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1、Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 第1课时教学目标1.掌握表示地点的词汇;2.掌握where引导的特殊疑问句;3.能够简单地描述地点方位;4.能够画出简单的示意图。教学过程一、导入1教师课前准备一个包,然后指着这个包说: Look! Whats this? S: Its a bag.2. 教师把包放到桌子上,然后接着说: Wheres the cap?S1: Its on XXX desk. 把同学们的目光引到此同学处。教师指着此同学的方向强调 Its over there.学习短语:over there3. 教师接着说: My friend CiCi, she i

2、s in Australia ,her birthday is coming, I want to send these to her, Where shall I go?激发同学们回答去邮局。学习单词:post office4. 教师继续提问: We dont know wheres the post office, Lets ask policeman, OK?出示警察图片,请求他的帮助。学习单词:policeman 按此方式,学习其他的词汇:Video arcade, bank, supermarket, pay phone, park5. 教师要强调,懂礼貌的孩子要在请求别人帮助时要说

3、:Excuse me.练习:S1: Excuse me, Wheres the post office?P1: Its over there. (教师移动邮局图片)6. 利用课件,学习更多的单词。说明:为下面的教学活动,扫清词汇障碍。二、教学SectionA-1a,1b 1.教师带领学生一起看图片,然后引导学生将图片和词汇匹配,完成1a。教师利用课件展示答案。2.教师播放录音,然后圈出1a中的地点单词,完成1b。3.教师再次播放录音,学生听课文模仿跟读。三、教学Section A-1c1. 叫两名学生读出书中给出的对话模式,教师将涉及到的句型用课件展示出来。2. 教师展示一张图片,上面有超级市

4、场,餐馆,学校,宾馆等,然后教师说:: Now work in pairs and fill in the chart according to the pictures. Then report it to us.3. 然后叫学生根据表格中的信息,进行对话,将这些地点间的位置关系表达出来。四、教学Section A-2a1教师2a部分涉及到的短语,可结合书中的例子进行解释说明说明。 across from,next to,betweenand,on2引导学生用这些短语造句,对于学生出现的语法错误,教师要及时指正。 The hotel is across from the bank The c

5、inema is between the hotel and the library Video arcade is next to the supermarket3.先让学生朗读方框中的句子,然后将每个句子与每幅图片相匹配。五、教学SectionA-2b,2c1.学生齐读方框中的词汇和短语。2.播放录音两次,学生完成2b。3.再次播放录音,让学生熟悉对话的所运用的句型。Where is ?It is Is there a ?Yes, 4运用上面的对话模式,谈论1a中的地点,编对话,教师提问几组学生进行展示。 六、教学拓展Ask the way(问路)以问路为情景自编一个小表演,培养学生的表演

6、能力和交际能力。七、作业翻译下列句子。1图书馆在超市的对面。2公园在银行的旁边。3超市在第五大街上。4投币电话在电子游戏中心和超市之间。5. 附近有一个公园吗?是的,在旅馆和邮局之间有一个。6. 公用电话在哪里?在学校的对边。Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 第二课时教案(一)知识掌握:1学习词汇 neighborhood, just, straight, turn, left, down, right, on the right 等。2语言目标:Ask for and give directions on the street. 重点句型:Just go stra

7、ight and turn right/left. Its down on the right/left.(二)能力培养:1. 左(left)和右(right)的分辨。2. 通过这堂课,能让学生用简单的几个词 go straight, turn left/right, on the left/right, down 给他人指路。3. 使用礼貌用语:Excuse me. Thank you very much. Youre welcome/ Thats all right/.(三)情感体验:1. 能通过问路和指路让学生感受助人为乐的乐趣。2. 了解一点中外一些国家行路方面的差异。教学过程一、复习

8、教师展示一张简单的地图,上面有一些地点,比如超市,学校,银行,医院等,然后指着地图引导学生进行下面的问答:T: Where is the ?S: Its across from/next to/in front of/on/behind/ Or T: Is there a ?S: Yes, there is. Its across from/next to/in front of/on/behind/ No, there isnt.二、导入1. 教师提问学生:Do you like music? 然后接着说:Lets enjoy a song rabbit dance, and try to

9、beat with your hands after me.教师带领学生边听歌曲,边随着歌曲拍打节拍。让学生明白left 和right的意思。三、词汇和短语1.教师指着一个学生说: This is A. B is on his/her left. C is on his/her right.教师随机提问一个学生说: Who is on your left/ right? 然后多提问几个学生,加深对on the left 和on the right的理解和运用。2. 教师由句子 Its down Center Street on the left/right.引出down这个单词,然后区别“Si

10、t down”和“down Center Street”中down不同的意思。3. 教师接着说: In China when we are on street we must go on the right. But in some countries like England they go on the left.然后提问: Do you know more traffic rules or signs?教师展示一些交通标志的图片提问学生: What are the meaning of these traffic signs?4. 利用上面的图片,教学短语 go straight.四、教

11、学SectionA-3a1. 学生自己阅读对话,试着找出Paul and Nancy所在图中的位置。2. 教师先叫几名学生说说自己的答案,根据学生回答的情况,教师可调整自己的教学,若学生回答情况较好,教师给出答案即可,若回答情况不理想,教师可引导学生逐句翻译对话,指着图片进行解释。3. 教师播放这部分的录音,学生可小声跟读,注意模仿语音和语调。五、教学SectionA-3b看3b部分的三幅图片,根据3a部分图片上的位置关系,完成对话。教师叫几组学生将对话表演出来。六、教学4利用1a的图片,由一名学生从中选择一个地点,其他学生轮流问问题,每人只能问一个问题,并且问题只能用Yes或No来回答,最后

12、猜出这个地点。教师提示学生在回答过程中,下列句型的运用。Is it + position (地点)+ place?Yes, it is / No, it isnt七、教学拓展 做游戏 (Where are you now?)教师将学生分成四人一组,每人手中有一张地图,其中一人说:: You are at A. Just go straight and turn left. Its down Fifth Avenue on the left. Where are you now?其他三人猜A所在的位置。然后其他三人轮流进行。说明:要使学生能在看地图给他人指路时,把自己设身处地地放到地图当中去,不

13、然很难搞清楚何为左何为右。同时要熟练掌握指路时的几个重点句子,能举一反三。八、作业(homework)选出正确的答案(1)My best friend sits next _ me Ato Bon Cin Dbeside(2)Is _ a bank near the library? Ahave BThere Chas Dthere(3)Is there a bike in the supermarket? _ AYes, it is BNo, it isnt CYes, there isnt DYes, there isUnit 2 Wheres the post office?(3)一、复

14、习1复习上课时中3a的目标语言。 2提问下列短语,确保学生能准确运用,对于学生出现的错误教师及时指正。go / walk straight, turn left / right, on the right / left二、教学SectionB-1a1让学生观察书中的图片,两两对比,教学下列形容词,教师要指出每组均为互为反义词。big / small, clean / dirty, busy / quiet / noisy, new / old2带领学生大声朗读这些形容词,然后让学生将列表中的短语和图片匹配。3. 教师利用课件,订正答案,引导学生说出更多的互为反义词的形容词。三、教学Sectio

15、nB-1b1. 学生朗读给出的对话。2. 教师将学生分成两人一组,模仿给出的对话模式,编对话。3. 教师提问几组学生,将编好的对话表演出来。四、教学SectionB-2a,2b1播放录音,让学生圈出听到的1a部分的地点名词,完成2a,教师将答案展示出来。2再次播放录音,让学生根据录音内容画出Micheal周围环境图。此部分对学生来说,可能具有一定的难度,教师可以让学生边听完一个句子后,停顿一下,让学生翻译每个句子,根据每个句子的意思画图,最后利用课件展示答案。说明:画图前先翻译,降低难度。五、教学SectionB-2c 将学生分成两人一组,一人为A,一人为B,A指着上面的地图说出两个句子,一个

16、句子是正确的,一个是错误的,学生B对这两个句子进行回答,以此来练习There be句型及它的肯定回答和否定回答。六、作业(Homework)1 按要求,写出下列词语的正确形式。(1)dirty(opposite) (2)beginning (v) (3)tour(job)(4)pass (past form) (5)old(opposite) 2英译汉(1)玩得高兴(2)在长椅上 (3)一家古老的旅馆(4)在你住的附近(5)一条繁忙的街道 (6)散步第四课时教学目标教会学生there be句型,能够介绍并画出一个地点。教学过程一、导入教师播放媒体资源课件中动画问路3,引导学生进行对话练习,复习

17、关于问路的目标语言,教师要提示学生:懂礼貌的孩子要在请求别人帮助时要说:Excuse me。说明:复习本单元的目标语言。二、教学SectionB-3a1先让学生阅读短文,划出新词和不懂的语言点。新词有: garden ,district ,take a walk ,through, pass, beginning, tour2一起阅读短文,划出描述性的词。3教师播放短文的录音,学生先小声跟读,然后教师提问几组学生进行朗读比赛,看看谁朗读的最好,没有读音错误,语音语调地道。三、教学SectionB-3b,3c1让学生认真观察3b的图片,先让学生用自己的话描述这幅图。2叫一名学生读出待填空的短文部

18、分,其他学生边听边思考,应该填写哪些词。3. 学生完成3b,教师核对答案。4教师解释一些语言点。 (1)have fun =have a good time (2)busy :be busy v-ing sth. or with sth.be busy v-ing sth表示“忙于做某事”,在动词v-ing前实际上有介词in, 可以省略;也可以用be busy with sth表示同样的意思。但be busy with后接名词,be busy (in)后接动词-ing形式。例如: He is now busy (in) doing his homework. 他现在正忙于做作业。 Tom wa

19、s busy with some important work. 汤姆正忙于一些重要的工作。(3)enjoy sth./enjoy v-ing sth./ enjoy oneself enjoy后接名词或代词:【例句】:They are enjoying their dinner. 他们在津津有味地吃饭。enjoy后面可接动词的-ing形式。【例句】:I enjoy listening to light music. 我喜欢听轻音乐。enjoy后面可接反身代词(oneself),构成固定搭配enjoy oneself,意为“过得愉快、玩得高兴”,相当于have a good time。【例句】

20、: Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 你在聚会时玩得高兴吗?5. 模仿3a和3b,写一篇旅游指南,谈谈自己的城镇。四、教学SelfCheck1SelfCheck 1让学生用说说每个单词的意思,试着找出每个单词对应的反义词,对于学生不能解决的,教师要给予必要的帮助。2SelfCheck 2单词扩充,教师给出更多和本单元有关的单词,学生可以有选择摘抄在自己的单词扩充本上。3SelfCheck 3先让学生自己阅读电子邮件,找出新的单词和短语Words: airport, pass, arrive, yours taxiPhrase: take a taxi,

21、turn left, on your right, go through让学生在不查字典的情况下试着理解电子邮件,然后画出从机场到Mike家的路线图,然后教师订正答案,最后全体学生一起阅读电子邮件。五、教学巩固(口语训练Just for fun!)让学生自由谈论图片的情节,回答问题:Who breaks the mobile phone?说明:利用有趣的图片,让学生结合本单元的语言知识点,进行训练,将口语训练与知识技能训练结合在一起。六、作业(Homework)连词成句(1)the, neighborhood, is, a, post, office, in, there_?(2)next,

22、the, to, it, is, library_?(3)bank, is, a, pay, there, the, park, between, phone, and, the_?Hello ,everyone!I am NO . Its my honor to be here to share my speech with all of you. . My topic is “What does he look like ” which takes from book 2,Unit 7 section A of go for it .I will explain my lesson fro

23、m the following parts. Analysis of the teaching material This is an important lesson in this unit .In this lesson ,the students will learn some new words and phrases to describe peoples looks and they will do some listening , speaking and writing . The topic is about physical appearance. It is close

24、 to students daily life. So it is helpful to improve students interests. Analysis of the students On one hand most ss have a preliminary ability to communicate in English .But a quarter of ss still have the certain difficulty in completing tasks .because they are lack of vocabularies. On the other h

25、and the ss have strong memory and imitation ability. The teaching aims analysis 1.Aims of the knowledge (1)Learn the new words and expressions such as in this section (2)Learn how to describe peoples looks when to use be+adj and when to use have +n.i 2. Aims of ability (1) Develop the students abili

26、ty of listening and speaking (2) To cultivate their ability of communication 3. Aims of emotion (1)to inspire ssinterest and desire. (2) Set up ssself-confidence (3) Dont judge the people by their appearance and should be friendly to each other. Key points and difficult points 1. Master the new word

27、s and the target language. 2. When to use be +adj and when to use have+n. Teaching Methods I will use task-based method, communicative method ,cooperation method , audio-visual method and so on . I use these methods to give them more chances to practice .That is “learning by doing , learning by usin

28、g” Teaching aids In order to make the class lively and make ss learn easily, I use powerpoint ,real objects, picture and a tape recorder as teaching aids The teaching procedures Step1 Warm-up Free talk in one minute. (purpose I think its not only important to improve ssspoken English but also it can

29、 form a better surrounding for ss. Step 2 Check the students previewing exercises. Ask students to say out the answers. (Purpose in order to develop students ability of learning by themselves.)Step 3 Presentation . Learn new words by working in small groups In order to make the class lively and the

30、students can remember the new words easily .Let Ss have a competition among the groups Show some prctures of various people Let the students describe them and then let Ss have a summary about when to use have +n” when to use be+adj( Purpose: I use the method of work in small groups to cultivate the

31、students sense of cooperation and exploring spirit )Step4:Listening In this part, I will finish 2a and 2b Listen and circle is or has below and fill in the chart of 2b .Pay attention to their pronunciation then I will check the answer Step5:Pairwork let the students describe their friends in pairs a

32、nd then act out their dialogues (Purpose:let the students have a chance to practice their listening speaking ability To develop students cooperation and communication ability) Step6 Play a game Describe somebody in the class the others guess who is he /she the student whose answer is right will get

33、a flag (Purose This part makes the students interested in English and be friendly to each other )Step7:Summary Ill let the students sum up what they have learned in this lesson Step8:Knowledge feedback Let the students do some exercises in order to check if they the know leelge aims Step9:Homework W

34、rite a short passage to describe your favotite personStep10:Minor cycle:show the knowledge aims for the next lesson to the students Guide them how to learn EnglishBlackboard Design: Unit7 What does he look like Seetion A What does he/she look like He/she has short /long/ straight curly hair. He/She is tall/ short. He/she is thin/ fat/heavy /of medium/of medium height.

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