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1、8A Unit 1 Friends!第一课时Comic &Welcome to the unit (新授课) 2014.9.1主备人:耿成峰 审核人:仲蓓 审批人: 班级_ 姓名_【学习目标】1. 掌握谈论人的性格的形容词;2. 学会谈论各自的朋友,了解一个好朋友需具备的重要品质。【学习重点、难点】1. 学会用表示品质的单词与词组来描述自己的朋友。2. 理解并正确运用以上单词与词组。【学习过程】一、课前预习导学预习P6-7:在书上划出并写下短语和句子:1) 我渴了。我能喝点什么吗? Im _.Can I have _ _ _?2) 我能再吃点食物吗?Can I have _ _ _? 3) 保

2、守一个秘密_4) 使我快乐 _5) 是什么使你的朋友如此特别? What _?6) 分享我的快乐 _ 7) 当你难过时,他/她关心你吗? _ he/ she _ _ you when you are sad?8) 告诉他/她有关你自己的一切 tell him/ her _9) 相信他/她说的话_10) 写信给青少年杂志 write to _ _11) What makes good friends?(中文)_12) 好朋友应该诚实。Good friends _ _ _.13) 你可以信任他们因为他们从不说谎。 You can _ _ because they _ _ _.14) 给你讲有趣的笑

3、话_15) Yes, thats true.(中文)_16) 好看的,漂亮的_ 幽默的_ 礼貌的_ 爱整洁的,整洁的_二、课堂学习研讨:1. Im thirsty, too. Can I have something to drink? 我也渴了,能喝点东西吗? 口渴的_ 饥饿的_ 喝点东西_ 吃点东西_2. Can I have some more food? 我还能再吃点食物吗?more adj. 更多的, 是_/_的比较级 他的朋友比你多。He has _ friends than you.数词+more= another+数词我们还需要两本书。 We need _ _ books. =

4、 We need _ _ books.3. honest adj. 诚实的,正直的 反义词:dishonest 不诚实的 注意:一个诚实的孩子 an honest child, 类似的词还有_(一个小时)她是个诚实的女孩,半小时之后她一定会到的。 She is _ _ girl. She is sure to be here _ _ _ _.4. secret n. 秘密 adj. 秘密的 保守秘密 _ a _/ _ _ 一个秘密的会议 a _ meeting 好朋友应该能为你保守秘密。Good friends can _ _ _ you.5. care vi./ vt. 关心,关注,在意 a

5、dj. _ adv. _ Dont ask him. He doesnt care at all. (中文)_ care about 关心,关怀 His parents dont care about him at all. (中文)_ take care of(中文)_ = _ Can you _ my dog while I am away? 我不在时能照看一下我的狗狗吗? take care(中文)_= _=_ Please listen to the teachers _(仔细地)in class.6. make me happy; make your friend so specia

6、l 用法:_ make me laugh; make your friend trust you 用法:_7. trust vt. 信任= believe in多指品德上的相信believe your words = believe what you say (相信你说的话) 他信任你,所以他相信你说的话。 He _ you, so he believes _ _ _.8. 谎言_ 玩笑,笑话_ 说谎_ 讲笑话_ 我们不应该说谎,但是我们可以讲笑话。 We _ _ _, but we can _ _. Guess: a white lie是什么意思?_9. true adj. 确实的,的确,

7、与right意思相近 Thats true._ true or false_ a true friend_三、课堂检测(一)根据句意及首字母完成单词:1. Do you know the saying “N_ is difficult if you put your heart(心) into it?” 2. Jeans are popular among t_(青少年). They are comfortable to wear. 3. This is one of my favourite _ (杂志). Its about animals.4. Our maths teacher is

8、h_(幽默的), she often makes us laugh in class.5. Dont tell anything to her because she cant keep _ (秘密) for you.6. He is an _ boy. He never tells a lie.7. Today is a s_ day. Its National Day.8. He always talks to his teacher when he has p_.9. Mr.Lin is honest, he never tells l_, everybody t_ him.10. We

9、 should be p_ to old people.11. If you are t_, you can have something to drink.12. You should clean your own room and keep it _(整洁的).13. The _ (好看的) woman is my aunt. She works in a hospital.(二) 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Sandy and Amy, please look after _(yourself) when you are alone.2. This hairstyle is _ (te

10、enager) favourite.3. Uncle Wang enjoys _ (make) things_ (make ) them _ (fly ).4. Mum, Im still hungry. Can I have one _ (many) piece of bread?5. What about _ (share) the pizza with us?四、作业布置(一)单项选择 ( )1. _ honest boy you are! Thank you! A. What an B. What C. How an D. What a ( )2. _ do your want to

11、buy? No, I dont. A. What other B. What the otherC. What else D. What another( )3. There is _ with your MP4 because it works well. A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. wrong something( )4. There is not enough bread for supper. We need to buy _. A. much more B. many more C. some mor

12、e D. some most( )5. Why do you think Sandy is _? She always comes to me when I look unhappy and need help. A. kind and helpful B. kind and good-looking C. clean and tidy D. clever and friendly(三)完成句子1. 你要保守秘密,否则这会使他不高兴。 You should _ _, or it will _ him _.2. 教室里没有其他人了。_ _ _ in the classroom.3. 我不相信他说

13、的话,因为他一点也不老实。 I dont _ _ he _, because he is not _ _ _.5. 我们每一个人都要关心自己的家人。 Every one of us should _ _ our own family.6. 这个十四岁的少年很幽默,经常讲一些有趣的笑话给我们听。 The _ _ is very _, he often _ _ _ _.8A Unit 1 Friends!第二课时 Reading(1) (新授课) 2014.9.2主备人:耿成峰 审核人:仲蓓 审批人: 班级_ 姓名_【学习目标】1.通过阅读了解文中三个好友的基本情况。 2.能通过阅读获取有用信息。

14、3.学会欣赏别人, 学会珍爱友谊。【学习重点、难点】 学会使用正确的阅读技巧进行文本解读,获取相关有用信息。【学习过程】一、 课前预习导学写出你所掌握的描述外貌和个性的单词:Appearance(外貌):_Personality(个性):_二、课堂检测根据课文内容填空 Betty is a s_ girl with short hair. She is w_ to share things with others. She is helpful and g_. She h_ me with my homework. She always g_ a seat to someone in n_.

15、She wants to be a s_ when she g_ up. I have a good friend n_ Max. He is a_ 1.75 metres tall. He wears small, round glasses and they make him look s_. Max has a good _ of h_. I never feel b_ or unhappy w_ him. He tells f_ jokes. His legs are very long and they do not f_ well under the school desks. H

16、e often k_ our books and pens o_ the floor. May has big b_ eyes and long s_ hair. She is a t_ friend. When something w_ me, I can tell her a_ because she can keep s_. She is small and p_. She never s_ bad words about anyone. 三、作业布置(一)根据首字母提示写单词1. Her mother is a_ forty years old. But she still looks

17、 young.2. She is a kind and helpful girl. She is w_ to help others.3. Mr Zhang likes telling jokes, he has a good sense of h_.4. She likes singing and wants to be a s_ when she grows up.5. She is k_ and never says a bad word about anyone.6. Lei Feng was always r_ to help others. 7. She isnt fat , sh

18、e is as s_ as I am.8. Betty is g_. She is willing to share things with her friends. (二)完成句子1. 他总是在汽车上让座给需要帮助的人。 He always _ _ _ the people _ _ on the bus.2. 凯蒂很有幽默感。 Kitty has _ _ _ _ _.3. 我表姐从来不说任何人坏话。 My cousin never _ _ _ _ about anyone.4. 小心! 不要把牛奶碰掉地上。 Be careful! Dont _ the milk _ the floor.5.

19、 我的朋友们都很幽默,我和他们在一起从不觉得无聊。 My friends _ _ _. I never _ _ _ _.(三)单项选择( ) 1. Im sorry for _ all your stationary _your desk. A. knocking down B. knocking off C. knocking on D. knocking over( )2. You look unhappy. Does anything _ you? A. excite B. surprise C. interest D. worry( ) 3. A smile came to his f

20、ace as she thought _ a good idea. A. with B. of C. from D. for( ) 4. The book seems _ and few of us like it. A. bored B. boring C. interested D. interesting( ) 5. Jack is so funny that he often _ my stationary off when he walks _ my desk. A. knocks; across B. knock; across C. knocks. past D. knock;

21、past( )6. Let Tom play with your toys. You must learn to _.A. work B. make C. save D. share( )7.I have little time to watch TV because I have _homework to do .A .much too B .too much C. many too D. too many( )8. My Chinese teacher often_ us interesting stories in class.A. speaks B. talks C .says D.

22、tells( )9. - _ is your teacher like? -She is friendly and helpful. A. Who B. How C .What D. Which ( )10. Who is _ than you at singing in your family? A. good B. well C. betterD. best(四) 根据首字母完成短文 Everyone needs friends. Its nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things w_. Of course, we need to

23、 be a_ sometimes. We dont always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend. No two people are just the same. Sometimes friends dont get along well. That doesnt mean they dont like each other any m_. Most of the time theyll go on being friends. When our friends move away,

24、we can call or w_ to them. But well still feel very sad and m_ them very much. After some time, we will meet new people and make n_ friends. Theres more good news for people who have friends. They live l_ and feel healthier than people who have n_ friends. Because friends m_ people happy. B_ happy h

25、elps you stay well.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _9. _10. _8A Unit 1 Friends!第三课时 Reading (2)(新授课) 2014.9.3主备人:耿成峰 审核人:仲蓓 审批人: 班级_ 姓名_【学习目标】1.能够掌握本课出现的重要词汇、短语及其用法;2.能够运用所学知识,从外貌、品格等方面介绍自己最好的朋友。【学习过程】一、课堂学习研讨:1. one of+(形容词最高级)+ 名词复数; 作主语时,谓语动词用三单 Betty是我最好的朋友之一。 Betty is _.游泳是他的爱好之一。 _ _ his _

26、_ swimming.2. generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的,宽厚的 be generous to sb. (1) 她很大方,经常给我买礼物。 She is very _, she often_ _ _.(2) 他在金钱上对每个人都很大方。 He was _ _ everybody with money.3. willing adj. 乐意的,愿意的 be willing to do sth. = be ready to do sth. (1) 我任何时候都愿意帮助你。 I am _ _ _ you _. (2) 你愿意把这个孩子带回家吗? _ you _ _ _ the child

27、 home?4. ready adj. 乐意的,愿意的 be ready to do sth 乐意准备好做 be ready for sth./ for doing sth. 为。做好了准备(强调状态) 我们已经为这学期做好了准备。 We _ _ _ this _. get ready for sth./ to do sth. (强调做准备的动作)他们正在为演出做准备。 They _ _ _ _ the show.5. in need 作后置定语和表语 be in need of sth. (1)患难见真情.A friend _ _ is a friend indeed. (2)我们应该帮助有

28、需要的人。We should help _ _ _. (3)我们需要食物和水。We are _ _ _ _food and water.6. choose v. 选择 过去式chose choose sb. as (to be) 选某人作为 Id like to choose this boy as my helper. 提问:_?7. almost adv. 几乎,差不多 (1)他们抵达那里时,天几乎黑了。 It was _ dark when they _ _. (2)快点,差不多到上学的时间了。 _ _, its _ time for school.8. voice n. 嗓音 voic

29、es(pl.) in a low voice 低声地 “警察都在这里”,他低声说。“The policemen are all here”, he said _. noise (不可数)噪音,杂音 sound 泛指一切的声音9. sense n. 意识,感觉 (1)他很有幽默感。 He has _ _ _ _ _.(2)五种感官是视、听、嗅、味、触。 The five _ are sight, hearing, _, _ and touch.10. bored adj. 无聊的 boring 无聊的 His _ speech makes us feel _. 反义词: interested /

30、 interesting We are _ at the _ stories.10. fit vi. 可容纳,装进 过去式fitted, 现在分词fitting Maxs legs dont fit well under his desk._ vt. 适合于,合适 这件西服很合我的身。 The suit fits me very well. adi. 健康的,与healthy同义 keep fit = keep healthy10. knock sth off把某物从某处撞落 knock it/them off 他把书架上的书撞掉了下来。 He _ the book _ the bookshe

31、lf. knockonto the ground 把。撞落地上knock over 撞翻,撞倒 敲门_11. worry v. worries, worried, worrying (1)worry sb. 使担心,使着急 什么使你这么着急?Whats _ _ so much now? (2)为而担忧 worry about= be worried about 他的父亲很为他的健康担心。 His father _ _ _ _ very much.二、课堂检测(一)填词:1. Thats a _ film and I found most people felt _ (bore).2. Ill

32、try my best to help you if something _ (worry) you.3. Are you willing _ (give) seats on the bus?4. Dont make the little boy _ (do) too much homework.5. Max is one of my _ (good) friends in my class.6. She brings us _ by telling _ (fun) stories.7. My father has a good s_ of direction.(方向)8. She is g_

33、 with her money. She often lends money to others.9. Im not fat, but shes t_ than me.10. This is one of the most interesting m_. I like reading it.11. Mark Twain was a writer with h_. He likes telling jokes12. Please keep it as a secret. Dont tell anyone e_.(二)完成下列句子1. 这本书很乏味,它让我觉得无聊。 This book is _

34、and it makes me _.2. 长长的直发使她看上去很漂亮。The long _ hair _ her _ very beautiful.3. 他是一个真诚的朋友,他从不说任何人的坏话。 He is a _ friend. He never _ a bad word _ _. 4. 他的明亮的眼睛使他看上去很聪明。 His _eyes _ him _ _.5. 我的老师是一位好看的女士,而且她还非常有幽默感。 My English teacher is a _ woman and she has a _ _ _ _.6. 看那个可爱的婴儿。她的圆脸上长着一双大大的眼睛。 Look a

35、t the _ baby. She has a _ face _ big eyes.(三)阅读理解Some students think it difficult to learn English well. Thats because they dont find the right way. I think reading is very important for students. The more you read, the better youll understand. Reading is helpful to listening, speaking and writing.

36、If you often read English aloud, youll improve your listening. On the other hand, listening a lot can help you to read better. Reading English everywhere when you are free, if you wish. You can get a lot of knowledge when you read. Sometimes you need to express your ideas, you can either speak or wr

37、ite. That means you are using what you learned from reading. The same as Chinese, the more you read, the better you can write. If you want to remember something, you should read again and again. So from now on, youd better do more reading. Its a good way to learn English well.( ) 1. Some students th

38、ink it difficult to learn English well because _.A. they dont work hard B. they are afraid of English.C. they dont find the right way D. they arent clever( ) 2. Reading is helpful to _.A. speaking B. listening C. writing D. A. B & C( ) 3. The writer thinks _ is a good way to learn English well.A. th

39、e better you write B. doing more readingC. the more you remember D. the more you write( ) 4. In Chinese studying, the more you read , _.A. the better you speak B. the better you writeC. the more you remember D. the more you write( ) 5. The title of this passage may be _.A. English is important B. The best way to learn EnglishC. English is difficult D. Reading is important

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