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1、义务教育教科书英语六年级下册:Module 5 Discover America综合拓展课教学设计大石中心小学 梁雪贞一、教学内容分析本课时是英语六年级下册Module 5 Travel Abroad的模块综合拓展课,以旅游为题材,其重点是去外国旅游。本课是综合拓展课,侧重拓展学生的文化视野,激发学生去旅游的欲望并把旅游、国家、城市、景点、特色、交通工具等话题相关的句型和词汇结合起来重现以及运用。本课将以了解美国、选择去美国旅游的目的地、制定旅游行程为情景主线开展课堂教学。二、教学对象分析本班六年级的学生英语学习兴趣浓厚,思维活跃,对自己不知道的事物充满好奇心,求知欲望强烈。在几年的英语学习中

2、已具有一定的听、说、读、写能力。能自主学习,同时也很喜欢小组合作学习的活动。在语言知识的储备中,已掌握了11个国家、首都的名称,以及这些国家的部分特色建筑、著名景点、交通方式等,能简单的描述其中一些国家。三、教学目标(一)语言知识目标:1. 能听、说、读出美国部分博物馆、自然景观、主题公园以及海滩的名字。2. 能理解和运用表达计划话题下的简单信息。(二)语言技能目标:1. 能在图表的帮助下复述介绍美国部分博物馆、自然景观、主题公园以及海滩。2. 能读懂介绍美国的短文,基本读懂Discover America小册子的内容。3. 能制定出去美国的旅游计划,并写成小短文。(三)学习策略目标:1. 在

3、学习中善于利用图片、视频等信息理解主题;2. 尝试阅读课外的有关读物;(四)情感态度目标:1. 通过真实的语言情景,促进学生运用语言,体验英语学习的乐趣;2. 让学生在小组合作制定去美国旅游的计划中学会合作,学会学习。(五)文化意识目标:通过本节课的学习,深入了解美国,感爱美国的多元文化。四、教学重难点1. 对美国进行比较深入的了解;2. 小组合作制定去美国旅游的计划。五、教学理念与策略本节课基于番禺区“研学后教”理理念,采用教研室小学英语科提出的“小学英语IIO课堂教学模式”开展教学。“IIO”为Input-Internalization-Output的缩写。“IIO”既是教学理念也是教学的

4、程序,本节课围绕Travel to America这一研学任务,开展系列的听说读写教学活动。具体策略为:1. 设计多种形式的阅读活动让学生加大语言输入量,并充分理解语言,注意和操练语言。2. 运用小组合作完成任务的形式让学生运用语言。3. 结合听、说、读、写的活动增强学生综合运用语言的能力。六、教学过程:(一)Preparation1. 师生谈话,引出话题。引用Unit 9 课文中的句子引出话题There are 193 countries in the world. If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you g

5、o? 【设计意图:用学生已学过的知识引出主题,说一说自己想去的国家,激发学生去旅游的欲望。】(二)Input and Internalization (the 1st round)1. 看提示,让学生猜测老师想去哪个国家旅游,引出美国,并谈论自己了解的情况。 The capital of America is Washington D.C.You can see the White House there. New York is the biggest city of America. America is famous for Disneyland and basketball. 2. 看

6、地图,了解美国的地理位置以及相关背景知识。 America is in North America. Its between Canada and Mexico. America is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. There are 50 states of America. Rose is the national flower of America. July 4th is the national day of America.3. 欣赏视频,初步了解美国在博物馆、自然景观

7、、主题公园国、海滩方面的概况。4. 根据视频谈如果去美国旅游,你想去哪里或做些什么?并引出4个主题句。If you are a museum lover, the USA is the right place to go.If you are a travel lover, the USA is the best place to go. If you are a theme park lover, you must go to the USA.If you are a swimming lover, beautiful beaches are waiting for you in the U

8、SA.5. 两人合作,根据文中的主题句把句子贴到相应的段落。6. 检查完成情况。7. 阅读整篇短文,让学生填写表格,并根据表格深入理解、复述主要段落。(短文及表格见附件1)【设计意图:通过视频理解感知语言,运用拼读式阅读发展学生的阅读技能。】(三)Input and Internalization (the 2nd round)1. 挑选阅读Discover America小册子里自己感兴趣的内容2. 全班分享自己从小册子里了解到的信息。运用句型:If you are a lover, the USA is the right place to go/ you much go to the U

9、SA.Because【设计意图:通过阅读Discover America小册子加大学生的语言输入量,并利用阅读技能获取信息,交流信息,发展学生说的能力。】(三)Input and Internalization (the 3rd round)1. 听老师介绍自己去美国旅游的计划(附件2)。2. 看表格,说一说老师的旅游计划。3. 引导学生关注老师从哪几个方面介绍自己的行程,用了哪些语言,并板书归纳主要句型。如表示时间的:On the first day;表示地点:I will choose/ I plan to go to / 表示事情的:I want to / Id like to 表示原因

10、的:I am sure/ I can Its famous4. 通过地图引导学生关注老师的旅游计划是针对东岸的,还可以去美国的西岸或南岸旅游。【设计意图:阅读老师的旅游计划表,给学生提供制定计划的样版;听老师介绍自己的行程安排,帮助学生关注语言的使用,提供语言输出的范例。】(四)Output 1. 以小组为单位策划一条去美国旅游的线路,并做成poster。2. 小组展示poster,向全班同学介绍自己小组的旅游计划。3. 写出你的旅游计划。【设计意图:通过说和写的活动为学生提供说和写的输出语言机会。】(五)Homework完成旅游计划的写作,并与家长或朋友一起分享。(六)Blackboard

11、WritingModule 5 Travel AbroadTime Places to go the Reasons Things to doon the first day I will I love/likeon the second day I am going to I can learn a lot. I plan to is famous for I want to The ticket is Id like to I am a lover. is a must.七、附件附件1:Discover AmericaThe United States of America is the

12、fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. There are many places to go and many things to see in the USA. If you are a museum lover, the USA is the right place to go. There are lots of museums in this country, Museum of Modern Art, the Sixth Floor Museum, National Building M

13、useum and so on. Many teachers and parents take their children to these museums for knowledge(知识) and fun.If you are a natural beauty lover, the USA is the best place to go. America is a country rich in natural beauty. Yellowstone National Park is the first and the oldest national park in the world.

14、 Grand Canyon is one of the great natural wonders of the world. Niagara Falls is the largest transnational fall in the world. Its between America and Canada.If you are a theme park lover, you must go to the USA. As the Entertainment (娱乐) Capital of the world, the USA attracts(吸引) the people all over

15、 the world. Many people go to the Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea World each year. If you are a sea lover, beautiful beaches are waiting for you. Hawaii and Florida are the best place to enjoy the sunshine and the beach. In the morning you can dive in the sea. In the afternoon you can enjoy the s

16、urfing. At night you can have parties with your friends. 根据上面的短文选择填空,把字母编号写在表格内: TravellersPlacesMuseum loversNatural beauty loversTheme park loversSea loversA. National Building Museum B. Yellowstone National Park C. Hawaii D. the Sixth Floor Museum E. Disneyland F. Grand Canyon G. Florida H. Unive

17、rsal Studios I. Niagara Falls J. Museum of Modern Art K. Sea World 附件2:My Travel Plan in AmericaI am a travelling lover. I often travel with my friends when I have time. Summer holiday is coming soon. So I am going to have a 5-day holiday in America. On the first and second day, I will stay in New Y

18、ork. Its the biggest city of America. I love art. There are lots of museums in this city. Id like to visit Museum of Modern Art. The ticket is 14 dollars for students. Its cheap. I am sure I can learn a lot there! Besides visiting the museums, I am going to see the Statue of Liberty, the landmark in

19、 New York. I am looking forward to seeing it. Then I will take the subway to the Fifth Street. Buying presents for my family is a must.On the third day, I plan to visit Washington D.C. the capital of America. Its also the capital of history. I really want to have a look at the White House.Florida is

20、 famous for the parks and beaches.On the fourth and fifth day, I plan to go to Florida. I am a theme park lover, so I am going to play in the Disneyland for a whole day. It costs 119 dollars. Its expensive. But I like cartoons and games so much. Also I am a sea lover. I will enjoy the sunbath, swimm

21、ing in the sea, going boating and watching the exciting dances.I am so excited with my plan. I hope the weather will be fine for the holiday and I will have a good time in America.八、教学流程图:ProcedureActivityPurposePreparationFree talk & Introduce the learning aimsInput & Internalization (1)PPTLearn mo

22、re about AmericaPPTWatch and talk研学案Read and stickRead, fill and talkPPT 研学案小册子Read the book Share and talkPPTListen and watch研学案Read and fillSum up卡纸Make a poster卡纸PresentationInput & Internalization (2)Input & Internalization (3)OutputAssessmentTalk about AmericaAssessmentHomework热身激趣明确目标创设情景激活旧知利用阅读技能获取信息交流信息发展读和说技能为输出提供范例搭建内容框架归纳语言结构感知理解语言发展听读技能说写输出运用语言研学案Writing

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