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1、 运运 动动 1;.2Which one suit you?3Basketball 4What is basketball?If you are thinking about the big round thing which makes noise everyday 56History of ABA7 Do you like?Do you like?8Today,football is the most popular sport in the world.More than 40 billion people around Europe,America and Africa play fo

2、otball.People watch football games,talk about football players and enjoy playing football matches.Football is not only a kind of sport but also a part of our daily life.Even some famous people love football and play it.9Some great football associations,like the FIFA,can influence the whole football

3、world and make great decisions which might be powerful.10“Football isnt just football.”In some areas,football is a kind of belief.More than football11 Sometimes,football is violent.sometimes,football can be complicated.But no matter how it transfers,it still makes people believe themselves and helps

4、 people achieve their dreams.The most important part is that football will be a part of our life forever.Attention:12 131415瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。瑜伽是东方最古老瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。瑜伽是东方最古老的强身术之一。瑜伽也是印度先贤在最浓沉的观想的强身术之一。瑜伽也是印度先贤在最浓沉的观想和静定状态下,从直觉了悟生命的认知。瑜伽修持和静定状态下,从直觉了悟生命的认知。瑜伽修持秘诀是理论和实践互相参证的法典。秘诀是理论和实践互相参证的法典。16瑜伽神奇的效果,超凡

5、脱俗的瑜伽神奇的效果,超凡脱俗的感觉和无限的魅力,一次一又感觉和无限的魅力,一次一又一次的得到了人们的验证。世一次的得到了人们的验证。世界各地的明星,政要都把瑜伽界各地的明星,政要都把瑜伽当成首选的健身美体项目。就当成首选的健身美体项目。就连美国好莱坞明星麦当娜都非连美国好莱坞明星麦当娜都非常痴迷瑜伽,由于练习瑜伽,常痴迷瑜伽,由于练习瑜伽,即使生过孩子以后还保持着非即使生过孩子以后还保持着非常完美的体型。常完美的体型。1718Sports 单词1体操 gymnastics 2游泳 swimming 3击剑 fencing 4举重weightlifting 5棒球 baseball 6篮球 b

6、asketball 7排球 volleyball 8乒乓球 table tennis 9足球 soccer 10跳水 diving 11马球 polo 12水球 water polo 13垒球 softball 14网球 tennis 15赛艇 canoe 16冲浪 surfing 1917medley relay 混合泳 18crawl 爬泳 19breaststroke 蛙式 20backstroke 仰式 21freestyle 自由式 22butterfly(stroke)蝶泳 23diving competition 跳水 24water polo 水球 25water skiing

7、 水橇 26rowing 划船 27canoe 划艇 28boat race 赛艇 29yacht 游艇 30kayak 皮船 31sailing 帆船运动 32jockey,polo 马球2021222324 lDifferent Sports for diffrent purposelDifferent people need different sportslBut we have a common goal25For young peopleukeep fitulose weighturelax ourselves26Do you know the meaning of WHO(Wor

8、ld Health Organization)definition of Health:Health is a state of complete physical,mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity health?27The body is the capital of revolution 28MARRIAGEWEALTHCAREERNO HEALTHHEALTH IS THE“1”OTHER STUFF ARE ALL THE“0”29How to keep hea

9、lthyDoing exercise is a good way of keeping yourself healthy.Exercise makes you fitter and helps you relax30How to keep healthy Medical explantion for exercise:it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day.Research shows that getting plenty of exercise make the heart beat faster and the

10、 lungs work harder.This strengthens the heart,reduces the chance of heart attack,and helps lower blood pressure.31Other measures Having a good diet is very important.One way to keep fit is to sleep early at night and get up early in the morning.You can try to listen to the music and play with your friends to keep happy.32Advantages Exercise your eyes your hands your legs all of your body Make friends by it Enrich your college life33 For youself your family your work For the gold time of our life For our country our next generationThe importance34We like sports,we are healthier35

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