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1、生活英语情景口语目录001 Stages of life2002 First impressions3003 Get in personal4004 Every part of your body can speak5005 mind your posture6006 Blood is thicker than water7007 Huge Family8008 looking for love9009 Marry a Soul Mate10010 Getting along11011 Renting a House12012 Living in a House13013 my dream h

2、ome14014 Household Appliances15015 Around a House: Community16016 Shopping17017 Clothes and Fashion18018 Money in Your Pocket19019 At the Bank20020 At he Post Office21021 Eating Out22022 Insurance23023 Common Health Problems24024 Illness and Disease25025 Healthy Food26026 Beauty and Cosmetics27027 S

3、hape and Fitness28028 Coping with Stress29029 City sightseeing30030 Business Trip31031 Holiday DIY32032 Going Abroad.33033 Short Weekend Trip34034 Theme Travel35035 Souvenirs36036 Cycling38037 Driving Cars39038 Public Transportation40039 Asking for Directions41040 Try Cooking42041 Special Sauces and

4、 Herbs43042 Chinese Food44043 Drinks45044 local snacks46045 How About Game?47046 Pets Will Never Leave You.48047 Watching the Olympics.49048 Truck and Fill the Events50049 Ball Sports51050 Extreme sports52051 Any of Festivals53052 Special Occasions54053 Entering school55054(空缺)56055 Headache exams a

5、nd teachers56056-058空缺57059 Team work57060 The Working Day58062 Career letter59063 Getting an interview60065 Coffee talk61066-074空缺62075 Getting into aconversation: likes and dislikes62076 Feelings63077 Party Animals64078 Closing a conversation Saying goodbye65079-080空缺66081 Beethoven and Jay Chou66

6、082-084空缺67085 Lets see a Movie67086-088空缺68089 Advertising68090-092空缺69093 Traffic jam69094-098空缺70099 Weather70001 Stages of life(生活阶段)Dialogue 1A:You know Iden ,I dont know much about you. Where were you born?B:I was born in London, but I spent most of my childhood in Hongkong.A: What was your ch

7、ildhood like?B: I had a pretty strict up-bring,and my parents and I were always fighting about it .A:Do you get along with your parents now?B:Oh, sure. Once they reached middle age, they became a lot less uptight.(紧张的)A:Where did you go to university?B:My parents wanted me to stay in Hongkong, but I

8、 decided to go back to England, I graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Eglish literature.A:Whats your current occupation(职业)?B:Im a freelance writer. i write magazine articles and fiction booksA:Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?B:No, I didnt. I was an english teacher for ab

9、out five years, but by the time I was thirty, I decided I want a fresh challenge.A:How did you start writing?B:I started writitng mangzin articles for fun, and eventurally was asked to write a book, so I was pretty lucky.A:Are you writing a book now?B:Yes, its about a group of friends living in a fo

10、reign country ,and all the strange experiences they haveA:Sounds interesting.Dialogue 2A:What was the biggest turing point in your life?B:I gusee I would say that would be moving out of my parents house for the first time.A:Really? Why is that?B:Till I moved out of my parents home, I became a lot mo

11、re independent.A:What would you say was the lowest point in your life?B:That would definitely(明确地) be getting a divorce.A:What went wrong?B: We just werent right for each other.A: How long were you married?B: The marriage only lasted about a year.A: Have you remarried since then ?B: Yes, I got marri

12、ed to a man that I met shortly after I divorced my first husband.A: Do you think youll ever get a divorce again?B: Oh I hope not, my first marriage was a mistake,but this one isnt.A: How long have you been married?B: About 15 years now.A: Do you think youll still love him when he is old and gray?B:

13、I think so ,hopefully well have a long and a happy life together.A: Im sure you will.002 First impressions(第一印象)Dialogue 1M:Jacob, are you interested in helping me out and going on a blind date with a friend of mine?J:That depends. What does she look like?M:Well, shes got a beautiful face and long c

14、urly red hair.J:How tall is she?M:Shes fairly tall, maybe 2 inches taller than me.J:Is she chubby(胖乎乎)?M:Not at all. Shes actually very athletic.J:It sounds like shes pretty good-looking. Does she wear glasses?M:No, but she does wear contact lenses(隐形眼镜).J:Hows her skin?M:Shes got a gorgeous complex

15、ion with a few freckles on her nose.J:Does she have any piercings or tattoos?M:I think she has her ears pierced and she definitely has a few tattoos: one on her lower back, one on her left foot.J:Whats the tattoo on her foot like?M:Its a butterfly- everyone in her family has one.J:Even her mom?M:Yes

16、, even her mom.J:Whats her personality like?M:Shes a lot like me.J:So there is something wrong with her! It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be true!Dialogue 2J:Did you see the picture of the guy on the front page of the newspaper this morning?M:No. I havent had a chance to read the p

17、aper yet.J:youve got to see it. Its an unbelievable picture!M:Whats so interesting about it?J:Well, this guy fell asleep on the sofa and when he woke up, half his face had been bitten off(咬掉)!M:What? How did that happen?J:They think his dog was trying to wake him up and couldnt, so ended up biting h

18、im in his face.M:Wow. What does his look like now?J:It looks pretty frightening. He doesnt have any lips, so all you can see are his gums and teeth. Most of his nose and chin are missing too.M:What did he look like before his dog bit his face off?J:He was actually quite handsome. What a shame.M:What

19、s he going to do now?J:It said that hes hoping to get a face transplant, but until then, hes looking forward to Halloween so he isnt the only one wearing a mask.003 Get in personalDialogue 1A: Are you alright(好吗), Ethan? You dont seem to be as cheerful as you normally are.E: To be honest, Ava, Ive j

20、ust had a really bad day.A: What happened?E: First, I slept through my alarm and ended up two hours late to work.A: What did your boss say?E: He told me that if I showed up late one more, hed fire me. Hes so mean(他是如此吝啬)!A: Thats horribel. Was that the first time youd shown up late to work?E: That w

21、as my second time. The first time, I was in a car accident.A: Is your boss Chinese?E: No, hes from Australia. Before I met him, I thought Australians were supposed to be relaxed and easy-going. I had no idea hed be so fussy(挑剔) about things.A: What are you going to do?E: I think Im going to look for

22、 another job. I need to find a boss that is a bit more sensitive and optimistic than my current boss.A: That sounds like a sensible(明智的) plan. Do you want me to help you with your job search?E: Thats very generous of you. Thanks for the offer.A: Dont mention it. Thats what friends are for!Dialogue 2

23、E: I dont know what to do about the people who live in the flat above me!A: Why? What are they like?E: Theyre incredibly selfish. They re always up until the wee(极小的) hours of the night playing their music so loudly that I have to wear earplugs in order to fall asleep!A: Have you ever talked to them

24、 about it?E: I tried to introduce myself to them when they moved in, but they were so arrogant(.傲慢的) that I didint want to ever talk to them again!A: What did they say?E: They both just talk about how great they are all the time.A: They soud like the neighbours from hell!E: They are! Besides being l

25、oud and arrogant, theyre also terrible gossips(爱说长道短的人). Theyre always talking about everybody else in the apartment.A: I thought you didnt talk to them much.E: I dont, but they talk so loudly that I can hear what theyre talking about from my bedroom - and its not very nice.A: What do the other peop

26、le in your apartment think about them?E: Most of my other neighbours are scared of them.A: Maybe you should think about moving.E: I cant afford to move right now.A: Well, perhaps you should have a party and try to get to know them better. Maybe once you get to know them, theyll turn out to be more s

27、ensitive.E: I think youre being a bit optimistic. If you met them, youd understand.A: Well, I dont know what else you could do then. Do you think bribing them with chocolate would work?004 Every part of your body can speakDialogue 1 E: I dont know about you, but Im famished fmit(非常饥饿的). Are you inte

28、rested in getting a bite to eat?R: That sounds great. Im absolutely starving! What kind of food are you in the mood for?E: Id love something spicy spaisri(n.总称香料,调味品;香气,香味). Maybe we could get some Sichuan Hotpot.(n. 火锅, 土豆炖肉)R: Youre a woman after my own heart. I dont know many people who can handl

29、e spicy food. Are you sure you are up for hotpot.E: Sure. If I could, I would eat hotpot every day!R: Ok, youre really all eyes when it comes to talking about food, arent you?E: Well, lets stop dragging our feet and find a Sichuan Hotpot restaurant for dinner!R: Let me think about it for a minute. L

30、ets see. oh the name of the restaurant is on the tip of my tongue! Give me a second and itll come to me.E: Well.? Have you thought of it yet?R: No.E: Never mind. Theres an authentic :entik(a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的) tasting hotpot restaurant not far from the China World Trade Towers on Chang An Street. Have

31、you been there?R: Thats it! Thats the one I was thinking of! I told you Id remember it!E: You really have a bid head, dont you!Dialogue 2R: So, Emily, how was your day?E: I dont think you really want to hear about it.R: It cant have been that bad. Go on and tell me about it.E: To be honest, it was h

32、orrible! My manager is such a pain in the neck!R: Why? What happened?E: Well, he made quite a few mistakes on the monthly report and when his supervisor found them, my manager blamed them on me!R: Thats not very fair. What did you do?E: There wasnt really anything that I could do. Theres always been

33、 a lot of bad blood between my manager and myself. If I had said anything, he would have fired for me for sure.R: Does he treat everyone in your department like this?E: He treats everyone pretty poorly, but the way he treats me really takes the cake(更加,严重)!R: Do you have any idea why he treats you w

34、orse than the others?E: I really have no idea. All I know is that the thought of him really curlsk:li (a.卷曲的)my hair!R: Is there anyone else you can talk to about it at you company?E: Not really. Im hoping to live with it for a while until I get a promotion.R: Thats very sensible. It sounds like you

35、 have a good head on you shoulders.E: I try to be sensible about it, but its not very easy. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.R: Thats so true. When you have a taste for success, you cant let dishonest people like your manager get in the way. 005 mind your posture(注意姿态)Dialogue 1 I(Isalell

36、a) M(Matthew)I: Matthew, do you know much about body language in countries around the world?M: Sure. Ive picked up a few things from travelling around for work. why?I: Well, I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldnt stop bowing bui(鞠躬)! I didnt know what to do!M: Did you bow back

37、?I: No, I tried to shake her hand, but her hand was so limp limp (a.软弱的,无精神的;松沓的 vi.蹒跚 n.跛行)I was a bit offended. fend(vt.冒犯,得罪,伤害;使厌恶;违犯,违反)M: Well, Japanese businessmen and women typically bow to greet each other in Japan. She might have been offended by your strong handshake.I: But she was in Ame

38、rica! Shouldnt she have known that strong handshakes in america signigy confidence and respect?M: Things are different in Japan. You know, in some countries, making eye contact with others is considered rude.I: Is that why she wouldnt look at me in the meeting?M: I think its highly possible, yes.I:

39、The meeting really didnt go down well at all. I think I need to read up about intercultural communication before I have another meeting with someone from another country.M: Thats a good idea. When you dont know much about other cultures, the simplest thing can offend someone.I: Thats so true. Its gr

40、eat that we see eye to eye on this.Dialogue 2M: Well, what did you think about the last candidate? kndideit(n.申请求职者;投考者;候选人)Do you think we should hire her?I: She had a very impressive resume rezju:mei(v.(中断后)继续,恢复 n.摘要;简历), but she seemed to lack the confidence that I think a good manager needs.M:

41、What made you think that she wasnt very confident?I: Did you notice the way that she avoided making eye contact with us while she talked?M: She was a bit nervous, I guess. What else?I: When she first walked into the room to greet us, she didnt shake our hands or introduce herself at all. I thought t

42、hat was a bit unprofessional.M: youre right. If she walked into meetings with our clients kli:ntel(顾客) like that, it would make our company look bad, wouldnt it?I: It sure would. Did you else notice the way she slouched slaut(n. 没精打采的样子in her chair during most of the intervies? She had horrible post

43、ure!M: I agree. I guess I was paying more attention to her answers than her body language.I: On top of all of that, she didnt seem to have any sense about peoples personal space. she didnt keep enough distance between us when during the meeting.M: Thats true. I guess well have to keep looking for a

44、manager then.006 Blood bld is thicker than waterDialogue 1 K(kaitlyn) J(Jack)K: How many people are there in your family?J: My immediate imi:djt(立即的,直接的)family is quite small. Its just my older step-brother, my mom, my step-dad and me. How about you?K: I have a large family. I have three older siste

45、rs, my twin twin sister, a younger brother, and my parents.J: I didnt know you were a twin! Are you identical aidentikl (adj. 相同的)or fraternal frt:nl(a.兄弟般的)?K: Were identical. I mean, we look exactly igzktli the same, but we complete opposites when it comes to everything else!J: Interesting. It mus

46、t be great having a twin sister. Are you best friends, too?K: We used to be really close, but that all changed once she moved to Shanghai. How about your family? You didnt mention to your biological father.J: I dont know much about him. He died when I was just a baby. Even though I dont have a blood

47、 relationship with my step-father and step-brother, I consider knsid them to be my real family.K: What about your step-brothers mother? Does he keep in touch with her?J: No, she also died when my step-brother was little. My mother and my step-father met each other shortly after my father died and be

48、came good friends. They ended up getting married a few years later.K: Sounds like it was went to be.Dialogue 2J: Have you ever thought about having children, Kaitlyn?K: My husband and I have thought about it, but weve decided not to have any. Theyre just too expensive. Besides, with all the news abo

49、ut global warming on the news lately, who knows what kind of world well have in the future. What about you?J: Well, Ive always wanted to have lots of children. Growing up with only one brother, I always felt a bit lonely. What do you think about families with only one child?K: For me, growing up in

50、a big family always made me yearn j:n (v. 渴望, 想念)for attention. I always wanted to be an only child so that I could always do what I wanted and so that I wouldnt ever have to share.J: Dont you think you would miss having other people around?K: No way! I spent 20 years of my life with relatives aroun

51、d me 24-7. You know, I dont think Ive ever actually spent any time by myself in my parents home. What do you think fo the one-child policy in China?J: If China didnt have such a policy, can you imagine how many people there would be in China now?K: Thats true. But as a woman, Im glad that even thoug

52、h I dont want any children, I at least have a choice in how many children I have. On the other hand, I cant imagine what China would be like if there werent a one-child policy!J: Do you think most families with many children envy or feel sorry for other families with only one child?K: I dont know wh

53、at other people think, but I, for one, envy only children! 007 Huge FamilyDialogue 1 S(Sophia) N(Noah)S: Does your family have a record of your ancestors?N: Sure. My mom has been working on our family tree for years. Shes always updating it.S: Do you have a copy of your family tree in your house? Id

54、 love to see it.N: I can show it to you now, if you like. I think it goes back about 8 generations so far.S: Thats amazing. Do you have a large extended family?N: Ive got 30 cousins on my moms side and 10 cousins on my dads side.S: Are you very close to your first-cousins?N: The ones that are my age

55、 are close relatives. Now that Im older, I dont spend as much time with them as I used to, so I dont know my youngers cousins as well as the older ones.S: I see. Whos the head of your household?N: Its definitely my mother. And, her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family.S: Thats int

56、eresting. What does your grandmother think of your step-mother.N: At first, she was quite critical of her, but now that theyve been married for a few years, shes starting to accept the fact that my father divorced my mother.S: Thats pretty much how you feel about your step-mother. Like grandmother,

57、like grandson!Dialogue 2N: Do you think Chinese families have changed much in the last 50 years?S: I think families everywhere have changed a lot in the last 5 decades.N: What do you think is the biggest change?S: Well, in the past, three or four generations would all live together under the same ro

58、of. Nowadays, living in the same city as ones relatives is becoming rare.N: Thats true. You know, some husbands and wives dont even live in the same city any more.S: Would you ever consider having your parents live with you when they get older?N: I guess Im a bit old-fashioned. Id rather have my par

59、ents live with me than live in a retirement home.S: Thats very respectable, but I could never live with my parents. I usually only see them at our Christmas celebration-and thats enough!N: How about your other siblings? Do they spend a lot of time with your parents?S: Two of my sisters still live at

60、 home, even though they have already graduated from university and have good jobs. They enjoy spending their free time with my parents. I guess in that respect, Im the black sheep of the family.N: I see. Do you parents ever ask you to come home to visit them more often?S: Theyre always asking me to

61、come home, but I think our relationship is better if we keep a distance from each other. Whenever we see each other, all we do is fight.N: Well, you know what they say. You can choose your friends, but not your family. 008 looking for loveDialogue 1A: How is everything going with your girlfriend?B:

62、Didnt I tell you? Its over.A: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. I didnt know that you had split up. What happened?B: It was a few things. The first thing that happened was that we were supposed to go out for a romantic dinner for our one year anniversary, but she stood me up.A: Really? Did she tell you why

63、 she didnt show up?B: No, but I ended up finding out later that night when I saw her with another man at a club near my home.A: What was she thinking? Did you confront her about it when you saw her?B: I wanted to, but I knew that if I spoke to her, Id just blow up at her, so I decided to just go hom

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