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1、七夕优美散文 七夕优美散文精选 七夕将至,我们文秘114的小编整理了七夕优美散文三篇,请大家参阅! 夕阳点燃了天边的白云,变幻莫测的火烧云,用版画的色彩和浪漫的情调,迎接着远处隐隐约约的星星和月亮。炊烟袅袅,鸟儿归巢,夜的幕纱慢慢地拉挂。 今晚的新月,如一位美丽乡间女子走在出嫁的路上,羞嗒嗒地从婚纱里露出来半边脸。她越是朦胧,越让更多的人感到神秘,感到可爱,感到难亲近。 大地沐在微暗玫瑰色的月光中,月光在它身躯上流淌,一切都是那么安静,似乎所有的生灵,都在等待倾听牛郎织女那轻盈的脚步和呢喃情语。 乡野里的小村庄,如刚经雨水淋过的湿地上,长出来的一朵朵褐色的蘑菇群,静卧在暮色下,绿树篱笆掩映着农

2、舍,花香缠绕着农舍,果木环抱着农舍。阵阵清凉的晚风悠悠吹拂,温馨的泥土气息和庄稼的幽香,像一壶老酒,把房前屋后的树丛、向日葵、牵牛花灌得微醉,各种植物的枝叶摆来摆去,互相碰击,弄出些细雨落萍的沙沙声。 乡村的夜晚,与城市相比,不仅是静得出奇,虽然有上弦月,也黑得出奇。除了天上一些零零碎碎的星光外,几乎都是黑漆漆的一片。白天,绿油油的稻田在阳光下银光闪闪的,现在也变得黯淡无光,早晨在天空中飞翔的鸟儿,也看不见了踪影。其实,这样才是一种享受,它为你的想象力开辟了空间。 这片乡村,在今天更是一个美丽的地方,它的美丽之处,是情与爱。 月光透过树叶的缝隙,如山菊花似的细碎,星星点点地洒在院子里,窗棱也染

3、上了不同颜色的灯光。几个女人的身影,隐隐约约从绿纱幔帐透射出来,融入月色里。她们散坐在灯光下,一边眼睁睁地瞪着电视,一边穿针引线,把那一根根五颜六色的丝线在胸前跳起欢快的舞蹈,绣着“福”字。门口的路灯下,一块大棋盘,一帮人脑袋如蒜瓣一样挤在一起,偶尔,一声大喊“将”字,几双手一起你争我夺将棋子移来移去。 村中央的小广场上,红红的大鼓旁,歪戴帽子,耳朵上夹着一根香烟的打鼓手,将鼓擂得山响。年轻的小喇叭匠腮帮子吹得鼓鼓,秧歌调吹来了家家户户的老小。农村人就是实在,做什么都不偷工减料,天天扭秧歌都穿红戴绿,描眉涂鬓,美就美个花俏,玩就玩个痛快,享受生活就无忧无虑。回门住娘家的小媳妇,听到大秧歌调心就

4、打颤,抢过姐妹们的扇子扭上一曲“大姑娘美”。好乐呵的“王四轮”,刚刚犁地回来,把车停在路边,抢过鼓槌,擂出来一个“句句双”,秧歌队马上沸腾起龙腾虎跃。“李满囤”举起手机拍了一张照,发个微信给美国的孩子:瞧瞧她的妈妈,打扮得有多俏,大秧歌扭得有多好。此时此刻,走在鹊桥上牛郎织女,可能也停住了脚步,注目往人间瞧瞧! 七夕的夜晚,农村也是爱的天堂,是浪漫的情场。老爷爷给老奶奶沏上一碗豆浆,笑眯眯地端到她的身旁。“这老东西,越来越孝心”,老奶奶的一句话,说得老爷子心里比手上的豆浆还滚烫。小孩子们也闲不住,前后院的树丛中捉迷藏,淘小子偷摘了谁家的一个大红柿子,偷偷塞给俊模样的小姑娘,也许,这是爱情的种子

5、,在今天的夜晚发芽,在青年那个时光中生长。不远处,清凉凉,冰爽爽清风吹拂的小溪边,少女温柔的手正在抚摸着心上人的脸庞,两颗心在激烈碰撞。爱,在流水“叮咚、叮咚、叮咚”声中作响,情,在无边的稻田翻滚着层层“浪”。是啊,时代的变化,当今的农村,爱情的土壤不在贫瘠,不在蛮荒。 乡村的夜晚,没有城市霓虹灯的闪耀,没有铺天盖地的广告,没有大排档喧嚣,没有歌厅的吵闹,更没有咖啡屋的小青年的打情骂笑。这里的夜晚,更多的是狗叫,猫嚎,还有牛马羊的响起来求爱的信号。无名的小虫子不知道躲在那片叶子下浅吟低唱,没有曲谱,还经常跑调,不知道从什么时候开始,什么时候结束,用心去听,这些声音组合就是天籁爱情的曲调,不可复

6、制,也永不会重复的音乐,乡村每天都沉浸在梦幻的音乐声中,连梦也是香甜而富有韵律的。在这七夕的夜晚,虽然爱情的表现形式是低调,只要用心去体会,不亚于城市里情人节的情调。 夜色越来越浓,青蛙和虫儿停止了喊叫,狗也撒泼尿后,开始睡觉,牛脖子下拴的铃铛也不响了,星光下只有那小菜园里娇嫩的花儿在开放,浓郁的花香在飘动,还有萤火虫打着灯笼一闪一闪在巡视着大道。 七夕乡村的夜晚,又美,又静,又祥和,如舒缓的轻音乐,不断在熨平多年形成城乡差别的烦躁。 天上的鹊桥上,牛郎对织女说:“这样的夜晚,到咱们村里走一遭” 织女说:“害怕再犯母亲的天条”。 “哪天,让丈母娘坐神九去地球上看看,人间多开放,农村里也有爱的雀

7、巢”。 牛郎织女的相思泪,湿了衣衫,落在田野上,化做那一颗颗露珠挂在叶片上,在月光下闪亮 烟雨霏霏,一把油纸伞撑不住曾经。一碗孟婆汤,斩断一世情。 题记 前世如同过眼云烟已不能为你我所左右,今世我却可以选择为心中的美好驻足,凝眸,为来世埋下一个个相知相守的盟约。- 风吹起如花般零落的时光,牵住了一往情深的翅膀,在充满孤寂,无言的黑夜,一双明亮的眸子唤起了过往,带着你飞翔,载着我入梦。- 前世或许我是一棵没有年轮的树,驻足在熙熙攘攘的人群中,似乎在寻找着什么,等待着什么,于是,错过了什么。今世,我决定对你五百次回眸。- 如果你是大山,我将对你五百次回眸。依附在你身上的灵魂,是明月不归的情缘。 如

8、果你是海洋,我将对你五百次回眸。你是包罗万物的天使,把我的情装入你心。那闪烁的水元素是前世对爱情的坚贞,是今世不舍的依恋。 如果你是蓝天,我将对你五百次回眸。你拥抱着鸟儿的怀抱,仿佛是为前世今生埋下的约定。风起,掀起了你的心门,于是,你便为此沉迷。 “佛说,前世的五百次回眸换来了今世的擦肩而过。”如此,今世的五百次回眸换来了什么?如果今世的五百次回眸换来了与你的相知相守,一切的海枯石烂,海誓山盟只是对爱情华丽的包装与修饰。平静与淡泊,相厮相守才是对爱情唯美的诠释。掬一朵花儿的芳香,捧到你身旁,你脸颊的绯红是朝霞的色彩,仿佛前世也在此刻定格。 牛郎织女注定今世要用五百次回眸,换来七夕之夜的一次相

9、会。红尘紫陌,缘来缘去,多少愁绪绾成轻怨,多少凄凉落花成冢。 罗密欧与朱丽叶注定要用五百次回眸,换来现实中肝肠寸断的思念。天涯咫尺,泪化为滋润心田的是思念。终明白,在尘世里往来的人们,谁不是心带惆怅的红尘过客? 梁山伯与祝英台注定要用今世的五百次回眸,换来“此日生双翼,随花飞到天尽头”的誓言。“花谢花飞花满天,红销香断有谁怜?”今世的哀愁,来世的相约。化蝶双宿双飞,翩跹过海,云牵雾绕。 前世我是一只大雁,脱离了雁群独自飞翔,只为挂念那一汪湘水。秋风起,秋意凉,双飞雁,单飞离。雁过时,清寒瘦瘦,回眸回眸,哪知相思离愁? 前世我是一只小草,脱离了群体独自生存在沙漠。只为你留下的足迹中刻画消逝的感情

10、。漫天的黄沙,是爱情的独舞,满脸的眼泪化作尘埃。满天飞舞的沙粒,一片荒芜,忘记所有,能否重来? 前世我是一个犯了错的小孩,远离故土,孤身一人流浪在外。与你擦肩而过的一刹那,你是否一眼就能认出。前世的点点滴滴,化为一缕轻烟,飘洋过海,划出一世恩情。 也许前世欠你太多,我决定今世对你五百次回眸。你只需一步一步吻着风,花,雪,月,留下远处的我默默为你祝福。一个又一个的梦想,载着你飞翔,载着我入梦。梦,不能改变宿命,我一次又一次履行着我的诺言。 花有前世今生,君有红尘净土,入萧郎眼眸之前,为雪?为冰?为露?为霜?而今天万般化身只作幻想。一个回眸就是一个过往,一个转身就是一世情缘。 镜花水月的梦想早已成

11、空,湖水与小鱼之间的爱情也只能于无奈中错过。于是,今世却要用五百次回眸来弥补过去。多少人急忙去积攒那一次次回眸,去实现那虚无缥缈的梦。 又是一年雨季时 我步履阑珊 打你家门前走过 江南的美景 如画,如诗 远方走来了 打着油纸伞 丁香一样的 结着愁怨的姑娘 湖水泛起涟漪 牵动了深埋在心底的温柔 天空飘起了梨花雨 梨花似雪草如烟 轻扣房门 雨打梨花深闭门 远方 丁香一样的 结着愁怨的姑娘 与我擦肩而过 一回眸 仿佛五百次 清澈的眸子 遮不住的清纯 佛也有情 于是 错出了一段美丽 昨夜我对着星空述说心语,怎么能写好这关于七夕的主题?千古不变的传奇至今还这样迷离,天上人间、人间天上,我的心绪连接着过去

12、,万种柔情在心海汹涌。不说曾经,不说分离,当七月的风把涟漪蔓延成万重相思,当七月的雨把枝头湿润成似水柔情,当七月的七日把传说演绎成潸然泪下的故事,仰望星空的伊人把眸光凝聚成一泓柔婉的秋水。 今夜银河泛起似水柔情,捧起炽热如火的心跳吧,将一生的爱恋奉献,奉献给彼此的最爱。让这亘古不变的星辰作证,再不要,再不要痛断肝肠泪雨相送。荷花散着香气,竹叶轻摇着露滴,含羞草也挺直了身躯,几只蟋蟀在悠闲地弹奏着美妙的月光曲. 相遇如画,情深似诗,你可知这是我第一次对着星空诉说心中的情愫? 你自天庭而来,霓裳飘飘,我牵牛而迎,执手相望,相视无语。 我知道我在劫难逃,惊鸿一瞥间便俘虏了我的灵魂。秋波欲出,柔情似水

13、,如果有来生,我愿用今世和来生加在一起,与你爱了,与你恋了,至死无悔。 你曾说你不食人间烟火,只因为我而甘愿坠落红尘,还说我是你红尘中最深的眷恋。 你可否知道?不论春夏秋冬,也不管花开花谢,我一直为你守候,对你为情所终,用尽平生的爱去疼爱你一人。 红尘如烟,梦一般,风一般,真真假假早已分不清,分不清你在梦里抑或梦外。梦里是你温柔的眼,梦外是你挚热的心,我又何必分清?我用了几世苦苦修炼只为换得一世相守的缘,却无意落入你的年华,从此再没能走出你的似水柔情。为你沉沦、为你倾国、为你倾城。 红尘如梦,你为我风情万种;红尘如烟,我为你写尽相思。 遇见你不再问是劫是缘,相遇是缘分,相守是福分,只想与你相濡

14、以沫,在每一个晨曦落日里,在每一个花开花谢里,安然相依,温馨相伴,让你我心与心交融,情与爱缠绵。 今夜,就在今夜,我手抚瑶琴,弹着那千年凄美的旋律“梁祝”,让这缠绵悱恻的旋律穿透时空的隧道,停留在你的耳边回响。记得大诗人秦观曾经为你写下了鹊桥仙千古绝唱,不知道感动了多少善男信女而哭得稀里哗啦,只是不知远在银河那边的你可曾知道? 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度;金风玉露一相逢,便胜却、人间无数。 柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路;两情若是久长时,又岂在、朝朝暮暮! 我清楚地知道,人生是流动的风景,途中我们也许知晓流星转瞬即逝的闪光是那么动人,也许懂得枯叶辗转飘零的飞扬是那么的恣意,可是我总相信

15、爱因纯洁而美丽。我就这么纯纯的爱,傻傻的坏,我就用我对你不变的信赖对着星空许下心愿:在这个七月的季节里,期盼你我手牵着手,踏着歌声,踩着风,一起去看海角天涯! work, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work. Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, poli

16、tics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters a

17、nd visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processing of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address

18、the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct d

19、isability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment

20、 requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wron

21、g, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and

22、inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision must be carried out on major petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occur

23、rence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubleshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found

24、the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work. Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the pe

25、oples letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wishes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment

26、 book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further carry out the strike hard campaign, maintain good social order. Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city u

27、nified deployment, organization to carry out the broken case, fled, chasing fugitives concentrated action, received the initial success. Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation w

28、here principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security of the people. To highlight the combat focus. Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, h

29、omicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all kinds of rogue and Pi word color beltTo catch the color of illegal crime. The crime, to adhere to the strike hard principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance. Second, w

30、e must improve the detection rate. The incident only timely cracked, can strengthen the crackdown. Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate. The detection of murder on an impor

31、tant position, strictly implement the responsibility to homicide cases must be broken work objectives. To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance peoples sense of security. To wander aimlessly Pursuit. The strike vagabond offe

32、nces as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place of the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum. Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fug

33、itives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely manner to eliminate social impact. Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts. The key points are the further strengthen of bac

34、kward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway, pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent. , places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation. The streets to cooperate with public s

35、ecurity organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing management, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory. Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be ca

36、rried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime personnel. Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle. To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of infor

37、mation. From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative. To fully understand the social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesnt happen. Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack d

38、own on the production, dissemination and posted Falun Gong illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put Falun Gong illegal propaganda arrogance down. Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handlin

39、g of the large Falun Gong nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong underground dens, arresting staff of 15, and seized a large number of illegal propaganda and publicity work, dealt a heavy blow to the Falun Gong diehards. Step, to increase the intensity of the trial. Keep up with the related measures, c

40、ontinue to dig deep victories, to expand its influence. To strengthen the construction of public security prevention and control system, improve the ability to control the social security situation. Practice has proved, strengthen the construction of the social security prevention and control system

41、 is adapt to security situation, prevent and reduce crime, enhance public safety sense of effective measures. Next departments at all levels should conscientiously of the Ministry of public security on the implementation of community and rural policing strategy decision , relying on community and wo

42、rk, continue to take more effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work. Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly impleme

43、nt the responsibility system for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processi

44、ng of a mass petition issues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, depa

45、rtments at all levels to concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable ti

46、ed to visit old petition households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldie

47、rs and other relevant personnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the

48、legitimate rights and interests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision mu

49、st be carried out on major petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, chec

50、k information to troubleshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve th

51、eir work. Fourth, we must in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the peoples letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to

52、 reflect their wishes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of th

53、e irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further carry out the strike hard campaign, maintain good social order. Some time ago, my area according to the province, the city unified deployment, organization to carry out the broken case, fled, chasing fugiti

54、ves concentrated action, received the initial success. Step on the basis of earlier work, with the purpose of what crime prominent focus on combating crime, where security problems serious is the focus of remediation where principles, for to take the hit, remediation measures, enhance the security o

55、f the people. To highlight the combat focus. Focus hit robbery, robbery and other street crime, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and robbery and other multiple usurpation of the crime explosion, poisoning, arson, homicide, injury and other serious crimes of violence and exotic fled crime and all

56、 kinds of rogue and Pi word color beltTo catch the color of illegal crime. The crime, to adhere to the strike hard principle, and always maintain high-pressure situation, resolutely destroyed their arrogance. Second, we must improve the detection rate. The incident only timely cracked, can strengthe

57、n the crackdown. Public Security Bureau and the timely detection, especially and cracked a major current case, as the main task, do everything possible to improve the detection rate. The detection of murder on an important position, strictly implement the responsibility to homicide cases must be bro

58、ken work objectives. To concentrate superior forces, the recent street robbery case and case investigation, timely detection, and enhance peoples sense of security. To wander aimlessly Pursuit. The strike vagabond offences as a key, take public secret combination method, in fled made easy to place o

59、f the crime, regional and site to do a good job of strict surveillance, strengthen investigation measures, and strive to play on fled crime prone momentum. Further intensify efforts in pursuit, especially for major fugitives, willing to spend money, do everything possible to arrest, in a timely mann

60、er to eliminate social impact. Fourth, it is necessary to increase the security chaos region and serious public security issues of investigation and remediation efforts. The key points are the further strengthen of backward villages, suburban area, the area surrounding businesses, along the railway,

61、 pornography and illegal pyramid schemes and other security issues prominent. , places of the rectification work, quickly reversed these parts of the poor law and order situation. The streets to cooperate with public security organs to strengthen temporary floating population and rental housing mana

62、gement, to the jurisdiction of the temporary floating population and rental housing to conduct a thorough inventory. Of identities and antecedents is unidentified, no legitimate career, suspicious personnel shall be carried out in accordance with the law review, from found and arrested illegal crime

63、 personnel. Fifth, we must strengthen the hidden front of the struggle. To strengthen intelligence information, timely grasp of domestic and foreign hostile forces, hostile sabotage activities of various kinds of information. From the beginning to the end to grasp initiative. To fully understand the

64、 social harmfulness of the violent and terrorist activities and bad Destroy the trouble, make the necessary precautions to ensure that doesnt happen. Strict precautions against Falun Gong diehards activities to crack down on the production, dissemination and posted Falun Gong illegal propaganda diehards, to prevent the TV spots, and resolutely put Falun Gong illegal propaganda arrogance down. Recently, the Public Security Bureau with the Council, successfully cracked the Ministry of public security of the handling of the large Falun Gong nest case, destroyed the Falun Gong undergr

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