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1、Friendship,1. _ in order to 2. _ at dusk 3. _ highway 4. _ face to face 5. _ curtain 6. _ dusty 7. _ partner 8. _ get/ be tired of 9. _ pack up 10. _ suitcase 11. _ fall in love 12. _ join in,重点词汇记忆,为了 在黄昏时刻 公路,大路 面对面地 窗帘 积满灰尘的 伙伴,合伙人 对厌烦 将装箱打包 手提箱,衣箱 相爱,爱上 参加,加入,13. _ 打雷,雷声 14. _ 整个的,完全的 15. _ 能力,力

2、量 16. _ 安家,定居 17. _ 遭受,忍受 18. _ 痊愈,恢复 19. _ 捆扎;包裹 20. _ 确实如此,正是;确切的 21. _ 不同意 22. _ 感激的;表示感谢的 23_ 不喜欢,厌恶 24._ 项目,条款,thunder entire power settle suffer recover pack exactly disagree grateful dislike item,Questions :,Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.,Wor

3、k in pairs,Playing happily together,Sharing joys or sadness with each other,Getting help from each other,Cooperating and improving together,Learning from each other and competing with each other,Does a friend always have to be a person?,What else can be your friend?,ANNES BEST FRIEND,Reading,Anne Fr

4、ank,Born on June 12, 1929, Anne Frank was a German-Jewish teenager who was forced to go into hiding during the Holocaust(大屠杀),Her diary.,When did the story happen?,During World War II.,Questions,Who/ what is Annes best friend?,The Second World War,Nazi crime,犹太人在纳粹宣传笔下的形象,反映了历史深远的反犹太思想。这个宣传海报把犹太人描述为

5、将现代德国钉死在十字架上的种群。(宗教。经济。种族),Jews being rounded up by Nazi soldiers and forced to leave home.,In Nazi Germany, Jews were required to wear a yellow star of David on their clothing.,Polish Jews on their way to a Nazi death camp,Jews in a concentration camp(集中营),A mass grave(万人坑),The remains of Jews (幸存者

6、),The Holocaust(大屠杀),Anne kept a diary because She felt very lonely because They had to hide because Anne named her diary Kitty because,She couldnt meet her friends. Jews were caught by Nazis and killed. She could tell everything to it. she wanted it to be her best friend.,Scanning,Choose the correc

7、t answers,1.Where did the story take place? A.In Germany B. In Netherlands C. In France D. In America 2. What was Annes best friend? A. a pet dog B. nature C. her diary D. the bird 3 Anne said that she had grown crazy about nature because_ A her interest in nature B she had always been so had grown

8、C she had been outdoors D she had been indoors too long too long,B,C,D,4 . Anne didnt dare open the window when the moon was bright .Thats because_ A they might be discovered B her family might bedisturbed C it was very cold D a thief might get into the room 5. Anne kept her diary in order to _ A. s

9、et down a series of facts B. publish it C. record her life indoors D. make her diary her best friend,A,D,Detail Reading,What about her diary?,She can express her feelings in her diary and she wants her diary to be her friends.,What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne?,According to Anne , an

10、ordinary diary is something where people set down a series of facts.,Summary Anne and her familiy lived in the Netherlands during World War II. Because they were Jewish, they had to 1._all day. Anny was so lonely that she made her 2._her best friend. In her diary Anny 3._ a series of facts and what

11、her family had 4._. She hadnt been able to be 5._for a long time and was crazy about everything in nature.,hide,diary,set down,gone through,outdoors,Summary On one warming evening, she stayed awake 6._ _until half past eleven just to look at the moon, but she didnt 7._open the window. Another time,

12、on one dark, rainy evening, she 8._to be upstairs when the window was open, so she felt the 9._of nature. Most of the time, Anny was only able to look at nature through dirty 10._.,on purpose,dare,happened,power,curtains,more sayings or proverbs about friendship:,Its easier to get piles of gold than

13、 a real friend.万两黄金容易得,知音一个也难求。 A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情 Friends are like wine; the older, the better.朋友似美酒,越陈越香! Good company on the road is the shortest cut.结伴同行不觉路远!,The friendship that can end was never real.会结束的绝非真友谊! Without a friend, the world is a wilderness.没有朋友,世界成了荒野。 Wal

14、king with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. 和朋友走在黑暗中要好过一个人独自在光明中行走。,Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne,my dear for auld lang syne well take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne? And heres a hand, my trusty friend And gies (give us) a hand othine Well taka cup okindness yet For auld lang syne,Auld Lang Syne By Robert Burns,

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