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1、奥运英语名言警句1. The Olympic motto is Higher, Faster, Stronger.奥林匹克的格言是“更高,更快,更强”。2. The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to participate.奥林匹克运动会重在参与而不是取胜3. Taking drugs before the Games is considered cheating and against sportsmanship.赛前服用药物被视为作弊,且违背运动精神。4. The Olympic oath enco

2、urages athletes, coaches, and officials to observe the rules and to follow the spirit of sportsmanship.奥运会誓言鼓励运动员、教练员和裁判员遵守规则,发扬体育精神。5. Mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair play.相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争。6. The Olympic Games help promote a better and more peaceful world.奥林匹克运动会有助于实现一个更美好、更安宁的世界。7.

3、 The most important thing in the Games is not the triumph but the struggle; not to have conquered but to have fought well.比赛中最重要的不是胜利,而是奋斗;不是征服,而是奋力拼搏。World record Record holder纪录创造者8. By undergoing the stress and strain of tough competition, the athletes grow in strength, endurance and discipline.在

4、经历了激烈竞争的压力与紧张之后,运动员在力量、耐力和纪律方面都有提高。9. The athletes must learn to respect and to cooperate with people from many nations during the Games.在比赛中,运动员必须学会尊重并与来自许多国家的人们合作。10. After the hard training of a life time, every athlete deserves a medal in the Games, no matter whether he won or not.经过长时间的艰苦训练,在奥运

5、会上无论成败,每个运动员都应获得一枚奖牌。11. Team-work is essential to a football match.足球比赛最重要的是团队合作。12. My victory owes to my coachs patient instructions and the support from my family and friends.我的胜利应归功于教练耐心的指导以及家人和朋友的支持。13. The lighting and extinguishing of the Olympic Flame symbolizes the opening and closing of t

6、he Olympics.奥运圣火的点燃与熄灭象征着奥运会的开幕与闭幕。14. The purpose of passing the Olympic torch by way of relay was to spread the Olympic spirit and make the seeds of peace and friendship root, grow, bloom and bear fruits in more countries.用接力跑的方式传递圣火,目的在于传播奥林匹克精神,使和平和友谊的种子在更多的国家扎根、生长、开花和结果。15. Baron de Coubertin d

7、rafted the athletes vows himself.德顾拜旦爵士亲自起草了运动员宣誓词。16. The five rings represent the close unity and friendly meeting at the Olympics between athletes from five continents.五环相连象征着五大洲的运动员紧密团结及在奥运会上友好相聚。17. The most important thing is to participate.重在参18. The Games have many of the qualities that the

8、ancient Greeks were trying to encourage, all those centuries ago.奥运会展示了多个世纪之前的古希腊人试图提倡的许多品质。1.What do the five interlocked rings stand for?(奥运的五环标志是什么含义?)Africa, American, Asia, Australia and Europe./the five continents.(非洲,美洲,亚洲,大洋州和欧洲/五大洲)2.What is the most important thing in the Olympic Games?(奥林

9、匹克运动会的信条是什么?)“not to win but to take part”(重要的不是取胜,而是参与)3.What is the Olympic Spirit?什么是奥运精神?The Olympic Spirit is the spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play. (奥运精神是:理解, 友爱, 团结和公平)4.In what sports do we Chinese do best?(中国人最擅长哪些运动项目?)(羽毛球), Diving(跳水), Table tennis(乒乓球)

10、, Weightlifting(举重) 5.What is The official emblem of Beijing 2008?(2008年北京奥运会的官方会徽是什么样的?)ChinesIOC= the international Olympic committeeCOC=the Chinese Olympic committeeOC=Olympic charter 奥林匹克宪章BJ 2008 OBC=Beijing 2008 olympic games bit committeeOlympic torch relay奥运火炬接力Moto口号Logo标志The Olympic mascot 奥林匹克吉祥物Green Olympics People Olympics人文奥运High-tech Olympics 科技奥运Spirit of the Olympic movement奥运精神Swifter higher and stronger更快更高更强To popularize the sports普及体育运动To enhance peoples physic 提高人民身体素质Olympic village奥运村Olympic rings奥运五环Olympic theme奥运会歌

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