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1、图表作文写作要领(1)注意总-分结构的使用。中心句概括总趋势。 总增长: 典型数据/区间:there are some fluctuations to this general trend; Within this general trend, there are some fluctuations, for example(2)注意分水岭的描写,即把整个图表的变化趋势提成两个或三个变化阶段来整体描写。(3)注意语言的多样化,多用同义词替代,避免反复用词。(4)注意数据的内部逻辑关系,拟定描写线索。即拟定以某个数据的变化来贯彻全文。图表作文句型总结:1. 基本功: 叙述表格/图表(重点)(1)

2、组成: consist of., be made up of., be composed of.,(2)比例: account for%, represent%, make/take up %., 或者直接说 % of. (3)上升(by.to),增长,提高:a. 普通:increase, grow, rise, expandb. 渐渐上升:climb, edge up, ascend, trend up. c. 猛增,激增:jump, surge, soar, proliferate (数量), leap, shot up d. 词组: achieve an increase in.byto

3、 Continue its upwards trend; trend up On the rise, on the increase. On consecutive rise: 保持连续增长n. 名词: increase, rise, growth, expansion, ascendance渐渐增长, slight increase, rise, growth in. bump-up(忽然增长), proliferation(激增),jump, leap, surge, boom (4)减少,下降,减缓 a. 普通:decrease, fall, drop, reduce, shrink,

4、(shrinkage) b. 逐渐变少:slide, dwindle, decline, edge down c. 骤减:collapse, slump, plummet, plunge d. 经济衰退,停顿:slump, collapse, stagnate, stagnant, stagnation, sluggish, sluggishness, slack, crisis, recession, slowdown, downturn, e. 词组: fall off, drop off, go down, continue its downward trend, trend down,

5、 on the decline, on the downturn. (5) 保持平稳,不变: Remain stable,/steady,/unchanged Level off vi 上升,或减退至平稳水平 Subside vi 减退至平稳水平 standstill n/adj 停滞不前 (6) 起伏波动: Rise and fall, fluctuate slightly/dramatically, fluctuate between.and, a minor fluctuation, small rises and falls/fluctuations. (7)形容趋势限度 a. 剧烈,

6、显著,明显 Dramatically, sharply, considerably, rapidly, suddenly, greatly, alarmingly, significantly, enormously, steeply, massively, incredibly, hugely, amazingly, substantially; at an alarming rate; by a wide margin. b. 缓慢/逐渐 Gradually, steadily, slightly, gently, marginally, slowly, moderately, in a

7、moderate way, by the least amount. (8)表达倍数:a. (使)增几倍于: double, triple, quadruple【kwdrupl】, b. adv.adj 几倍的,几倍地:fivefold, sixfold, sevenfold.c. ad. 几倍:twice, three/four/five times.e. 几分之几: 2/3: two-thirds, etc. (at a fraction of)(9) 比较数据asasa. three/four times as many. 做主语或定语成分Eg. approx.20% more peop

8、le preferred the diet cherry version and nearly three times as many preferred the diet strawberry version.b.“A + be + XX times + as +adj + as + B”。 eg. This tree is three times as tall as that one. Eg. His father is twice as old as he. c.“A + be + XXtimes + 计量形容词比较级 + than + B ” eg. The Yangtze Rive

9、r is almost twice longer than the Pearl River. =The Yangtze River is almost three times as long as Pearl River. Eg. The dictionary is exactly five times more expensive than that one. d. .“A + be + 倍数 + the + 计量名词 + of + B ” eg. The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one. 新

10、扩建的广场是未扩建时的四倍大。 e.“The + 计量名词 + of + A + be + 倍数 + that + of + B ” eg. The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one. (10) 从不同方面分析数据; in view of the turnover., In terms of growth,就营业额方面来说。,就增长方面来说;2. 描述时间点或时间段(1)时期泛指 :over the period XXX to XXX, over the years XXX to

11、XXX, from XX to xx; over/during the past XX years; in the last XX years(最近X年), over the last 15 to 20 years. in the next XX years, during a XX-year/month/week period, throughout., all the way through, for the year.XXX. (2) 时期特指:during the same period, over the period in question, over/during the per

12、iod studied, for the rest of the periods studied, in the two subsequent periods, in the following period, all the way through, (3)连续下降/上升的某个时期:it is the second/third/fourth consecutive quarter/year/month/week that XXX has fallen (4) 时间点: until, by the year XXX, since, from the year XXX, up to now, a

13、t a given moment, over the period ended on xx/ended in XX(5)年代:during the 1980s; during the 70s and 80s., 3. 开头: this graph/report describes/outlines/shows/compare with/suggests,4. 总趋势句型(1)If we look at the growth in, we can see there is a steady increase in XX from. to/a rise in XX of XXX(2)from th

14、e graph, we can see there is./ if we taking the XX first, we can see that there is (3)XX was on consecutive growth on the whole over the period in question (except ) (4)XX shows a relatively steady/upward/downward trend in the last XX years.(5)XX shows a trajectory of growth/fall.(6)xx, on the other

15、 hand, shows a different trend. (7)XXX has been growing consistently with XX in the past XX years. (8)XXX witnessed/saw some rise and fall/fluctuations over the period(9)during the same period, XX also rose, but fluctuated greatly. (10)XX didnt vary much and remained just over/below xx Or between.an

16、d.(11)XX shows the same performance/trend although at level 4bn higher than imports. 5. 增长幅度、增长额 (1)., there is a rise in XX of XX/by xx%/from.to (2)The figure shows a rise of XX within the whole period and no fluctuations are to be remarked. (3)XX rose fromto, suffering minor fluctuations all the w

17、ay through. (4)XX increased slightly/rose steadily. etc , ending the period around XX over their starting level. 6. 最大涨/跌幅,最高点,最低点(1) XXX with the biggest increase/decrease coming betweenand, (2) It went up to the (7-year etc.) peak at.in. /(3) The XXX peaked at. in./reached/hit a peak in ./peaking

18、at(4) The XX rose to the highest, climbed to a seven-month high, (price etc.)advanced to a record $1000 on., (5)the XX rose/surge/climb to XXX, the highest since.(6)骤升shot-up, surge, rocket, upsurge, uplift, proliferation soar, boom 骤降:slump, plunge, plummet(vi), nose-dive vi 5. 起始点 (1)starting off

19、at./from, sales will increase to. during, and remain stable at during, only to decrease to during. (2)During XXX, it started around XX in the first quarter6. 典型数据/区间(1)Profits will shop up dramatically to 2,000 in 2023, from which it will go up steadily from year to year(2)It will go down to the low

20、est at in where it will begin to pick up/rebound/(3)From 1985 to 1997, XXX were between XX and XXX. (4)After the XX increased/decreased significantly. (5)the xxx rose up steadily until.(6)however, there are some fluctuations to this general/within this general trend, for example.7. 描写fluctuations(1)

21、from/starting off at, XXX increased to. during. and remain stable at. during., only to decrease to. during(2)XXX increased/soared from xx to XXX in followed by a sharp drop toin(3)soar again, fall back to, drop back toand then maintained this position throughout .(4)it started around XX in xx, incre

22、ased slowly to XX in., and then fell to XXat the end of the year. (5)It stayed stable at around XX during xxx and xxx, then decreased to XXX in,before recovering at/to XXX at the end of 8. 对比,比例的描写(1)倍数关系描写(见1);(2)分数关系:one/a fifth of, 8 out of 10, at a fraction of (3)组成:consist of, be made up of, be

23、 composed of(4)比例: account for., represent, take up., (5)对比:compared to, in comparison with, relative to, the ratio is.Eg. Female executives dominate in the age group between 24 and 39, where the ratio is 42 to 10. (The first representing the number of women and latter, men ).Eg. It decreases half i

24、n group 60 to 69 where 10 women hold top position in comparison to/with 21 men. Eg. The graphs shows the number of cars per 100 people over the period 1980 to 2023 relative to the growth of the worlds population. 9. 大小的比较 (1)差:spread(差价), margin, split, difference, 差额为正/负:xxx remained positive/negat

25、ive (2)占多数,a. XXX dominate in the XX group/amongst. b. In the age range above, XXX are in /sliding / majority. (3)超过: a. XXX exceeded/outstrippedXXX but not by the same margin, b. XXX exceeded XX by XX percent, outnumber xxx by XXX. c. exceed XX-level. With the earnings exceeding XXX. (4) 比例相等:a. an

26、 equal number of bothand b. XXX take an equal proportion in . (5) 从小到大描述数据:followed by Eg. 44% of our sales income came from US, followed by Europe(26%), and south America(19%) (6)排序的描写: ranked No.1/2; The second /third largest; be in the first/second/third place.10. 表达预测的句子; be likely to/is expecte

27、d to./is supposed to/is estimated to./is projected to/will/will be11. 叙述受访者态度 (1)XXX received XX positive responses and XX negative responses. (2) XX people gave a positive response/comment on. (3)Asked about., XX people responded positively/negatively whereas XX people say sth negative about it. (4

28、) XX of xx respondents complained about.while XX though it positively, /thought it to be satisfactory12. Distribution(1) xx%, more than half XX, XX out of XX(2) the respondents are almost equally divided between XXX and XX(different stances)(3)XX and xxx take a similar proportion in XX group/range13

29、. data and compare的中心句(1)The company employs almost an equal number of executives of both sexes. However, there are remarkable differences depending on the age range considered. (2)The overall result of this international survey on planned IT expenditure for the next year shows significant differenc

30、es between Europe and Aisa. (3)The situation in XX, however, is quite different. (4)however, the XX vary greatly on the XXI Data and Change1. 此类报告有两个目的,呈现数据,描写变化趋势,自己的主观发挥较少或者没有发挥。不要发挥图表里不存在的内容。一般会规定呈现多个item的变化情况,可以用小标题分段。重点如下:一、 一方面把握图表的大趋势;二、 描述重要变化点,例如sudden growth, abrupt drop, drastic shrinkage

31、, proliferation etc. 三、 起始点和衔接点的描述【turning point】四、 需重点掌握的有:描写变化的句型,及以上一、二、三。五、 条形图和线性图都一般都涉及到这种类型。Samples 1. 销售预测: Bar Chart, 趋势,最大值,最小值,变化值 Report on Sales Forecast for next yearIntroductionThis report sets out to outline and compare the sales forecasts for fridges, TVs, and cookers of Toller Elec

32、trical Ltd for next year. FindingsThe unit sales of fridges is/ARE expected to stay/remain steadily at 5,000 throughout the four quarters of next year. The sales of TVs, on the other hand, will be on consecutive rise, starting off at 5,000 in 【改为during比较好,下同 】the first quarter, jumping to 15,000 dur

33、ing the second and third quarter, and ending up with 20,000 in the fourth quarter. 待商榷The sales of cookers, however, is 【因呈现的是四个季度的sales,所以此处应用are】likely to fluctuate a bit next year. The unit sales will reach 5000 in the first quarter, and rise sharply/significantly to 10,000 in the second and thir

34、d quarter, then decline to 5,000 again in the fourth quarter. ConclusionThe TV is expected to be the best seller of Toller Electrical Ltd next year. 参考范文;Report on Sales Forecasts for Toller Electrical LtdThe aim of this report is to compare the sales forecasts for three product areas for next year.

35、 Unit sales of fridges are likely to remain at 5,000 during all four quarters of next year.TV sales, on the other hand, will significantly increase during the second quarter from 10,000 to 15,000. Unit sales will remain at 15,000 during the third quarter and soar once again to 20,000 during the four

36、th quarter. Unit sales of cookers, however, are likely to fluctuate, starting off at 5,000, sales will increase to 10,000 during the second and third quarter of next year, only to decrease to 5,000 unit sales during the fourth quarter.It was concluded that TVs will be Toller Electrical Ltds stronges

37、t product area in the following year. NOTE; 注意表达预测的句型2. 产量与价格变化-关联性数据 重点:changes in production and prices.Report On Wheat Production and PricesThis report summarizes the changes in production and prices over a ten-year period from 1990 to 2023.From the chart we can see there was a steady growth in w

38、heat production over the given period. Starting off at around 0.8 million tones in 1990, the yearly output rose to almost 1.5 million tones five years later, and exceeded 2-million-tonne level in 2023. The average price of wheat, on the other hand, fluctuated a bit over the same period. From around

39、1300 per tone in 1990, it shot up quickly in 1995, peaking at around 3000 per tone. However it dropped back to around 2023 per tone in 2023. To conclude, it shows that the total output of wheat is not the sole factor deciding the trend of price. 特点:柱状图,趋势明显,数据少。比较简朴。3. 客户投诉与列车准时率与可靠性-关联数据准时率、可靠性与顾客投

40、诉。 数据不多,可考虑逐年描写。Report; XX train operatorThis report summarizes the changes that took place in reliability, punctuality and the number of complaints received during a 12-week period, which was divided further into three sub-periods. From the graph we can see about 97% of the timetabled trains were r

41、unning during the first four weeks. The percentage rose to 100% from the fifth week onwards and remained stable for the rest of the periods studied. Conversely, the punctuality percentage was declining consecutively over the given period. From 95% at the outset, it edged down in the two subsequent p

42、eriods and hit the lowest at around 90% in the last three weeks.The number of complaints per 100,000 passenger journeys remained stable at 200 in the first four weeks and even dropped slightly in the following period, probably owing to the rise of reliability. However, during the last 4 weeks, it we

43、nt up again to an all time high at around 225.To conclude, it is clear the punctuality has significant influence on the number of complaints received. NOTE; 注意描写区间的词For the rest of the periods studied/in questionIn the two subsequent periodsIn the following period. 4. 乘客收益与准时率-关联性数据 典型数据:revenue pea

44、k: 2n of 2023, on-time 骤降:2-3 quartersReport on passenger revenue and on-time rate of trains of CruiselineThis graph describes changes of the passenger revenue and the on-time percentage of trains of Cuiseline over the period 2023 to 2023. From the graph we can see the on-time percentage of trains r

45、emained relatively stale between 85% and 90% before the second quarter of 2023. Over the same period, the passenger revenue was on consecutive rise on the whole except a slight drop in the last quarter of 2023. Starting off at about 280 m, it climbed to a peak at 330 million by the second quarter of

46、 2023. However, as the on-time rate nose-dived precipitately to around 70% in the third quarter in 2023, the revenue dropped consistently from 330 m to 65 m, the largest decrease over the period in question. Although the punctuality rate rebounded gradually to 75% later, the revenue still kept decli

47、ning and reached its two-year lowest at 65 m at the end of 2023. It is concluded that the punctuality of trains has a significant effect on the passenger revenue. Band 4 sample Report: Cruseline train companyThe graph shows the passenger revenue and the percentage of trains arriving on time during t

48、he years 2023 and 2023 of Cruseline train company. Regarding the passenger revenue, during 2023 it started around 280 million in the first quarter, increased slowly to 300 million in the 3rd quarter and then fell to around 290 million at the end of the year. In 2023, the revenue increased steadily t

49、o 330 during the 2nd quarter followed by a sharp fall to around 225 at the end of 2023.The percentage of trains arriving on time stayed stable at around 88% during the 1st and 2nd quarter in 2023, then decreased to 85% in the 3rd quarter before recovering at round 87% at the end of 2023. Till the 2n

50、d quarter in 2023 the percentage decreased steadily to 85% before falling rapidly to 68% and recovering to 75% at the end of 2023. 5. 供求关系-bar chart and line chart-关联性数据Main pointrelationship of supply and demand横坐标year 竖坐标, demand, and stock Report On supply and demand for palm oil over the period

51、1985 to 2023.This graph compares the amount of palm oil held in world stock over the years 1985 to 2023 with the demand. From the graph we can see the total demand for palm oil was on consecutive rise on the whole over the period in question except a marginal fall during 98/99. Starting from 7.5 mil

52、lion tons in 1985, it grew significantly to 33 million tons during 05/06 period. The ending stocks, on the other hand, witnessed a number of fluctuations over the past twenty years when the supply outstripped the demand at all times with the largest margin coming between 2023 to 2023 at 3,000 tons.

53、Then the difference kept decreasing year by year until the supply and demand growth curve finally overlapped from 2023. It can be concluded that the palm oil supply outstripped the supply throughout the period in question but showed a tendency to grow consistently with each other after some rise and

54、 fall in between. . NOTE: ending stock, 即每一年的年终库存结余。由此可知,整体来说是供大于求的,由于每年的ending stock高于supply, 供求差异与00/2023间达成最高峰,之后逐年缩小,从2023开始达成供求平衡。参考范文;NOTE:注意找出图表变化的分水岭,对于ending stock,8599是一个阶段,ending stock一直相对稳定,在1700以下,但是99年以后开始大幅增长,到01/2023间增至顶峰,之后逐年下落,最终于demand重合。6. 车辆保有量与人口增长 bar chart and line chart intr

55、oductionThe graph shows that the number of cars per 100 people over the period 1980 to 2023, relative to/相对于/ the growth of the worlds population. Growth in populationIf we look at the growth in population, we can see there is a steady increase from 4.2 billion people n 1980 to 7.7 billion in 2023,

56、with the most significant increase coming between 2023 to 2023. /总涨幅,最大增幅年/Number of vehicles per 100 peopleThe number of vehicles per 100 people follows a similar trend, rising steadily over the same period. From ten cars per 100 people in 1980, it is projected to increase to sixteen in 2023. /总趋势,

57、起始数据/ConclusionThe dramatic consequence of these two developments when combined is that the total number of vehicles almost doubles in 40 years, a fact which is certain to have implications for energy resources and pollution in the future. 7. 温度与二氧化碳排放 NOTE: 范文中描写的数据1. 总增长,there was a steady rise in

58、 global temperature of 0.8 Degree F over2. 典型浮动:with this general trend, there were many fluctuations. For example, between and, /there were some variations to this general trend. 3. 典型区间:from 1950 to 1990 (最大变化区间)/level off after 1970(分水岭) 8. 农业与制造业进出口及贸易平衡Band 4 SampleThis report describes the mov

59、ements of the balance of trade between 1991 and 2023, for a particular country, concerning manufacturing and agriculture. Manufacturing:Imports increased constantly during the period studied. The figure shows a rise of 4 billion within the whole period and no fluctuations are to be remarked. Exports

60、 rose from nearly 3 billion in 1991 to approx. $7bn in 2023, suffering minor fluctuations all the way through.In general, the balance of trade remained slightly positive through the period considered. AgricultureImports increased slightly, ending the period around $1bn over their starting level(表总增长

61、额的黄金句). They suffered a temporary fall between 1992 and 1994, followed by a steady recovery. After peaking at around 2.5 bn in 1999, imports fell slightly to their final value. Exports figure shows the same performance although at level 4bn higher than imports. 超级有用句。可省N多字。Consequently, the balance

62、of trend remained markedly positive throughout the period. NOTE: 注意范文的描写重点,和行文结构。注意描写趋势的手法:见黑体部分。注意流畅性和主语的统一。 自己写的对趋势的描写太笼统,应学习范文对movement变化的把握。 不见得非要用总-分结构。内容太多时,可用小标题使结构更清楚。行文结构: M:import, export, balanceA. import, export, balance / Conclude. 9. 工业与林业进出口量Report on Imparts of Industry and Forestry

63、for an European CountryThis report describes the general situation in imports of industry and forestry for an European country in the two years 2023 and 2023.IndustryImports of industry did not vary much in 2023, fluctuating between 29 and 31 million tons throughout the four quarters while in 2023, they saw a consecutive rise from 30 million tons in

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