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1、2023年5月CATTI三级口译Part 1 A: The palace museum is almost 600-years of history, and has numerous invaluable treasures. It was put on the world cultural heritage list in 1987. It is one of the worlds grandest and the most visited museums. Now as the head of this great museum, how do you feel about your j

2、ob and what have you done to keep its glory?参考答案,故宫博物院至少有着62023的历史,拥有无数的奇珍异宝,1987年故宫博物院被列入世界遗产名录。是世界上最伟大也是参观人数最多的博物馆之一,作为这家伟大的博物馆的馆长,你如何看待你自己的工作?为了保护故宫博物院的辉煌,你做出了哪些工作?点评:the most visited museums. 这一词组解决为参观人数最多的,为visit增长了一个宾语,值得注意的是,汉英翻译当中可以借鉴这种办法,相应的减少动词宾语,显得地道而紧凑。B: 我生于北京,从小一直住在北京,对北京、北京历史文物有十分深厚的感

3、情,我也为北京的文物感到自豪,我的首要责任就是要保护故宫的历史文物,将故宫里所有的文化遗产都保存下来,连同它们所携带的历史信息和价值。I was born in Beijing and lived here since I was young. Therefore, I had a deep-felt feeling toward this city and its cultural relics. I was very proud about those relics and it is my primary responsibility to protect and the relics

4、in the palace museum so as to keep all the cultural heritages together with their historical information and values.点评:“我的首要责任就是要保护故宫的历史文物,将故宫里所有的文化遗产都保存下来,连同它们所携带的历史信息和价值。” 这个句子的难点重要在于联系,在翻译过程当中,加入了,so as to和together with,这样就形成了一个完整句子。A: you are right. We should be indeed careful not to change the

5、historical information conveyed by cultural heritage. Cultural relics should be regarded in that entirety and both movable and immovable relics should be protected. But how does the museum manage to balance the heritage preservation and economic development?参考答案,你说的很对,我们应当非常注意,不要改变文化遗产当中传递的历史信息,历史文物


7、页。The relic preservation and economic development are not necessarily exclusive to each other. As the cultural relics are non-renewable, they have to be taken good care of. In the meantime, their economic values can also be properly utilized. To achieve this goal, we hosted various exhibitions. To a

8、rouse the interest of more young audience, we created digital products including an APP called “a day of an emperor” and also designed websites with animations.点评:“保护文化遗产和经济发展不一定互相排斥”这里使用了,are not necessarily exclusive to each other这样的表达,学生要注旨在汉英过程当中,很多动词都可以转化成英语的形容词,平时要积累这种富于表现力的形容词,在翻译的过程当中故意识的进行运

9、用,可以取得良好的效果。A: during chinas rapid urbanization process, the conflicts between heritage protection and development has become acute. There is news about some local officials who are ignorant of cultural value and hungry for short term economic and political benefits. They allow historical sites to b

10、e sold to property developers. As a result, traditional buildings are destroyed. And intangible benefits are lost forever. What do you think about it?A在中国城市化快速发展过程中,文化遗产保护和发展之间的冲突变得非常锋利,有新闻报道说一些本地的官员们缺少文化遗产方面的知识,只顾短期经济政治利益,他们批准把一些历史古迹卖给开发商,很多传统的建筑被拆毁了。一些无形资产永远的消失了,你对这个问题是怎么看的?点评:这个段落当中同样是对于听力的考验比较高,

11、一个是acute一词,另一个是,allow historical sites to be sold,由于朗读者速度比较快,并且存在一定的吞音现象,学生需要做出准确的判断。Intangible benefits:无形资产,随着中国经济的不断发展,一些与经济相关的专业词汇也慢慢进入了口译领域,规定学生及时的积累和总结。B: 实际情况的确比较严重。2023年的一次全国文物调查发现,有4万多个不可移动的文物已经消失,其中一半是地方经济发展导致的,但是我认为这种情况正在改变,国家出台了相关的法律法规,习近平主席做出指示文物工作要贯彻保护为主,合理运用,加强管理的方针,规定各级政府切实加大文物保护力度。T

12、he current situation is relatively stern. According to a national survey on the relics, more than 40,000 immovable relics have disappeared. Half of the losses are caused by the development of local economy. However, I believe the situation is getting better as the country has issued related laws and

13、 regulations in this regard.点评:这个段落都是所谓的官方话语,特别是划线部分,几乎可以见于任何中国官方文献。假如对于这类题材比较熟悉,翻译起来几乎可以说毫无困难,要想达成这种状态,可以去专门阅读中国问题白皮书,积累这种表达官方意见和态度的说法单独成册,反复复习就可以在翻译时得心应手。Part 2I am delighted to witness the signing of Liverpools friendship agreement with Chinas Kunming city. This partnership will see the two citie

14、s build on existing ties and work together to create a positive mutually beneficial relationship. The agreement is the result of a meeting between the vice mayor of the Kunming municipal government and Liverpool mayor in September 2023. The meeting enabled the two sides to explore how the two cities

15、 can mutually benefit from closer ties.我非常快乐可以亲眼见证利物浦与中国的昆明,签订和谐合作协定. 这一合作将会令两个城市加强发展现有的合作关系,并且共同努力发明积极互利的关系。这项协议的签订得益于昆明市副市长以及利物浦市长于2023年9月的会晤,这次会议令双方可以探索两个城市如何加强,合作关系并从中互利。点评:段落听起来比较容易理解,但在表达上存在一定的难度,特别是在学生结合自己笔记对这类内容进行翻译的时候经常会出现词不达意的现象,一定要注意一些,相对在汉语当中不太常见的搭配,不要硬译,而要用一种较为柔和的方式加以解决,学会摆脱原词义,进行转译。Thi

16、s partnership will see“这一合作会令”,去掉“see”,就会显得比较通顺The agreement is the result“这项协议的签订得益于”,去掉,result,不要认为“是的结果”,由于这种框架结构显得太长,给听众导致困难。Following on the positive discussions between the two cities officials, We are delighted to be in Kunming to inaugurate our close partnership with this great city. I see o

17、ur relationship with the city from China as a key element in Liverpools future growth. This relationship creates a very positive platform for our two cities. It helps us to deliver sustainable economic and social benefits by collaborating on a broad range of activities including trade and investment

18、, science and technology, creative culture and tourism.两个城市的官员进行了积极的会商之后,我们非常快乐的来到昆明启动我们与这座伟大城市之间的紧密合作。我认为,与这座中国的城市的关系,对于利物浦未来的发展起到关键作用。这种关系为我们两个城市建造了一个非常积极的平台,在各个领域合作,我们能实现可连续的经济和社会方面受益,合作领域涉及,商贸与投资,科学与技术,创意文化以及旅游业等方面。点评:这个段落当中有一些相对较为正式的说法,比如,inaugurate这类的词汇,应当是在考试之前就可以,掌握并且自行造句。此外,这个段落中考到了学生记忆列举内容

19、的能力,划线部分看起来是六个单独的内容,事实上通过度类归纳的方式记成三组就可以了,这种边听边分类归纳的记忆方法,需要在平常生活当中不断训练。比如说,在去超市的时候,不带购物清单,而是通过度类,记下需要购买的物品,这种练习是对口译记录有帮助的。We are excited at the prospect of welcoming the Kunming delegation to Liverpool for the international festival for business next year and look forward to further developing our re

20、lationship over the coming years. Liverpool is a vibrate and exciting city which offers great opportunities for investment. And we are very pleased to be exploring this potential with Chinese organizations and businesses. Our visit to Kunming will help us identify great opportunities and strengthen

21、our engagement with china.我们非常激动,由于昆明代表团将会在明年来到利物浦参与国际商业节,并且我们期盼可以在未来进一步拓展我们之间的关系。利物浦是一个充满活力的,令人兴奋的城市,为投资提供了很多的非常优秀的机会,我非常快乐能和中国机构和中国公司共同开拓这种合作潜力。我们对于昆明的参观可以让我们寻找到很多好的机会,并且加强我们与中国之间的联系。点评:本段相对比较简朴,注意积累掌握一些搭配,比如说,发现机会,除了可以用,find之外,也可以用identify。In addition, there is fantastic potential to share and ex

22、plore each others diverse cultural heritage, creating a rich, vibrant dialog and positive exchange of ideas. And the two sides will collaborate on promoting the overseas Kunming Week in Liverpool later this year. There is also the potential to host a Liverpool event in Kunming. The successful outcom

23、e of this visit boost our cooperation and strengthen our cultural and commercial links with cities across Southwest china.除此之外,我们之间尚有很多的优秀潜在也许性,可以分享彼此的多元化的文化遗产,发明出丰富而有活力的对话,以及正面思想交流,双方将在今年晚些时候,合作在利物浦推广昆明周活动,同时我们也可以在昆明搞一次有关利物浦活动潜在也许性。这次访问所带来的成果,促进我们的合作,加强我们于中国西南各城市之间在文化和商业上的联系,The British consulate h

24、as been working closely with Liverpool to support its growing city-to-city relationship in china. Through a year-long project that focuses on urban development health care and creative culture, the two cities have already worked together on environmental protection, medical insurance, and key techno

25、logies. Liverpool wide flower protection center also signed a memorandum of understanding with Kunming. A medical delegation from Liverpool visited Kunming in March, 2023.英国领事馆一直与利物浦支持他在中国发展,长时间的合作关系,通过这一为期一年的项目着重在于城市发展,健康保健以及创意文化,两个城市已经在环境保护医疗保险以及核心技术方面有了合作,利物浦野生花卉保护中心也与昆明签订了一份谅解备忘录,一个来自利物浦的医药代表团也在

26、2023年3月访问了昆明。点评:a memorandum of understanding谅解备忘录这类外交术语,在翻译时会不时出现,需要学生在平常生活当中积累。Part 3 Chinese to English Interpreting晚上好。不久乐出席第蒙特利尔灯光节开幕式。光代表正义、希望、和未来。人类普遍热爱光,所有美好的事物都和光有关。在基督教中,光代表温暖。在中国,我们每年庆祝元宵节,即中国的灯节。Good evening. It is a pleasure to join you all atthe Montreal en Lumire festival. Light repre

27、sents justice, hope, and future. Humankinds worship and love of light are universal. All beautiful things have something to do with light. In Christianity, light is an embodiment of warmth. In China, we also have the Lantern Festival.点评:人类普遍热爱光:Humankinds worship and love of light are universal.这种译文

28、假如解决不好,会显得非常的别扭,注意此处普遍一词的选词以及位置安排。举世闻名的蒙特利尔灯光节不仅传承了蒙特利尔市辉煌的历史,也预示这个伟大城市更加的光明未来。和蒙特利尔同样,深圳也是一个充满活力和希望的城市。30数年前,深圳只是中国南方广东省的一个小渔村。现在它已成为人口超过1800万的国际化大都市。深圳的快速发展是中国改革开放的成功范例。The world-famous Montreal en Lumire festival inherits the glorious history of Montreal and heralds a bright future for this great

29、 city. Like Montreal, Shenzhen is also a city full of vigour and promise. More than 30 years ago, Shenzhen was only a small fishing village in Southern Chinas Guangdong Province. It is now an international metropolis with a population over 18 million. Shenzhens spectacular development is an epitome

30、of Chinas reform and opening-up.点评:这一段落的翻译译文质量较高,有一些词会显得比较正式,具有文学色彩,预示这个伟大城市更加的光明未来:heralds a bright future注意积累,是中国改革开放的成功范例:an epitome of Chinas reform and opening-up.我们感谢主办方邀请深圳市出席今年蒙特利尔灯光节。我相信,这次灯光节为两市增进互相友谊、发明更多合作新机遇提供了平台。45年前,中加之间没有直航,现在每周有132个航班往来两国。45年前,中加人员往来一年只但是3000人,现在天天往来人员就超过3000人。We ap

31、preciate that the hosting committee invited Shenzhen to attend this festival of lights this year. I think the festival offers a significant platform for the two cities to strengthen friendship and identify more and new opportunities for cooperation. Forty-five years ago, there was no direct air link

32、 between our two countries. Now there are 132 direct flights every week between Chinese and Canadian cities. Forty-five years ago, only 3,000 people travelled to and from China and Canada a year. Now the daily figure is over 3,000.点评:有些术语看似很难,但事实上在英文当中都是非常朴实简朴的,在翻译的时候假如实在不知道它的标准译法,可以通过解释的办法进行解决。 中加之

33、间没有直航there was no direct air link between our two countries。在此,我要特别感谢蒙特利尔市长,他在几个月前率领一个大型贸易代表团访华。北京和蒙特利尔开通直航,也使中国同加拿大特别是蒙特利尔之间的经贸合作与人文交流更加便利。我相信,在双方共同努力下,中加关系将迎来如蒙特利尔灯光节同样光明的未来。I would like to express our special thanks to the Mayor of Montreal who led a largest trade mission to China a few months ag

34、o. The launch of non-stop flights between Beijing and Montreal makes it more convenient for economic cooperation and for cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and Canada, particularly Montreal.I am sure that if both sides work together, China-Canada relations will have a future as bright as the lights of the Montreal en Lumire festival. Thank you.点评:中加关系将迎来如蒙特利尔灯光节同样光明的未来。China-Canada relations will have a future as bright as the lights of the Montreal en Lumire festival.注意此处英语和汉语之间的差距,我们只能说,像光同样亮,而不能说像灯光节同样亮,英语的译文要合理,这也是保证译文通顺易懂的一个基本原则。

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