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1、V. Detailed Study of the Text1. concernn. 1) the feeling of worry 担心,担忧concern + for/ about/ over/ withconcern + that.There is now considerable concern fbr their safety,现在对他们的安全相当担 心。There is growing concern that they may have been killed.现在越来越担心他 们已遭杀害。2) something that makes sb. worry 担心的事,忧虑的事Wha

2、t are your main concerns as a writer?你身为作家,对什么最感兴趣?How much money I earn is none of your concern,我挣多少钱与你无关。vt. 1) make sb. worried or upset 使担心、使忧虑Our losses are beginning to concern me.我们的损失使我担起心来。The food crisis is starting to concern African governments.粮食危机已开始困 扰非洲政府。3) have to do with or be rel

3、evant to 涉及,与有关系The news concerns your brother.这消息与你兄弟有关。He is assembling evidence concerning a murder.他在收集一宗谋杀案的证据。1 cant say the news concerns me a great deal.我说不上这消息与我有多大关 系。扩展be concerned with牵涉到,与有关,参与The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities,这封信主要是美 于出口商品的。He concerns himself wit

4、h trivia.他忙于琐事。Optics is the branch of science concerned with vision, sight and light. 光学 是有关视觉、视和也的门学科。be concerned about 关心People are concerned about the cutbacks in federal welfare programs, 人们 关注着联邦福利计划的削减。as far as. be concerned 关于; 至于; 就而 后As far as Im concerned, video game always seems better

5、 for killing time. 就我来说,电视游戏似乎总是更能消磨时间。To whom it may concern (用作正式信件的开头)敬启者2. clickvi. make a slight sharp sound ( as of a key turning in a lock)发出轻微尖声(像钥匙 在锁中转动的声音)The door clicked shut.门咔嗒一声关上 了 0click ones tongue/fingers使舌头/手指发出咔嗒声n. short, sharp sound (like that of a key turning in a lock)短而尖的声

6、音(像钥匙 开锁的声音)the click of a switch开关的咔嗒声He saluted with a click of his heels.他立正敬礼,鞋后跟发出咔嗒一声。3. blastvi. make a loud harsh noise发出响亮刺耳的噪音The speaker is blasting at full volume.演讲者正扯着喉咙说话vt. destroy or break apart (esp. rocks) using explosives 用炸药炸开(尤指石头)Danger! Blasting in progress!危险!正在爆破!The villag

7、e was blasted by enemy bombs,村子被敌人炸弹炸毁。The explosion blasted the door open/down/in.这爆炸把屋门炸开/炸倒/炸进屋 内。n, an explosion 爆炸Several passers-by were killed by (the) blast,数名路人被炸死了。a bomb blast炸弹的爆炸扩展a blast of 阵(风),一股(气流)When the window was opened, a blast of cold air rushed into the room, 窗 子打开,股冷气冲进屋里来。

8、blast off : to take off, as a rocket.发射:发射,如火箭的发射Chinas third manned spacecraft Shenzhou VII blasted off at 9:10 p.m. on Sept. 25th to fulfill its most ambitious and risky mission: spacewalk. 中国第 三个载人航天器神舟七号于9月25日晚9点10分成功发射,等待它的 是充满雄心壮志也最具危险性的任务:太空行走。4. forthad. out; forward 出来,向外from that day forth

9、 从那天起The fields give forth an odor of spring.田野散发出春天的气息。扩展and ( so on and ) so forth 等等They discussed investments, the state of the economy and so forth 他们讨 论了投资和经济状况等问题。back and forth = from one place to another and back again repeatedly 来回 地ferries sailing back and forth between Dover and Calais 往

10、返于多佛尔港和 加来港之间的渡船Someone was pacing back and forth behind the curtain.有人在幕布后踱来 踱去。5. burst (burst-burst-burst)vi. break violently open or apart, esp. because of pressure from inside; explode 爆 炸,胀破;爆破If you blow that balloon up any more it will burst.那气球如果再吹就要破 了。 Water-pipes often burst in cold weat

11、her,水管在寒冷的天气里经常冻裂。His bubble has burst.他的幻想破灭了。扩展burst open (cause sth. to) open suddenly or violently (使某物)突然或猛 然打开The police burst the door open.警察把门撞开。burst in enter ( a room, etc.) suddenly 突然进入(房间等)The police burst in (through the door) and arrested the gang.警察突然闯进 (房门)逮捕了那帮人。burst into, out of

12、, through, etc. sth. move suddenly and forcibly in the specified direction突然而猛方地向某方向移动An angry crowd burst through the lines of police and into the street. 愤怒的 人群突破了警方的封锁线走到街上。The oil burst out of the ground,石油从地下喷发而出。Then the tears burst out of my eyes, and I could say no more for a good while. 于是我

13、的眼泪夺眶而出,半天说不出话来。She burst into the room with her usual ebullience, and immediately started talking to everyone,她像往常一样兴高采烈地冲进了房间,立刻他大家攀 谈起来。She burst into giggles.她突然咯咯地傻笑起来。Suddenly she burst into tears, and hurried out of the room, 一下,她的眼 泪扑簌地落下来,匆匆跑出了房间。6. horriblea. 1) causing horror可怕的,令人恐惧的a ho

14、rrible nightmare叫人心惊胆颤的噩梦They committed many horrible crimes against the people他们对人民犯下许 多骇人听闻的罪行。2) very unpleasant令人极不愉快的horrible weather, food糟糕的天气、难吃的食物It tastes horrible.这味道很不好。7. stuff.unnamed things, belongings, activities, subject-matter, etc.东西、贝才物、活动、 题材等Get rid of that stuff in the garage.

15、把车库里那些没有用的东西处理掉。The storeroom held the trunks and other household stuff.储藏室里放着衣箱及 其它家用物品。Real life is the stuff of all good novels.现实生活是所有优秀小说的题材。I found it a disappointing thriller very milk-and-water stuff.我认为这部惊险小 说令人失望简直味同嚼蜡。vt. push sth. into a space 填, 塞stuff sth. with sth. stuff sth. into sth

16、.Don,t stuff him with silly ideas.别教他馔主意。His head is stuffed with silly notions.他满脑子的愚蠢想法。He stuffed me into a floppy chair.他把我按在张柔软的椅子里坐下。She stuffed the apples into her pockets.她把苹果塞进 袋里。8. rhythm. a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements F 奏Stress and rhythm are important in speaking Eng

17、lish.讲英语时重音及节奏都 很重要。A good sense of rhythm is a natural endowment.良好的韵律感是种天赋。9. grab (grab-grabbed-grabbed)vt. grasp sth. suddenly or roughly; snatch sth. selfishly or rudely 抢, 夺ril grab him as he comes out.他出来我就要抓住他。He grabbed the coin and ran off.他抓起硬币就跑了。The thief grabbed the shoulder bag from t

18、he woman and ran off.贼抓了 那个妇 女的挂包便跑。Driving on icy road is what grabs me.在覆盖着冰的路上驾车对我很有吸引力。 That offer of a job is to be grabbed at without hesitation.那份工作要毫不犹 豫地去抓住。grab public funds强占公共基金;grab power攫取政权10. thorougha. including every possible detail 全面的,彻底的Maybe I shall get a thorough medical check

19、up.或许我得做次彻底体检。He has promised a thorough investigation into the affair,他已答应彻查此事。 That woman is a thorough drag,刃B个女人讨厌透顶。扩展thoroughly ad. carefully and completely 完全地,彻底地We thoroughly enjoyed your party我们在你的晚会上玩得很尽兴。After a hard days work I feel thoroughly exhausted,辛苦工作一天后,我觉 得累极了。11. toastn. 1) sl

20、iced bread made brown and crisp by heating under a grill, in a toaster, etc. 烤面包片He doesnt like burnt toast.他不爱吃烤焦的面包片。She spread jam on the toast,她把果酱涂在面包上。2) an act of drinking, esp. in order to thank sb., wish sb. luck, etc. 祝酒、干杯 He proposed a toast to both the bride and bridegroom.他提议为新娘和新郎 干麻。

21、Lets drink a toast to our friend!让我们为我们的朋友干杯!vt. wish happiness, success, etc. to (sb./ sth.) by drinking wine, etc. 为(某人/某物) 幸福、血功等祝酒Toast the success of a new company.为新公司获得成功而干杯。Everyone sits down after they warmly toast glasses.大家热烈碰杯后坐下。12. disgustinga. very unpleasant令人厌恶的,令人反感的The clumsy perf

22、ormance was disgusting.这种拙劣的表演让人看了就作呕。The disgusting guy was driven away.这个令人讨厌的家伙被大家赶走了。扩展disgust v. cause disgust in (sb.)使(某人)反感、厌恶、嫌恶He is disgusting waiting for bus.他讨厌等公共汽车。The use of torture must disgust any civilized person.施用酷刑必为文明社 会的人所不齿。disgusted at/by/with sth. / sb.We were disgusted at

23、 the size of the bill.我们看到账单上的数额,极为气 愤。disgustedly with disgust 反感地,厌恶地 look disgustedly at sb.厌恶地看着某人13. bug (bug-bugged-bugged)vt. (infml) bother, annoy, trouble, irritate 打扰,使烦恼,激怒It really bugs me when he picks his nose.当他挖鼻子时实在令我烦扰。That man really bugs me,那个人真的把我惹火了。14. piercevt. make a hole in

24、 or through (sth.), esp. with a sharp-pointed instrument 穿孑、扌丁眼 A nail pierced the tire of his car. 一根钉子刺穿了他车子的轮胎。The beam of the searchlight pierced the darkness,探照灯的光柱射入黑暗中。 Her suffering pierced their hearts.她遭受的苦难使他们心如刀绞。15. boltvi. run away quickly 奔、窜He bolted out of the room in a rage.他怒气冲冲地从

25、房内奔出。When the police arrived the burglars bolted.警察来到时,窃贼立即逃跑了。扩展bolt out.脱口而出Especially in daily life, you will win special esteem if you can bolt out strings of prevalent and up-to-date remarks特别是在日常生活中,如果能 脱口而出串时髦、流行的口语,一定能使别人对你刮目相看。16. upset (upset-upset-upset) (upsetting)vt. make sb. worried, a

26、nxious, or ill 使心烦;使苦恼;使不适There飞no point in upsetting yourself,用不着让自己这么不安的。Losing the necklace borrowed from her friend upset her completely她把从朋 友那儿借来的项链弄丢了,这使她心烦意乱。Cheese often upsets her stomach.她吃乳酪后常感到肠胃不适。a. feeling ill, worried, or anxious 不适的;心烦的;苦恼的 Dont let the incident get you upset.别为这事烦恼

27、。We could discern from his 叩pearance that he was upset.我们从他的样子可以 察觉出他不快。扩展stomach upset几肠胃不适,消化不良17. knotn. 1) an uncomfortable feeling, esp. in the stomach, caused by fear, anger, etc. 紧张 (感);心窝揪紧My stomach was in knots from nervousness.我的胃由于紧张而揪紧 了。2) fastening made by tying a piece or pieces of s

28、tring, rope, etc.(绳索等的)结 Pull the thread to tighten the knot. Cut away excess thread.把线抽紧,剪掉剩 余的线。Can you ravel out this piece of string? Ifs all in knots.你能解开这根绳子 吗?上面满是结。It is up to the doer to undo the knot,解铃还须系铃人。Diana and Tom tied the knot yesterday.戴安娜与汤姆昨天结婚 了。18. awfula. exceptionally bad o

29、r displeasing; dreadful; terrible 糟糕的,可怕的 Her last novel was truly awful.她最近的这部小说真糟糕。“God, I never had such an awful day as today!”上帝呵,今天可真要命!”19. tunen. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence 曲调,旋律He was playing an old tune on his guitar.他用吉它弹着一首老曲子。Youre not singing in tune.你唱疋週 了 Th

30、e piano is out of tune.这架钢琴走调 了。I feel far more in tune with what is going on when I am in the bush than when I am in London.我总感到,我在丛林中远比我在伦敦时与周围发生着的事情 更为协调融洽。扩展feel out of tune with ones surroundings, companies 感到与环境、同伴格 格不入tuneless: a. without tune; not having a pleasant tune 不成调的;不悦耳的 Thats not m

31、usic its a tuneless noise!那不是音乐 它只是刺耳的噪 音!20. offensivea. upsetting or annoying; insulting 侮辱的,令人不快的 offensive gesture冒犯性的手势The display of certain parts of the body generally thought innocuous can be offensive to certain groups.显露身体某些通常被认为是不会冒犯人的部位却 会冒犯些人。I found that man extremely offensive,我发现刃口个人

32、常令人i寸厌。The room has an offensive odor,房间里有一股刺鼻的气味。21. appeal (appeal-appealed-appealed) vi. 1) be attractive or interesting (to sb.)The smell appeals to my叩petite.香味引起我的食欲。Advertisements try to appeal to the masses.广告谋求吸引 大众。2) request earnestly (something from somebody); ask fbr aid or protection 恳

33、侑; 呼1 am appealing assistance on behalf of the famine victims.我代表饥民恳请援 助。The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌。扩展appeal (to sb.)吸引某人 appeal for aid请求援助 appeal for mercy sympathy 请求宽恕同情 appealing = interesting22. rida. no longer annoyed by sb. or sth. unpleasant or unwanted 摆月兑的I

34、didnt enjoy marking those papers and I was glad to be rid of them, 我不昌欢 批阅那些试卷,很高兴摆脱了他们。1 used weed killer to get rid of the weeds in the garden.我用除草剂除去 了 花园 的杂草。vt. relieve from 使摆脱,使去掉(rid-rid-rid)We must rid ourselves of the illusions and be more practical.我们必须去掉幻 想,更加务实。What will rid a house of

35、rats?用什么方法可以驱除屋内的老鼠?The dentist rid me of the pain by taking out the tooth.牙科医生把我这颗牙拔 掉,消除了疼痛。23. negativea. 1) bad or harmfu!不好的,负面的,消极的Dont be negative.不要消极。Nevertheless, economic development has brought with it some negative effects, and if we want it to proceed in a sound way, we have to elimina

36、te them. 但是 在发展中也带来些消极因素。只有消除消极因素,才能更好地实现发展。 Being jittery about the interview can result in cold, clammy hands, which create a negative impression.情绪紧张地来参加面试会使你伸出的手冰冷 潮湿,会给雇主留下负面印象。2) expressing or consisting of a negation or refusal or denia! 否定的His leaving underlined his negative attitude toward

37、the evening party 他的离 席说明他不喜欢这个晚会。Non- is a negative prefix. “Non-”是个否定的字首。24. influencen. an effect on sb. or sth,影响;作用Hes very much under the influence of the older boys.为口些比他大的男孩对 他影响很大。His picture suggests strong influence of Romanticism.他的 ffl! 受到浪漫主义 的很大影响。vt. have an effect on sb./ sth.影响The

38、weather seems to influence his moods,天气似乎影响着他的心情。 Newspapers influence the current of thought. 报纸影响思潮。扩展have / exercise / exert influence on sb./ sth.对施加影响expand the influence of 扩大的影响25. patiencen. good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence 耐心; 忍耐 (性)Youre stretching my patience to the limit.你

39、逼得我再也无法忍受了。I was out of patience with his carelessness.我对他的粗枝大叶简直无法容 忍。It took great patience for Annie to teach me to speak.安妮以极大的耐心 教我说话。扩展with patience耐心地,有忍耐力的 exhaust sb/s patience使某人忍无可忍26. anchorn. 1) a central cohesive source of support and stability 依罪,罪山Her pledge to remain faithful to him

40、 was his anchor when he was in prison. 她对他忠贞不渝的保证是他服刑期间的精神支柱。His assistance was her only anchor.他的援助是她的依靠。2) a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving 锚They brought the boat into the harbor and dropped (the) anchor.他们把船 开进海港下锚停泊。It is too late to cast anchor when the ship is on the rock

41、.船触礁后再抛锚, 为时太晩。27. identityn. who or what a person or thing is 身份; 本体The criminal had a fake identity card,那个犯罪分子有一张伪造的身份证。The identity of the murdered man has not yet been established,那名被害人的 身份尚未确定。It,s a serious situation if one loses his identity.失去个性可是件大事。Firstly, they are inseparable from our e

42、thnic identity,首先因为这些节日是跟 自己的民族身份分不开的。28. along with: together with 起,道Along with imaginaHon, it takes nerve,除了想象力,还得有勇气。The old man lumped along with a heavy heart老人怀着沉重的心情蹒跚走 去。Thunder comes along with lightning,雷声随同闪电而来。扩展 I dont go along with her views on nuclear disarmament. 我不同意她在核 裁军问题上的看法。He

43、s a bit quick-tempered, but not difficult to get along with,他只是脾气 暴躁些,并不难处。29. turn off: cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch 关闭She took the pie out of the oven and turned the gas off.她各馅饼从烤箱匚 拿出 来并关掉了煤气。I turn off the alarm clock.我关掉闹钟。同义短语 switch off反义短语 switch on, turn on30. burst into

44、:1) enter a place suddenly 闯入The children burst into the room for toys.孩子们冲进房间拿玩具。A strange man burst into the house, 个陌生人闯进了房子。2) start suddenly 突然开始Mary burst into song.玛丽突然唱起歌来。She burst into tears.她突然哭了起来。She burst into laughing at the wrong time,她不合时宜地突然笑了起来。31. over and over: again and again,

45、repeatedly, over and over again, time and again, time and time again 反复地、再三地He waved goodbye to us over and over.他向我们频频挥手告别。I relive that fateful day over and over in my mind我在思想上不断地重温着那 决定不幸命运的日子。32. reach for: stretch ones arms or hands in order to touch or hold sth. 伸手去摸, 伸手去取The shopkeeper reach

46、ed for a packet of tea.店主伸手拿 了 一包茶叶。I reach fbr some snack.我伸事抓点心吃。33. turn up1) appear or become visible; make a showing, show up 出现,现身I really expected him to turn up on time,我真心期待他能准时出现。I hope the book I lost will turn up.我希望丢掉的那本书能再出现。2) increase the amount of heat, sound, etc. by moving a switc

47、h 调大,开大 Dont forget to turn up the gas after an hour or so.别忘了过小时左右把煤 气开大一点。Turn that record-player up I cannot hear it,把电唱机的声音调高点我听不到。34. turn down1) decrease the amount of heat, sound, etc. by moving a switch 调小,开关 Turn down the radio. That music is driving me nuts,把收音机关小点声。那 音乐快叫我发疯了2) refuse to

48、accept 拒绝(同义词 refuse, decline, reject) Her application was turned down.她的申请被驳回了。 The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse.唯一真正自由的人是那些能够拒绝宴请 而不用找借口的人。Its unwise of them to turn down the proposal,他们拒绝采纳这个建议是不 明智的。35. as well as: in

49、addition to 除之外;和She is a talented musician as well as a photogr叩her.她不但是摄影师还是个天 的音乐家。As well as a coasting trade, she had a considerable land trade with Central Africa. 除了沿海贸易以外,她还同中非有巨额的陆上贸易。It is unbearable to meet as well as to depart,相见时难别亦难。He continues to possess the presence, mental as well

50、as physical, of the young man,他在精神上和身体上继续保持着年轻人的气质。36. turn on: cause water, gas, etc. to flow or equipment to operate 打开开关 Every time you turn on the television, you see a meeting being held, 电视打 开,尽是会议。Oh! I forget to turn on the rice cooker.啊!我忘记开电饭锅的开关了。同义短语/ switch on反义短语 switch off, turn off37

51、. as usual: in the usual manner 像往常一样,照例John is as dirtily drunk as usual.约翰和平常一样烂醉如泥。Peter will doubtless come on time as usual,彼得无疑会像往常一样准时来的。38. in peace and quiet: calmly 平静地They live in peace and quiet.他们过着平静、安定的生活。Please let me get on with my work in peace and quiet.让我平静地做完我手上 的事吧。扩展Dont confu

52、se this phrase with “at peace, which means free from war or quarrel or in a state of quietness.These two countries have been friendly and remained at peace for hundreds of years.这两国一向友好相处,几酉年没有发生过战争。All is at peace in the dead of the night.深夜万籁俱寂。39. wake up1) cause to become awake or conscious 唤醒,使

53、醒来He switched it on so that he may wake up his roommate.他开灯是为 了 叫醒 他的同室同学。This failure will wake him up a little.这次失败会使他略有醒悟。2) stop sleeping 醒来Wake up! Its eight oclock.醒醒吧!已经点钟了。Do you wake up feeling tired?你早晨醒来时感到疲倦吗?40. make one blood boil: make sb. very angry 使火冒三丈,怒发冲冠It made Marys blood boil

54、 to see children make fiin of the crippled girl.玛丽看 见孩子们在戏弄那个跛女孩,非常生气。His cruelty to his children makes my blood boil.他残酉告士也对待孩子,使我非常 愤怒。41. get rid of1) free onself from sth. unwanted or unpleasant 摆脱;除去In some places it took only one or two years to get rid of poverty. 有的地方只 需要一到两年就摆脱了贫困。The only

55、way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.摆脱诱惑的唯一办法, 是向它屈服。2) throw away or destroy sth. that one does not want 丢弃; 扔掉Have you managed to get rid of your old Volvo yet?你已经处理掉你的旧沃 尔沃轿车了吗?There are too many flies in the dinning-room; they should think of a way to get rid of them.餐厅里的苍蝇太多,他们应该想个

56、法子清除它们。He just sat there talking all evening and I couldnt get rid of him,他坐在那丿 谈了整整一晚上,我无法把他请走。42. knots in ones stomach: an unpleasant tight feeling 紧张,不安Paulas stomach was always in knots when she took an exam,宝拉每次一考试 胃就难受。43. in any case: no matter what happens 无论如何;不管怎样Theyve decided to go in a

57、ny case.不管怎样他们还是决定要去。He didnt say anything about it at the meeting and in any case its too late now. 这事他在会上从没说过。不管怎样,现在说什么都太晚了。 展in case: in order to be prepared for something that may happen 如果发生, 以防万一I think Fil take an umbrella in case it rains,我想带把伞,以防下雨。Take my number in case you need to phone

58、me.带上我的电话号码,以防你 需要给我打电话。in case of: if or when something happens 如果发生In case of rain, take a taxi.要是下,就坐出租车。In case of fire, break this glass. 一旦有火灾,就打破玻璃。in that case: if that happens 如果是那样的话Im busy on Wednesday. Oh, in that case well have to meet another day. “周三我比较忙。” “那么我们改天见吧。”They may not offe

59、r me much money. In that case, I wont take the job, 他们 给我的工资可能不会太多。如果是那样的话,我就不会接受这份工作。Language Points1 .rrhe radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth. (Para. 1)Meaning: As soon as the radio turned on with a short, sharp sound, rock music began playing loudly.随着一声短促,刺耳的收音机开机声,摇滚乐狂响起来。2 . Maybe eati

60、ng breakfast will help me get rid of some of the knots in my stomach. Meaning: Perhaps having breakfast will help me feel better.也许吃点早餐我会 感觉好些。1.1. . though it does have rhythm. (Para.2)Meaning: . Though it really has rhythm.尽管那的确有些韵律。4. It isnt healthy to eat standing up. (Para.7)Meaning: It isnt g

61、ood for your health if you have your breakfast while standing up.站着吃饭对身体不好。5. Til brush my teeth when Im done. (Para. 12)Meaning: Ill brush my teeth when I have finished my breakfast.我吃过早饭再 刷牙。6. Sandy Finch, youre too young to wear that much makeup. (Para. 19) Meaning: Sandy Finch, youre not old en

62、ough to wear so much makeup. 迪, 你还不到用那么多化妆品的年龄。7. After Sandy had left for school, Jane Finch sat down in peace and quiet to drink her coffee. (Para.21)Meaning: After Sandy had left for school, Jane Finch sat down calmly to drink her coffee.辛迪离家去上学了,简静静地坐那儿,喝着咖啡。8. I dont think Im old-fashioned, but

63、 hearing those tuneless, offensive lyrics repeatedly makes my blood boil. (Para.23)Meaning: I dont think I am unwilling to accept new ideas, but hearing those unpleasant songs over and over makes me angry.我觉得我不是不愿意接受新思 想,可老听这些讨厌的音乐实在是让我不舒服。9. She knew she had to have patience and keep the lines of communication with her daughter open. (Para.29)Meaning: She knew she had to be patient and keep communication with her daughter effective.她明白,她必须扁下心来,和女儿保持有效地沟通。10. She wanted to be there as an anchor for her, but at the same time she would give her freedom to find her own identity. (Para.

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