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1、Food Safety&Sanitation 食品卫生与安全食品卫生与安全Beijing Olympic Catering Services Project北京奥运餐饮服务项目北京奥运餐饮服务项目We are doing the most important workfor the Olympic Games It is our responsibility to provide safe and healthy food so that the athletes can compete successfully;and the coaches,the staff and the volunt

2、eers will work well.我们的责任是提供安全健康的食品,这样运动员才能比赛成功;教练员,工作人员和志愿者才能工作好。The world is watching.No one can be sick from the food.If anyone gets sick from the food,it will be bad world-wide news!全球都在观看。任何一个人都不能因吃而有病。如果任何人吃病了,那将是全球的坏新闻!我们为奥运会做这一项最重要的工作我们为奥运会做这一项最重要的工作How Foods Can Be Unsafe食物如何变的不安全食物如何变的不安全

3、Time&temperature are not properly controlled 时间与温度处理不当 Cross contamination交叉污染 Bad personal hygiene不良的个人卫生 Improper clean&sanitation不正确的清洁与消毒 Cross Contamination交叉污染交叉污染 Foods That Can be Harmful可能具危害因素的食物可能具危害因素的食物Chicken,duck,poultry,fish&sea foods,meat(pork,beef&lamb)鸡、鸭,家禽、鱼(及其他海产品)、肉(猪、牛、羊)Eggs

4、,milk&milk products 蛋、奶、及制品 Beans&bean products 豆类、豆制品 Cooked products 熟食品 Vegetables 蔬菜 How Food is Contaminated by a Person食物如何被人污染食物如何被人污染Scratching your head 抓头皮 Combing/Touching your hair with your fingers 用指头拨拢头发 Wiping and/or touching your nose 擦或摸鼻子 Rubbing your ears 搓耳朵 Touching your pimple

5、s 摸青春痘或未痊愈的疮 Wearing a dirty uniform 穿不清洁的制服 Coughing and/or sneezing into hand 对着手咳嗽或打喷嚏 Spitting 吐痰或口水 To minimize the risk of contamination when serving food,all staff should:为减少服务食品时交叉污染,厨房工作人员应该为减少服务食品时交叉污染,厨房工作人员应该:Store serving utensils properly 正确存放服务器具 Use serving utensils with long handles

6、 用带长把的器具 Use clean and sanitized utensils for serving 用干净,消毒的器具 Minimize bare-hand contact with food that is cooked or ready-to-eat 避免赤手接触做好,准备入口的食品 Practice good personal hygiene 养成良好的个人卫生习惯 Minimizing Contamination During Service服务中减少交叉污染服务中减少交叉污染Handling Food,Glassware,Dishes,and Utensils 服务中的对与错

7、服务中的对与错RIGHT 对对 WRONG 错错 RIGHT 对对 WRONG 错错RIGHT 对对 WRONG 错错RIGHT 对对 WRONG 错错Minimizing Contamination During Service服务中减少交叉污染服务中减少交叉污染Handling Food,Glassware,Dishes,and Utensils 服务中的对与错续服务中的对与错续 RIGHT 对对 WRONG 错错 RIGHT 对对 WRONG 错错RIGHT 对对 WRONG 错错RIGHT 对对 WRONG 错错Minimizing Contamination During Servi

8、ce服务中减少交叉污染服务中减少交叉污染 Install sneeze guards 安装喷嚏护栏 Separate raw meat,fish,and poultry from cooked and ready-to-eat food 生肉,鱼,家禽与成品和即食食品要分开 Hand out fresh plates to customers 给客人新盘子使用 Label all food items 所有食品要有标签 Maintain proper temperatures 保持正确温度 Practice First In First Out(FIFO)实行先进先出 To keep food

9、 safe at food bars and buffets:保持自助餐区食品安全保持自助餐区食品安全:Self-Service Areas自助餐区自助餐区 Personal Hygiene个人卫生个人卫生Good Personal Hygiene好的个人卫生习惯好的个人卫生习惯 Maintain good personal hygiene 保持良好的个人卫生 Wear comfortable clothes 着装得体 Follow the key rules when washing your hands 按规则洗手 Get rid of unhealthy personal hygiene

10、 and behavior 杜绝不卫生的习惯和行为 Keep good health 保持身体健康 Take a shower or bath every day 每天淋浴或洗澡 Cut fingernails and clean underneath fingernails often 常修剪与清洗指甲 Do not have fake nails or nail polish.They are not allowed while working.禁止佩戴假指甲或涂指甲油 No dangling jewelry allowed while working.工作时,请不要佩戴吊挂类饰品 Wea

11、r clean and washed clothes 穿着干净的衣物 Do not eat,drink or smoke while working(except on breaks).当您在烹调或供应食物时,在烹调区,洗刷区、器具区,请勿吃东西、喝饮料或抽烟。Report to your manager when you are sick.生病时,您应立即向经理报告。Good Personal Hygiene好的个人卫生习惯好的个人卫生习惯Proper Hand Washing Procedure正确的洗手程序正确的洗手程序First use 38C water to wash hands

12、用38C温度的水冲洗双手 1Apply soap 用肥皂 2Rub hands in soap for 20 second 使劲搓洗至少20秒钟 3Wash hands,scrub nails and under the finger nails 清洗指间和指甲缝 4Rinse with running water用流水彻底冲洗 56Use paper towel or electric air to dry hands用一次性纸或电干风将手弄干 Hand Sanitizer 手消毒液手消毒液 Must be approved by the FDA 必须经美农业部批准 Use hand san

13、itizer after washing hands 需洗手后用 Using hand sanitizer does not take the place of washing your hands用消毒液决不能代替洗手 Rules for Food Handlers 食品操作人员手的要求食品操作人员手的要求 Fingernails should be short and clean指甲要短,干净 Do not wear fake fingernails nor nail polish 不要戴假指甲不要涂指甲油A cover is always needed for an injured fi

14、nger 受伤手指包扎后要戴上罩Rules for Wearing Gloves 戴手套戴手套 Wearing gloves does not take the place of washing hands 戴手套决不能代替洗手You can only wear gloves once(do not ever re-use gloves)只能用一次 It must fit the work you are doing 适合要做的工作 Must be safe,durable,sanitized 必须安全、耐用、卫生 Must fit your hands 带上必须合适 You must use

15、 them properly 必须正确使用 Using Gloves Safely安全地使用手套安全地使用手套Gloves must never be used in place of hand washing!使用手套不能代替洗手!Always wash hands thoroughly:彻底地清洗双手 Before putting on gloves 在戴手套之前 When changing into a fresh pair of gloves 在更换新的手套时 Wear gloves when:戴手套 Appropriate for the task and for the job a

16、t hand 适合要做的工作 When handling raw meats,such as ground beef 在处理生肉时,如绞肉馅等 When handling ready-to-eat foods or foods that will not be cooked,such as salads,deli meats,etc.当加工即食食品或无需烹饪的食品时,如沙拉,熟食等 Over bandages on hands and forearms 当手或前臂缠有绷带时 Always change gloves when:更换手套更换手套 They become punctured,rip

17、ped,soiled or torn 当手套被刺破,裂开,受污染或被撕破时 Before beginning a different task,such as moving from meat preparation to salad preparation 在开始另一项不同工作时,如从肉的加工区转到沙拉加工区 At least every 2 hours or more often,if necessary,during continual use 在连续使用时,如果需要,至少每隔两个小时或更频繁,更换一次手套 After handling raw meat,such as hamburge

18、r,and before handling cooked or ready-to-eat foods,such as salad 处理生肉之后,如碎牛肉;在处理熟食或即食食品之前,如沙拉 Using Gloves Safely安全地使用手套安全地使用手套Time-Temperature Principle时间时间-温度规则温度规则 Cook,hold,cool,and reheat food properly 正确控制烹饪,温度维持,冷却,再加温的时间和温度 Discard food that spends longer than four hours in the Temperature D

19、anger Zone(TDZ)倒掉任何在温度危险区放了4小时以上的食物 Build time-temperature controls into recipes 把时间与温度控制写进烹饪配方里 Make calibrated thermometers available 校正了的温度计在手边 Remove only as much food from storage as necessary 从库房中仅提取所需的食品 To prevent time-temperature abuse:防止错用时间和温度滥用防止错用时间和温度滥用:Time and Temperature Control时间与温

20、度控制时间与温度控制 Critical Control Point 关键控制点 For hot products,hold all potentially hazardous foods at 140F or above 所有潜在危害食品热保持温度为60或更高 Critical Control Point 关键控制点 For cold products,hold all potentially hazardous foods at 41F or below 所有潜在危害食品冷保持温度为5或更低 Critical Control Points(CCPS)关键控制点关键控制点Procedures

21、for Taking the Temperature of Food Items食物温度测量程序食物温度测量程序How to Calibrate the Thermometer 温度计的校准 1.Place tip of the thermometer in the center of a cup or bowl with 50/50 combination of ice and water and wait 3 minutes(Do not touch side or bottom)将温度计的感应端放在盛装50/50的冰水混合物的杯中或碗中,等待3分钟(不要接触容器侧壁或底部)2.Turn

22、calibration nut with pliers or ratchet until the needle reads 32F(0C.)用钳子或棘齿转动校准螺母直到指针读数为0 3.Clean and sanitize the tip with alcohol swaps before using again and/or storing.在下次使用或贮存前用酒精棉清洁并消毒温度计的感应端 4.Insert stem of thermometer in the middle of the food item for 5 to 10 seconds.将温度计的感应杆插入食品的中心位置5到10

23、秒钟 Log temperature on the Temperature Log.在温度日志上记录温度 5.If item doesnt meet temperature requirements,determine a Corrective Action:Reheat,Re-chill,Recheck or Discard and log on the Temperature Log.如果产品不符合,决定采取纠正措施。重新加热,重新冷却,重新检查或丢弃,并记录在温度日志上 6.Take the appropriate Corrective Action.采取适当的纠正措施 7.Saniti

24、ze thermometer stem.清洁消毒温度计枢轴 8.Probe your next food item and repeat steps 1 through 5(from above slide).检查下一单品重复第2步到第5步 9.Temperatures should be logged every 45 minutes to an hour ideally,at every stand.在每个餐饮点,理想上应每45分钟到一个小时记录一次温度 Procedures for Taking the Temperature of Food Items食物温度测量程序食物温度测量程序

25、Check internal temperatures using a thermometer用温度计检查食品内的温度 Check temperatures at least every four hours至少每4小时检查一下温度 Discard it after a predetermined amount of time 倒掉超过事先设定时间的食品 Protect it from contaminants with covers/sneeze guards 为防止交叉污染需加喷嚏护栏,食品要加盖 Prepare it in small batches so it will be used

26、 faster 每次烹调少量食品,这样用得快一点 When handling potentially hazardous food:当维持有潜在危险的食物时当维持有潜在危险的食物时:General Rules for Handling Food温度维持要求温度维持要求When handling potentially hazardous hot foods:当维持潜在危险热食品的温度当维持潜在危险热食品的温度:Hold it at an internal temperature of 140F(60C)or higher 把食品内部温度保持在华氏140度(摄氏60度)或以上 Only use

27、equipment that can maintain this temperature 只用可以维持温度的设备 Never use hot-holding equipment to reheat food 不使用温度维持设备做食品加温用 Stir it at regular intervals to distribute heat evenly 不断搅动食品使食品保持在同一温度 Handling Potentially Hazardous Hot Foods维持潜在危险热食品的温度维持潜在危险热食品的温度 Hold it at an internal temperature of 41F(5

28、C)or lower 维持食物的内部温度在华氏41 度(摄氏5度)或以下 Only use equipment that can maintain this temperature 只使用可以保持这一温度的设备 Do not store food directly on ice 请不要把食物直接放在冰上When handling potentially hazardous cold food:当维持有潜在危险的凉菜时当维持有潜在危险的凉菜时:Handling Potentially Hazardous Hot Foods维持有潜在危险的凉菜维持有潜在危险的凉菜Steps to Cool and

29、 Reheat Food Safely全的冷却食品步骤全的冷却食品步骤Reheating 重新加热 To 165F or above,15 seconds 达到74或更高,15秒 Cooling 冷却 Two Phases 两阶段 140F-70F in 2 Hours 60-21 在2小时内 70F-41F in an additional 4 Hours 21-5,在额外4小时内 Time and Temperature will be taken and recorded for every food item during final cook,hot holding,and cool

30、ing.最终的烹调,热保持,冷保持等各项的温度和时间将被记录Four Acceptable Ways to Thaw Food解冻食品的四种方法解冻食品的四种方法 In the refrigerator at temperatures of 41F or less.在5摄氏度或更低温度的冰箱中解冻 Submerge the frozen product in running potable(drinkable)water at a temperature of 70F or below.将冷冻食品浸在(可饮用的)流动的水中解冻,温度为21摄氏度或更低 In a microwave,only i

31、f it will be cooked immediately afterward.除非食品需解冻立即烹饪,可在微波炉中解冻 Part of the cooking process as long as the product reaches the required minimum internal cooking temperatures.在烹调过程中解冻,前提是烹调后食品的中心温度达到最低要求 Never thaw food in standing water!不要在死水中解冻食品 Cleaning and Sanitizing清洁和消毒清洁和消毒Process of reducing

32、the number of microorganisms on a clean surface to safe levels.把清洁的表面的微生物减少到 安全水平以 Cleaning 清洁清洁 Process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface.把表面的食物和脏物清理掉 Sanitizing消毒消毒 Cleaning and Sanitizing 清洁与消毒清洁与消毒 After each use 每次用后 Anytime you begin working with another type of food 每次开始

33、做另一种食品时 After a task has been interrupted 工作被打扰后 At 4-hour intervals if items are in constant use 连续使用4小时后 Food-contact surfaces must be washed,rinsed,and sanitized:与食品接触的表面必须清洁,冲洗,消毒与食品接触的表面必须清洁,冲洗,消毒:Cleaning and Sanitizing Food-Contact Surfaces与食品接触的表面的清理和消毒与食品接触的表面的清理和消毒 Surfaces can be sanitize

34、d using:容器与设备表面容器与设备表面消毒需用消毒需用 Ecolab Chemicals 用Ecolab化学制品化学制品 Follow Ecolab instructions 按Ecolab要求做 Sanitizing Methods 消毒办法消毒办法 Immerse it in a specific concentration of sanitizing solution.可以把这个物体浸泡在专门浓度的消毒液里 OR 或或 Rinse,swab,or spray it with a specific concentration of sanitizing solution.用专门浓度的

35、消毒液清洗,刷洗,喷洒这个物体 When sanitizing a food-contact surface with a chemical sanitizer,you can:当用化学消毒液对接触食品的表面消毒时,你可以:当用化学消毒液对接触食品的表面消毒时,你可以:Chemical Sanitizing 化学消毒化学消毒 The concentration of the sanitizer influences its effectiveness浓度影响消毒液效力浓度影响消毒液效力 Concentration must be checked with a test kit 浓度必须用试纸检

36、查 Low concentrations:低浓度 May fail to sanitize objects物体可能消不了毒 High concentrations:高浓度 May be unsafe,leave odor/bad taste,corrode metals.可能不安全,留下气味,不好的味道,腐蚀金属表面 Change solution when dirty or when concentration is below its requirement.如果物体太脏或浓度低于要求,更换消毒液 Factors Influencing a Sanitizers Effectiveness

37、影响消毒液效力的因素影响消毒液效力的因素 Generally,sanitizers work best from 55F to 120F(13C to 49C)般来说,消毒液在华氏55度至120度(摄氏13度至49度)最有效力 At 55F(13C)or lower,sanitizers may not be effective.华氏55度(摄氏13度)或低于这个温度时,消毒液可能无效力 At 120F(49C)or higher,sanitizers may corrode metals or evaporate.华氏 120度(摄氏49度)或高于时金属会被腐蚀,消毒液会挥发 The tem

38、perature of the sanitizing solution influences its effectiveness:温度影响消毒液的效力温度影响消毒液的效力Factors Influencing a Sanitizers Effectiveness影响消毒液效力的因素影响消毒液效力的因素 The sanitizer must make contact with the object for a specific amount of time 消毒液必须在物体表面上停留规定的时间 The minimum times differ for each sanitizer 每种消毒液最少

39、停留时间有所不同 A sanitizers contact time with an object influences its effectiveness:消毒液在物体表面的时间影响效力消毒液在物体表面的时间影响效力:Factors Influencing a Sanitizers Effectiveness影响消毒液效力的因素影响消毒液效力的因素Procedures For Using Sanitizer Containers消毒桶的使用程序消毒桶的使用程序 The purpose is to sanitize food contact surfaces after they have b

40、een properly cleaned.Effective sanitation of food contact surfaces will prevent the transmission of disease and food spoilage microorganisms.正确清洁食品接触表面后,进行消毒。将食品接触表面进行有效的消毒,可防止疾病及食源性微生物的传播 1.Make sure all sanitizer containers are clean prior to use.确保消毒桶在使用前是干净的.2.Sanitizer containers are to be used

41、 for sanitizers only,no other chemicals are to be mixed or used in these containers.(Red colored containers should be used for sanitizers)消毒桶只盛装消毒液,其他的化学药品不应在消毒桶中混合使用(红色桶用于消毒桶)3.Fill sanitizer container with warm water,and add the proper amount of sanitizer.(Follow Manufacturers recommendation on la

42、bel for concentration on label for concentration/water ratio)If using the Ecolab system,the proper amount of sanitizer will be metered out automatically into the sanitizer container.Always measure the sanitizer concentration with the proper test strip or test paper.Record concentration on a sanitize

43、r log.The proper sanitizer concentrations are listed on the sanitizer concentration log.用温水充满消毒桶,并加入适量的消毒剂(按照产品说明标签上提到的消毒剂与水的比率浓度添加)如果使用益康系统那么正确消毒剂的量会自动添加到消毒桶中。使用试纸经常测量消毒剂的浓度,并记录在消毒日志中。Procedures For Using Sanitizer Containers消毒桶的使用程序消毒桶的使用程序 Place a clean cloth in the sanitizer solution and store c

44、ontainer under food prep or serving stations until you are ready to use it.除非使用,请在消毒液中放入一块干净的布,并且把消毒桶放在备餐与供应台下面 Change solution when concentration is below standard or when solution gets cloudy.当消毒剂浓度降低或消毒液混浊时应更换消毒液 Sanitizer containers should be set up fresh every morning prior to starting food pre

45、p.每天早上在食品准备工作开始之前应准备好新配制的消毒剂。Procedures For Using Sanitizer Containers消毒桶的使用程序消毒桶的使用程序 Procedure for Testing Sanitizer Solution消毒液浓度检测程序消毒液浓度检测程序Required Conditions 要求条件要求条件 1.Sanitizing solution must be clean and fresh,and at a lukewarm temperature,75F to 90F(24C to 32C).Test paper must be clean an

46、d dry.消毒剂应清洁新鲜,在较低温度下保存(24到32),试纸应干净并干燥。2.Remove 1.5 inches of Hydrion qt-10 pH test paper.取一张1.5英寸(3.75cm)长的试纸,可检测的PH值范围为10 3.Dip test paper into sanitizing solution and hold still for 10 seconds.Do not shake test paper in water.用试纸蘸消毒剂并保持10秒钟。不要将试纸在水中摇动。4.Remove test paper from water and compare t

47、o chart on test paper dispenser immediately.Paper should be a yellow-greenish color and compare to 200 parts per million on the test paper dispenser chart.将试纸拿出,立刻与试纸的显示图进行对照,试纸应呈黄绿色与试纸显示图上200ppm相对应。5.If sanitizing solution is not the proper concentration,empty sink and refill with lukewarm water.Ad

48、d Ster-Bac Blu sanitizing solution.(One push on your Ecolab Brain Unit).Check required conditions and retest sanitizing solution.If sanitizing solution is still not the proper concentration balance,call Ecolab to recalibrate your Brain Unit.如果消毒剂浓度不合适,应放空水槽,重新充满凉水。添加Ster-Bac Blu 消毒剂。检查必要条件并重新检测消毒剂浓度

49、。如果消毒剂浓度仍然没有合格,通知益康重新校准分配器。6.Sanitizing solution should be changed when dirty or every 3 hours,whichever comes first.当消毒剂变浑浊或每3小时应更换消毒剂。7.Make sure to document results in the Sanitation Log.将使用结果记录在消毒日志中。Procedure for Testing Sanitizer Solution消毒液浓度检测程序消毒液浓度检测程序 Check them for cleanliness 检查机器是否干净 C

50、lear foreign objects from trays/spray nozzles清理托盘,喷枪上面的异物 Check detergent and sanitizer levels 检查是否有足够的洗涤剂,消毒剂 Scrape,rinse,or soak items before washing them 先除掉赃物,冲洗,浸泡碗盘,再用洗碗机 Load racks correctly 正确在架上码放 When using the dishwashing machines:当操作洗碗机时当操作洗碗机时:Dishwashing Machine Operation洗碗机的操作洗碗机的操作

51、Check machine temperatures/pressures检查机器的温度与压力 Check racks exiting machines for soiled items 检查出洗碗机的碗架里是否有遗留物 Air-dry all items 风干所有的物品 Keep machine in good repair 定期维护保养机器Dishwashing Machine Operation洗碗机的操作洗碗机的操作When using the dishwashing machines:当操作洗碗机时当操作洗碗机时:Receiving and Storage产品接收与库房管理产品接收与库

52、房管理 Temperature:高于华氏41度(摄氏5度)41F(5C)颜色 Color:牛肉Beef:颜色发黄,发绿 brown or green羊肉 Lamb:颜色发黄,瘦肉表面发白brown,whitish surface covering the lean meat猪肉 Pork:颜色特别深,肥肉发软,腐臭 excessively dark color,soft or rancid fat品质形态 Texture:黏,干slimy,sticky,or dry味道Odor:发酸 sour odor包装 Packaging:包装箱损坏,包装纸脏,包装破坏,真空包装密封坏了broken ca

53、rtons,dirty rappers,torn packaging,vacuum packaging with broken sealsAccept 接受接受 Reject 拒受拒受Temperature:华氏41度(摄氏5度)以下 41F(5C)or lower颜色Color:牛肉Beef:鲜樱桃红bright cherry red羊肉 Lamb:淡红色light red猪肉 Pork:淡粉红 light pink meat,firm white fat品质形态 Texture:挺,触摸有弹性firm and springs back when touched味道Odor:无异味no od

54、or包装Packaging:完整,整洁 intact and cleanReceiving Criteria for Meat肉类接收条件肉类接收条件Accept 接收接收 Reject 拒收拒收 Receiving Criteria for Meat肉类接收条件肉类接收条件Temperature:高于华氏41度(摄氏5度)41F(5C)颜色 Color:脖子发紫,发绿,翅膀尖颜色深,(红尖可接受)purple or green discoloration around the neck;dark wing tips(red tips are acceptable)品质形态 Texture:翅

55、膀或关节处发黏stickiness under the wings or around joints味道Odor:味道异常,异味 abnormal,unpleasant odorAccept 接受接受 Reject 拒受拒受Temperature:华氏41度(摄氏5度)以下 41F(5C)or lower颜色Color:持原色 no discoloration品质形态 Texture:挺,触摸有弹性firm and springs back when touched味道Odor:无异味no odor包装Packaging:产品应置于碎冰中,冰水可以自动流出。product should be

56、surrounded by crushed,self-draining iceReceiving Criteria for Poultry家禽接收条件家禽接收条件Receiving Criteria for Poultry家禽接收条件家禽接收条件Accept 接收接收 Reject 拒收拒收 Temperature:高于华氏41度(摄氏5度)41F(5C)颜色 Color:暗灰色鳃,干表皮 dull gray gills;dull dry skin 品质形态 Texture:形体软,触摸有手印 soft flesh that leaves an imprint when touched眼睛 E

57、yes:不清楚,红眼圈,下陷cloudy,red-rimmed,sunkenAccept 接受接受 Reject 拒受拒受Temperature:华氏41度(摄氏5度)以下 41F(5C)or lower颜色Color:鲜红的鱼鳃,闪亮的鱼表皮 bright red gills;bright shiny skin 品质形态 Texture:挺,触摸有弹性firm and springs back when touched味道Odor:有一点海洋或海草的味道 mild ocean or seaweed smell包装Packaging:产品应置于碎冰中,冰水可以自动流出。product shou

58、ld be surrounded by crushed,self-draining iceReceiving Criteria for Fish鱼的接收条件鱼的接收条件接收接收 Accept 拒收拒收 RejectReceiving Criteria for Fish鱼的接收条件鱼的接收条件7-6 Put it in a clean,sanitized container 一定要将其放置在干静,消毒的容器里 Cover it 盖上盖 Label with product name and original use-by/expiration date贴标签注明品名,使用时间,过期时间 Tran

59、sfer food between containers properly!库房正确转运库房正确转运!If you take food out of its original package:如果你从原包装如果你从原包装提取食品提取食品:General Storage Guidelines库房注意事项库房注意事项 Lifting and Your Back搬运和你的后腰搬运和你的后腰Preventing Back Injury防止腰部受伤RULES FOR LIFTING搬运要求搬运要求 Never Bend,Lift,and Twist at the same time!决不能同时弯腰,搬起

60、,转腰 Use mechanical aids or assistance when possible.如可能使用机械 Bend your knees and use your legs to lift!弯曲你的膝盖,用你的腿提起重物Proper Lifting Technique正确搬运正确搬运Plan the Lift.Before you lift or move something heavy,analyze what you plan to accomplished.Think about how heavy it is,how it will be moved,and where

61、it will end up.What shape it is?Will it be easily manipulated?Is it a two-person job?Is there anything in the way to be moved prior to lifting?Stand directly in front of the load,with feet about a shoulder width apart.One foot should be in front of the other for balance(See Figure 1)计划搬运 搬运重物前,先考虑要搬

62、运什么?想想它有多重?怎么运?运到哪?是什么形状?易不易搬动?是不是俩人的活?搬运路上有没有障碍?直接站在重物之前,两脚与肩相宽,为平衡,一只脚在另一脚前。(见图1)Figure 1Correct Positioning:正确姿势:正确姿势 Get Help if Needed.If the load is too heavy,DONT TRY TO LIFT IT ALONE!Find someone who can help carry it,or if possible,break the load into two smaller,more manageable loads.Bend

63、your knees and tighten the stomach muscles.Using both hands,grasp the object firmly and pull it as close as possible to your body.(See Figure 2 and 3)如需要,请找帮手。如果太重,千万别自己搬,找人来帮忙,如有可能,把重物一分为二,把活分成几份来搬。屈膝,收缩肚子的肌肉,使劲用双手抓住中午,使它尽可能的贴近你的身体。(见图2,3)Figure 2Proper Lifting Technique正确搬运正确搬运Lift With Your Legs-

64、NOT WITH YOUR BACK.Since leg muscles are stronger than back muscles,lift with your legs,until they are straightened.Avoid jerky movements.Keep the natural curve in the spine;dont bend at the waist.To turn,move the feet around by pivoting on the toes,not by twisting at the stomach.(See Figure 4)用腿不是后

65、背提升重物。因为腿的肌肉比后背的肌肉要强,提升倒腿伸直。避免哆哆嗦嗦的步履。保持脊椎的正常状态,别弯腰。转弯时,用脚尖做中轴,别传肚子。(见图4)Figure 3Proper Lifting Technique正确搬运正确搬运When it is time to set the load down,it is very important that it is done correctly.Reverse the procedures for lifting to minimize the strain on the back.If the load is going to be set on the floor,bend the knees and position the load in front of you.If the load is to go at table height,set it down and keep in contact with the load until it is secure on the table.当卸重物时,要做的正确,反搬运程序,减小对后背的压力。如需放低下,重物在面前,弯腿放置。如果放在桌上,抓住中午,下降,直至将重物放在桌子上。Figure 4Proper Lifting Technique正确搬运正确搬运演讲完毕,谢谢观看!

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