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1、家用电器常见认证标志一览对于一款正规渠道上市的产品,铭牌上往往有很多认证标志,它代表该产品已经通过了相关认证机构的检验,这些认证标志往往是一个产品质量、安全、设计等方面的保证。因此它可以作为购买产品时候一个重要的参考项目。作为一个成熟的消费者,掌握一些 常见的认证标志是相当重要的。以下便是国内一些产品上常见的认证标志:中国强制认证:中国强制认证(China pulsory Certification)的英文缩写为“CCC 认证”,也就是通常所说的 3C 认证,是中华人民 XX 国强制规定各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和使用必须取得的认证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安全、EMC、环保等方面符 合

2、强制要求。德国安全认证标志:主要用于家用产品、音像设备、灯具、电动工具、手工工具、通讯办公设备、机械 产品、健身器材等。TUV 标志 德国零部件产品认证标志:用途:电气零部件,如:电源、变压器、调光器、继电器、接插件、插头、导线等 机械产品、零部件运动器材零部件。ISO9000 体系认证标志:各类企业的质量保证体系认证,同时也是美国 QS9000 及德国 VDA6.1 的认证机构。德国 VDE 安全产品标志:VDE 是德国著名的测试机构,直接参与德国国家标准制定。同 UL 一样 VDE 标志只有 VDE 公司才能授权使用 VDE 标志。大部分人对 VDE 的认识停留在电器零部件认证上,其实 V

3、DE 测试除传统的电器零部件,电线电缆,插头等认证之外同样也可核发 EMC 标志 以及 VDE-GS 标志。EMC 标志德国电磁兼容认证标志各类电子电气产品,包括家用、工业用产品。长城标志:中国电工产品认证委员会(CCEE)质量认证标志。已经实施强制认证的产品有:电 视机、收录机、空调机、电冰箱、电风扇、电动工具、低压电器。中国节能产品认证:节能产品认证是依据相关的标准和技术要求,经中国节能产品认证中心确认并通过 颁发节能产品认证证书和节能标志,证明某一产品为节能产品的活动。标志:欧洲共同市场安全标志,是一种宣称产品符合欧盟相关指令的标识。使用标志是欧盟成员对销售产品的强制性要求。目前欧盟已颁

4、布类产品指令,主要有:玩具、 低压电器、医疗设备、电讯终端(类)、自动衡器、电磁兼容、机械等。XX 安全标志:XX 安全认证中心成立于 1998 年,是 XX 标准及检定中心全资拥有的独立机构。是 XX 历史最悠久的非牟利独立产品测试及检定机构。自 1963 年创立以来,为促进香 港出口贸易的发展,XX 工业的发展及保障消费者扮演重要的角色。北美安全标志:在北美市场上销售的电子、电器等产品都需要取得安全方面的认证。中国名牌产品:是指经中国名牌战略推进工作委员会认定、实物质量达到国际同类产品先进水平、在国内同类产品中处于领先地位、市场占有率和 知名度居行业前列、顾客满意程度高、 具有较强市场竞争

5、力的中国制造的产品。GS 标志:德国安全标志。它是一种经政府授权由特殊的 TUV 法人机构实施的一种世界各地进 行产品销售的欧洲认证标志。国家免检产品:免检标志属于质量标志。获得免检证书的企业在免检有效期内,可以自愿将免检标志标示在获准免检的产品或者其铭牌、包装物、使用说明书、质量合格证上。国家质量技术监督局统一规定的免检标志呈圆形,正中位置为免字汉语拼音声M的正、倒连接图形,上实下虚,意指免检产品的外在及内在质量都符合有关质量法律法规的要求。在这一中心图案上方,有国家免检产品的字样,显示了国家免检的权威性;图案左右,为标示免检有效期的起止年、月;图案下方,是呈弧形排列的国家质量技术监督局9

6、字及其英文缩写CSBTS。免检标志基调为白色,外圆及中心图形为蓝色,字及字母为黑色。免检标志尺寸以标志外圆半径 R 为基础,以 R 的相应比例确定 标志上其他各部位的尺寸。CB 认证:是 IECEE(国际电工委员会电工产品安全认证组织)制定的一种认证体系,它主要针对电线电缆、电器开关、家用电器等 14 类产品。拥有 CB 标志意味着制造商的电子产 品已经通过了 NCb(国际认证机构)的检测,按试验结果相互承认的原则,在IECEECb 体系的成员国内,取得 Cb 测试书后可以申请其它会员国的合格证书,并使 用该国相应的认证合格标志。进口商品安全质量许可证:中国进出口商品检验局检验标志。进口家电产

7、品必须有此标志才能在中国市场上销 售,说明该产品是经正规途径进口的商品,质量可靠。EMC 认证:CETE 是欧盟认可的能力机构(petent Body),隶属于 TUV 中部集团(TUVMITTE GROUP)。CETE-EMC 标志根据欧共体电磁兼容指令以及德国 EMC 法规要求对设备进行检验测试。CETE 更可以为客户提供产品 EMC 系列认证服务(SeriesApproval),这样便能让客户不需要对每个型号进行测试从而节省大量费用。而这样的系列认证服务,欧洲只是承认从欧共体能力机构(petent Body)所发出的证书。国际电磁兼容认证:所有电气电子产品必须通过 EMC 认证,才能进入

8、欧盟。国际质量管理体系认证:国际标准化组织(简称 ISO)汇集西方发达国家质量管理专家,在总结发达国家质量管理科学经验的基础上起草并正式颁布的一套质量管理与质量保证的国际标准,并以此 作为质量体系认证的依据。Nordic 标志北欧四国安全认证标志:用途:工业设备、机械设备、通讯设备、电气产品、个人防护用具等、家用产品。UL 标志:美国保险商实验所认证标志,是出口到北美国家的比较权威的产品安全认证标志。阿根廷 IRAM 认证:IRAM 是阿根廷国内一家与多国认证机构有合作关系的认证机构。IRAM 的详细资料, 可在 .iram.ar 中找到,只是该仅有西班牙文的版本。nternationally

9、E Mark orISO1400 认证:ISO14000 系列标准是国际标准化组织 ISO/TC207 负责起草的一份国际标准。主要针对所有组织的,强调管理一体化,污染预防与持续改进的标准,主要针对所有组织的, 强调环境管理一体化污染预防与持续改进的标准。VDE Testing and CertificationInstituteMark DescriptionVDE Mark for appliances as technical equipment according t o theAppliance Safety Law (GSG), for Medical Device Law (M

10、PG),ponents and installation materials.The VDE Mark indi catesconformity with the VDE standards or European or i For appliancesas technicalequipmentaccordingto the GSG.For r eady-to-use equipment, the licence holder may chose to affix the VD For products certified on the basis of harmonized certif i

11、cationagreements.Testing is based on harmonized European standar ds listed inthe ENEC Agreement. Products (at present luminaires and relatedponents, energy saving lamps, IT equipment, transformers, swit ches forappliances, electrical controls, certain types of capacitorfunction of the product in its

12、 electromagnetic environment is alVDE-HARmonizationMarkingVDE-Reg.-Nr.XXXXXUnderwritersLaboratoriesInc.For appliances in pliance with standards for electromagnet icpatibility.The VDE EMC Mark expresses the conformity of a pro ductwith applicable standards for electromagnetic patibility. The reliable

13、For cables, insulated cords, installation conduits and ducts, th e VDECable Mark is applicable.For cables and cords, the VDE Identification Thread may be useThe VDE HARmonizationMarking or VDE HARmonizationThrea dresp. for cables and insulated cords according to har monizedcertification procedures.T

14、esting is based on the Har monizationDocuments (HD) listed in the HAR Agreement. Products ( harmonizedThe VDE ponent Mark may be used for electronic ponents.The CECC Mark for electronic ponents according to CEC CSpecifications.For electronic ponents according to CECCSpecifications (CECC: CENELEC Ele

15、ctronic ponents mittee) the VDE-Reg.-Nr. (VDE Certificate of Conformity in conjunction withfactory surveillance)This mark is used in two cases: firstly, for pr oducts inpliance with applicable clauses of VDE standards in the abse nce of afully applicable VDE standard, and secondly, if a product, e.g

16、. a sub-assembly, requires the fulfillment of additional condi tions whenincorporated into plete equipment. For cables and insulated cMark Descriptionectricalpliances andClassificationMarkC-UL ClassificationMarkC-UL US ClassificationMarko use this new,UL Listing MarkThis is one of the most mon UL Ma

17、rks. If a product carries this Mark, it means ULfound that samples of this product met ULs safety requirements. These re quirements areprimarily based on ULs own published Standards for Safety. This type of Mark is seenmonly on appliances and puter equipment, furnaces and heaters, fuses, el C-UL Lis

18、ting MarkThis mark is applied to products for the Canadian market. The products wi th this type ofmark have been evaluated to Canadian safety requirements, which ma y be somewhatdifferent from U.S. safety requirements. You will see this type of Mark on ap C-UL US Listing MarkUL introduced this new L

19、isting Mark in early 1998. It indicates pliance with bothCanadian and U.S. requirements. The Canada/U.S. UL Mark is optional. UL encouragesthose manufacturers with products certified for both countries to use this This mark appears on products which UL has also evaluated. Products carr ying this mar

20、khave been evaluated for specific properties, a limited range of hazards, or suitability foruse under limited or special conditions. Typically, products Classified by U L fall into thegeneral categories of building materials and industrial equipment. Examp This Classification marking is used for pro

21、ducts intended for the Canadian marketplace. Itindicates that UL has used Canadian standards to evaluate the product for specific hazardsor properties. Examples ofC-UL Classified products include air filterUL introduced this new Classification Mark in early 1998. It indicates pli ance withboth Canad

22、ian and U.S. requirements. The Canada/U.S. UL Mark i s optional. ULencourages those manufacturers with products certified for both countries t Recognizedponent Mark and CanadianRecognizedponent MarkThese are marks consumers rarely see because they are specifically used on ponentparts that are part o

23、f a larger product or system. These ponents may have restrictionson their performance or may be inplete in construction. The ponent Recogn itionC.nentField EvaluatedProduct Markne else directlyproducts. Products intended for Canada carry the Recognized ponent mark Recognizedponent Mark for Canada an

24、d the United StatesThis new UL Recognized ponent Mark,which became effective April 1, 199 8, maybe used on ponents certified by UL to both Canadian and U.S. r equirements.Although UL had not originally planned to introduce a bined Recognized po Internationalemc-MarkThe International emc-Mark appears

25、 on products meeting the electromagneticpatibility requirements of Europe, the United States, Japan, Austra lia, or anybination of the four. In the United States, some types of products cant be s old withoutproof of pliance to U.S. electromagnetic patibility requirements. The typ es ofEPH Product Ma

26、rkThe UL EPH mark appear on products that have been evaluated to Env ironmental andPublic Health Standards. The Classified version is used for products p lying withANSI/NSF Standards and other food equipment hygiene codes and requirements.Examples include Food Service and Meat and Poultry Plant Equi

27、pment Food Service Product CertificationMarkThe UL Food Service Product Certification Mark is ULs Classificatio n Mark withspecific reference to the appropriate NSF International standard. In addition, at themanufacturers option, a supplemental Mark can be applied as shown. Equ ipment bearingthe Mar

28、k is not limited to electrical products, but also includes gas applia A Field Evaluated Product Mark is applied to a product that is thoroughly e valuated in thefield instead of ULs laboratories or the manufacturers facility. If a pro duct has beensignificantly modified since its manufacture or the

29、product doesnt bear any third-partycertification mark, a building owner, a regulatory authority, or anyo Facility RegistrationMarkThe UL Registered Firm Mark is a mark you will never see on a prod uct. Instead, itindicates that a particular facility has passed ULs evaluation to q uality assurancesta

30、ndards and is used in promotion and marketing by panies with qualityMarine MarkAR-UL Mark Used in conjunction with the mandatory S Mark of ArgentinMarkassurance standards; QS-9000, the quality standards developed by the Big Three U.S.automakers for their suppliers; and ISO 14001, the standard coveri

31、n g environmentalThe UL Marine mark appears on products which have been evaluated specifically formarine use. Products bearing this Mark have been evaluated to ULs pu blished MarineSafety Standards and other applicable standards and codes. These requi rements addresshazards that can occur as a resul

32、t of exposure to harsh marine envir onments such asvibration, shock (impact), ignition protection, water ingress and salt s as NationalOffice of Internal merce (Direccion Nacional de ercio Interior, or DNCI), t heAR-UL Mark indicates a products pliance with Phase III of Argentinas Re solution92/98.

33、Most electrical and electronic products entering Argentina will haveCSA InternationalDescriptionThe CSA mark may appear alone or with indicators. If it appears alone, it means thatthe product is certified for the Canadian market, to the appli cable CanadianIf the CSA mark appears with the indicator

34、US or NRTL it me ans that theproduct is certified for the U.S. market, to the applicable U.S. standards .If this Mark appears with the indicator C and US or NRTL/C it me ans that theproduct is certified for both the U.S. and Canadian markets, to the applicable U.S.and Canadian standards.CGA ScriptTh

35、e Canadian Gas Association (CGA) Script for ponents of gas applian ces andother liquid petroleum products indicates certification to applic able CanadianA.G.A. Blue StarThe American Gas Association (A.G.A.) Blue Star mark for gas app liances andother liquid petroleum products indicates certification

36、 to applicable U.S. standards.CSA Blue StarThe CSA Blue Star Mark for gas appliances and other liquid petrol eum productsindicates certification to applicable U.S. standards.CGA Blue FlameThe Canadian Gas Association (CGA) Blue Flame mark for gas ap pliances andother liquid petroleum products indica

37、tes certification to applic able CanadianCSA Blue FlameThe CSA Blue Flame Mark for gas appliances and other liquid petrole um productsindicates certification to applicable Canadian standards.A.G.A. ScriptThe American Gas Association (A.G.A.) Script for ponents of gas appli ancesand other liquid petr

38、oleum products indicates certification to a pplicable U.S.NEMKOMark DescriptionShows that the product is Safety Certified and when relevant, that the product is als o pliant withthe EMC Directive.The well-known N-mark is a certification mark based on Nemkos own testing or results fromtesting perform

39、ed by often labratory according to multi-national or bi-lateral agreement or byotherwise Nemko accepted labratories including all authorized manufacturers. Shows that the product is tested and certified as above, but signifies clearly t hat the product iscertified for both safety and EMC by Nemko or

40、 by a Nemko authorized labratory. I n addition thismark confirms that the product also covers the EMC Directive, tested by N The product is only certified for EMC by Nemko.Products certified by Nemko may if desired be tagged with the unique Nemko Appr oved label foruse as advertising, shows, display

41、s packages and also on the actual products.DEMKOMark DescriptionDEMKOs D-Mark represents electrical product safety for a great majority of con sumers.The D-Mark demonstrates that, from a safety point of view, the tested product p lies with:Harmonised standards, e.g. EN/HDInternational standards, e.g

42、. IECNational standards, e.g. DSOther national standards e.g. American National or UL Standards Other relevant parts of the above-mentioned standards which form partDEMKO is the petent Body for the EMC Directive and performs testing under t he EMCDirective. An EMC test, in addition to an LVD test, a

43、t DEMKO gives you th e right to useDEMKOs EMC Mark. The acpanying report can be used as documentati on for CEMarking of your product in accordance with the EMC Directive. Safety rela ted EMC testsunder the Low Voltage and Machinery Directives should always be performednts. Below themanufacturer, mak

44、e any necessary changes and retest the product. EuropeanEMC MarkA mark for EMC has been introduced in the 15 most recognised certification bo dies in Europe.The CCA EMC Mark gives you the possibility to document that EMC requirements,which can often be difficult to handle, have been plied with.The C

45、CA EMC Mark is recognised by the certification bodies in the 15 countries whorecognise each others results. Full European recognition is hereby achie ved.FIMKOMark DescriptionThe SGS Fimko FI mark is a well-known and respected impartial certification m ark indicatingthe safety and quality of a produ

46、ct. The FI mark can only be used on products t hat have a validFI certificate granted by FIMKO.The FI mark can appear on the certified product, in the Users Manual and In stallation Guide,in product catalogues and, for example in newspaper, TV and radio advertiseme An EMC certificate issued by FIMKO

47、 is a powerful way of demonstrat ing the EMCconformity of the product for international markets. SGS Fimkos EMC m ark gives addedvalue and can be used in marketing, for example on the packaging, in bro chures and pricelists. EMC certified products can be browsed on SGS Fimkos website under the FI re

48、gister,product lists. The EMC certificate granted by SGS Fimko requires that testing is carried outaccording to European standards or in a testing laboratory assessed andapproved by SGSSEMKOMark DescriptionThe S marking, which is volontary today, means that SEMKO as an i mpartial testinglaboratory c

49、ertifies that the product fulfils valid safety requirements.The safety requirements include checking of e.g.electrical safetyfire protectionmechanical hazardsENEC is an abbreviation for European Norms Electrical Certification. Thradiation risks, e.g. of CD players and solariaVARIOUSMark DescriptionT

50、he CE-marking is the manufacturers statement to the EU authorities that his productplies with all relevant CE-marking Directives. It is important to emphasise th at the CE-marking is not a quality mark or a guarantee to consumers in EU.The manufacturer is always responsible - within or outside EU -

51、for CE- marking. If themanufacturer is not located in EU, he can authorise a representative located i n EU who thusbees responsible for CE-marking. The representatives duties and responsibiliti se four lettersare part of the registered trade mark that demonstrates that a product has been certified b

52、yone of the national certification institutes in Europe. Today, there are 18 certificationinstitutes who are signatories to the agreement. Apart from the ENEC Mar k itself, there isalso a two digit number that indicates which certification body has is sued the ENECCertificate.The ENEC Agreement was

53、originally (in 1991 under the name, the LUM Agree ment) startedwith a view to providing manufacturers of luminaires with a joint Europe an certificationmark to replace all the different national marks. In 1999, the agreement was expanded toinclude:LightingThe GS-Mark is the German national mark that

54、 demonstrates that a product has been testedand found to ply with the standards for the product. The GS-Mark is to Ger mans whatthe Danish D-Mark is to Danes. The GS-Mark is very well recognis ed by Germanconsumers; so well recognised that certain products are nearly impossible to sell without theGS

55、-Mark.For manufacturers and importers wishing to sell their electrical products inunions. IT equipment is also effected by the requirement for GS-Marking; the mark is arequirement if you wish to sell major panies or institutions.The third area where the GS-Mark is particularly important is electrome

56、dicine because a GS-Keymark is a European safety mark identical to the well-known system s on which theexisting European CCA system is built. Some of the most important crit eria for testingproducts under the CCA rules are: factory inspection, random sample supervi sion and testingperformed by testi

57、ng institutes of equal standing. Market supervision is performed, i.e.products are periodically sampled from the market for examination in accoInstitute fr Software, Elektronik, BhantechnikThe NOM Mark is the Mexican product safety mark. Our Mexico City la boratory is anaccredited SECOFI laboratory

58、- however, you can receive testing from a ny one of ourWarnock Mark Mark represents pliance to United States and/or Canadian pro duct safetystandards. The Warnock Hersey Mark can be found mainly on fire doors, sealed insulatedThe GOST R certification mark is part of the mandatory Russian Certificati

59、on s ystem.ETL Listed MarkETL Listed Mark represents pliance to United States and/or Canadian pr oduct safetystandards. You will find the ETL Listed Mark on electrical- gas-, or oil- fired pr oducts.For the United States, we are recognized by Occupational Safety Hazar ds Association(OSHA) as an Nati

60、onal Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). Click on the NRby the U.S.consumersp of its classncy criteriabecauseNERGY STARs conventionalENERGY STAR is the symbol for energy efficiency. Its a label - createdEnvironmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy - to help save money and prev

61、ent air pollution.An appliance or product with the ENERGY STAR label means that its in the tofor energy efficiency. Products that meet EPA and Department of Energy efficiequalify as ENERGY STAR. Consumers save money with ENERGY STAR productsthey use less energy than conventional products and cost less to operate. Eproducts also offer the same or often better performance and features a products.中国强制性认证标志美国安全检测实验室德国安全认证标志加拿大安全认证标志美国原材料协会美国联邦通讯委员会欧盟统一安全标志欧洲电器标准委员会美国机械工程师协会多国安规检测报告德国电器技术者协会英国本国的安全认证标志日本工业规格认证美国交通运输部德国电磁兼容认证标志加拿大标准协会- 欧洲机动车辆认证标志英国规格协会美国食品药品管理局来自: 365 优办公资料网(.365u./)

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