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1、Automobile Beauty,PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载:,Unit 8,Automobile Engine,You will be able to:,1. Talk about auto maintenance.(谈论汽车维修) 2. Talk about auto beauty.(谈论汽车美容),Contents,Warming up,Listen and fill.,1. t

2、ire 2. belt 3. light 4. oil 5.spark plugs 6.brake,Match the words with the right pictures.,_,tire,spark plugs,light,belt,break,oil,Warming up,Discuss in groups. 1. Do you think auto maintenance is very important? 2. How do you maintain an auto?,Listening and Speaking,Listen and learn the words and e

3、xpressions in the box.,care about maintenance check regularly such as,Listening and Speaking,Listen to the dialogue and repeat.,John: Do you care about maintenance of your automobile? Mike: Oh yes , I do it regularly! John: What shall I do to maintain my car? Mike: Make a full check of it regularly.

4、 John: It is said that checking the brake system is important. Is that right? Mike: Of course. But not only the brake system should be checked. John: What else should be checked? Mike: Other parts such as tires and lights should be checked. John: I see. Thank you.,Listening and Speaking,Oral practic

5、e. Do you care about maintenance of your automobile? Do you care about _? What shall I do to maintain my car? What shall I do _?,Listening and Speaking,Works in groups. Listen and fill in the blanks with the following words.,charge turn washed wipe,A: What can I do for you? B: My car needs to be _.

6、How much do you _ for washing a car? A: 20 Yuan. B: When youve wash the car, _ it down well. A: Ill keep my ears open. (30 minutes later) B: Please show me the way. A: Walk through the door and _ to the right. A: Youre welcome to stay with us next time. B: Good bye.,washed,charge,wipe,turn,Listening

7、 and Speaking,Pair Work. 1. You can make up the dialogues according to Execrise1,Listening and Speaking,wiper windshield roof hood grille headlight foglight,Listen again and,wiper,windshield,roof,hood,grille,headlight,foglight,Relaxing,A Joke Clerk: Good morning. Grand Hotel. May I help you? Guest:

8、Yes, Id like a room, please. Clerk: Single, sir? Guest: Yes, but I am engaged. 笑话 职员:早上好,这里是格兰德饭店。我能为您做些什么吗? 客人:我想订一间房。 职员:是单人间吗? 客人:是单人间,但是我已经订婚了。(我不是单身。),Words and expressions,tire tain.轮胎 belt belt n.腰带;传送带;带状物; brake breikn. 制动器,闸;刹车;阻碍 maintain meintein v. 维修,保养 wiper wap vt. 擦,拭 windshield wndi:ld n. 挡风玻璃 roof ru:f n. 车顶 hood hd n.发动机盖 grille rl n. 汽车散热器 headlight hedlat n. 车前灯 fog lightf laitn. 雾灯 washingw n.洗涤 care about关心,留意 auto beauty汽车美容 spark plugs火花塞 generally speaking一般来说 such as 例如,

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