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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读材料之九招塑造职场形象 出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 6. Consider Your Personal Grooming 6. 注意个人仪表 A good way to improve your professionalism at work is to be considerate of your personal grooming, and how its perceived at the office. Regardless of your feelings and thoughts to

2、wards grooming, other people may not feel the same way, and there is a generalisation or perception about some of these things. 注意在办公室的个人仪表是改善职业形象的一个好方法。有时你自我感觉良好,但其他人未必敢恭维你的仪容。人们对你的仪表会存在看法。 Men should aim to be clean shaven or have a maintained beard. Messy stubble or an untrimmed beard can look un

3、professional and lazy. Keeping short hair is a good suggestion as long hair can also look lazy to other people. For women, some basic make-up and neat hair is usually OK. 男性应该胡须整洁干净,凌乱的胡茬使人看上去懒散不专业;同样,长发也容易引起误会,所以建议男性还是留短发的好。女性的话,只要保持发型整洁、妆容得体就行了。 7. Have A Professional Phone Greeting 7. 专业接听电话 How

4、you answer your phone says a lot about your attitude to work. Your greeting is the first thing that people hear when they call you, and you want to send a good impression to them. There are better ways to answer your phone than “Yeah?” or “Hello.” Try adding your name in there as well as a greeting.

5、 Something like “Hello, Rob speaking.” or “Good afternoon, this is Sally.” is appropriate, professional, and not too long. 你接听电话的方式很能说明你的工作态度。你向对方打的第一声招呼就能决定你能否留下好印象。除了“喂”,还有很多其他方法来接听电话,比如强调自己的身份,说“你好,我是罗布!”或“下午好,这里是莎莉。”,这样听上去既不算噜苏,也还显得更得体更专业吧? Your outgoing phone greeting should also send a good im

6、age. When you call someone, they will greet you, and you should have some kind of greeting back to start the conversation. Starting with a “Hello” and adding a reason for the call is good. 热情的开场白容易留下好印象。当你打电话收到对方的热情问候时,也应积极回应对方。建议问候完后补充说明自己打电话的原因。 8. Use An Appropriate Email Signature 8. 使用恰当的电邮签名 W

7、e all use email as part of our jobs. Its an effective form of communication if used correctly. At the bottom of any email you send is your email signature. Setting one up that is effective and professional is a good suggestion. 我们在工作中都会用到电子邮件,如果运用得当,电子邮件是一种非常便利的沟通工具。通常,邮件末尾会有你自己的签名,那么,签名的效率性和专业性就显得很

8、重要了。 You should have your name, position, company, and contact details such as email and phone numbers. This is quite common and standard for a signature. There are other things you might see on signatures that dont really belong there, and you shouldnt use them either. Memorable or funny quotes, im

9、ages, links to other sites or advice arent really necessary, and you dont need to put anything like that on your signature. 常见的标准签名一般包括姓名、职位、公司名称以及联系方式等。你可能见过一些含有其他信息的签名,但这类信息其实并无必要,比如:顺口或搞笑的引言、图片、其他网站的链接、无谓的建议等等,这些都应该避免出现在签名上。 9. Put Your Mobile Phone On Silent 9. 手机调成静音 Our mobile phones are with

10、us for most of the day, either in our pockets or on our desk. A good way to be seen as more professional is to have your phone on silent or vibrate mode at work. You might have what you think is the greatest ringtone in the world, but others may disagree. Ringtones, especially loud ones, can be dist

11、racting and even annoying to others. Keeping it on silent or vibrate can make you look more considerate and professional at the office. 一般人总是随身带着手机或把手机放在办公桌上的,因此,为了表现得专业,工作时你应该将手机调成静音或振动模式。或许你觉得自己的手机铃声超级好听,但其他人却不一定也这么认为了。手机铃声尤其是声音很吵的那种,特别容易引起分心、让人心烦。上班时把手机调成静音或振动会使你显得更细心专业。 If the phone is next to y

12、ou, or in your pocket, turning off the ringtone will still mean you know when the phone is ringing. You can see the screen light up, or hear the vibration on the desk. Having a ringtone go off in the office is just another distraction people dont really need. 如果手机就在边上,关掉铃声也表示你知道自己有电话要来,那么手机屏幕亮起来或桌上有振动感也能提醒你。手机铃声真的容易在办公室造成不必要的干扰。 I hope these tips have helped. If youre interested in being more professional at work, try a couple of these tips and see what your results are! 我希望以上建议能有所帮助。如果你恰好希望自己在职场上更专业,那就请试试这些方法,看看效果如何吧!

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