( %d,和一个我); printf ( Noutput: n); 为(i = 0; i ; ; + ( + ) 二 1;同时(JM) (a = k = 0) k= (k + 1) % n;+;k = (k + 1) % n;)当(a = = 0) k = (k + 1) % n;printf ( % 6d”,K);a; k0;)第八章指针1。指针交换比较。#包括stdio. h主 a, b, *, *, PB;空交换(int * Pl, int * P2)

32、;和一个;铅与硼;scanf ( d, %d”,&, & B)交换(PA, PB);printf ( n main() : = %d, B = %dn”,A, B);printf ( n 小说:* PA = %d, * PD = %dn” , * * PA, PB);)空交换(int * Pl, int * P2) int * p;P=P1;Pl = P2;P2 = p;printf (“美国国家社会主义白人党:* Pl = %d, * P2=刎n, * * Pl, P2);2。函数max ()用来求一位数组中元素的最大值,在主调用函数中用 函数名调用该函数与函数指针调用该函数实现。#包括 “

33、stdio. h”主浮sumf,水池;浮动M = 11,2, - 3, 4, 5, 5, 69, 7, 80 );浮点数(P) ;浮点(浮点,int, n);最大值;污水池=(* P) (A, M);sumf = max (a, m);printf (仓=% 2f n,水池);printf (仓=% 2f n”,水池);)浮点(浮点),int n)( k;漂浮的;s= 0 ;对于(k = 0; k; n; k +)如果( );返回的;)3用不同的方法输出整型数组的各元素。包括stdio. h主 static int 5 = 第 3 ;int, p;对于(i = 0; i 5; i +)prin

34、tf ( 4D, 个我);putchar ( n);对于(i = 0; i 5; i +) printf ( “4D”,* (+我); putchar ( n);对于(p = a; p+ 5; p+)printf ( “4D” , * P);putchar ( n);=a;对于(i = 0; i 5; i +)printf ( “4D”,P 我);)4。用数组名常量指针输出维数组,并将数组中的最大元素及所在 行列号输出。#包括 “stdio. h主() i, j, m, n, max;a 3 4 = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 );m=0; n=0;最大值;对于(i

35、= 0; i 3, + +) printf ( n);对于(j=0; jV4; j + +) printf ( % 5D”,* (* (+我)+ J);如果(最大* * (* + i) + j); max *(*(a+i) + j);m=i; n = j; printf ( n 麦克斯:一%2D % 2D = % d, m, n, ” 麦克斯);)用指向数组元素的指针输出维数组,并将数组中的最大元素及所在 行列号输出。#包括stdio. h i, j, m, n, max;a 3 4 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ;整数P;P=a 0 ;max

36、 = P;m=0; n=0;对于(i = 0; i 3; i +) printf ( n);对于(j=0; jV4; j + +) printf ( n);如果(max p) max=P;m=i; n = j;+; printf ( n 麦克斯:一%2D % 2D=% d, m, n, ” 麦克斯);用指向维数组的行指针输出维数组,并将数组中的最大元素及所 在行列号输出。#包括 “stdio. h”主 i, j, m, n, max;a 3 4 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ;int (* p) 4 ;=a;max=P;对于(i = 0; i

37、3; i +)printf ( n);对于(j = 0; j4; j + +);printf ( “ 5D”,* (* P + J);如果(最大 (*);m=i; n = j;)Hr )printf ( “n 麦克斯:一%2D % 2D = % d, m, n, ” 麦克斯);5。有若干本书,将其书名按字典顺序排列。printf ( narray b:);for (k = 0; k = 0; i )printf (% c * (a + i);puts ( n);void trans 108 _ 16 (char * p, long m, int base);int r;while (m 0)r

38、 = m% base;if (r 10) * p = r + 48;else * p = r + 55;m = m / base;P + +;)* p 二 、;)8.从键盘上输入个字符串与一个指定字符,将字符串中出现的指 定字符全部删除.# include stdio. hvoid prochar (char * str, char c) (char * p;for (p = str; * p! = 、0; p + +)if (* p! = c)* str + + = * p;* str = 、0;void main ()char str 80, char _ c;gets (str);scanf (% c”Char _ (c);Prochar (STR, char _ (c);Puts (STR);

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