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1、2023年3月14日雅思听力原文及破解雅思听力真题Version 30080Section 2主题提醒:一个运动ice-curling俱乐部的发展真题回忆:2023年3月14日真题1先介绍一个队伍有四名队员:队长the Lead;the Second, the Third, the skip (skip 是队员的核心人物)(是讲有四个人参与游戏,然后第一个人叫 the Lead,有很明显的标记词 the first is called,根据后面的单词推测,Lead的第一个字母一定要是大写)2 the length of ice rink is called:the sheet3. the ta

2、rget area is called:house原文说:“there are two kinds of brooms or brushes, the Scotish and Cariadion. Thefirst are made of horse hair, and the latter are made” of.4. The Scottish brushes are made ofhorse hair;5. a shoe made of a sole ofrubber6. the team captain carries astop watch秒表7-10)是4个选择题:7. 提到一个俱

3、乐部,原文说虽然它拿过很多的 championships, 但是它最有名的是what is it famous for? 由于the first club in this area.(说是有一个队,他们出名不是由于winter赛季,而是他们是最早的)A. champions.B.lt Is the oldest club in the regionCit is the most influential one8. Why was this club established? 说其中一个俱乐部建立的目的是什么A. attract peoples interestB to train young

4、player;C.to fix regulations for the game建立规则;9. in the 16th century. the curling game was not banned becauseAit was not popularBit can train player for the battle;Cit was played by children 原文说: 由于战争 tennis等运动都被 banned.除了 archery 由于射箭可认为战争准备,但curling也没有被禁,由于战争需要;10加拿大最早时使用的器材是什么(the early implement

5、for this game in Canada is made of)?C. cast Iron铸铁制造 不是选 A local material B. imported stone 文中提到加拿大不能 import stones 。雅思听力真题Version 37Section 4主题提醒:一个女老师讲课介绍澳大利亚的五个环境问题真题回忆:2023年03月14日考题31-40)全为填表题The Australian EnvironmentHistorical Background:European settlement:Terrestrial Background:31.( Loss of

6、soil /soil):because of hard-hoofed animals, e.g.: 32.(sheepandcattle)Atmospheric pollution 重要是由于(carbon dioxide)含量增多The effect of atmospheric: 33. (warmingandair pollution).Use alternative energies like 34.(wind)and 35. (water) powerWater pollution:Lack of water because of 36.(irrigation)and drinkin

7、g, human consumption and sewage.Effects of 37.(citys)expansion38. social isolation(Population)(immigrant)移民数目不定 (提醒:注意出题点)39.(rainfall)Distribution: over 80% in 40.(coastal cities)根据最新回忆又多余一个答案:stop water flowing具体原文破解内容如下:Good morning , as I start to this course of lecture on the Australian environ

8、ment, I will give you on the . the course. There are six areas of concern, then say, topics which I hope to cover. In the first topic, we will look into the process ofEuropean settlement.Particularly in terms of intensive farming and grazing they imported, this is called the historical background.In

9、 our second topic, we should look into the landing environment and Terrestrial environment. In these topics, well look at some of major problems that soil faces in Australia. These are usually called by overgrazing with imported animals by sheep and cattle, they are hard hoofed animals. It is a two

10、stages, firstly, the hard hoofed animals removed the vegetation. The top soil .away or washed away byspring rain water, that is, by erosion. Later on, Australian farmers also worsen this problem through theirthey removed trees and used widely spread irrigation, this action combined bring the salt fr

11、om deep soil to the surface and, of course, the plants cant survive in salty soil, so the land became infertile. It could be atmosphere environment. By burning fossil fuel such coal and petroleum, we increase carbon dioxide in the air which has been seen by many people the major suspect in the warmi

12、ng of the atmosphere. of course, This also contribute to the pollution of the air particularly around the cities.It would therefore if using solar, wind or water power whatever possible rather fossil fuels.The fourth topic is the inland . Environment, as inland waterways demand laid on themnot only

13、are they providing water for irrigation and drinking but they are also carrying sewage. And when water flow for overused and river sopped . they become subject of XX, XX not only .for human and animal consumption but also kill native fish and a number of water life. It we will look into our city for

14、 our environment. Our cities have spread so quickly that cities were producing a number of headaches for our local government. Firstly, service such as public transport. demand. But an even more significant consequence is thesocial isolation as people find they are increasingly cut off from communit

15、ies.And now sixth and the last topic is - population, now, it is usually seen economical. reason. Australian were competing in the world market. I was.by asking the question can that uncertain rainfall and poor soils sustain our entire population and to look at the distribution of population, certai

16、nly, law by . each year. And now. why is that in Australia, ya, our country certainly . each. We found that , in fact, over 80% of the population lives in the coastal cities. And finally, we will conclude the six major topics. We need to find what indeed does make Australian environment unique so that we all round the society, young and old, and to work more at the end of the 21st century

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