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1、一、 抽象名词表达的基本模式1. n. (+of) +v.the lack/ use/ control/ support of1) 他们认为只要生活水平不断提高,国民生产总值增长,欧洲逐渐统一,加上美国的保护伞,所有问题就都解决了。They thought that an ever higher standard of living and a bigger GNP, a gradual unification of Europe, Plus the protection of the United States, could solve all possible problems.2) 因此

2、,即使出生率有所提高,小学和初中的入学人数也不可能有什么增长。So even if the birthrate should rise somewhat, little expansion is possible for elementary and secondary school enrollment.3) 由于建立了经济实力雄厚的制造业和采矿业,维多利亚州的失业率一直是全国最低的。The establishment of a solid manufacturing and mining industry has kept Victorias unemployment rate the l

3、owest in the country.4) 第二,粮食作物分布状况可以改善,每英亩土地的粮食产量可以提高。第三,人口增长可以控制。Second, the distribution of food and the yield of food per acre can be improved. Third, population growth can be controlled.5) 多重目标的安排和重要性部分也基于决策人的判断标准。The ordering and importance of multiple objectives is also based, in part, on the

4、 values of the decision maker.6) 伊格尔森教授警告说,这种过分复杂的法律语言会引起对百姓不公的严重后果。Professor Eagleton warned that serious injustices can result from unnecessarily complicated legal language.7) 一项研究报告表明,当学生在听欢快的音乐时,阅读的理解和记忆会下降。One research report has shown that comprehension and retention of reading were decreased

5、when students listened to lively music.2. sb.s n. (+of) +v.ones criticism/ choice/ selection/ support of8) 我在这一系列文章中所选择的一些特定人物纯粹是我主观挑选的,因而你们要读到的这些人物并不是唯一对西方文明的形成和发展做出了贡献的人。My selection of particular people for inclusion in this series is purely subjective on my part and the people you will be readin

6、g are not the only people who have contributed to the growth and development of Western civilization.9) 但是我们对此的意识逐渐淡薄,现在四五人可以住在一间屋子里,这种情况在过分拥挤的贫民区里经常发生。But now our awareness of it has grown so faint that four or five people can live together in one room, a situation which repeatedly occurs in overcr

7、owded slums.3. be +n. (+of)is/ prove/ become10) 双方都没有足够这样的人,能奠定一种坚定和持久的亲近感,有朝一日能促使两国民族的融合。There are not enough of either kind to found a solid and long-lasting engagement that might one day become the fusion of the two peoples.11) 科学研究发现,做白日梦是一种有效的放松手段,但其有益影响远不止这一点。Daydreaming, science has discovere

8、d, is an effective relaxation technique. But its beneficial effects go beyond this.12) 作家不能写作,人们相互不能了解所有这一切表明了更深的罪恶感。The failure of writers to write, or of people to understand each otherall these are indications of deeper evil.13) 对教育的要求实际上是更高,而不是降低。所下降的,且降得最快的是对传统学校的传统教育要求。Demand for education is

9、actually going up, not down. What is going down, and fairly fast, is demand for traditional education in traditional schools.14) 有些人得出结论说,这些“生命的证据”大多数来自南极冰的污染,或者说那块石头里根本没有有机物。Some concluded that the “evidence of life” was mostly contamination form Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at a

10、ll in the rock.4. be +of +n.be of importance/ significance/ value of15) 精力高度集中时,注意力焦点的转移很短暂,而且相对不那么频繁。In high concentration the shift from the focus of attention is of short duration and relatively infrequent.16) 根据经济原理,被抚养率高在我们这样老龄化社会比在发展中国家的年轻化社会里要有利,因为大量的尚需抚养的孩子与一定数量的不能工作的老年人相比,负担更重。There is the

11、economic principle that the dependency ratio is more advantageous in older societies like ours than in the younger societies of the developing world, because lots of dependent babies are more of a liability than numbers of the inactive aged.17) 我们有直觉表明:我们对生活的态度与我们能否享受生活至关重要。We will have an intuitive

12、 knowledge that our attitudes toward life are of critical importance to our enjoyment of it.18) 晶体管是非常重要的,因为它使得在过去因体积太大,价钱太贵, 或不大稳定而难以用于日常生活的千百种电器变得实用了。The transistor is of such overwhelming importance because it makes practical hundreds of electronic devices which were previously too bulky, too exp

13、ensive or too unreliable for everyday use.5. be +v.ed (+as) +n.be viewed/ regarded/ thought of as a 19) 这条标语出自克林顿竞选幕僚的首席战略家詹姆斯卡维尔的主意,其目的在于提醒候选人及其竞选班子要把竞选的焦点对准全国经济的呆滞状况。The slogan was the idea of James Carville, Clintons chief strategist, and was meant as a reminder to the candidate and the staff to

14、keep the campaign focused on the nations slow-moving economy.20) 习惯性做白日梦被认为是一种精神失调的症状,或者是逃避生活的现实和责任。Habitual daydreaming was regarded as evidence of maladjustment or an escape from lifes realities and responsibilities.21) 它们太容易被看作是已评价过的确凿的东西,而不是迫切需要处理,使之具有逻辑条理的原始材料中最原始的材料。They are too easily regarde

15、d as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw material crying to be processed into the texture of logic.22) 它可能被认为是智利的代替物,而不是智力的扩展;它可能会促成对具体答案的过分自信。It may be regarded as a substitute for intelligence instead of an extension of it. It may promote undue confidence in concrete answers.6.

16、v. +n. +of +n.promote/ create/ provide/ enhance/ foster/ facilitate/ accelerate/ protect/ control the n. of n.23) 我们决不能忽视水的蒸发作用。We should by no means neglect the evaporation of water.24) 在信息量不断增多的同时,技术也在迅速发展,这使得人们能以更快的速度储存更多的信息, 并以更快的速度把更多的信息送到更多的地方去。Coupled with the growing quantity of information

17、is the rapid development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.25) 如果我们认识到我们目前的生活方式使我们无所作为,并且最终会毁灭我们生存所必需的活力,那么这种转变是可能的。Such a transformation is possible if we recognize that our present way o

18、f life makes us sterile and eventually destroys the vitality necessary for survival.26) 杰克伦敦把他生活中遭受的一切痛苦,以及这些痛苦在他心中产生的对资产阶级的刻骨仇恨都倾注到他的作品中去。Jack London poured into his writings all the pain of his life, the fierce hatred of the bourgeoisie that it had produced in him.27) 出版社不得不考虑这部小说的可读性。The publishi

19、ng house has to take the readability of the novel into consideration.7. v. +to +n.contribute/ lead/ amount/ adapt to n.28) 新开业的高技术公司可以获得风险资本融资,这对美国高技术产业收入的大幅度增长和竞争力的提高都起了重要作用。The availability of venture capital financing to young, high technology companies has been a primary contributor to the drama

20、tic revenue growth and the increased competitiveness of American high technology industry.29) 决策人必须具备有从多个可供选择的可能性中确定最佳选择,即最有助于实现组织目标的手腕。Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is bestthat is, which contributes the most to the achievement of organizational goal

21、s.30) 一般说来,这些态度反映出这样一种认识:休闲是生活中重要的一部分;也反映出这样一个信仰:休闲能够也应该好好加以利用。Basically, such attitudes amount to a recognition that leisure is an important area of life and a belief that leisure can and should be put to good use.31) 公众对环境意识的增强使人们对家庭园艺和城市园艺产生了极大的兴趣,并使人们越来越多地使用环境美化技术来改善周围的环境,使其既实用又美观。Public awarene

22、ss of the environment has created a surge of interest in home gardening and urban horticulture and has led to the increased use of landscaping to modify the functional and aesthetic aspects of surroundings.8. be +v.ed +with +n.be satisfied/ filled/ associated with n.32) 对他在工作中表现出来的徇私做法谁都感到不满意。No one

23、 is satisfied with his favoritism in his work.33) 我的竞争对手实在是博大精深、才华横溢,所以他们的著作才会使我的作品默默无闻,我必须借此聊以自慰。I must comfort myself with the greatness and splendor of my rivals, whose work will rob my own of recognition.34) 不过,所有的科学家一直认为,需要有更多的资料才能证明水中氡的含量与可能产生的地震有关联。However, all the scientists agree that more

24、data is necessary to prove that radon levels in water are associated with the possible birth of an earthquake.35) 当这些消息出现在今年的报纸上时,它们成了全世界谈论的议题,谈论中有乐观的看法,也有惘然的疑虑。When these headlines appeared this year, their stories became the subjects of conversations around the worldtalks spiced with optimism and

25、confusion.9. be +v.ed +by +n.be driven/ surprised/ heightened by n.36) 当我身高六英尺四英寸的父亲出现时,他们最初的恐怖心情更是有增无减。Their initial trepidation was heightened by the presence of my sex-foot-four-inch father.37) 在杰克伦敦之前,描写工人阶级俄的小说常常带有同情工人和下层人的特点。Before Jack Landon, the fiction dealing with the working class was ch

26、aracterized by sympathy for labor and the underprivileged.38) 海外游客千万不要因为英国人表面上缺乏兴致或情趣而感到失望;要知道,英国人经常把“还行”、“不错”、“美”当作最高级形容词来使用,表达“一流的”、“极好的”、“美极了”的意思。The overseas visitor must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of interest and involvement: he must realize that “all right”, “not bad”, and “nice

27、” are very often used as superlatives with the sense of “first-class”, “excellent”, and “beautiful”.39) 如果他本人对社会提供的工作毫无兴趣,但他为了赚钱养家又不得不去做,那他就是一个劳动者。A man is a laborer if the job society offers him is of no interest to himself but he is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living and sup

28、porting his family.40) 我看到的世界并不是一个清一色的单调的世界,而是一个多样化的丰富的世界。I see one world, but not a world drab in its uniformity but one enriched by its diversity.10. v. +prep. +n.benefit from/ depend on n.41) 我们必须增强相互了解,这并不意味着我们必须变得更加相似。We have to grow in our understanding of one another. This does not mean that

29、we have to grow more alike.42) 画家、作家和作曲家都及注意利用他们的对内心幻想的敏感力。Painters, writers, and composers also have drawn heavily on their sensitivity to inner fantasies.43) 诗人唤醒人们的独特性。但没必要给这一独特性下最终的定义。甚至对它进行猜测也是有好处的。The poet reminds men of their uniqueness. It is not necessary to possess the ultimate definition

30、of this uniqueness. Even to speculate on it is a gain.44) 不论男女,十之八九的人都深信自己的性别优越无比。Both men and women, nine times out of ten, are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex.11. there is a +n.there is realization/ awareness of/ interest/ increase in/ demand for/ agreement about45) 除此

31、之外,我们还面临着第二次世界大战以来日益增长的人口流动问题。In addition to this, there is the growing mobility of people since World War II.46) 人们了解这样一个明显的历史事实:发达社会的老龄化是一种突变。There is the appreciation of the salient historical truth that the aging of advanced societies has been a sudden change.47) 人们常常反对这种看法,即因为西欧和西北欧比别的地方出生率下降得早

32、,我们的社会才成为如此老龄化。There is often resistance to the idea that it is because the birthrate fell earlier in Western and Northwestern Europe than elsewhere, that we have grown so old.48) 的确,自从盟国占领制度结束以来,在表明平静的生活下面一直存在着不满和不安的情绪。To be sure, under the placid surface of life there always was dissatisfied restl

33、essness ever since the end of the Allied occupation regime.49) 低收入的美国黑人普遍面临的社会问题极为复杂,这一点人们的看法几乎是一致的。There is virtual unanimity that the social problems engulfing low-income African-Americans are hellishly complicated.50) 世界报刊上有许多猜疑,怀疑他是否体面而死。There was much speculation in the world press as to whethe

34、r or not he had died in a state of grace.12. have a +n.have a understanding/ appreciation of interest in/ passion/ enthusiasm for51) 费利格先生在学生中是以说话干巴和不能激励学生而出名的。Mr. Fleagle had a reputation among students for dullness and inability to inspire.52) 大家知道,英国人对天气情有独钟。一说到天气,话就没个完。It is a well-known fact th

35、at the English have an obsession with their weather and that, given half a chance, they will talk about it at length.53) 科学家们只是部分地了解导致地震的物理过程。Scientists have only a partial understanding of the physical processes that cause earthquakes.54) 任何人只要了解历史就应该知道这个事实:国家及其伟大的文明社会都是从内部而不是从外部被攻破的。Anyone who has

36、 an appreciation for history should be cognizant of the fact that nations and great civilizations were not destroyed from without but from within.13. make a +n.make a choice/ contribution/ analysis/ remark/ comment55) 你不能再说任何必要的套话,你若说了蠢话,其愚蠢是显而易见甚至对你自己也是如此You cannot speak any of the necessary dialec

37、ts, and when you make a stupid remark its stupidity will be obvious, even to yourself.56) 药理学家们正在认真研究此药的过敏性。The pharmacologists are making a careful study of the allergy of medicine.14. a +n. +of +n. would/ will +v.a study/ knowledge/ examination of would reveal/ conclude that57) 因此,如果我们真想实现民族独立和个人平

38、等的话,就决不能把资本主义擢为发展手段,就必须选择社会主义。A serious commitment to national independence and individual equality thus rules out capitalism as the means to development, and forces us to choose socialism.58) 然而,仔细考量一些,就会发现这个项目作为激发一个人信心的潜力获得了其真正的重要性。A closer consideration, however, would indicate that the potential

39、ities of the project as means of inspiring confidence acquire real importance.59) 倘若要研究各种游泳姿势的相应效果,就必须说清楚游泳测试的人数。An investigation of relative effectiveness of various swim-strokes would have to detail the number of swimmers tested.60) 稍微考虑一下就会发现美国口语充满了许多书面语体里所没有的表达性特点。Even a moments reflection will

40、show that the spoken American language is backed by expressive features lacking in the written language.61) 艾奇逊警告说,无论是从德国撤军还是让德国中立化,都会带来灾难性的后果。Withdrawal from and neutralization of Germany would be disastrous, Acheson warned.15. be +a. +to +n.be important/ essential/ basic/ indispensable/ central to

41、62) 挪威自认十分关注欧洲和大西洋国家的发展,因为这些发展大大有助于维护世界上我们这一地区的和平与安全。Norway is ,quite naturally, paying great attention to developments in Europe and in the Atlantic community, which are so instrumental to the maintenance of peace and security in out part of the world.63) 使用动物进行研究对麻醉学、疫苗的发展和糖尿病、癌症、发育失调的治疗极为重要。The u

42、se of animals has been central to the development of anesthetics, vaccines and treatments of for diabetes, cancer, developmental disorders.64) 在美国,人才资源管理传统上并不认为对公司的竞争生存很重要。学习技术被看作是个人的事。Human-resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in th e Unit

43、ed States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility.65) 如果丘吉尔霍林肯的生涯可以证明什么的话,那么这种训练队掌握政治艺术与掌握医学或法律同样重要。If the career of Churchill of Lincoln proves anything, such training is as important to a mastery of the art of politics as it is to medicine or the law.66) 做母亲的,如果对孩子咿呀学语、抓东西或笑不

44、理睬的话,就会使他们以后不愿交往,就会使他们失去兴趣。而对这些非语言信号的敏感对于孩子的语言发展是不可缺少的。Insensitivity of the mother to the childs babbling, grasping and smiling dulls the interaction and discourages the child. Sensitivity to his non-verbal signals is essential to the growth and development of language.67) 许多重大发明的出现并不是一时冲动,而是多年来耐心、刻

45、苦工作的结果。因此强烈的兴趣和坚持不写的努力是人类在任何领域里取得最大成功所不可缺少的。The flowering of many great discoveries is not on the spurt of the moment, but is preceded by years patient, arduous work. Hence, intense interest plus persistent effort is indispensable to the highest success in any sphere of human activity.16. n. +be +n.

46、68) 相反,90年代的猛烈呼声将要求人们工作出色和承担责任。Instead, the battle cry for the 1990s will be the demand for performance and accountability.69) 从这一点看,婚姻的最终目的是生育和教育孩子。The primary end of marriage in this view is the procreation and education of children.17. n. +v. +n.70) 他的傲慢态度使他孤立无援。His arrogance sent him into isolat

47、ion and helplessness.71) 贸易增长在很大程度上取决于能源的供应。Growth of trade will depend greatly on availability of energy sources.72) 在很多情况下,对宗教领袖的敬佩和对科学的尊重是一致的。In many cases, admiration for religious leaders went hand in hand with respect for science.73) 人类历史上第一次人类的生存问题不得不依赖于如何控制他们自己造成的危害。For the first time in hum

48、an history, the problem of mans survival has to do with his control of man-made hazard.74) 这种抵制造成了一般人性感情的完全丧失,一个人的受罪不再是真实的,因为他不再是一个真正的人。Form this kind rejection comes a complete lack of any feeling of common humanity; the suffering of a human being ceases to be real because he has ceased to be a rea

49、l human being.18. n. +of, n. +of, and n. +of +v.75) 减少肉类消费,更多地实用大豆制的高蛋白食品,开发海洋的食品资源,都是必需予以考虑的方案。Reduced consumption of meat, increased use of new high-protein food make from soybeans, and development of ocean resources for food are some alternatives that must be considered.76) 壮观的婚礼,高雅的婚服和婚纱,切开蛋糕,缓缓

50、离开飘洒的稻谷和五彩纸,这一切给了她最大的嘉奖,随后的事没有一件能够抹掉这一嘉奖。The splendor of her wedding, the elegance of dress and veil, the cutting of the cake, the departure amid a shower of rive and confetti, gave her an accolade of which no subsequent event could completely rob her.77) 购买宠物随之护理、喂养、关管及训练都要花费时间和金钱。The purchase, the

51、 health care, the feeding and housing, and training of a pet costs time and money.19. v. +n. +of, n. +of, and n. +of78) 家庭正经历动荡时期,千百万孩子正因目前家庭的肢解、试验新的家庭模式以及人们的不满而受罪。The family is going through stormy times, and millions of children are paying the penalty of current disorganization, experimentation an

52、d discontent.79) 依我的看法,似乎我们的国家正在大大失去勇气,自信心也正在急速下降。It seems to me that our nation is going through a gigantic loss of nerve, a massive decline in faith in ourselves.80) 皮帕回归自然野生需要的是耐心、坚毅、爱心和给予人类一样的尊敬。Pippas rehabilitation to the wild required patience, perseverance, love, and the same kind of respect

53、 for her as a being that I would have offered a fellow human.81) 最主要的是,退休使人们联想起健康状况的下降,身心的疲倦,以及工作带来的紧张与压力。Primarily, retirement was associated with awareness of a declining state of health, with tiredness and with the strains and pressures of the work situation.82) 他们也不把一个人和他应该联系的事物联系起来,如他人痛苦的现实、人类创

54、造力发展的可能性,人类的记忆力,以及下一代人的权利等。Nor do they connect a man to the things he has to be connected tothe reality of pain in others; the possibilities of creative growth in himself; the memory of the race; and the rights of the next generation.83) 风险资本家在公司董事会的代表权,一般通过各种其他合同条款予以保障,包括对撤换董事会代表的限制、对增加董事人数的限制。The

55、right to Board representation is generally protected through various other contractual provisions, including a limitation on the removal of the Board representative, a limitation on increases in the number of director.84) 然而,1974年的石油危机使人们对煤炭再度产生兴趣,并且取寻找可供选择的其他能源。But the oil crisis of 1974 has lead t

56、o renewed interest in coal and to a search for alternative sources of energy.85) 另一方面,妇女表现出来到是稳重、灵活、对直觉的依赖和对自然的融洽。Woman, on the other hand, represents stability, flexibility, reliance on intuition, and harmony with nature.86) 这些形象对健康的经济、稳定的政局和追求个人幸福是不可缺少的。The images become indispensable to the healt

57、h of the economy, the stability of the polity, and the pursuit of private happiness.20. n. +conj./ prep. +n.87) 我们气愤不仅仅是由于害怕被知己利用所造成的,还因为羞于放弃独居所致。Our anger is promoted not only by the fear of being used by our confidants, but also by the shame of having renounced our solitude.88) 除此之外,我们男子的正直感正面临威胁,

58、不仅仅因为遭遇敌视态度,还因为受到了人次的款待。In addition, our masculine integrity is as much endangered by kindness as it is by hostility.89) 杰克伯森指出,无论男女,工人们对退休所表现的赞同倾向,看来并不表明退休是他们的自愿选择,而是反映了他们所受的种种限制或无可奈何的心态。Jacobson remarked that for the sexes, a favorable orientation toward retirement appeared to reflect constraints

59、or resignation rather than choice.90) 男性不愿退休,与他们预想中将要失去很多东西有关,其中主要的是失去赚钱的机会,而不是丧失对工作的依恋之情。Reluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivations, mainly of money rather than of attachment to work.91) 对一个男人来说,虽然在有其他丰厚收入来源之外,再拥有一份有报酬的工作是可以接受的,但已婚妇女为求精神快乐而非经济需要的在外工作则会造成他人失业,并家具穷富之间

60、的不平等。Although it is acceptable for a man to hold a paid job even when he has other, adequate sources of income, a married woman who works outside the home for satisfaction rather than necessity contributes both to the unemployment of others and growing inequalities between rich and poor.92) 有许许多多的例子

61、表明女奴隶主的仁慈和善解人意,同样也有许许多多的例子表明奴隶的听话和温顺。There are numerous examples of kindness and understanding on the part of owner as well as docility and tractability on the part of the slave.93) 胜利者成功地从完全无助过渡到独立。Winners successfully make the transition from total helplessness to independence.21. v. +n. +with +bi

62、ne/ reconcile/ confuse with94) 年轻人不能看到杀死敌人和杀死自己的孩子有什么不同。他们不能把用一切手段拯救我们的孩子的努力和我们把凝固汽油浇在其他人的孩子身上的愿望统一起来。Young people are unable to see the killing of an enemy as different from the murder of ones own children, and they cannot reconcile the efforts to save our own children by every means with our willi

63、ngness to pour napalm on other peoples children.95) 可能会有一种误把数据当作智慧的倾向,正好像经常存在的逻辑与价值相混淆、智力与洞察力相混淆的倾向一样。There may be a tendency to mistake data for wisdom, just as there has always been a tendency to confuse logic with values, and intelligence with insight.96) 斯密斯把正直社会的崇高憧憬和对表达这一目标的手段进行严格分析结合了起来。Smith

64、 combined a lofty vision of a decent society with an exacting analysis of the means of attaining it.97) 那些主要是从爱尔兰和北欧来的移民的贫穷,使得美国农村的许多人把贫穷看做是人格上的问题,这种观点始终没有从我们民族的意识中消除。The poverty of the immigrants, largely from Ireland and Northern Europe, caused many people in rural America to equate poverty with personal inferioritya point of view that has not yet disappeared from our national thinking.98) 一个世纪前,青少年离开父母独立生活的时候正好是他们身体发育成熟的时候。而今天已发育成熟的青少年或许还要和他们的父母一同生活七八年。A century ago, the adolescents departure from home coincided with physical maturation. Today, sexually mature adolescents may spend sev

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